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Best Essays Ever

Writing an essay on the topic "Best Essays Ever" is no small feat. The challenge lies not only in the
vastness of the subject matter but also in the subjective nature of the term "best." What makes an
essay truly exceptional can vary widely from person to person, and opinions on this matter are highly

To begin with, the task of selecting the best essays ever requires an in-depth understanding of the
vast landscape of literature. It involves delving into various genres, time periods, and cultural
contexts to identify those pieces that have left a lasting impact on readers and critics alike. This, in
itself, can be an overwhelming endeavor, as the history of literature is rich and diverse.

Furthermore, attempting to analyze and evaluate what makes an essay the "best" involves a nuanced
understanding of writing styles, rhetorical devices, and the art of persuasion. It requires the ability to
dissect the nuances of language, appreciate the depth of ideas, and recognize the mastery of
storytelling. Crafting an essay on this topic demands not only knowledge but also a keen analytical
mind to draw connections between different works and identify common threads that contribute to
their greatness.

The subjective nature of the topic introduces an additional layer of complexity. What may be
considered the best by one person may not resonate with another. Therefore, navigating through the
diverse opinions on this matter and presenting a well-argued case for a selection of essays as the best
requires finesse and diplomacy.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Best Essays Ever" is a challenging task that demands a
deep understanding of literature, a keen analytical mind, and the ability to navigate the subjective
nature of the term "best." It involves exploring the vast landscape of literary works, appreciating the
nuances of language, and presenting a compelling case for the chosen essays. It's a journey that
requires both scholarly rigor and an appreciation for the diversity of opinions on what constitutes
greatness in the world of essays.

For those who find themselves daunted by this task, or anyone in need of assistance with academic
writing, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on .
Expert writers are available to provide guidance, support, and custom essays tailored to specific
needs and requirements.
Best Essays Ever Best Essays Ever
Human Intelligence In The Internet Era. Nowadays, If A
Human Intelligence in the Internet Era Nowadays, if a young adult hears a new
terminology, instead of going to a library and looking it up in an encyclopedia as what
his or her parents would have done, he or she will pull out his or her smartphone and
google it. Thanks to Google and all other commercial Internet companies, we are closer
to all kinds of information, both useful and useless, than any other time in human
history. In Nicholas Carr s article Is Google Making Us Stupid? , he admits how the
immediate access to the rich store of online information benefits him largely as a writer
(Carr, 589). While enjoying this positive influence of the Net, however, he brings up a
side effect of the Internet which is hardly ever mentioned:... Show more content on ...
Overall, as Carr has suggested, we should be aware of the changes in our reading and
thinking behaviors that the Internet causes, try to keep thinking in the deep and
perceptive way and cherish the ambiguity of our human intelligence. In the article,
Carr expresses his concerns about the Internet, but he is not completely negative about
it or against it; he writes ahead that the Internet has been a godsend to him as a writer
(Carr, 589). What he tries to do is to remind us that there are another possible
perspective and guideline when we judge and criticize the Internet. After describing
all his concerns about the Internet and human intelligence, Carr writes that maybe he
is just a worrywart and there s a countertendency to expect the worst of every new tool
or machine and refers to the example of Socrates and Squarciafico (Carr, 595). He
shows his acknowledgment of the opportunities the Net brings us and his
understanding of the reasonability of possible disagreement with him. You should be
skeptical of my skepticism, he writes (Carr, 596). He expects us to be skeptical of his
argument, because he wants us to think more about both pros and cons of the Net. He
does not try to deny the Internet or convince us not to use it. Instead, he puts forward the
other side of the case to let us have forethought from a different perspective and to be
more critical when judging the Internet. When we agree on the bright side of the Internet,
how it enables to
Quitting In Softball
Fastpitch softball is a game of mental precision. It has its ups and downs. One game,
you may feel as if you are unstoppable. While the following game may send you crying
the entire car ride home. Even the rush of hitting a home run or the excitement of
pitching a no hitter, are no match for the mental games that always seem to follow a
disappointing play. There are moments in each athlete s softball career in which this
disappointment becomes too much. It swallows them completely and consequently
leaves them questioning why they ever started playing the game. It may even cause them
to consider quitting.
There have been moments in my softball career when quitting appeared to be the best
option. Ordinarily, it is not difficult to believe quitting
The Importance Of Ergogenic Aids
Ergogenic aids are widely used by athletes to help maximize training and improve overall
performance. Many companies that sell ergogenic aids often target athletes with claims
of improving strength, power, aerobic endurance, and reduced recovery time. However
most ergogenic aids fall short on delivering these claims. With so much misinformation,
it is important that athletes only take ergogenic supplements that have been supported by
scientific literature that has proved they improve exercise and performance. This report
will profile the ergogenic aids of fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids) and zinc to determine if
they are effective at optimizing training and performance.
Fish Oil Omega 3 fatty acids Polyunsaturated fats are essential to health ... Show more
content on ...
The first being eiscsapentaenoic acids (EPAs), which are associated with a reduction in
LDL cholesterol, depression, and production in inflammation (Swanson, Block, Mousa,
2012). Another type of fatty acid in Omega 3 is docosahexaenoic acids (DHAs), which
are associated with increased production of healthy HDL cholesterol, brain function, and
a decrease in triglycerides (Swanson, Block, Mousa, 2012). The third essential fatty acid
from Omega 3 is alpha linolenic acids (ALAs), however only 5 10 percent of ALAs
can be converted into functional forms (Swanson, Block, Mousa, 2012). Improving the
ratio of Omega 6 to omega 3 ratios, thus increasing the presences of DHA and EPA in
the body, can help athletes improve performance by increasing gains in lean muscle
growth, limit rate of muscle loss, and reduce muscle soreness by regulating inflammation
production. Increased intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, when combined with anaerobic type
of training, can lead to muscle growth. A study by Smith et al., 2011, evaluated the
effects of 8 weeks of supplementation of omega 3 on health subjects between the ages of
25 45 years old. They found that muscle protein synthesis was increased, along with
protein concentrations within the muscle cell. The study concluded that omega 3
supplementation has a positive influence on anabolic properties in healthy young and
middle age
Oklahoma Hero Research Paper
In this essay I will be talking about the hero and the most important people in
Oklahoma history. They are the ones who shaped the state it is today and made the
state famous as it is now. I will be picking eight people from the list in this project.
They were all blessed by God with their talents and they used it well. The eight people
I will be talking about are the following; Jim Thorpe, Mickey Mantle, Paul Harvey, L.
Gordon Cooper, Will Rogers, Shannon Lucid, Shannon Miller, and Owen K. Garriot.
These are just a few people who not just made Oklahomalook great but U.S.A. look great.

