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Drug Abuse Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of drug abuse can be a challenging endeavor, as it necessitates a
delicate balance between providing factual information, raising awareness, and addressing the
inherent complexities of the issue. One must navigate through a myriad of sensitive topics, such as
the social, psychological, and physiological aspects of drug abuse, while maintaining a tone that is
both informative and empathetic.

Researching the topic requires delving into a multitude of sources to gather comprehensive and up-
to-date information. Understanding the various types of drugs, their effects on individuals and
communities, and the underlying causes of substance abuse demands a considerable investment of
time and effort. Moreover, the writer needs to navigate through the ethical considerations
surrounding the subject matter, avoiding stigmatization and promoting empathy towards those

Structuring the essay poses its own set of challenges. Developing a coherent and logical flow that
effectively conveys the gravity of the issue while engaging the reader requires careful planning.
Balancing statistics, personal stories, and expert opinions ensures that the essay resonates with a
diverse audience and communicates the severity of the problem.

Additionally, maintaining objectivity while expressing concern is crucial in fostering a constructive

dialogue. The essay should not only highlight the negative consequences of drug abuse but also
explore potential solutions and preventive measures. Striking this balance between raising awareness
and promoting proactive approaches adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on drug abuse demands a meticulous approach that goes beyond mere
factual presentation. It requires a deep understanding of the subject, empathy towards those affected,
and a commitment to fostering positive change. While the challenges are numerous, tackling this
important issue through thoughtful and well-researched essays can contribute significantly to the
ongoing discourse surrounding drug abuse.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance in crafting impactful content,
you may explore the services offered at . They provide professional support for
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Drug Abuse Essay Drug Abuse Essay
The Effect Of Glucose On The Formation Of Furanoid...
Glucose D glucopyranose or, more commonly, D glucose is an aldohexose, a reducing
sugar and a component of sucrose, lactose, cellulose, and starch; the latter is typically
used as the primary material for the commercial production of glucose via enzymatic
hydrolysis (de Wit et al. 1993). Glucose is the primary component for the manufacture of
alkyl polyglucosides, D glucitol, gluconic acid, and high fructosecorn syrup; in fact, D
glucosecan undergo a fermentation process to produce L ascorbic acid, from D glucitol,
as well as polyesters, polyurethanes, and alkyd and melamine resins. Moreover, D glucose
can form pyranoid, furnaoid, and acyclic tautomers (Lichtenthaler and Peters 2004). This
tautomeric form must be fixed to help facilitate subsequent reactions such for the
formation of furanoid diacetonide, acyclic dithio acetal, pyranoid structures, in glucosidic
forms, and glucal or hydroxyglucal esters. Furthermore, an acetylacetone reaction with D
glucose, with intercession from ZnCl¬¬2, forms highly substituted furan derivatives.
Since only the first two D glucose carbons participate in the furan formation, a
hydrophilic tetrahydroxybutyl side chain also forms, which can be oxidized to yield a
selection of furanic building blocks. In comparison, D glucose can react with pentane 2,4
dione, in a moderately basic environment, to cause carbon addition, followed by a
retroaldol style elimination of acetate. Considering that this reaction uses simple reagents
in an
Kate Chopin s The Storm Essay
Kelly Obert Professor Dr. Firtha English 1B January 17, 2016 The Storm by Kate
Chopin. While it has traditionally been men who have attached the ball and chain
philosophy to marriage, Kate Chopin gave readers a woman s view of how repressive
and confining marriage can be for a woman, both spiritually and sexually. While many
of her works incorporated the notion of women as repressed beings ready to erupt into a
sexual a hurricane, none were as tempestuous as The Storm. A storm can have several
meanings, an aggressive ruckus of the environment with thunder, lighting, snow,
powerful winds and rain, or a violent response, when it is broken down it just depends on
the individual s analysis of the explanation. In the fiction story The Storm by Kate Chopin
(1851 1904) she associates the images of essential elements of a storm as a representation
to depict the emotionfrom the beginning, during, end and after the erotic sexual
rendezvous bounded by the characters Alcee and Calixta as well as molding a
captivating tone, and a reminiscent affair in a generation where it was frowned upon for
woman to voice their sexual urge, above all pledging infidelity. An analogy is displayed
in our language daily, there is always something compared to another. The storm is used
in this story to connect the actions and feelings from the beginning, during, end and after
the sexual urge between the two characters Alcee and Calixta. The storm rapidly
appeared lacking trailing great trial.
How Balanced Scorecard Is Developed And Acts
This essay examines how balanced scorecard is developed and acts as an increasingly
important factor in balancing strategic objectives and measure/KPIs tools used in
businesses, industry, organizations and government to integrated and aligned business
vision and strategy of the organization. The balanced scorecard has changed from simple
performance measurement tool to performance strategy, strategic planning and to
management system that fit into current rapid change in business environment. However,
this essay will only illustrate specifically in performance measurement framework using
balanced scorecard and mainly focus on advantages it s contributed to business activities.
The limitation and criticism of balanced scorecard as a... Show more content on ...
This new type of balanced score card change business s strategic plan from a striking
but unreceptive paper into the marching orders for the business on a daily basis. It is a
tool that provides performance measurements and further enhances planner s efficiency
in identifying the exact things to be done and measured. It gives a clearer view for
executives to able to implement its strategy. Drs. Kaplan and Norton (1996) have added
this new approach to strategic management by recognizing some weakness and
imprecision of previous approaches to form and provides a clearer prescription for
businesses that how it should be measured in order to have a more balance view in
financial perspective. It also provides feedback from internal business process and also
obtains information from external perspective to improve the efficiency of performing
strategic movement and results which basically act as a nerve center of a business.

