Persuasive Essay Animal Testing

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Persuasive Essay Animal Testing

Writing a persuasive essay on the topic of animal testing is no simple task. It requires a delicate
balance of emotional appeal, factual evidence, and logical reasoning to effectively convince readers
of a particular viewpoint. The subject itself is inherently controversial, as it involves ethical
considerations, scientific advancements, and the complex relationship between humans and animals.

Researching and gathering relevant information for the essay can be a challenging process. There is a
vast array of opinions and studies on the matter, ranging from staunch supporters of animal testing
for medical and scientific progress to vehement opponents who emphasize the ethical treatment of
animals. Sorting through this wealth of information and presenting a well-rounded, evidence-based
argument demands careful consideration and critical thinking.

The emotional aspect of the topic adds an additional layer of difficulty. Advocates for animal rights
often emphasize the suffering and ethical concerns associated with testing on animals, requiring the
writer to delicately navigate these emotions while maintaining a persuasive tone. Striking the right
balance between pathos, logos, and ethos is crucial for the essay's effectiveness.

Furthermore, constructing a compelling thesis statement and organizing the essay coherently is
essential. The writer must anticipate counterarguments and address them strategically, reinforcing
their own stance while acknowledging the complexity of the issue.

In conclusion, crafting a persuasive essay on animal testing demands a nuanced understanding of the
topic, adept research skills, and the ability to navigate emotionally charged arguments. It is a
challenging task that requires careful consideration of opposing viewpoints and a compelling
presentation of one's own perspective.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, a valuable resource is , where a range of writing services is available to support and guide individuals
through the intricacies of crafting persuasive and well-researched essays.
Persuasive Essay Animal TestingPersuasive Essay Animal Testing
Creon s Role of King and His Responsibilities
Creon s Role Of King and His Responsibilities The role of the king in the time of Greek
tragedies was simultaneously desired and dreaded because of the king s responsibility to
the people and because of the effects of the position on the king s character. Creon reveals
such ambivalent thoughts towards the kingship in his speech defending himself from
Oedipus s conspiracy accusation in Oedipus the King; these ambivalent thoughts reveal
much about the nature of the kingship, especially in conjunction with Creon s later
actions in Antigone. In attempting to refute Oedipus s assertion that Creon has taken
part in a conspiracy to obtain the kingship, Creon evaluates the nature of the kingship and
of his present role. First, he says,... Show more content on ...
1128 1129). Creon s words and actions in Antigone indicate that he has taken on the
negative characteristics of king that he describes in his speech in Oedipus the King.
He has same amount of power as king, but he now seems to have lost his wisdom and
self control. This indicates that perhaps his words to Oedipus are, in fact, mainly an
insult to the position of king and to what it evokes from a person s character rather
than an insult solely directed towards Oedipus. Creon also feels that the king is
generally not responsive to the desires of the citizenry: But if I were the king myself, I
must/ do much that went against the grain (36.590 591). By this, Creon means that in
his present position, he is more apt than the king to know the will of the people and to
respond accordingly. Again, this seems to be a flaw inherent in the kingship based on
Creon s actions in Antigone. As king Creon is blind to the fact that the people of
Thebes are opposed to his actions concerning the punishment of Antigone. One who is
not king, Creon s son Haemon, senses the will of the people: But what I can hear, in the
dark,are things like these: the city mourns for this girl; they think she is dying most
wrongly and most undeservedly of all womenkind, for the most glorious acts. (188.746
749) Haemon
The Influence Of Advertising On Contemporary Society
Youmna Shafiq
English 101A 25
December 13, 2014
The Influence of advertisement on contemporary society
Shafiq 1
In our media rich society, we see advertisements every day. Their appearance happens at
numerous places ranging from cereal boxes to television screens, as well as public buses.
Most advertisement often conveys an unrealistic view of the product. While it is a mass
marketing technique to make the consumer buy the product, but most of us believe
whatever advertised is true without giving a second thought to it. In our contemporary
society, it has become very hard to escape the influence of such advertisements. These
advertisements affect us in shopping malls, while watching televisions as well as in food
Advertising has enormous impact on us in shopping malls. Almost no trip to the mall
