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What is SOQL?

SOQL Stands for Salesforce Object Query Language.

Use: - To Query the data from the Salesforce object.
Where Fields/columns are written in between SELECT and FORM and Object is
written after FORM Keyword

SELECT and FORM are two main keywords in SOQL.

[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account ]

In SOQL we need to give the API name of Fields and sobjects.

WHERE keyword is used to give conditions in SOQL.
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Rating=’Hot’]

When we want to add multiple conditions in SOQL AND & OR keywords are used.
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Rating=’Hot’ AND
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Rating=’Hot’ OR

Now if we want to give multiple conditions to the same field then we need to use
OR Keyword many times.
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Industry=’Transportation’ OR
Industry=’Consulting’ OR Industry=’Energy’]

Apparao puranwad| SFDC

It's not a good practice in such situation we can use IN Keyword
When we want to use multiple field values in one field then the IN keyword is
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Industry IN (’Transportation’,
’Consulting’, ’Energy’)]

LIKE Keyword is used when we want to get record by letter name

[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE ‘G%’]

ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the records in ascending and descending.

For Ascending ASC is used and for Descending DESC is used
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account ORDER BY Name ASC]
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account ORDER BY Name DESC]

Date format and date literals

To get the record created on Today
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone, CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate =

LIMIT keyword
When we want to retrieve first any number of records use the LIMIT keyword.
[ SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Rating=’Hot’ LIMIT 3]

Apparao puranwad| SFDC

When we want to skip first any number of records then use the OFFSET keyword.
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Account WHERE Rating=’Hot’ OFFSET 5]

Relationship Queries
When we want to write a Query with more than one object but there should
share relation in between that object.
Parent and child relationship
When we want to query a child record from a parent object in this case the main
object will be the parent object.
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Industry, (SELECT Name, Phone FROM Contacts) FROM

When we are writing parent to child query for custom objects then child custom
object name should be written with suffix __r ( underscore underscore r)
[SELECT Name, Phone__c, (SELECT Name__c, Book__c, FROM Students__r) FROM

Child to parent relationship

When we want to query a parent record from a child object in this case the main
object will be the Child object.
Eg. For Standard objects.
[SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email, Account.Rating, Account.Industry FROM contact]
Eg. For Custom objects.
[SELECT Id, Name, School__c, Class__c, Fees__c, School__r.Name, School__r.City
FROM Student__c]

Apparao puranwad| SFDC

Aggregate function in Soql
[SELECT Nameofaggrigatefunction(Name of field) FROM Account]
[SELECT MAX(AnnualRevenue) FROM Account]


Apparao puranwad| SFDC

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