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Natural Selection Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of natural selection can be both intellectually stimulating and
challenging. At first glance, the topic may appear straightforward, revolving around the fundamental
concept of evolution and the mechanisms by which species adapt to their environments. However,
delving deeper into the intricacies of natural selection requires a comprehensive understanding of
evolutionary biology, genetics, and ecological dynamics.

One of the difficulties lies in presenting a nuanced exploration of Charles Darwin's groundbreaking
theory. The task involves not merely summarizing the concept but also dissecting its various
components, such as variation, heredity, and differential reproductive success. The writer must
navigate through the complex web of scientific evidence, including fossil records, molecular biology,
and observational studies, to construct a well-supported argument.

Furthermore, the essay should transcend the basic explanation of natural selection and explore its
broader implications. Addressing the potential controversies and misconceptions surrounding the
theory adds another layer of complexity. Engaging with counterarguments and alternative
perspectives requires careful research and a thoughtful integration of diverse viewpoints.

Crafting a compelling narrative also demands a skillful blend of scientific rigor and accessibility.
Striking the right balance between technical details and readability is essential to ensure that the
essay appeals to a broad audience. Moreover, conveying the significance of natural selection in the
broader context of evolutionary theory and its impact on our understanding of life on Earth adds an
extra layer of depth to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on natural selection involves navigating through the intricate
landscape of evolutionary biology, genetics, and ecology. It requires a thorough understanding of the
scientific principles underpinning the concept, the ability to critically analyze evidence, and the skill
to communicate complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner.

For those seeking assistance with essays or other academic tasks, various resources are available.
Services like provide support for a wide range of topics, ensuring that students can
access quality writing assistance when needed.
Natural Selection Essay Natural Selection Essay
What Is The Theme Of Desert Places By Robert Frost Poem
Witnessing constant disappearance, yet remaining to seem like the depiction of
complete normality. Deafening silence engulfs all surroundings, on its way to
eventually evoking insanity. The smell of cold, dry air freezes over all breathing
pathways, caging in the ribs, preventing the ability to inhale and exhale, leaving behind
the taste of metal as a reminder of a chaotic state of mind. Mentally trapped in chosen
solidarity, Robert Frost, William Shakespeare, and Elizabeth Bishop were able to express
their hidden despair through poetry. Frost having experienced major loss in his life,
Shakespeare lying to himself to cope with his actions, and Bishop constantly masking
her pain while in the eyes of the public. In Desert Places , When my love swears she is
made of truth , and One Art , the author s use connotative diction to weaken the severity
of their personal issues. Robert Frost s poem Desert Places diminishes an overall sense of
emptiness to being nothing compared to what he holds within himself through the use of
connotative diction. Throughout the poem, the description of a cold, dark night is meant
to represent the intensity of the depression that Frost was feeling. In the final stanza, Frost
reveals that I have it in me so much nearer home, To scare myself with my own desert
places , it being the darkness previously mentioned in the poem. The desert places
introduced in the final line are a representation of the dark emotions Frost was
experiencing, and
How Diseases Affects Every Individual Essay
Diseases affect every individual. They could have a disease themselves, may know
someone or of someone that has one, or the country where they live could have have
faced a disease epidemic. Epidemics, which we have studied in our course, analyze
how diseases spread and how outbreaks affect countless individuals in countless
different countries. This topic relates directly to course material as it encompasses
many of the situations and ideas that have been discussed such as, poverty, dying,
environment, and social factors and how they relate and coincide with disease. The
country you reside in ultimately dictates the technological advances that you have
access to when dealing with stopping the spread of diseases. Epidemics also can be
considered by looking at poverty because non industrialized countries have a harder
time when it comes to dealing with the spread of disease as they do not possess the
tools that are used to prevent spreading. We have studied how the overall development
of the country where you live can play a very important role in the assistance you
receive as well as the level of care. Thus, the next five articles consider how diseases are
handled and dealt with depending on the location of the country and whether or not it is
an industrialized or non industrialized.

Article 1: Vaccination strategies for epidemic cholera in Haiti with implications for the
developing world (Chao, Halloran, Longini, and Nair 2011).

This article discusses the

Disadvantages Of Somaclonal Variation
Somaclonal variation However, one of the major problems of many tissue cultured
plants is somaclonal variation. It is the variation originating in cell and tissue cultures
(Larkin and Scowcroft, 1981). The growth of plant cells in vitro and their regeneration
into whole plants is an asexual process which involves only mitotic division of the cell.
Therefore, theoretically, it should not cause any variation. Ideally, it is expected to get
clonal multiplication of genetically uniform plants. However, due to somaclonal
variation, uncontrolled and random spontaneous variation occurs during the culture
process. On the other hand, somaclonal variation also has its advantages. It is useful in
crop improvement through creation of novel variants. Induced somaclonal variation is
used for genetic manipulation of crops with polygenic traits (Jain, 2001). It can also be
a vital tool for plant breeding via generation of new varieties. This could exhibit disease
resistance, improvement in quality and give a better yield of the plants. Somaclonal
variants may vary from the source plant permanently or temporarily. Temporary changes
result from epigenetic or physiological effects and are non heritable and reversible but,
permanent variants are heritable and often represent an expression of pre existing
variation in the source plant or are due to the de novo... Show more content on ...
Insensitivity to mycotoxins produced by plant pathogens can be applied as a marker for
the early screening of segregating populations within conventional and modern breeding
programmes in many host pathogen systems. This technique requires some knowledge
about the correlation between sensitivity to toxins and susceptibility of plants to the
pathogens that produce them. Such correlation need to be highly significant if the
expected outcome is to select resistant plants within a long term breeding program
(Hadrami et al.,
Reflection Of The Film Juno Directed By Jason Reitman
The film Juno directed by Jason Reitman is intriguing in terms of general vision and
viewpoint. Reitman uses a variety of different aspects to convey the vision and viewpoint,
such as the plot, imaginative language and imagery, and superb characterization. Through
these Juno , despite having its dark moments, elicits an overall feeling of positivity and

