Cold War Essay

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Cold War Essay

Crafting an essay on the Cold War is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The complexity of the
topic lies not only in its historical intricacies but also in the multitude of perspectives and
interpretations that surround this pivotal period. The Cold War, spanning from the aftermath of
World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union, involves a delicate balance of political, economic,
and ideological factors.

To begin with, researching and gathering relevant information for such an essay requires delving into
a vast array of primary and secondary sources. Analyzing the geopolitical events, diplomatic
maneuvers, and the ideological clash between the United States and the Soviet Union demands a
meticulous examination of historical documents, scholarly articles, and expert opinions. The sheer
volume of information can be overwhelming, making it crucial to sift through the wealth of material
to present a coherent and well-supported argument.

Moreover, the task becomes more intricate when addressing the diverse perspectives and
interpretations surrounding the Cold War. Different scholars and historians offer contrasting
viewpoints on the causes, key events, and outcomes of this era. Balancing these perspectives while
maintaining an objective and analytical tone is a delicate art. Navigating the nuanced debates about
who bore the most responsibility for the tensions, the impact of nuclear weapons, and the role of
proxy conflicts adds another layer of complexity.

The challenge intensifies when it comes to structuring the essay effectively. Crafting a compelling
introduction that sets the stage, developing a clear and coherent thesis statement, and organizing the
body paragraphs logically are essential components. Transitioning between ideas and maintaining a
cohesive narrative flow is crucial to ensure the reader's understanding and engagement.

