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Tutorial Sheet
Instructor- Dr. Akriti Nigam
Module 1

1. What are the artefacts caused due to low intensity resolution and due to nearest neighbor
2. Find the D4 and D8 distance between pixels ‘p’ and ‘q’, given V= {0, 1}

2 0 2 1 (q)

2 0 1 0

1 1 0 0

0 (p) 2 0 1

3. What are the two essential steps involved in analog to digital conversion of images.
4. Define m-adjacency.
5. Describe the process of Bit Plane Slicing.
6. Which image enhancement technique would for a dark image? State the reason also.
7. For the following image strip plot the first and second derivative and determine the types of
discontinuities present:

6 6 6 10 6 6 7 8 9 1 1 1

8. The intensity values and their corresponding frequency in the image are given below. Apply
histogram equalization and calculate the reformed frequency of each intensity value.

Gray Level (rk) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of pixels (nk) 100 53 75 6 98 4 32 200

9. State the differences between the response of first and second derivative operator when applied
on an image.
10. Apply Sobel operator on the following sub image assuming a zero padding across the boundary
pixels. Show the gradient magnitude and gradient angle at each pixel.

2 4 36

8 3 5

40 2 4
11. Apply Bilinear interpolation to find the intensity at location (5, 6), given the intensity at (2, 3) =50;
(2, 8) =90; (7, 3) = 30; (7, 8) = 76.

Module 2
1. State the energy compaction property of DCT.

2. For frequencies (20, 30) and (10, 20) compute the response H (u, v) of Butterworth high pass
filter of order n=2. Given the cut off frequency D0 = 20 and u= 0, 1 …100; v= 0, 1 … 100.
3. Apply DFT to the following 1d function f(x) = {2, 1, 4, 2} and compute the frequency
4. Describe the properties of Fourier Transform.

5. State the steps required to translate the F (0, 0) frequency to the center of the M X N

6. State and prove the advantage of using FFT over DFT.

Module 3
1. Explain the process of estimating Degradation function through experimentation.
2. Show the results of applying Harmonic mean filtering using 3X3 mask on all non boundary pixels
of the following image: I= 30 40 50 60 70
20 30 20 10 90
40 60 80 10 20
50 50 40 60 50
20 30 20 10 90
3. What are the measures used for characterizing the performance of restoration algorithms?
4. Explain the process of Inverse filtering for image restoration.
5. If the motion variables are x0(t) = αt/T and y0(t) =βt/T, find the degradation function H (u, v)
causing blurring of image due to linear motion between object and camera sensor.
6. What is the role of cut -off frequency (D0) in the Butterworth Low pass filtering?
7. What is the pdf of the following types of noise?
- Uniform noise
- Gaussian noise
- Erlang noise
8. Explain the functioning of the Arithmetic mean filter and Harmonic mean filter mentioning the
type of noise they work on.
9. What is a Notch filter?
10. Discuss techniques used for image restoration in the presence of noise only.

Module 4
1. Explain the relation between terms, ‘Redundancy’ and ‘Compression ratio’, with an example.
2. What makes JPEG a lossy image compression technique? Explain in detail.
3. What is Fidelity Criteria?
4. What is the advantage of Run length coding?
5. A discrete source emits one of five symbols, having probabilities ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/16
respectively. Generate the Huffman code for the source and calculate entropy and average
codeword length.

Module 5
1. What would be the result after two consecutive opening operations on the following image?

Image SE

2. What is the difference between opening and closing operations?

3. What are the properties of Dilation operation?
4. Explain the process of Hole filling using a suitable example.
5. Explain the Duality property of Opening and Closing.
6. Explain the use of Connected Component operation using a suitable example.

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