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Good Argumentative Essays Examples

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Good Argumentative Essays Examples" is no easy task. The
difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent and well-structured argument but also in finding and
analyzing compelling examples that effectively support the thesis. The process demands a deep
understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate thoughts in a
persuasive manner.

One of the challenges is the extensive research required to gather relevant examples that not only
illustrate the points being made but also showcase the principles of a good argumentative essay.
Selecting examples that resonate with a diverse audience and are applicable to various perspectives
adds an extra layer of complexity.

Moreover, the writer must strike a balance between presenting a compelling argument and
maintaining objectivity. Crafting a persuasive essay necessitates acknowledging counterarguments
and addressing them thoughtfully, which requires intellectual rigor and analytical prowess.

The process of creating a good argumentative essay also involves meticulous planning, drafting, and
revising. Achieving clarity and coherence in the presentation of ideas is essential, and this often
requires multiple iterations of the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Good Argumentative Essays Examples" is a

challenging endeavor that demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective
communication. It's a process that requires time, effort, and dedication to produce a high-quality
piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources available.
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Good Argumentative Essays Examples Good Argumentative Essays Examples
Pan American Unity Mural Summary
Pan American Unity Mural what a discovery to find and look at the story being told in
visual language. It shows the fusion of two cultures coming together. Diego Rivera
and his assistants worked together on The Pan American Unity Mural in 1940 it consists
of 10 panels weighting about 23 tons at 22 feet high by 74 feet long. It now resides at
City College of San Francisco located in a narrow lobby called Diego RiveraTheater . A
fresco rich in symbolism showing the south and the indigenous people expressing their
rich culture of their artistic work by sculpting images on stone and showing metal
workers making gold jewelry and melting gold using primitive tools nothing
sophisticated or fancy. In the same way the North side is expressing their... Show more
content on ...
Nearby Diego painted a portrait of Paulette Goddard, holding in her hands what she
called in a press release, the tree of life and love . Just looking at their close proximity
you see that they is harmony, happy as a family the fusion between two cultures
coming together. (Diego Rivera My Art, My Life) You also see nearby Diego, is his
wife Frida Kahlo she is an established Mexican artist who is influenced by indigenous
Mexican cultures she symbolizes the passion of the traditions of the Latin American
lands he painted a portrait of her in traditional Tehuantepec clothing and wearing a skull
pendant around her neck and tiny earrings, (a gift from Pablo Picasso) but the necklace
was a symbol of Coatlicue Aztec goddess who gave birth to the moon, stars, and the
God of the sun and war. The importance of indigenous woman. (Understanding the
Evolution of Diego Rivera s pg 50,51) Diego Rivera then goes on by saying and the high
mechanical developments of the United States which you see Dudley Carter, an American
sculptor and sophisticated engineer who symbolizes the north and
Legal, Ethical, And Policy Issues
Legal, Ethical, and Policy Issues, Oh My! Julia Colasurdo SUNY College of
Technology at Alfred State Abstract Legal, ethical, and policy issues are an important
aspect of nursing and medical informatics. Nurses should be aware of the dilemmas
facing the use of informatics in the health care facilities. It is important to note the legal
issues facing nursing because of the charges of negligence that can be incurred on the
nurse if not aware. Ethical dilemmas of privacy including security breaches can be
detrimental to the facility, and the patients. Nurses should also be aware of the policies
regarding privacy, and confidentiality. These actions can help prevent issues and aid in
improving the health care system, especially in... Show more content on
Health care depends on information. As nurses we have to be able to interpret the
data and evaluate it s accuracy. We also use it along with our assessments to care for
our patients and identify when something isn t right. This objective will help me to
understand the legal, ethical, and policy issues related to the use of informatics in the
work place. And it will also allow me to be not only aware of these issues, but will help
me to understand and utilize the data in the intended way to help patients. Legal
Issues Legal issues related to medical informatics was destined to be a problem. Before
health records were only paper based and there was constantly incomplete or illegible
information that was difficult to dicipher. Now that electronic health records are
commonly used, health care providers have access to unlimited amounts of data that s
perfectly legible. The amount of data now avaialable to the providers could almost be
overwhelming. This virtual mountain of data can lead to information overload, a new
liability that can lead providers to overlook key findings despite reliable access to
documentation. For instance, clinicians who miss a critical detail that affects treatment
decisions while reviewing the EHR could in fact be liable for negligence because the
fact in question was likely just a few clicks away. (Sittig Singh, 2011). The use of
electronic health records,
Why Is Gaia Important To S. T. Rm
Gaia s importance to S.T.O.R.M
Most groups consist of 2 majors characters: the leader of the group and the intelligent
one. The others may not be considered as, as important as the rest . In the book
S.T.O.R.M., Gaia may be seen as the unimportant figure. This statement is inaccurate.
Yes, Gaia may not be the official leader of the group. It would also be inaccurate to give
her the title of the intelligence of the group. Though it doesn t necessarily mean that she
does not display these characteristics. Unlike Will and Andrew, Gaia equally portrays
both intelligence and bravery. A perfect balance that makes her a major member of the
group. Gaia s intelligence, courage and persistence allow her to be essential to STORM.

