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Why I Am Who I Am Essay

Writing an essay about oneself, particularly on the topic of personal identity and self-discovery, can
be a daunting task. It requires a deep introspection and a willingness to explore one's own thoughts,
experiences, and emotions, which can sometimes be challenging and even uncomfortable.

Delving into the reasons behind who we are involves confronting our past, our upbringing, our
beliefs, and our aspirations. It necessitates a level of self-awareness that not everyone is accustomed
to or comfortable with. Additionally, articulating these insights in a coherent and compelling manner
can be difficult, as it requires not only introspection but also the ability to effectively communicate
one's thoughts and experiences to others.

Furthermore, there's often a fine line between self-reflection and self-indulgence. Striking the right
balance between providing meaningful insights into one's personality and avoiding self-
aggrandizement or self-pity can be a challenging task.

Ultimately, writing an essay on the topic of "Why I Am Who I Am" requires a willingness to
confront oneself, a capacity for introspection, and the ability to articulate one's thoughts and
experiences effectively. It's a deeply personal endeavor that demands honesty, vulnerability, and self-

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Why I Am Who I Am Essay Why I Am Who I Am Essay
Rivalry Of Harley Davidson
Harley Davidson/Indian Rivalry
Did Indian sue Harley Davidson in the mid 1900 s and why or was it just a rumor?
Indian did sue Harley Davidson in the mid 1900 s because Indian saw that on Harleys
new model was a carburetor of his design and Indian accused Harley of plagiarizing
their design of a the carburetor so Indian sued them for steeling their carburetor design.
In court Harley won because Indian did not have any contract our paper work that would
secure their design.
A century ago, Harley Davidson and Indian had a fierce rivalry on dangerous, steep
banked board tracks. After the wooden track times quit the two American egos continued
their rivalry on gravel tracks. Indian won its last National and its last Class C
championship in 1950 s ... Show more content on ...
By 1911 Harley had 150 at least of other brands of motorcycles competing for their share
of the market.
The public liked the Davidson cruiser but the cruiser did not have a racing past.

Harley Davidson Timeline

In 1901 William S. Harley finishes a blueprint design of an motor designed that will fit
into a bike.
In 1903 Harley and Arthur Davidson made available to the public the first production of
a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The bike was built with a 3 by 1/8 inch bore and a 3by
½ inch stroke. The building in which they worked in was a 10 by 15 foot shed with the
words Harley Davidson Motor Company scrawled on the door. Arthur s brother Walter
joins in on there efforts.
Henry Myer of Milwaukee a schoolyard friend of Harley and Arthur buys one of the
1903 models right from the founders.
In 1904 the first Harley Davidson Dealer C.H Lang of Chicago, IL opened up for
business and sells one of the first out of the three productions Harley motors ever made.

In 1905 on July 4th a H D motorcycle wins a 15 mile race in Chicago with a time of 19
minutes. In Milwaukee, the first full time employee was
Walt Disney Influence
Walt Disney s first animated film was Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs in 1937.
Over the years Walt Disney came out with family friendly movies such as, Sleeping
Beauty (1959), Pocahontas (1995), Aladdin (1992), and Cinderella (1950). Walt Disney
influenced many people in many ways with his work. The critic Robert Hughes credited
him with inventing Pop art. Hughes wrote, When in Fantasia, Mickey Mouseclambered
up to the (real) podium and shook hands with the (real) conductor Leopold Stokowski.
He also helped reinvent graphic design. He did this by, introducing the soft, round, bold,
colorful forms that decades later would be adopted and adapted by a vanguard of fine
Walt Disney s films are an informal way for children to learn lessons. This can be
compared to the McGuffey reader. At the end of both stories and films there is a lesson
that is taught. In Walt Disney s Pinocchio, the lesson is to tell the truth and in Cinderella
the lesson is to be kind. Walt Disney films are also based on American history or fairy
tales that he Americanized. Some would argue ... Show more content on
This animated film ignores laws against interracial marriage, separation of blacks and
whites in public spaces, and only hints at the disadvantages society brought against those
of African American backgrounds. A critic Esther Terry stated that, Tiana s success
depends solely on her own actions, her ability to reconnect with uncorrupted American
nature, and her willingness to interconnect with her surrounding community. Others
argue that, Disney is seeking to entertain through action, comedy, and romance rather
than explore complex issues. So, if that s the case, why set these films in eras that
problematize race in this way? The Princess and the Frog was released in 2009. This
could make one believe that Disney is not growing with the changes in America, and
instead is going backwards with their
Freak The Mighty Character Analysis
Max and Kevin s friendship developed based on their personalities, in the novel, Freak
The Mighty by Rodman Philbrick. Max is large, slow, and lacks self confidence, he is
also loyal and kind hearted towards people he cares for. Furthermore, Kevin is fragile,
physically handicapped, but exceedingly intelligent. Max rarely pays attention in school
and does not care about education. Whereas, Kevin loves learning new things and is the
epitome of smart. Kevin s physical description shows a minuscule, frail kid who avoids
doing anything, however mentally he is a very bright and his willingness to learn is off
the charts. Max s physical description shows a gargantuan, tough kid, who doesn t care
about anybody or anything, but mentally he deeply... Show more content on ...
She s scared of me. This is the reaction of Fair Gwen when she sees Max, if you just see
the physical appearance of Max, you would think that he wouldn t care about what
other people think of him. However, once Max thought he knew Fair Gwen was
scared of him, it stuck in his mind. This shows that Max might have a tough exterior,
but a fragile interior. He cares about what other people think of him, even if they re
somewhat strangers. Max lacks self confidence and is very timid. The text shows, I
never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, arid that s
the truth, the whole truth. Max clearly says that he wasn t smart until he met Kevin.
Therefore, he had self esteem issues, but when Kevin came along, everything changed.
Kevin helped Max become who he is, and because of this the plot unfolds. Furthermore,
Max helps Kevin with his problems. For instance, when Kevin could not reach his
ornithopter, gets it for him. According to Freak The Mighty, it displays, What I do, I
keep out of range of that crutch and just reach up and pick the paper thing right out of the
tree. This shows that when Kevin is unable to do something, Max helps him out. Not
only for the ornithopter, in general. For example, the novel also shows, ...and so I just sort
of reach down without thinking and pick up

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