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English As A World Language Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "English as a World Language" can be both challenging and
intriguing. On one hand, the vastness and complexity of the subject offer a multitude of angles to
explore, from historical perspectives to cultural influences and linguistic nuances. On the other hand,
the ubiquity of English as a global means of communication requires a careful and thoughtful
approach to provide a comprehensive understanding of its impact.

The challenge lies in balancing the various dimensions of the topic. It requires delving into the roots
of English, tracing its evolution from a regional language to a global lingua franca. This involves
navigating through the historical, sociopolitical, and cultural factors that contributed to its widespread

Moreover, addressing the cultural implications of English as a world language necessitates a nuanced
exploration of its effects on local languages and dialects. It requires an examination of the power
dynamics involved, acknowledging both the opportunities and challenges presented by the
dominance of English.

Additionally, one must consider the role of English in contemporary global affairs, particularly in
fields such as business, science, and technology. Analyzing the impact of English proficiency on
international communication and collaboration adds another layer of complexity to the essay.

Furthermore, discussing the potential consequences of English as a global language requires a careful
examination of issues such as linguistic imperialism, cultural homogenization, and the preservation of
linguistic diversity.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on "English as a World Language" can be intellectually

stimulating, it demands a thorough understanding of historical contexts, cultural sensitivities, and
global dynamics. Striking a balance between depth and breadth is crucial to providing a
comprehensive perspective on this intricate subject.

For those seeking assistance in navigating such complex essay topics, various resources are available.
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English As A World Language EssayEnglish As A World Language Essay
Chlororphyrin And Therapeutic Analysis
Complexation of porphyrin with the metal will cause the shifts of Q bands in the UV
Vis spectra in the range of 500 700 nm as shown in Figure 2.7. This can be observed by
the disappearance of two Q bands out of four as the porphyrin undergoes the change
from D4h symmetry to D2h symmetry (Rita Giovannetti, 2012). The Q bands were
denoted as α and β. The coordination of porphyrin to Ni(II), Sn(IV) or Pd(II) which can
form stable square planar complexes generally consists of a higher α peak (Figure 2.7
(A)), while the coordination of porphyrin to Cd(II) which forms a complex that can
easily be displaced by protons will show a higher β peak (Figure 2.7(B)).

The common solvents and counter ions employed in the synthesis metalloporphyrin are
chloroform, methanol, dimethylforamide, acetate buffer, pyridine, metal carbonyl and
acetylacetone. In general, the selection of solvent depends on the solubility of porphyrin.
For example, the chloroform was selected for metallation of meso tetraphenylporphyrin
(TPP) due to the solubility of TPP in chloroform. Besides, the metal counter ion as
carrier of metal should be considered as well, as the solubility of metal salt also affect
the metallation of porphyrin. ... Show more content on ...
In nature, porphyrins such as hermatoporphyrin IX, coproporphyrin and uroporphyrins
are water soluble. Since the isolation of these porphyrins, the chemistry water soluble
porphyrins were intensively studied to develop biological useful device. The notion
water soluble porphyrin suggests at least water soluble in pH 1 14 only consider as
water soluble porphyrin. General, water soluble porphyrin can be divided into three
classes: positively charged porphyrin, negatively charged porphyrin and neutral porphyrin
(Simonnaeux et al., 2011) as shown in Table
Communication In Aviation Essay
Topic: Discuss the importance of communication in aviation and explain how
misunderstandings in communication have caused aircraft accidents

As the years progress, airplanes have been regarded as the handiest method to experience
all the foreign nations since the 1950s. There is no denying that the impact on aviation
on human history is vital. Hence, the public anticipates that the industry is approximately
perfect. Nevertheless, with the collisions of the past aircraft, it is evident that
misapprehending the communication between the air traffic controllers and pilots
account for mortal accidents. Consequently, I am going to compare two aircraft accidents
in the past and analyze how the tragedy resulted from.

