Effects of Smoking Essay

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Effects Of Smoking Essay

Writing an essay on the effects of smoking can be quite challenging due to the multifaceted nature of
the topic. One must delve into various aspects, including the health repercussions, social implications,
and the economic burden associated with smoking. Addressing these dimensions requires thorough
research, critical analysis, and the ability to present a cohesive argument.

The health effects alone involve exploring the impact of smoking on respiratory and cardiovascular
systems, as well as the increased risk of various diseases such as lung cancer. It's essential to delve
into scientific studies, statistics, and medical findings to provide a comprehensive overview of the
detrimental consequences of smoking on individual well-being.

In addition, examining the social implications entails understanding how smoking influences
interpersonal relationships, workplace dynamics, and societal norms. This involves delving into the
stigmatization of smokers, potential discrimination, and the broader cultural and ethical
considerations surrounding smoking.

Furthermore, discussing the economic aspects of smoking requires an examination of healthcare

costs, productivity losses, and the financial burden on both individuals and society as a whole. This
demands a deep understanding of economic principles and an ability to present a well-supported
argument on the financial repercussions of smoking.

To craft a compelling essay, one must synthesize information from various sources, ensure logical
flow and coherence in the argument, and maintain a balance between statistical evidence and
persuasive language. The challenge lies in presenting a nuanced perspective that captures the
complexity of the effects of smoking without oversimplifying the issue.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the effects of smoking demands a comprehensive understanding

of health, social, and economic dimensions, making it a task that requires diligence, research skills,
and the ability to analyze and present information effectively.

For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available.
Websites like HelpWriting.net provide a platform where individuals can order custom essays and
access a range of writing services to meet their academic or professional needs.
Effects Of Smoking Essay Effects Of Smoking Essay
History of Security in the Us
Historical Development of Private Security in the United States
Pamela Adamoyurka
University of Maryland University College

Without a doubt the profession of private security has evolved over time. Today if you
were to ask group of Americans at what point in history did the need for private security
became significant, you re likely to receive one of the two answers. Half would say
toward the ending of World War II, because many of the man returning from the war had
prior military police training and acquired work within the private sector as private police
(security). While the younger individuals within the group will likely respond, private
security became significant after 9/11; due to the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) being ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1955 the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) was formed by a group of
security professional. The primary goal of the ASIS is not only to protect people and
property but also to safeguard information from both private and public businesses.
Dumping forth a bit more than a decade is when Congress endorsed the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act which set aside billions of dollars to help battle crime and to
optimize the administration of justice. As the private security industry sustained growth
for the years to follow a major program and administration was developed that still exists
today; the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (governs federal grants to
improve local, county and state police training and upgrades) and the Law Enforcement
Education Program ( supplies grant or loans for law enforcement personnel to attend
college) (Ortmeier, 2009). Finally, by 1976 the Task Force Report on Private Security
was published; this was the first time a national commission recognized private security
as an essential ingredient to public safety (Ortmeier, 2009, p.13). Throughout duration of
the twentieth century the industry of private security continued to
Analysis Of Remember The Titans
In the movie Remember the Titans ; directed by Boaz Yakin, one of the main
characters, Gerry Bertier is injured in a car crash. Following the accident the football
team goes to see him in the hospital. The Scene begins as Julius Campbell enters the
hospital to see Gerry. This scene shows the audience how far Gerry and Julius
relationship has developed since the beginning of the film. The scene also highlights
the themes of racism as Gerry and Julius have been able to set aside their differences
like skin colour and form a bond over their mutual passion of football. The director
would have used this scene as it showed the audience that even though they have
differences, the players still treat each other with respect. This essay will analyse the use
of the mid shot, sound effects, dialogue and acting in this scene.... Show more content on
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It is used at the beginning of the scene when Julius and Coach Boone are talking about
Gerry s condition. The mid shot allows the director to show the reaction of both
characters when they are talking about Gerry s injuries. We can see that Coach Boone
tries to avoid looking at Julius because he knows the bad news he has to tell him. We
can also see that Julius is acting anxiously as he is moving around a lot which shows
the audience how desperate he is to find out about Gerry. The director uses this shot
which shows Julius desperation to know would have made the audience very nervous
and tense as they would have also wanted to find out. The use of sound effects like slow
music in the background would have added to the atmosphere of the hospital and
possibly foreshadowed the seriousness of Gerry s
Persuasive Essay On Safety Under The Government
Millions of Americans, whether they want it or not, whether they know it or not, are
having their personal data left behind on the web collected and watched by the federal
government. Although some people believe that the government is in the right to track
its people, the truth is that allowing any form of government, including our own to watch
the people under the guise of safety is absurd, unethical, invasive, and will take the
country down a darker path in which the people will slowly lose their rights in sugar
coated comfort of letting the government do everything for them.

