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Lesson Plan Planning Form

Name of Activity: Making faces

Originating Idea: Teachers will ask toddlers to make faces based on the emotion they say
while looking into an individual mirror to help learn the different faces of emotions.

Curriculum Area

Choose 1: Name Area & KDI

A. Approaches to Learning

B. Social and Emotional Development- 8 Emotions

C. Physical Development and Health

D. Communication, Language, and Literacy

E. Cognitive Development

F. Creative Arts

Materials: Small Mirrors

Appropriate Age group: Toddlers

Beginning of Activity

To begin teachers will read the book The Way I Feel.

Middle of Activity

Early: Children will look in the mirror.

Middle: Children will look in the mirror as they make the face they think best matches the
emotion the teacher said.

Later: Children will look in the mirror as they make the face they think best matches the emotion
the teacher said, to extend this activity have two toddlers look at each other and guess what the
other is feeling based on their facial expressions.

End of Activity

Transition will begin with the five more minute song.

Follow-up Ideas
● Add more emotion books to the classroom library.
● Add emotion posters around the classroom.
● Make a calming corner for big emotions.

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