According to Kaplan and Norton (1992), financial measurement only gives a clear view
of past business activities and story which its investment in that industry. However the
long term perspectives in stakeholder relationship are not being value as a key to be
success in business environment. Therefore, they further suggest that executive must
change in guiding and evaluating their businesses when come to create future value for
business by focusing in investing customer s perspective, financial perspective, internal
Dental Hygienist
Dental hygienists work hard everyday to inform society about their oral health. Dental
hygiene is important when it comes to a healthy mouth. Learning how to maintain good
oral health is one of the key factors in successful oral care. Once the proper etiquette is
learned, a person is on the next level to a clean and healthy smile! Today, dental
hygienists require high training in order to properly use the right and equipment and
skills to educate people about good dental hygiene.
Although oral problems have been around since the beginning of mankind (SB 1), the
work in the dental field is still changing today. Efforts of treating tooth decay date back
to 2700 B.C in Egypt and ancient China. Archaeologists examined the jaws of skulls only
... Show more content on ...
Their day consists of working with teeth, gums, tongue, jawbone, and tissue to keep a
patient s mouth in good shape. A dental hygienist does more than just cleaning mouths.
Dental hygienists can take a patient s temperature, pulse, search for infections and
evidence of decay, prevent cavities (SD 7), take x rays, note medical history, take blood
pressure, and overall practice therapeutic and preventative treatments (SF 9). Dental
hygienists do their job in many different work environments. Dental hygienists work in
places that range from a dentist office, to working in schools, to working in a hospital!
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster And Its Effects On The World
On April 26th, 1986, at 1:23 A.M., the world s worst nuclear disaster to date occurred.
It has affected millions of people in Eastern Europe, and it has caused more than
360,000 people to evacuate their homes and leave their belongings behind. It has also
set a dangerous precedent to the safety and operating procedures of other nuclear
power plants around the world. Thirty years later, people in Eastern Europe are still
feeling the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The causes, the effects on
animals and the environment, and the effects on humans of the Chernobyl Nuclear
Disaster are still being debated by scientists today. The causes of the Chernobyl
Nuclear Disaster involve the analysis of views, design deficiencies, operator errors,
and the cleanup of the disaster. When the accident happened, there were many
different views and ideas of what happened. One idea was that there was damage to
the cooling system, and too much pressure built up in the shell of the reactor, causing
the hydrogen that was leaving and the air that coming in to mix and cause the
explosion ( Causes and Impact 18). The other view on the accident, was human error
due to tests and experiments ( Causes and Impact 18). It was determined that it was the
operator s errors and the design of the reactor, which had a safety features, which caused
the disaster ( Causes and Impact 17). The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant used a
different design compared to other nuclear plants around the world.
Trifles Analysis