One big reason the people shouldn t be willing to give up privacy for alleged safety
under the government would be on the account that it will lead to constant profiling as a
result of a single minor offense. According to The Guardian, they stated You should care
about privacy because if the data says you ve done something wrong, then the person
reading the data will interpret everything else you do ... Show more content on
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According to The Guardian, they stated You should care about surveillance because once
the system for surveillance is built into the networks and the phones, bad guys or dirty
cops can use it to attack you. In Greece, someone used the police back door on the
national phone company s switches to listen in on the prime minister during the 2005
olympic bid (Reuters). This shows the author is basically saying that the prism program
is subject to hacking and can be used against the same nation of people that implemented
it into their own systems which is bad because whoever hacks into it can record
sensitive information or compromise national security. This shows that the program is
practically worthless because it can be used against us by our nation s elite, or from
Persuasive Essay On Airport Security
Airport security in the United States has been a controversial topic since the terrorist
attacks of September 11th. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was
established to ensure the safety and security of US airports. New regulations such as
taking off shoes and full body scanners soon became the new normal in airports across
the country. Travelers voiced concerns and complaints over the heightened security
measures, arguing that they invade privacy and are unethical. On the other hand, Israel s
Ben Gurion Airport takes a very different approach to tackle terrorismin airports. Instead
of high tech machines, the airport focuses on the use of intelligence data and profiling to
effectively identify terrorists. In the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The only other option for passengers uncomfortable with the full body scanners is a full
body pat down, which can be just if not more as troublesome. There is anecdotal
evidence that passengers feel that pat‐down procedures are embarrassing and invasive
because they involve screeners touching people near sensitive body areas. Although very
specific guidelines and boundaries have been established by national airport authorities,
inappropriate pat‐down searches are still reported. (Bello Salau 666)
The TSA, however, tries to assure passengers that the images produced are blurred
which means the passengers being screened cannot be recognized. It further
emphasized that the images are not recorded. In response to this, the Islamic Human
Right Commission (IHRC), a non profit research and advocacy organization based in
London, says The fact that a person s facial features cannot be identified does not
mean that the images are any less invasive. The images still show the person s body in
graphic detail where intimate piercing, catheters and all the parts of the person s body
(including those that a person would normally wish to keep private) are seen by the
screener. This is gross invasion of privacy. If these images are truly not archived, the
question is where is the images uploaded on the internet are gotten from. (Bello Salau
Furthermore, these full body scanning devices may not even be effective. A team of
researchers at UC San Diego, University
Health Risks Associated With Diabetes

More than 18.2 million people (or 6.3 percent of the population) in the United States
have diabetes (Palo Alto Foundation). Considering all the disadvantages and health
risks associated with diabetes, it is essential that we find healthy and more natural ways
of battling such an illness. One way that is becoming more and more prevalent in the
United States is the research and usage of herbal oils and medicines in regards to
diabetes. Herbs provide a more natural approach to healing rather than continuous
consumption of processed pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors. Pharmaceuticals
contain ingredients that may although directly help the disease it is prescribed for, could
possibly do damage to other parts of the body ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A team of researchers from Morocco found that the extract decreased several
components of the metabolic syndrome, decreased atherosclerotic indicators, and
increased cardioprotective factors, which leads them to believe that coriander extract
may have a cardiovascular protective effect (Gettleman). Researchers have discovered
that the property of coriander responsible for these effects is from a pigment in the
coriander plant called quercetin. This study as well as the previous study I explored
have similar results, concluding that coriander may have properties that can treat
diabetes but since much of the research has been done on rats rather than humans, more
investigation still needs to be done (Gettleman). A 2012 review of several recent studies
concluded that the use of cinnamon had a potentially beneficial effect on glycemic
control (Castro). Like many other herbal remedies, more research needs to be conducted
to provide addition proof for the anti diabetic properties of cinnamon. Scientists have
actually discovered five major ways that cinnamon can benefit diabetics. The first is that
cinnamon can significantly increase metabolism of glucose, which aids in blood sugar
regulation, something very essential to diabetic individuals. Cinnamon in the future may
act as an insulin substitute because of its many insulin like

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