Make Essay Longer

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Make Essay Longer

Writing an essay on the topic of "Make Essay Longer" presents a unique set of challenges that may
not be immediately apparent. At first glance, it might seem like a straightforward task – just add
more words, right? However, the difficulty lies in maintaining the quality and relevance of the
content while meeting the desired length.

The initial hurdle is coming up with additional material that adds value to the essay rather than
merely padding it with redundant information. This requires a thorough understanding of the topic at
hand and the ability to generate meaningful insights. Simply extending sentences or repeating ideas
can lead to a lack of coherence and clarity, ultimately diminishing the overall quality of the essay.

Moreover, finding credible sources and references to support the extended content is essential.
Lengthening an essay doesn't mean sacrificing the integrity of the argument or the accuracy of the
information presented. This demands additional research and the ability to integrate new findings
seamlessly into the existing framework.

Structural considerations also come into play. Ensuring a logical flow of ideas and maintaining the
coherence of the essay becomes more challenging as the length increases. Writers must carefully
structure their extended content to prevent the essay from becoming disjointed or convoluted.

Another aspect to be mindful of is the risk of diluting the original thesis or main argument.
Lengthening an essay should enhance the depth and complexity of the discussion rather than
diverting from the central point. Striking the right balance between quantity and quality is a delicate

In conclusion, writing an essay on how to make an essay longer involves overcoming the challenges
of adding meaningful content, maintaining clarity and coherence, incorporating credible sources, and
ensuring the extended material aligns with the original thesis. It's a delicate process that requires both
skill and attention to detail to produce a well-crafted, extended piece of writing.

If you find yourself struggling with similar writing challenges or need assistance with various types
of essays, a valuable resource is . They offer professional writing services to help
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Make Essay Longer Make Essay Longer
The Middle Passage Was A Major Aspect Of The Triangular...
The middle passage was a major aspect of the triangular trade, which involves the
illegitimate trading of African captives in exchange for manufactured goods from the
Europeans who later transport the African captives to the Atlantic world and then
exchange them for raw materials from the Atlantic traders. The trading of the African
captives to the Europeans in exchange for manufactured goods was executed by the
African middle men. The African middle men were also responsible for the kidnapping
of the African captives and purchasing of African prisoners who were later sold to the
Europeans. Hence, the middle passage was the route the Europeans took in the
transporting of millions of African captives from the coast of Africato the Atlantic world.
The trading and forced migration of African captives from Africa along the middle
passage to the Americas is known as the transatlantic slave trade.
African middle men would go into the inner part of Africa in search of young and able
African males and females to sell to the European traders. The African captives would
then be kept in a dungeon for weeks, even months waiting to be sold to the Europeans.
In the course of their captivity in the dungeon the African captives were provided little
or no food or water to eat or drink. The African middle men would put fifty to hundred
captives in a dungeon and would feed them once a day in order to spend less resources
in the managing of the African captives which results to profit
Geology of the Sydney Region
Bronte section

The cutting at Bronte is a section of rock face which made of a sendimetary layer
known as Hawkesbury Sandstone. The sandstone is formed by grains of sand being
compressed by the pressure of the surface above where it lies. Over time, the pressure
results in the grains of sand being fused together to form a sandstone. Our group start
from chainage 250 to 260. These section can be roughly divided into 4 section which are
list below.

Section 1,250 252.5 chainage

The main features for section1

There are 3 joints located in the left corner of section one, which numbered 1 to 3 and
with the dip angle of 70 90, however, it towards different direction, the first one towards
151 SE, the second one is 325 NW, the last one is 96 E. These 3 joints are parallel to
each other and vertical to road surface, all fill in with sand and gray. These vertical joints
mainly terminated into rock substance on one side and continued to the ground on the
other side. This suggested that there is a large possibility that the defect continues to the
underlying rocks. In addition, there is a continuous bedding planes within this section.
The bedding plane continued to the other section, with the dip angle of 82, towards 80 E,
fill with sand and the length is undefined. Some vegetation can be found at top of section.

Section 2, 252.5 255 chainage

The main features for section2

This section start from joints 4 to 8. For joints 4,6,7,8, they are with the dip of angle of
75 90, and
Essay On Changes In African American Language
Language changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speakers
change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences require new words to
refer to them clearly and efficiently. The way we learn English will change completely
when technology takes over. Accepting change in the American languagewill help people
from different backgrounds communicate more efficiently. Over time all language
changes, for a plethora of reasons including social, economic, and political reasons.
People should accept all forms of language and not just the politically correct language
because the way we communicate with the people around the world is constantly
Have you ever asked yourself why American English and British English ... Show more
content on ...
African Americans didn t have a say in how language was used back in the day
because it was not legal for them to read or write. In the modern era we have a lot of
African American leaders. American language changes by whoever has the most
influence. Ironically, as much as it is despised, Black English is embraced and
borrowed by whites, especially young whites in thrall to the appeal of hip hop music
(MacNeil, n.d.) Nevertheless, Caucasian Americans are not the only race that have
adapted to other forms of Sub English. The people of Washington, D.C have their own
dialects which consist of mainly African American English, and when more Caucasians
moved to the area they used standard American English more frequently. Basically,
people adapt to the language spoken in the environment they live in this is called
sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is the study of language change based off society s
cultural norms as well as expectations language. As long as the American people feel the
need to change, or their environment change they will change; therefore, language will
never stop

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