A positive feeling emanates from the opening scenes of Juno . Set in 2006 in Minnesota,
the film opens in warm autumnal sunshine. The love scene between the eponymous 16
year old Juno and her boyfriend, Paulie Bleeker, is shot in soft focus and subdued
lighting, conveying a sense of tender affection. In an animated sequence we see Juno
walk in a confident carefree manner accompanied by an upbeat song on the soundtrack.
The mood is decidedly optimistic, generating a feeling of positive anticipation in the

The first key moment in the plot casts an ominous shadow. In the drugstore, Juno s
pregnancy test proves positive. The shopkeeper treats her with an attitude of contempt
and inevitably a rancorous exchange occurs. Outside of the drugstore she holds the urine
test in one hand and a rope of liquorice in the other. The juxtaposition of adolescence and
adulthood is striking in this creative image. Juno is plunged into the world of adulthood
... Show more content on ...
In terms of general vision and viewpoint both texts are strikingly similar in eliciting a
feeling of distinct pessimism from the reader. LG presents us with a general vision of
lives that are emotionally wounded, frustrated, troubled and lacking in personal
fulfillment. Similarly in ADH, the play is dominated by conflict, intrigue, fierce
emotional pain and the disintegration of a marriage. These bleak viewpoints are
conveyed through the plot, characterization of the protagonists, and creative language and
Eutrophication Essay
Eutrophication comes from the Greek word eutrophos meaning well nourished. In other
words, this natural process found in water occurs as a result of additional rich nutrients
forming a flourish in plant production.

At this moment in time, eutrophication is causing worldwide devastation to not only

aquatic life, but the fishing industry. The release of nutrients into fresh water lakes, rivers
and reservoirs leads to excessive growth of three different plant species:

a) Open water algae (phytoplankton)

b) Attached algae (periphyton)

c) Higher plants (macrophytes)

Above all, these organisms encourage the growth of algae, which absorb dissolved
oxygen in the water essential for the survival of fish populations. Occasionally, ... Show
more content on ...
This is an example of phytoplankton as it is suspended freely on the surface of most
rivers and lakes. Now, of course, the open water algae have optimum solar energy, a
sufficient supply of water from below and carbon dioxide which is absorbed from either
the water or sediments. Photosynthesis is more likely to happen and trigger the
production of algal blooming [Fig 2] as oxygen will stimulate plant respiration.

I believe that low dissolved oxygen (DO) is the most destructive effect of eutrophication,
depriving aquatic life of food and natural habitats. Nevertheless high concentrations of
DO may assist algae in their production, so adequate proportions are essential to ensure
a constant environment. Other factors associated with this process include too much
organic matter which is made up of carbon atoms and carbon carbon, C C bonds. This
indirectly effects fish life as eggs and food sources are smothered.

Algal chlorophyll in Mj #248;sa, Norway

In the past 10 years, NIVA (Norwegian Institute for Water Research) have continued to
measure the concentrations of chlorophyll in almost 350 Norwegian freshwater lakes.
The results have been used to demonstrate the quantities of phytoplankton

The graph indicates that between 1980 and 1985 there was a rapid increase in the mean
proportions of chlorophyll in phytoplankton and other algae micro organisms. 1986
brought about nutrient

Control programs which

True War Story
A characteristic of a true war story is that it is meant to convey an emotion or feeling. In
How to Tell a True War Story, O Brien writes, It comes down to gut instinct. A true war
story, if truly told, makes the stomach believe. One of the emotions that Good Morning,
Vietnam conveys is the conflicted feeling that most Americans had at the time regarding
the government. The VietnamWar was one of the most controversial conflicts in America
s history. The people of the era understandably started holding dismay towards the
government. Soldiers were being involuntarily sent to war to fight for a cause that most
of them did not even understand. The soldiers and American public began to realize that
the United States was the real evil in Vietnam.... Show more content on ...
He was never sent home and his entire friendship with a Vietnamese boy was fictional.
However, when the real Adrian Cronauer was asked about his feelings towards the
movie, he stated: It was never intended to be a point by point accurate biography. It was
intended to be a piece of entertainment, and it certainly was that. It was nominated for an
Academy Award and you don t get much better than that. Like the real Cronauer, O
Brien is aware that in a true war story nothing much is ever very true. This is especially
evident when taking into consideration that The Things They Carried is a work of fiction.
If the degree of truth in the story determines whether or not it is a true war story, then
The Things They Carried is not a true war story. Since the book provides the criteria
for determining a true war story, if it itself isn t true then it can t be used as a measure.
A true war story isn t meant to be about war. It s about love and memory, O Brien
writes. At the end of the day a true war story is nothing but a story. Due to the fact that a
true war story is meant to convey a feeling, never seems to end, and has nothing to do
with actual truth, Good Morning, Vietnam is a

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