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Claim Essay Example

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Claim Essay Example" can be a challenging task that requires a
thoughtful and analytical approach. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a well-structured
argument but also in providing substantial evidence to support the claim. Crafting a compelling essay
involves extensive research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills.

To begin with, you need to clearly define the claim you want to make and ensure it is specific and
arguable. This requires a deep understanding of the topic and the ability to articulate a stance that is
both original and supported by evidence. The next challenge is gathering relevant information to
substantiate your claim. This may involve delving into various sources, such as academic articles,
books, and credible websites, to gather data and examples that strengthen your argument.

Constructing a coherent and logical essay structure is another hurdle. The introduction must grab the
reader's attention and provide a clear thesis statement outlining your claim. The body paragraphs
should present evidence in a systematic and organized manner, each paragraph contributing to the
overall argument. Transitioning smoothly between ideas and ensuring a logical flow can be

Moreover, addressing counterarguments is an essential aspect of a claim essay. Anticipating opposing

viewpoints and effectively refuting them demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Balancing the presentation of evidence with critical analysis and maintaining a nuanced perspective
can be intricate.

Additionally, attention to detail is crucial, including proper citation of sources and adherence to
formatting guidelines. This meticulous approach adds to the complexity of the task, requiring a
careful review of the essay for clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic standards.

In conclusion, writing a claim essay is a demanding process that necessitates thorough research,
critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Successfully navigating these challenges results
in a well-crafted essay that persuasively supports a specific claim. If you find yourself struggling with
this task, there are resources available to provide assistance. Whether it's refining your argument,
organizing your ideas, or improving your writing, seeking guidance can enhance the quality of your

For those seeking additional support, similar essays and more can be accessed or ordered on .
Claim Essay Example Claim Essay Example
Free Speech And The Paradox Of Tolerance By Julia Serano
In Free Speech and the Paradox of Tolerance (Medium, February 6, 2017), Julia Serano
addresses the flaws in activists Richard Spencer s and Milo Yiannopoulos actions
against freedom of speech, as well as the flaws in free speech absolutism. The author
explains how free speech absolutism cannot fully be achieved because of the laws that
protect our privacy, and how free speech absolutism can only make matters worse.
Because there are no laws against Milo Yiannopoulos campaigning for actor/comedian
Leslie Jones to delete her personal website, people are allowed to use their freedom of
speechto take away that same right from others. Serano explains how she was scared
to express herself as transgender during her childhood because she witnessed people
being harassed for their identity. The author calls this the paradox of free speech.
Another paradox she highlights is the paradox of tolerance. If those who are tolerant
do not defend against the intolerant, then the tolerant will one day disappear. Serano
believes everyone should be a moderator. People who believe in an open and positive,
free speaking society should collectively stand up against those that are intolerant to
opposing ideologies, and possibly even incarcerate those who cannot present reason for
their beliefs. This, however, is where the line must be drawn. Serano is wrong to believe
that free speech absolutism will cause intolerance of fester and one day erupt, and that
the minority should be treated like
Unemployment Rate Measurement Of Unemployment
Unemployment Rate Measurement The Labor force is composed by employment and
unemployment. According to the Economic fifth edition, the unemployment is when
someone not currently at work but who is available for work and who has actively
looked for work during the previous month. There are three types of unemployment:
frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment. The unemployment is one of the
biggest problems that any society has to face it. The unemployment reflects the status of
the economy and amount of good and services stop producing and consuming. That s
why government pays close attention to the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate
is measure every month by the Federal government s Bureau of Labor Statistics in the...
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This survey provides an idea how many working age population are without jobs at
specific time on a specific location. The householder chosen by The Bureau of labor
Statistic are not the same every month. The survey is realized in all over the United
States. The Bureau of Labor Statistic changes the households over helping them to get
more real number of people employed or unemployed. It gives an estimate how many
people are seeking for jobs. Unlike CES s survey, the person has to be 16 years old or
older. It depends on a situation of each individual person. The same person can be
counted twice falling into more than of the unemployment categories; frictional,
structural, cyclical. For example, this type of method falls in errors because people can
lie about their situation. For example, if a person says that he or she is looking for a
job but it is not true will show false result. It is claiming the unemployment benefits.
Also, the situation of a person can vary from one month to another. The Bureau of Labor
Statistic also the Current Employment Statistics Survey (CES): also known as the payroll
survey the CES is conducted based on a sample of 160,000 businesses and government
agencies that represent 400,000 individual employees ( Measuring the Unemployment
Rate. Boundless Economics.) This survey gives more details regards the hours and
wages. In other words, this survey helps understand the
Sickle Cell Diseases
Skin pigmentation is affected by the way that bodies absorb vitamin D from cholesterol.
When a person is in the sun a lot, his or her body is exposed to ultraviolet B light; this is
known to convert the sunlight into cholesterol, which then converts into vitamin D
(Moalem 51). As a result, the amount of sunexposure that one gets can begin to make
him or her a darker color; however, they are the ones who have a healthy level of
cholesterol in their bodies. Hence, the darker skin is a compromise in order for humans
to have a sufficient cholesterol level. Furthermore, a human s folate levels are also
related to the skin pigmentation in their bodies. Folate is an integral part that allows the
cells to synthesize in preparation for meiosis. Those... Show more content on ...
In some cases, one is able to protect him or herself from this disease. For example, sickle
cell disease is known to give some form of protection for humans from malaria. This
genetic disease is where a human s red blood cells are more crescent shaped rather than
round like most people. Parasites in malaria go into the blood cell s membrane and
begin to shift the protein. Sickle cell disease is able to stop reshaping and gets rid of
the parasite that would have continued spreading (McNiel). Additionally, dense body
hair is another way that the human body has compromised to prevent malaria. The
hair acts as a type of protection to the layer of skin; consequently, it makes it harder for
the mosquito to go through and transmit the disease. Dense hair on the forearms and
legs the parts of the body usually exposed even with moderate dress may have been a
defence against malaria carried by mosquitos (Moalem 63). An evolutionary adaptation
made by the human body was dense body hair to protect the areas most prone for
mosquitos to bite and transmit disease. Finally, favism is when red blood cells begin to
break up as a result of eating fava beans. The reaction happens mostly to people with a
deficiency of the enzyme glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase. However, people are able
to benefit from favism because it protects them against malaria as a result of it.
Researchers found that children with the African variant of the G6PD mutation had twice
the resistance to P. falciparum, the most severe type of malaria, that children without the
mutation had (Moalem 90). Because favism had altered the shape of the blood cell, the
mosquitoes transmitting malaria had not affected them. Many evolutionary adaptations
have protected humans against getting

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