The first person on the list is Jim Thorpe. He was born in 1888 and in Prague Indian
Territory which is actually known as Oklahoma. He was known for ... Show more content
on ...
She was born on March 10,1977 and in Rolla, Missouri. She was known as one of the
best fighting, and never giving up gymnast in Olympic history. At age 11 she won her
first ever junior division meet. Miller was the first ever American female gymnast to
qualify for all four individual events. She did pretty well, winning two silver medals in
the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. The same year of the 1992 Dream Team, which
is known for having the best sports team ever gathered. The same Olympic events she
won two silver medals, and three bronze medals. In the 1993 World Championship,
she won gold medals in the three following events; in the floor, uneven bar, and all
around. The same year she repeated , and led the U.S. team to the silver event. In 1996
Olympic games at Atlanta, Miller one another gold medal. She officially retired in
2001 nad she earned her law degree at Boston College. In 2007 she established the
Shannon Miller Foundation . The foundation was made to help with childhood obesity.
Miller was inducted into the U.S Olympic Hall of Fame in 2006 and in 2008 she became
a Hall of Famer for
Pro Forma Financial Statements
In this discussion forum assignment these issues will be discussed: What do pro forma
financial statements show? What are pro forma statements based on?, And what are the
strategic benefits of making financial projections on pro forma statements?
What do pro forma statements show? According to Siegel, R. Yacht, C. (December 2009)
Pro forma statements show: Projected results for financial statements in the future, given
assumptions about what will happen in the meantime. Pro forma financial statements are
made to reflect a purported change, such as a merger, something acquired, or to give
emphasis to specific figures when a corporation issues an earning announcement publicly.
Investors need to be cautious when reading

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