Lastly, the conclusion requires a thoughtful synthesis of the main arguments and a reflection on the
broader implications of the Cold War. Tying up loose ends while leaving the reader with a lasting
impression requires finesse.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the Cold War demands a blend of historical insight, critical
analysis, and effective communication skills. It is an intellectual journey that challenges the writer to
navigate a complex web of historical events, interpretations, and perspectives. The ability to
synthesize information, construct a coherent narrative, and present a compelling argument is
essential. However, for those seeking assistance, similar essays and more can be ordered on .
Cold War Essay Cold War Essay
Lorraine Hansberry
Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin in the Sun The characters in Lorraine Hansberry s play
are very significant in understanding the play. The characters are examples of they way
Lorraine lived day by day her live when she was a kid. The success of the play was
brought out by the characters and her way of keeping our interest with each one of
them. They characters are very critical in understanding the play. There were four main
characters that made the play a sellout, Lena, Ruth, Beneatha and Walter Lee. Each one
of these characters had a dream to try to accomplish. The Characters portray the plays
meaning in the way the play evolved into a masterpiece. Lorraine Hansberry studied
African history while working on A Raisin in the Sun.... Show more content on ...
She is up set and smacks Beneatha when Beneatha tells her that she does not believe in
God. Mama tells her that if she lives in her house she must believe in God. Henry
Hewes opinion was that ^the play contained dramaturgical implications which were
brought out by Walter^ (Hewes 212). Theophilus Lewis notion was ^the drama had a
great sense of spiritual conflict in the area of Walter Younger^s soul with an obbligato
of social awareness^ (Lewis 216). According to James Baldwin he thought this play
was ^excellent and never before in the entire history of the American theater had so
much of the truth of Black peoples lives been on stage^ (Baldwin 55). Many critics
thought that the characters had most to do with the play an how the play was
perceived. Jordan Y. Miller thought ^A Raisin in the Sun is one of the greatly
enhanced by well ordered revelation of the events which are so important in the lives of
the characters^ (Miller). Also Lorraine Hansberry kept our interest by developing the
characters through out the play. The characters are people who collaborated with other
people and confronting there confusion and anger. Gerald Weales thought the play was
old fashion and had almost no serious playwright. However he thought ^the plays
strength lied in the characters and the problem of Walter Lee^ (Weales). If the play was
to be written differently it would have had no real significant meaning. Amari Baraka
another dramatist ^liked the play and
Why Is Hydrogen Bonding Is Important In Southern Pitting...
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Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds that form between the atoms of different molecules,
serving to hold these molecules together on a somewhat transitory basis. A hydrogen
bond is the electromagnetic attraction between polar molecules in which hydrogen is
bound to a larger atom, such as oxygen or nitrogen. This is not a sharing of electrons, as
in a covalent bond. Instead, this is an attraction between the positive and negative poles
of charged atoms.
Difference between Covalent and Ionic.
Covalent bond Ionic bond
Covalent bonding is a form of chemical bonding between two nonmetallic atoms. The two
opposite ions attract each other and form the ionic bond.
Covent ... Show more content on ...
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The transfer of macromolecules such as nucleic acids and proteins to solid phase
membranous support is known as blotting. Fragments of DNA and RNA molecules
separated by gel electrophoresis are transferred to a nylon or nitrocellulose membrane in a
process termed as Southern and Northern blotting, respectively.
Southern blotting is a method routinely used in molecular biology to check for the
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electrophoresis for size separation of DNA with methods to transfer the size separated
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then transferred to a membrane by blotting via capillary action. The membrane can then
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to detect specific DNA sequences from DNA samples. However, these blots are still used
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William Wallace s Impact On Military Tactics
William Wallace rescued Scotland from the sinister reign of King Edward I and left a
lasting impact on military tactics worldwide. Pioneering hit and run tactics William
Wallace would weaken the defenses of England s army by going back and forth with
swift surprise attacks prior to actual battles. With his high military intellect the Scots were
able to follow Wallace knowing that Scotlandis in the hands of a true patriot. Motivating
the Scottish people through adversity is where Wallace is unique, since they were
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England s had sent home some men trying to save money and having no confidence in
Wallace. The morning of the battle the Earl of Surrey commanded his men to cross
the bridge, but he received a letter from Wallace and hoping it was a surrender he
ordered his men back across. Wallace had been watching the movements of the
English all morning and studying the formation that they used, he ordered his men to
cut them off from the rest of the army at the bridge. Some enemy soldiers attempted to
escape by swimming, but drowned and the rest were slaughtered by the Scots who
showed no mercy. I m William Wallace, and the rest of you will be spared. Go back to
England and tell them... Scotland is free! Feeling confident at this point Wallace is not
afraid to show his might and boast about himself. After winning so many battles he is
ready to start celebrating and riling up his men in order to keep the adrenaline they were
feeling. At this point in the war all of Scotland doubted England winning this war and did
not tremble in the presence of the enemy anymore. William Wallace led his men to the
most significant victory in the war s history because this served more than defeating the
number one military in the world it represented the true character and heart the men
Color blind by the Counting Crows Essay
I am colorblind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready (repeat 3 times)
I am taffy stuck and tongue tied
Stutter shook and uptight
Pull me out from inside
I am ready (repeat 3 times)
I am fine
I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded and unfolded and unfolding
I am colorblind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready (repeat 3 times)
I am fine (repeat 3 times)