has ever been complete without our eyes catching few banners promoting a brand s
product. Mostly these advertisements associate certain roles and colors with different
genders. For example, in many advertisements pink color is often linked with girls
while blue color is often used in boy s outfit s promotions. Furthermore, whenever we
go toy shopping, we see two sections; one is pink signifying girl section that is filled
with dolls, makeup, and princes puzzles pieces. The other is blue signifying boys section
that has cars, action figures and toys only for boys. Consequently, such actions haves
changed the way our society thinks about gender. Thus, pink is has come to become
Watership Down Quotes
In the downs of a small farm, two rabbits are preparing to flee their warren in order to
escape men come to kill them. Richard Adam s Watership Down follows these two
rabbits Hazel and Fiver as they gather a following and make their way across the
farmland to safety. The band of misfits looks to Hazel for guidance, and he leads them
to their haven: a warren atop the hills where the rabbits are safe and sound. However,
the need to keep the warren going pushes the rabbits to continue exploring and find
does in other warrens. While looking, they meet the Efrafa warren. This warren is lead
by General Woundwort, and immediately the two parties are at odds with one another.
The most noticeable difference is between the leaders of the two warrens: Hazel and
General Woundwort. Both Hazel and General Woundwort are cunning; however, the
leaders use their wits in different ways. Hazel uses his wit for the betterment of his
people, while General Woundwort uses his to control and oppress his people. Some
leaders are born into their position, others rise to the occasion, and a small few seize
the position themselves the latter of the three describe both Hazel and General
Woundwort. Their motivation is what separates them. Hazel takes charge of his
warren to protect them, while General Woundwort climbs up the ladder of power
using any means available. In the beginning, Hazel s warren did not have a leader. It was
merely a band of misfit rabbits trying to leave their warren. Hazel proves himself a leader
when the Owsla, or rabbitpolice, come to arrest the rabbits that try to leave. After a
fight breaks out, Hazel steps forward to protect his brothers, Go, said Hazel, firmly and
quietly, Or we ll kill you (21). Hazel believes that if there is no way to get his people
out safely, then they will have to go out fighting. The instinct to protect and fight for
his people is how Hazel becomes the leader of his warren. His brave actions make him
becomes the Chief Rabbit of his warren. Hazel did not seek leadership, he simply led. In
contrast to this natural leadership, General Woundwort is more power hungry and
ruthless. He is the tyrant of his warren Efrafa. The narrator tells the story of General
Woundwort and how his
Different Security Policies And Guideline And How They Are...
In this report I will be talking about different security policies and guideline and how
they are needed in an organisation. The first one I will be talking about will be the
disaster recovery policy, what this policy is basically about is that the organization will
have so kind of plan or strategy put in place for things like natural disasters for example
floods, fire, earthquake and things like theft and major human error that can cause major
data loss, which and ultimately impact the organization securityand the functions the
organization provides. What this disaster recoverypolicymight have in it is if a natural
disaster or a virus enters the organization one police can be to basically move all the
data to an off site location... Show more content on ...
This disaster recovery will have major benefits as if things happen it will not affect the
organisation that much but if a disaster recovery plan is not but in place it could shut
down the business. The advantages of the disaster recovery policy is that it reduce the
loss of data because the organisation back up there data early so if a disaster occurs no
data will be lost. Another thing is an organisation can use an offsite place to back up
data. The disadvantages of the disaster recovery plan policy is that when the
organisation is having daily backups it is costing the company a lot of money to have
them in place , as it will always need someone to look and maintain this recovery plan.
Another disadvantage is that when the backups are happening it can ultimately slow
down the system and affect the employees work as it will take more time to do their tasks.

The next policy I will be talking about I will be explaining is code of conduct this is a
very important guideline in an organization that all the workers has to obliged to the
guideline, to try and improve the organization security, there are many policies put in
place by the organization so the employees follow the code of conduct guideline one
policy is installation this policy is about that employees can t install software on the
organization s computer, they are not allowed to install it

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