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Sample Essay Graduate School

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Sample Essay Graduate School" presents a unique set of
challenges. First and foremost, the pressure to convey one's academic and personal achievements,
aspirations, and qualifications within a limited word count is undeniably daunting. The task requires
a delicate balance between showcasing one's individuality and adhering to the academic norms and

Moreover, navigating the fine line between humility and self-promotion can be tricky. On one hand,
you want to present yourself as a competent and accomplished individual, while on the other, you
don't want to come across as overly boastful. Striking this equilibrium requires careful consideration
of language, tone, and the selection of experiences to highlight.

Researching and understanding the specific requirements of the graduate program you are applying
to is crucial. Each institution may have its own set of criteria and values, necessitating tailoring your
essay accordingly. This demands thorough investigation into the program's faculty, curriculum, and
overall mission, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.

Additionally, articulating your long-term goals and explaining how the graduate program aligns with
them demands a high level of introspection. It's not merely about narrating past achievements but
also projecting a compelling vision for the future.

Overcoming the challenge of standing out among a pool of talented applicants is perhaps the most
intricate part of this endeavor. Admissions committees read through numerous essays, and creating a
piece that captivates attention while maintaining authenticity is a considerable feat.

In conclusion, writing a compelling essay on "Sample Essay Graduate School" involves mastering the
art of self-presentation, aligning with program specifics, and standing out in a competitive field. It
requires a keen understanding of oneself, the program, and the delicate balance between confidence
and humility. Crafting such an essay is undoubtedly a formidable task but is essential for securing
admission to the graduate school of your dreams.

For assistance with similar essays and more, a helpful resource is . They offer
services to guide and support you in navigating the complexities of the application process.
Sample Essay Graduate School Sample Essay Graduate School
Scientific Racism
Scientific racism was common during the late 1800s where it was used in justifying
White European imperialism. More recently it has become obsolete but has historically
been used to support or validate racist views, based upon belief in the existence and
significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races. We now
call this pseudoscience because the sciencebehind it has been proven obsolete.

Lucius T. Outlaw in Toward a Critical Theory of Race argues that the concept of race
does not have its origins in scientific discovery. He writes, The career of race does not
begin in science but predates it and emerges from a general need to account for the
unfamiliar or, simply, to classify objects of experience, thus ... Show more content on ...
The larger skull meant a larger brain. In Stephen Jay Gould s book, The Mismeasure of
Man, he argued that Samuel Morton had falsified the craniometrical data, perhaps
inadvertently over packing some skulls, to so produce results that would legitimize the
racist presumptions he was attempting to prove. historical evaluation of IQ, which were
and are the measures for intelligence used by psychologists. Gould proposed that most
psychological studies have been heavily biased, by the belief that the human behavior of
a race of people is best explained by genetic heredity. Outlaw points out that apparent
differences in the measurement of the intelligence of members of different racial groups
has been roped into analyses about the comparative intelligence of the groups themselves.
But this starts a different conversation of nature vs. nurture. Is it the genes or the
environment determine intelligence? Outlaw writes: If the genes predominate then social
efforts on behalf of particular groups intending to ameliorate the effects of
disadvantageous sociohistorical conditions and practices are misguided and should be
discontinued. On the other hand, if environmental factors dominate...then disparities of
opportunities...among racial groups must be
Fear of public speaking Essay
Your chest is tight and you feel like you re on fire. Your chest is tight ant you re
burning up. The flash cards in your hands are crumpled from you squeezing them
obsessively. You look up and see dozens of eyes staring at you, waiting expectantly.
Taking a deep breath, you stumble through the speech. When it s finally over, you
practically run back to your seat, cheeks flaming bright red. You slump down, already
dreading the next time you ll have to deal with your upmost fear: public speaking. For as
long as I can remember, public speaking has always been one of my greatest
weaknesses. Whether it s a simple in class presentation or a speech in front of an
auditorium filled with people, I can barely get my words out from the anxietyand... Show
more content on ...
I used the search engine Google with the search term public speaking fear and it
brought up a great deal of interesting websites pertaining to public speaking. The first
one I decided to peruse was 5 Tips to Reduce the Fear of Public Speaking on Psychology
Today s website. I learned that public speaking is the number one fear in America,
while the fear of death is second in line. This means that we re more afraid of speaking in
public than we are of dying. I also learned five tips on how to reduce public speaking
The first one was Don t Expect Perfection from Yourself. No one is perfect but when it
comes time to speak in public, some of us pick at every little flaw we think we make.
We blow up our imperfections yet ignore the good things. Honestly, though, even the
greatest and most experience public speakers can make a lot of mistakes. The
difference is, when they do, they re able to gracefully recover and keep going as if
nothing happened. That s one of the keys to success: keep going gracefully. Most of the
time, the audience won t notice most of your mistakes unless you make them obvious by
stopping your speech, breaking down and admitting your mistakes. You just have to carry
through with poise and let yourself not be perfect.
The second tip was Avoid Equating Public Speaking to Your Self Worth. Basically, if you
re a successful professional who s worked hard for where they are in life right now, you
Medical Advancements In The 1800 s Essay
How would you feel if everyone you knew had a deadly virus that was known but not
curable? You had to wear a mask around them, unable to hug or shake their hand. Due to
the medical advancements made in the 1800 s, we can still go about our lives and smell
the roses.
The medical field has ameliorated the world since the 1800 s. Some of the important
discoveries included vaccines and inventions. These developments supplemented the
world we live in today.
The developments in the 1800 s made the medical field a lot facile and productive. In
1853, Charles Gabriel Pravaz used his syringe for the treatment of aneurysm. Wood used
his syringe for management of neuralgic pains. Joseph Lister developed the use of
antiseptic surgical methods in 1867. He had also just ... Show more content on ...
Phenol is an extremely poisonous compound containing one or more hydroxyl groups
attached to an aromatic carbon ring. Not long after Listers development, German glass
blower F.A. Muller used Herchel s ideas to create the first known glass contact lens in
1887. Some say Swiss Physician, Adolf E. Fick and
Paris optician, Edouard Kalt created and fitted the first glass contact lenses to correct
vision problems in 1888. Aspirin was developed in 1899 by Felix Hoffman. Aspirin is a
juice from willow tree bark used as early as 400 B.C. to relieve pain. It is also known as
salicylic acid.
Discoveries on the 1800s such as Thorium being discovered by an amateur mineralogist,
Freeman 2
Thrane Esmark and identified by a Swedish chemist, Jӧns Jacob Berzelius in 1828.
Thorium was used for dental fillings for cavities. Subsequently in 1898, it was found to
be radioactive.
However, thorium does not rely on its radioactivity. In 1818, James Blundell performs the
first successful transfusion of human blood. He performed this act to a patient for the
treatment of hemorrhage. He performed ten transfusions, five of which proved beneficial
to his patients.

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