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[StarIODeviceSetting example]
- New

- New

- Added features
* Added MCP31C and TSP650IISK.
* Added Auto Interface Select function.

- Added features
* Added MCP31C and TSP650IISK.
* Added Auto Interface Select function.
* USB HID class (Keyboard mode) support for StarIoExtManager and

- Added Sample Codes
* Added sample codes for Auto Interface Select function.

Ver 5.13.0
- Improved internal processing

- Changed project structure
* Maven support for each library.

- Changed StarPRNT SDK User's Manual from PDF to online manual link

Ver 5.12.0
- Added features
* Added SK1 series.
* Added a function of awaiting paper removal to the
beginCheckedBlock method.
- Changed specification
* Introduced processing to avoid problems with some Android devices
(Android 7.1 or lower and USB interface).

- Added features
* Added methods to do each bezel setting.
* Added methods to set label paper detection.
- Added sample codes
* Implementation example to control awaiting paper removal.
* Implementation example of label paper detection setting.
* Implementation example of minimum page length setting for bezel.

Ver 5.11.0
[Support OS]
- Supported OS version: 5.0 or later.

- Added features
* Added TUP500.
* Added the getErrorCode method to StarIOPortException class.
- Changed specification
* Change the behavior of releasePort method
In the case of calling getPort method multiple times before
calling releasePort method,
the port is released by calling releasePort method the same
number of times as the getPort method was called.
The port is always released when releasePort method is called.

- Added features
* Changed to enable/disable black mark setting of StarPRNT
emulation mobile printer with appendBlackMark method.

- Added Sample Codes
* Added sample codes for getting the cause of communication failure
with the printer.
- Changed Sample Codes
* Changed the call timing of the connect/disconnect method of
StarIoExtManager class from onStart/onStop to
In order to follow the screen state (foreground/background) more
quickly, it is recommended to call
connect/disconnect at onResume/onPause in case executing
connect/disconnect depending on the lifecycle.

Ver 5.10.0
- Added features
* Added appendCjkUnifiedIdeographFont method.
It allows you to specify the priority of CJK integrated Kanji
font in UTF-8.
Supported printer: TSP650II(JP2/TW) with firmware version 4.0 or
mC-Print2 and mC-Print3
* Added ExtMode which specifies the barcode mode (symbol width)
conforming to
each command specification to SCBBarcodeWidth.
- Fixed Bugs
* Fixed a bug where the image to be printed was moved twice the
position of the position specified by the
method in ESC/POS emulation.
* Fixed a bug that the print start position on the horizontal axis
is not set
to the head of the line even if 0 is specified for the position
in the
appendBitmapWithAbsolutePosition method in page mode.

- Changed sample code
* Changed the implementation of printing the sample of CJK unified
in UTF-8 to use the appendCjkUnifiedIdeographFont method.

Ver 5.9.0
- Added features.
* Added StarResultCode class.

- Added features.
* Added API for Melody Speaker control.
* Added ConnectionCallback class and
StarIoExtManager.connect(ConnectionCallback callback) method.
These allow you to get the cause of connection failure.

- Fixed Bugs.
* Changed the background color of the registration dialog to the
standard background color of app's theme
to fix that the color combination of dialog may be weird
depending on the app's theme.

- Add Sample Codes.
* Added sample codes for Melody Speaker control.
* Added sample codes to get the cause of
StarIoExtManager.connect(ConnectionCallback callback) method failure.

Ver 5.7.0
- Fixed a bug that a printer status might be judged to be offline when
black mark is
detected in case of SM-T300, SM-T300i and SM-T400i in ESC/POS mobile
emulation and
black mark enabled.

- End of support
* StarIoExt.createScaleCommandBuilder method
* StarIoExt.createScaleConnectParser method
* StarIoExt.createScaleWeightParser method
* ScaleModel enum
* IScaleCommandBuilder interface
* IPeripheralCommandParser.createReceiveCommands method
* IScaleWeightParser interface
- Added features
* CloudServices.showRegistrationView method
When the password of SCS dash board is changed, you can update
local password too.

- Added sample codes for Print Re-Direction.

Ver 5.6.0
- Added features
* Added mC-Print2 and mC-Print3.
* Added options to portSettings of getPort method.
* Added the connectedInterface field to StarPrinterStatus class.

- Added features
* Added method for setting top margin.
* Added method for setting printable area.
* Added drive time parameter and delay time parameter to the
appendSound method.
- Fixed Bugs
* Fixed a bug that parse method of IScaleWeightParser interface
might not return proper result.

- Added Sample Codes
* Added sample codes for setting or initializing USB serial number.
- Added Open Source License item.

Ver 5.5.0
- Changed to be able to get the firmware version of TSP100IIILAN,
TSP100IIIW and TSP100IIIU with the
getFirmwareInformation method.
- Fixed a bug that printing fails when printer restores within timeout
after turning off printer power
under monitoring with starioextension library in the LAN interface.

- Added method for setting or clearing horizontal tab.

- Added Sample Codes.
* Implementation of the CJK unified ideographs printing sample
under UTF-8.
(Supported by TSP650II(JP2/TW) with firmware version 4.0 or later

Ver 5.4.1
- Fixed Bug
* The appendBitmap method caused extra margin in ESC/POS emulation.
Ver 5.4.0
[Support OS]
- Supported OS version: 4.3 or later.

- Fixed a bug that the beginCheckedBlock method sometimes fails in the
Bluetooth interface.

- Added features
* Added API for Scale, Display control.
* Added graphic data compression function for SM-L series.
- Fixed Bugs
* Executing the disconnect method when the onAccessoryDisconnect
method is called
might not correctly disconnect from the printer.
* If the PortName is specified with "BT:", the
onAccessoryDisconnect method will not
be called when disconnecting the printer.
* The callback of the connect method might not be correctly called.

- Added sample codes for getting serial number, Firmware version and
Library version,
and setting Bluetooth.
- Changed the Application ID from com.starmicronics.starprntsdk to
If you have already installed Ver 5.3.0, Ver 5.4.0 will be installed
as the other app.
- Added the BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission to the AndroidManifest.xml
because some Android devices
sometimes require the BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission during Bluetooth

Ver 5.3.0
- Added TSP100IIIU and SM-L300.
- Connectivity improve with LAN interface Printer.

- Added methods that creates Black Mark/Page Mode commands.

- Added sample code for Black Mark/Page Mode function.

Ver 5.2.0
- Connectivity improvements
* Bluetooth Mac Address for SM-L200.
* ESC/POS Mobile.

- Fixed Bug.
* Debug uploadBitmap/updateStatus method function.

- Added the MicroReceipt function.

MicroReceipt function will reduce paper.

- Add Sample Code.
* 2D barcode reader and scale available with mPOP.

Ver 5.1.0
- Support Android 7.0.
- Supported the getFirmwareInformation method with BSC10 with LAN

- Added uploadData method in AllReceiipts class.
* Added the uploadData method to the AllReceipts class.
Data which is transmitted by uploadData method is rendered to
digital receipt image by Command Emulator on SMCS.
Refer to "CommandEmulator_on_SMCS.pdf" for details.

- Fixed Bug.
* onAccessoryDisconnect method is called even when disconnecting
USB devices other than the printer.

- Add Sample Codes.
* Implementation of the AllReceipts support on StarPRNT, StarLine,
ESC/POS Mobile and ESC/POS.
- Add supported command lists of AllReceipts command emulator.

First release.

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