The Linate Airport disaster happened on October 8, 2001, miscommunication and Air
Traffic Control s unawareness were the major reasons that accounted for the collision at
Linate Airport which is one of the busiest airports in Milan, Italy. The runway was
surrounded by dense fog, which made the visibility condensed to approximately 656 feet
(200 meters). Furthermore, the meteorological condition may also have contributed to
the tragedy, combined with factors such as high traffic volume.

The Cessna 525A CitationJet 2, D IEVX, arrived at Milan following a flight from
Cologne (Köln). Cessna 525A was to carry out a return flight to Paris Le Bourget,
carrying two pilots, a Cessna s sales manager and a prospective customer. The plane
arrived at 06:59 and was
The Historical Context of The Bhagavad Gita and Its...
The Historical Context of The Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to Indian Religious

The Bhagavad Gita is perhaps the most famous, and definitely the most widely read,
ethical text of ancient India. As an episode in India s great epic, the Mahabharata, The
Bhagavad Gita now ranks as one of the three principal texts that define and capture the
essence of Hinduism; the other two being the Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras. Though
this work contains much theology, its kernel is ethical and its teaching is set in the
context of an ethical problem. The teaching of The Bhagavad Gita is summed up in the
maxim your business is with the deed and not with the result. When Arjuna, the third son
of king Pandu (dynasty name: Pandavas) is ... Show more content on ...
The conflict between the Pandavas and the Kauravas brewed gradually when the
Kauravas refused to return the kingdom to the Panadavas and honor the agreement
after the fourteen year exile, and escalated to a full scale war when the Kauravas
refused to even grant Yudhisthir s reduced demand for a few villages instead of the
entire kingdom. As the battle is about to begin, Arjuna, himself an acclaimed warrior,
wonders how he could kill his own blood relatives with whom he had grown up as a
child. He puts the battle on hold and begins a conversation with Krishna, one of the ten
but most important incarnations of the Universal Hindu God, Vishnu. The Bhagavad
Gita begins here and ends with Krishna convincing Arjuna that in the grand scheme of
things, he is only a pawn. The best he could do is do his duty and not question God s
will. It was his duty to fight. In convincing Arjuna, the Lord Krishna provides a
philosophy of life and restores Arjuna s nerve to begin the battle a battle that had been
stalled because the protagonist had lost his nerve and needed time to reexamine his moral

Even though The Bhagavad Gita (hereafter referred to as the Gita) is one of the three
principal texts that define the essence of Hinduism, and since all over the world Hindus
chant from the Gita during most of their religious ceremonies, strictly speaking the Gita
is not one of the Hindu scriptures. In light
Multiple Food Allergies
The growing epidemic of food allergies in the U.S. afflicts over 15 million citizens, and
sends a patient to the emergency department every three minutes. Possessing multiple
food allergies, I am a member of this dramatic increase in prevalence over the past 2
decades; thus, it is my hope that this country will grow in its education and
accommodation for this population. Restaurants in particular are one setting where I
have experienced accidental exposure and the resulting physical consequences. While it
is imperative for foodallergy sufferers to always be keenly aware of hidden potential for
cross contact and accidental exposure, restaurant staff can be far more proactive for their
patron s safety. Knowing whether food is fried in peanut
Descriptive Essay About Grandfather
The Lesson Taught Over a Lifetime