The song Colorblind by The Counting Crows nothing less than perfect for the scene it
was chosen for in the film Cruel Intentions . It was played was one of the film s main
characters lost her virginity to another character. Though it was a ... Show more content
on ...
A taffy is a relatively sticky substance. This a clear representation of how stuck he is in
terms of his ambivalent feelings towards letting go of the pains of the past in order to
enjoy the potential happiness of the future. Tongue tied is a phrase frequently associated
with the feeling of confusion, and there is no better phrase for the situation. Stutter shook
is exactly what it sounds like. It is an indication of how shook up by the situation the
writer is. Uptight is also has a direct meaning in the sense of his general apprehension
towards the situation.
The following four lines are repetition of previous lines and generally have the same
meaning behind them. quot;I am covered my skin, / No one gets to come in, / Pull me
out from inside quot;(10 12); these three lines by far has to be the most touching part
of the song. It is actually sort of self explanatory in a sense. By saying he is covered in
skin it is analogous to having a wall of defense up that no one can penetrate, hence the
next line No one gets to come in (12). The next line, I am folded and unfolded and
unfolding (13). This shows that he has decided to open up and shed the pain of the past
and move on. The next lines are simply repetition and have the same meaning as
previously explained.
There are several poetic elements within the context of this song. Most notably is the
most common poetic element
The Bombing On 16th Street Baptist Church Essay
In 1963, a month after Martin Luther King s I have a dream speech rang harmonies of
freedom and equality throughout the United States, Klan members set off dynamite in
the sixteenth Baptist Church. The resulting explosion and compromise in the integrity
of the building killed four girls. These girls, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley,
Carole Robertson, and Denise McNarr were the victims of this atrocity. The events that
followed furthered the bloodshed. Thousands of black protestors flooded the streets in
protest of the horrific acta that took place in the sixteenth Baptist street church [2]. It
was not until 2001 and 2002 when some of the men responsible for the crimes would
be prosecuted and eventually convicted. Though the intent of the bombing was to instill
fear and panic into the black community, what came about was unity and a call to
action. During this call to action, people had different ideas on how to respond to the
events surrounding the bombing on 16th street Baptist church. The response ranged
from marching, protests, and most importantly, music. During the Civil Rights
movement, music allowed artists to express their dissent through a medium in which
their message could reach a plethora of peoples. Music during this time was also akin
to the music effect of work songs sang during slavery as well as songs such as we shall
overcome which draws parallels to songs sang as slaves attempted to escape to the north.
Music also helped those involved in the civil
Ethical Issues In Bhopal, India ( Union Carbide )
Bhopal, India (Union Carbide)


Bhopal, India (Union Carbide)

Background and history of the Union Carbide Accident
The Union Carbide Accident occurred in 1984 in Bhopal, India. The incident led to a
discharge of approximately 30 tons of highly poisonous gases, including methyl
isocyanate (MIC). The plant was situated in close proximity to shanty outskirts of the
town (Taylor, 2014). Following the incident, close to six hundred thousand people were
exposed to the toxic gas. The effects of the incident on human health were manifested
through nausea, eye and throat burns and eventually, deaths. In addition, the incident led
to retardation of mental development in infants. The average death toll was reported as
15,000 persons. Today, toxic substances are still evident at the site (Taylor, 2014).
Ethical Questions or Problems that Came Up
Preliminary investigations point out a fundamentally flawed working environment at the
facility. There was a fundamental departure from the ASCE Canon that requires
engineers to hold paramount the welfare, health and safety of the public ( Code of Ethics,
2016). Simply, the plant was devoid of adequate operational and safety instruments. The
available instruments such as MIC refrigerators were of poor quality. This affected the
operation of the systems components (Taylor, 2014).
The second ethical issue observed was gross negligence by the government to protect
public interest. Even though three separate
History Is Brimming With Great Accomplishments And
History is brimming with great accomplishments and great mistakes. Thomas Edison
once replied when asked why he continued working after so many failures, I didn t fail,
I found 10,000 ways that didn t work. This is a contrary view to the ignorant being
condemned to repeating the past. People who are familiar with the past simply do not
make the same mistakes. Of course they wouldn t because they know how NOT to
accomplish their goals. Another way of looking at the past is tan alternate phrase,
Hindsight is 20/20. It captures the idea that past mistakes were made and remains
ambiguous whether those mistakes will or will not be made during similar future events.
The Closing of the Thompson Street Pool doesn t exactly fall under the category of
something that those who are ignorant of the past being doomed to repeat unless you
consider the outcome and what was done to reach it. The only people who could learn
anything from it are the governmentofficials in charge of the budget, but let s face it,
the government never learns from it s mistakes. If that were the case, our government
would work on fixing our own financial problems before sending billions of dollars
overseas to rebuild countries that we were at war with after EVERY war. Shouldn t
the people who pay the taxes have some say in where that money goes? If I have to
work to pay the government, I would like to know why my money is going to Iraq to
force them to establish a government in America s

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