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Attitude Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of attitudes can be a challenging endeavor, primarily because
attitudes are complex and multifaceted aspects of human behavior. The difficulty arises from the
need to delve into the intricacies of individual and collective attitudes, considering various factors
such as culture, upbringing, personal experiences, and societal influences.

Firstly, defining the scope of the essay is a task in itself. Attitudes encompass a wide range of
emotions, beliefs, and predispositions that shape our responses to the world around us. Narrowing
down the focus while still capturing the essence of the topic requires careful consideration and a deep
understanding of the subject matter.

Additionally, expressing one's thoughts on attitudes demands a nuanced approach. It involves not
only presenting factual information but also analyzing and interpreting the significance of attitudes in
different contexts. This requires critical thinking, the ability to synthesize information, and a keen
awareness of the diverse perspectives that exist.

Moreover, crafting a compelling essay on attitudes necessitates effective communication skills. The
writer must articulate ideas clearly and persuasively, ensuring that the reader can follow the logical
progression of arguments. Achieving coherence and cohesion in the essay is vital to make the
exploration of attitudes engaging and accessible.

Furthermore, navigating the vast literature on attitudes poses a challenge. The wealth of theories and
research findings in psychology, sociology, and other related fields requires meticulous research to
provide a comprehensive and well-informed discussion. This demands time and effort to sift through
academic papers, books, and other scholarly sources.

In conclusion, writing an essay on attitudes is a demanding task that involves defining a clear scope,
engaging in critical analysis, honing effective communication skills, and conducting thorough
research. It requires a careful balance of objectivity and personal insight to offer a meaningful
exploration of the topic. The challenge lies not only in understanding attitudes but also in conveying
that understanding to the reader in a coherent and compelling manner.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, it's worth noting that offers
assistance in crafting essays on various topics, providing a valuable resource for those seeking
support in academic writing.
Attitude Essay Attitude Essay
Similarities Between Democratic And Republican Parties
The Democratic and Republican parties each represent very distinct sets of ideals.
Although the parties have strong differences, both aim to make the United States of
America as successful as possible. One link between the two parties is that both believe
in following the rules. This is displayed in the Preamble to the Republican Platform
when it states, any American who works hard, dreams big and follows the rules can
achieve anything he or she wants (GOP). Likewise, the Democratic Partybelieves that the
United Statessucceeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair
share, when everyone plays by the same rules ( Thus, the Republican and
Democratic parties share one main ideal. Indeed, Republicans... Show more content on ...
The Democratic Party claims that the Affordable Health Care Act will eliminate all
discrimination for pre existing conditions, start the process of expanding health insurance
coverage for an additional 32 million Americans, and provide the largest middle class tax
cut for health care in history ( According to Republicans, this act
adversely affects relationships between doctors and their patients, diminishes competition
among insurance providers, and harms the value of the care (GOP). Thus, the Affordable
Health Care Act is a controversial topic among the
Gish Jen Traditional American
The novel Typical American by Gish Jen primarily explores the complex nature of
building an American identity as a Chinese immigrant. This novel is set post World War
II throughout the 1940s in both China and America, thus highlighting the cultural
differences between these two settings. Ralph s journey in China as a child and his
move to America to pursue a doctorate degree in engineering is a key aspect of the start
of the novel. This characterthen meets his sister, Theresa, and his future wife, Helen, later
in the novel as he struggles to adjust to life in America. All three of these characters
immigrate from China to America and therefore struggle to maintain their traditional
Chinese values without becoming caught up in the mainstream... Show more content on ...
At the start of the novel, Theresa arrives to America with traditional Chinese values,
such as her devotion to her brother, Ralph, as in China she is taught that as a female
she is inferior to males. Theresa s devotion to prioritize Ralph is clearly displayed
when she dabbed at her eyes with an onion peel (Jen 81) to make it appear as if she
was crying and told Ralph that her scholarship to medical school was cancelled in
order to protect his feelings because he did not receive a scholarship. Thus, Theresa is
wrapped up in her strong traditional values as she becomes a doctor and does not pay
much attention to mainstream American consumerism throughout the first part of the
novel. However, after living with Ralph and Helen in America, Theresa also begins to
lust after wealth and is absorbed in the ideals associated with the American dream.
This is clearly seen when all three Chang agree that Every dream come dreamily true
(Jen 158) after moving into a larger home, as although Theresa is more grounded in
her traditional values than Helen, she still begins to desire material goods and fulfill
the mainstream American dream at the end of the novel. However, the danger of this
desire for wealth is made apparent when Ralph hits Theresa while driving and she ends
up in a coma, as their house must be sold to pay for medical expenses. Zhang Hui agrees
with this

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