My grandfather was an extraordinary man. He seemed to know exactly how to reach

everyone on a personal level that was around him. This caused me to view him as
larger than life as a child. He was the true adventurous type, and he had been that way
since he was a child, at least that is what I assume due to his remarkable stories he told
about himself as a young boy. He was the type of man that was so full of life that you
could never imagine that life ever leaving him. The cool, crisp air bit at my little nose
as I drug my bright pink snow boats through the thick heavy snow. As I looked down at
the boots, I remembered my grandfather handing them to me just two months earlier for
my 12th birthday. It made me move my little feet even faster in hopes to get up the
driveway to see him. I got up to the front door and kicked off my boots as I swung open
the door, the aroma of the honey glazed ham filled my nose and the loud, festive music
flooded my ears. I didn t even take my coat off before running into the kitchen to find my
grandfather slaving away on his new culinary creation, which he had found on one of his
travels he had taken that summer.
The tall man saw me coming and effortlessly swung down and picked me up to see
what he was working on. I scrunch up my nose at the sour, pungent smell of the creamy
white soup with what looked like bugs floating around in it. My grandpa tells me to
close my eyes and to open my mouth and
Essay on Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born January 30, 1882. He was the only child. His
parents were James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. He was raised very fortunate
because his family had a lot of money. Franklin, at age fourteen, attended Groton School.
For his undergraduate degree he attended Harvard University. At Harvard he was elected
editor in chief of the college paper. Franklin looked up to his distant cousin, Teddy
Roosevelt. He wanted to be in office just like Teddy was. He ran for his first office in
1910 for New York s state Senator. With in three years he was chosen Assistant Secretary
of the Navy, a highly respected position.
In August of 1921 Roosevelt was paralyzed in both legs due to a ... Show more content on ...
He then passed the Emergency Banking Act, which gave federal assistance to banks. He
also created the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps, which paid young men to work on
conservation projects under the Army s supervision. He also created the AAA,
Agricultural Adjustment act, too. The AAA subsidized farmers for limiting acreage and
taxed processors of products to pay for subsidies, and many more.
Roosevelt s policies prevented the bottom from falling out of the American economy.
He also did his best to aid the Allies despite congress resistance. After the attack of
Pearl Harbor, Franklin knew how to handle things. He set up a front that met a very
high goals of production levels. He knew the only way the war could be won was by the
country who had the most resources.
He also realized that peace after war would only be guaranteed by the great powers of the
world so he created the International Monetary Fund, the United States Nations, and he
negotiated peace.
Although Roosevelt is often criticized by some of his decisions he made while in
office, he made many great changes to the American society. If I had to recommend
this book to anyone I would probably be honest and say don t waste your time unless
you are in to biographies. To me this was an extremely hard book to read just because
it was so boring to me. On the other side I did learn a lot of things that I wouldn t
Questions On Creating Table Student
Student_name varchar (30) NOT NULL,
Student_id char (4) NOT NULL,
Course_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Year smallint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (Student_id)


Module_name varchar (30) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
Module_code varchar (6) NOT NULL,
Department_name varchar (30),
PRIMARY KEY (Module_code)


Module_code varchar(6) NOT NULL,
Delivery_year smallint NOT NULL,
Organiser_name varchar (30) NOT NULL,


Student_id char(4) NOT NULL,
Module_code varchar(6) NOT NULL,
Exam_year smallint NOT NULL,
Score smallint NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES STUDENT(Student_id),
FOREIGN KEY (Module_code,Exam_year) ... Show more content on ...
RT INTO STUDENT VALUES ( Sahil , 5454 , Physics , 2013 );

INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( SP125 , 2014 , Professor Peter Jones );

INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( FR132 , 2012 , Professor Matthew Blanc );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( FR132 , 2011 , Dr Matt Palin );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( CH135 , 2013 , Dr Arthur Watson );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( CS138 , 2014 , Dr Yulia Timofeeva );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( CS241 , 2012 , Dr Graham Martin );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( ST145 , 2011 , Dr Anton Grevenko );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( ST148 , 2012 , Professor Harry Smith );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( CH139 , 2010 , Professor John Francis );
INSERT INTO HISTORY VALUES ( IB323 , 2012 , Professor Mark Taylor );

INSERT INTO EXAM VALUES ( 3232 , SP125 , 2014 , 78 );

INSERT INTO EXAM VALUES ( 3232 , FR132 , 2012 , 65 );
INSERT INTO EXAM VALUES ( 3232 , CH135 , 2013 , 66 );
INSERT INTO EXAM VALUES ( 3593 , CS138 , 2014 , 76 );
INSERT INTO EXAM VALUES ( 3593 , ST145 , 2011 , 55 );
INSERT INTO EXAM VALUES ( 3593 , CH139 , 2010 , 80 );


import java.sql.*; import*;

public class studentQueries {

public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception, IOException, SQLException {
try { Class.forName ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ); } catch
(ClassNotFoundException e) {

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