Gaia s most visable

Analysis Of Gene Weingarten s Pearls Before Breakfast
Gene Weingarten s Pearls before Breakfast, published in 2007. It was originally
published in the Washington Post. The targeted audience includes general newspaper
readers. The purpose of the text is to enlighten the value of free God gifted talents that
are hidden somewhere in the ignorance of people who remain busy in their personal
lives. Nowadays, people usually favor and follow popular artists by their titles, and
bands names. On the other hand, artists who perform on streets, bus stations, and
subways their talent become viral through modern media. When unknown talent
captured in cameras by unknown spectators and the unusual performances become
highlighted than people show empathy towards them. Although adaptability of
poverty and ignorance of the world makes unknown artists so much ignorable in the
eyes of the world that donations make their day and they come to know at the end of
the day that how many spectators did observe them. However, I argue that people
shouldn t build an invisible wall between stage and street artists by ignoring artistic
languages, disliking of physical appearances, and focusing on price tags rather than
originality of artistic work. I believe that besides world s different languages there are
also some other languages that don t require words. These languages come from humans
senses. For instance, if an infant gets hungry the feeling of pain becomes him or her to
cry and provides him or her food. Similarly, people who understand art by
Aviation Icing Essay
During this research paper we will be looking into the definition of flight into known
icing as it s described by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with special
emphasis on the word known or forecasted icing as a legal requirement for both pilots
and aircraft. We will look at aircraft systems designed for such operations and we will be
analyzing the misunderstanding that many pilots have about this issue. One of the
biggest misconceptions is that an aircraft equipped with deicing equipment makes it
rated for known icing conditions. We will briefly look at the regulations on aircraft
certifications and look at the procedures to make an aircraft certified for icing
conditions and some of the new technologies that make it easier to operate in this
environment. With all the advancements it could easily be said that the chances of an
accident ever happening due to flight into ice is almost nonexistent. With an accident
review we will see that all aircraft suffer from the same fatal flaw as batman s utility
belt, the systems only work if the pilot knows and utilizes them. In conclusion we will
look at the best practices a pilot can employ to improve flight safety and reduce the risks

Icing Rules
First a note of the difference between ground deicing procedures done before flight and
the airborne deicing procedures as part of aircraft equipment. We will be focusing more
on airborne anti icing as part of Aircrafts rating for flight and
Army Varsity Team
Problem Identification: The problem identified in the HBR Case Study the Army Crew
Team was Coach P s assumption that choosing the most physically fit rowers would yield
a high performing team. Coach P. failed to understand how team dynamics, morale, and
overall emotional intelligence of the team can inhibit teamsuccess.

Alternative Analysis: Coach P. was baffled why the Varsity team performed poorly as
opposed to the non Varsity team. While he put much thought with selecting the most
physically fit team mates, he failed to understand the importance of recognizing and
working through issues in relation to emotional intelligence. The Varsity group kept
pointing the finger on others, failing to recognize and take accountability for their overall
subpar performance. Rather than work through the negative team dynamics, they often
emailed their complaints to the coach. An emotionally intelligent group would have
worked through their issues together as a group. If someone is acting out of line, the
team members must feel comfortable calling the foul. The team needed to build positive
norms such as responding constructively in emotionally uncomfortable situations
(Amabille, 2013). The team did not share ... Show more content on ...
Coach P. should better understand the importance of establishing positive emotional
intelligence with the team, and lay out clear groundworks to establish this. As mentioned
earlier, an emotionally intelligent team will hold eachother accountable with working
through negative areas. If someone falls out of line, the team would need to agree to
call eachother out on behaviors that add no group value. Coach P. would need to lead by
example, and call members out if they are not in line with the agreed upon expectations.
The group would need to commit to lead eachother
The Slave Ship Joseph Turner Analysis
Joseph Turner was an English Romantic painter known for his vibrant colors and
display of paintings. Through taking strong brushstrokes and using a large assortment
of colors, he was able to move audiences and effectively convey his messages. He
focused on showing the powerful side of art and was inspired by the power of nature.
He combined these two themes in many of his paintings. Another large theme for him
was slavery, as he saw it as a human injustice. He then painted this message for the
world to see. This use of art changed the style of art within the Romantic movement and
the Romantic movement overall in a drastic manner. Joseph Turner was born on April
23 1775 in Covent, England. He grew and was quickly seen as a child prodigy by... Show
more content on ...
In the painting, one can see a ship sail away in the distance against the backdrop of a
bloodred sky that matches the red masts of the ship. The sails of the ship are not
unfurled, indicating the ship is preparing for heading into a storm. As one looks to the
nearer foreground, one may see the many outlines of bodies floating in the sea. The
dark skin and shackles indicate that these are the overthrown bodies of slaves. Upon
closer inspection, one may see fish, and other sea creatures, being lured into the scene,
possibly to eat the slaves. Turner bases this painting off of the tragedy that occurred on
the slave ship Zong where 133 slaves were ordered to be thrown overboard as to collect
insurance for the captain. This shows the brutal nature of slavery and Turner s opinion
of the practice. The scene s vibrant and moody coloring conveys an emotion of sadness
and injustice to the viewer. It depicts the brutal abandonment of the slaves and the view
that slaves were seen as worthless. It humanizes the slaves and shows their suffering and
how they were forgotten, and attempts to pierce into the viewer s heart to spur action
over the

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