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Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 54/FY-24

Engg & Project, Tata Steel Raw Materials Division

Incident : LTI of a contractor employee

Date of Incident : 19-09-2023 Time: 09:00 PM
Department : Raw Material Project, Joda
Location : Joda East Iron Mine
Injury : Fracture in left arm

What happened:
On September 19, 2023, IP (Injured Person), along with four colleagues, was involved in a slope
protection job near the MPDS (Main Power Distribution System) area. After completing their work,
they took a break on the ground floor. Later, the IP ascended to the first floor and accidentally fell
through the bus duct cut-out opening in one of the rooms, ultimately landing in the cable trench. IP
was swiftly taken to Tata Steel Hospital, Joda, where X-ray revealed fracture in his left arm.

Risk Type : Red Risk (C4, L5)

Name of the vendor : M/s Kadtech Infraproject Pvt. Ltd.
Current Star Rating of the vendor : NA

Last date of incident (LTI) of the vendor : NA

Contractor employee’s Competency : Helper
Skill Certification : Yes
Proficiency (Platinum/Gold/Silver) : Silver
Last date of incident (LTI) of the department : 20-07-2020
Incident (LTI) free days of the department : 1124 days
Under camera surveillance : No
Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 54/FY-24

Photograph of the incident site:

Preliminary Findings:
1. Work permit and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) were available at site.
2. IP was not supposed to be at MPDS first floor.
3. Bus duct opening was found to be inadequately covered as per standard.

Immediate actions taken:

1. Immediately, IP was sent to Tata Steel Hospital Joda.

2. The incident area was barricaded.
3. Incident was communicated to all concerned people.
4. Comprehensive audit was done in all areas for such openings & fall hazard.
5. PIR (IN00173689) was logged in Ensafe for further investigation.

1. All construction areas should be audited for such openings/ fall hazards.
2. A Safety Alert, outlining Do’s and Don’ts has been shared with all for enhanced safety
awareness. Adherence to the same must be ensured.

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