Introduction Essay Samples

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Introduction Essay Samples

Writing an essay on the topic of "Introduction Essay Samples" can be a challenging task that requires
careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. The difficulty lies in the need to strike a balance
between providing informative content and engaging the reader from the very beginning. Crafting a
compelling introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire essay.

To start, one must gather relevant samples and thoroughly examine them to understand the key
elements of effective introductions. This involves analyzing the structure, language, and overall
approach used in successful examples. However, the challenge arises in avoiding the temptation to
mimic or replicate these introductions directly, as originality and authenticity are paramount in essay

Additionally, researching the topic itself poses its own set of challenges. Finding unique perspectives
or angles to present in the introduction requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the
ability to synthesize information in a way that captivates the reader. Striking the right balance
between providing context and leaving room for exploration in the body of the essay is another
delicate aspect of the writing process.

Moreover, addressing potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints in the introduction adds

complexity. This requires thorough research to anticipate opposing opinions and skillfully incorporate
them into the introductory narrative without compromising the coherence of the essay.

In essence, crafting an essay on "Introduction Essay Samples" involves a multi-faceted challenge of

studying successful examples, mastering the art of engaging writing, conducting in-depth research on
the chosen topic, and skillfully integrating various elements into a cohesive introduction.

For those finding this task overwhelming, there's , where similar essays and much
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Introduction Essay Samples Introduction Essay Samples
Calleeta Corporation Essay
The Calleeta Corporation
May 15, 2011
HRM 520

Identify three key business issues facing Jan, Calletta s CEO.

As Calletta s CEO, Jan is facing a number of problems such as: lack of support from
board members/investors, increasing employee costs, and protests against Calletta s
offshore facilities due to the growing concern of working conditions. Jan key issue on
hand is the lack of support from board members and investors. Board Members and
investors right now are not supporting Jan or her proposal due to a poor return on
investments. Board Members are concerned about the rapid increase of employee cost
the company is incurring. Calletta is incurring a 12% cost increase annually compared to
an industry average rate of just 4% in the ... Show more content on ...
Therefore to meet the Board of Directors demands Calleta would have to focus on
cutting employee costs in the area of employee benefits. The first area Calleta can cut
cost is in employee s personal benefits. Calleta can cut employee cost by only paying a
percentage of employee s healthcare, dental, and life insurance versus providing these
benefits at no cost to the employee. This approach along should reduce Calleta s cost
tremendously considering the increasing cost of healthcare. This method would not
hurt Calleta recruiting shceme because it s a method most U.S. companies are
adopting. According the Los Angeles Times, in 2010 nearly a third of employers
reported that they either reduced the scope of benefits they are offering this year or
increased the amount that workers must pay out of pocket for their medical care . This
approach will share the liability of cost with employees instead of Calleta taking on the
full incurred cost. By sharing the cost for healthcare and insurance benefits Calleta will
be able to cut employee cost drastically.
Another change that Calleta can make to meet the Board of Directors demand is
reducing the 401k match from 10% to 5%. Calleta currently offers a very generous 401k
plan that exceeds most competitors plans within the industry. With the current 401k plan
Calleta is losing a massive amount of money in matching
Description Of The Geographic Information System
The geographic information system is also used in finding clusters. This is done using
multiple algorithms to come with a group of unrelated regions that match the theme of
interest. The cluster contains points that meet the criterion required for the theme. For
instance, members of a cluster could be points where the distance between them is less
than a particular threshold or points whose population density is above a particular
range. The process requires many levels of iteration before the choice of the correct
algorithm can be identified. Cluster identification has been used in different
organizations to group oil deposits depending on their size based on the population
surrounding them. There are several techniques and models used in... Show more content
on ...
Pipelines need to cover the shortest distance possible while at the same ensuring safety
and minimum interference with the environment. Determination of what is an area
involves looking at the type of vegetation and soils are in a zone.
Apart from the oil industry, the geographical information systems have also gained much
use in other critical application in Saudi Arabia. For instance, the system is used in both
telecom and network services. Its relevance as a planning and a decision making tool in
the telecom industry cannot be overemphasized. The so called GDi GISDATA enables
the telecommunication companies to integrate geographical data in their network
planning, design and maintenance activities. The technology allows the companies to
enhance their location based services, develop engineering/ geographical applications
and customer relationship. Geographic information system also enables the authorities
and insurance companies do both accident and hot spot analysis. As such, the technology
helps in the reduction of accidents in the roads through the optimization of road networks
and facilitating the improvement of roads through proper traffic in management (Khormi,
Kumar, Elzahrany, 2011). The technology helps identify the locations and map them by
their population and traffic details. In addition, the geographic information system is
convenient to use in rerouting design. The system has also gained much prominence in
urban planning is Saudi

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