Susan Glaspell shows her readers that women will no longer be in the background. By
writing Trifles she gave women an outlook they have never received before. Trifles is a
coming up story about women, in other words its about women and their rise to power.
Glaspell embodies the women spirit by showing the power, conning, and intectellt of the
women in her play.

When people think of power the first thing that comes to mind is a man Women are
shown to be weak, mindless and serving, but in Trifles Glaspell depicts women to have
more fire and power. In 1900 s women were housewives they did not own anything and
did what they were told kind of like slaves. Trifles shows Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Hale and Mrs.
Wright as something much more than that. Right in the beginning (1860) it shows that
Mrs. Wright might have committed murder.Trifles shows that this woman could have
possess the power to kill a man. That was unheard of in the 1900 s because women did
not speak out or defend themselves against a man. Mrs. Hale shows just a snippet of
her power when The County Attorney on page (1861) says Dirty towels! Not much of
a housekeeper, would you say, ladies? Mrs.Hale claps back with There s a great deal of
work to be done on a farm. Mrs. Hales defends Mrs. Wright because she knows just
how difficult it is to maintain a household and didn t feel that was necessary because
they had Mrs. Wright leave in a hurry. Mrs. Hale yet again shows she is not afraid of
what is to come on page (1864) she undoes the knot on the quilt and the sewing comes
undone. Mrs.Hale at this time knows that this quilt is evidence but does not care and
starts to sew. Mrs. Peters finally shows she is capable of having powerful demeanor on
page (1866) she says ...If they hadn t held me back I would have... hurt him. A boy killed
her cat and that made her angry enough to think about hurting and possibly killing him.
Power has many different forms and women are starting to take on that form.

Women are capable of many things and being conning is just one of them. People lie all
the time to get away with things they do not want to get in trouble for. For a woman to
lie was unheard of especially to an attorney and sheriff. Mrs.
Analysis of Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2007
History of Ford and the world Automobile Industry:
1.Sociocultural: A few sociocultural factors have led back the automobile industry. Ford
had suffered 10% fall in unit sales year on year with sharp declines in sales due to
inaffective execution of the companies strartegies. The survival of ford depends critically
on yhe state of the world auto industry.
2. Technological: Earlier horseless carriages were used as a source of conveyance. With
the upgradation of technology the Ford Model T was introduced in the market. It was the
first dominant design in automobiles. With the passage of time more new designs like
VW Beetle with its rear, air cooled engine, the citrogen 2 CV and its idiosyncratic
braking and suspension ... Show more content on ...
Economies fron sharing development costs also encouraged increased collaboration and
joint venture : Renault and Peugeot established joint engine manufacturing, GM with
Suzuki, build cars and share platforms and components. Flexible manufacturing
technology together with modular designs reduced the extent of scale of economies in
assembly since different models could be manufactured within the same plant. To enter
into the automobile industry requires a huge amount of investment in automobiles,
certification to set up plant and marketing.

Rivalry among existing firms: With the convergance of new designs and technologies,
the range of new vehicle types has increased. New vehicles include passenger vans,
SUVs, micro cars, etc. All the emphasis by manufactures was on global models, national
markets were characterized by their differences than by their similarities. A major
problem for the industry was the tendency for the growth of production capacity to
outstrip the growth in the demand for cars. In the market where the demand was growing
faster , growth of production capacity outsripped growth in demand.
Threats of substitute products/Services: Generally people prefer to travel by their own
convenience that can be car etc. There is little more public transportation also

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