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College Research Essay

Crafting a college research essay can be a daunting task that demands a considerable amount of time,
effort, and intellectual engagement. The difficulty lies not only in the extensive research required but
also in the ability to synthesize information coherently and present a well-structured argument.

Firstly, one must navigate through a vast sea of academic sources, carefully selecting relevant and
credible materials to support the thesis. This process involves critical thinking and the ability to
discern the reliability of sources. Additionally, keeping abreast of current research on the chosen topic
adds another layer of complexity.

Moreover, the writing process itself can pose challenges. Articulating thoughts clearly, constructing
cohesive paragraphs, and ensuring a logical flow of ideas are essential components of an effective
essay. The need for proper citation and adherence to a specific citation style further contributes to the
intricacy of the task.

Balancing the depth of analysis with conciseness is another challenge. It's crucial to delve into the
nuances of the subject without becoming overly verbose. Striking the right balance requires a keen
awareness of the audience and an understanding of what information is essential for supporting the

Editing and revising are integral stages that demand a critical eye. Ensuring that the essay is free
from grammatical errors, typos, and awkward phrasing is vital for a polished final product. Revisiting
and refining the argument, structure, and clarity of expression may entail multiple iterations.

In conclusion, writing a college research essay is a multifaceted process that necessitates proficiency
in research, critical thinking, writing, and editing. The challenge lies not just in the depth of
understanding the topic but in effectively communicating that understanding to an academic

For those facing difficulties or time constraints, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Services
like offer support in crafting essays, providing a resource for students seeking
expert help in navigating the complexities of academic writing.
College Research Essay College Research Essay
Theories Of The Nazca Lines
The Mysteries of the Nazca Lines The Nazca Lines discovered in 1939, by Paul
Kosok, are gigantic drawings that cover the Nazca Desert in southern Peru ( The Nazca
Lines , web). It is said that the Nazca people are the creators of these lines, but when the
Nazca people and their culture vanished the Lines were the only things left behind.
Today, many historians and archaeologists are left with this Desert riddle. There are
many theories concerning the Nazca Linesand their origin, what they could possibly
mean and who put them there. There are no exact answers but these theories and ideas
have provided many possibilities that have brought historians closer to solving the
mystery. Although theories of the NazcaDesert drawings include... Show more content on ...
These theories are the ones that are supported by much evidence and provides a
reasonable explanation to the mysterious meaning of the lines. In the Nazca Desert,
water is a scarce resource, but necessary for their overall survival. The solution could
have been performing these rituals to ask the Gods for rain. A video by UNESCO
explaining some background of the Nazca Lines suggests, Experts believe the Nazca
used to dance along the lines of the geoglyphs when they prayed for rain, ( Lines and
Geoglyphs of Nazca and Pampas de Jumana (UNESCO/NHK) , web). The dancing of
the natives could have been part of a ritual to plead for water. This was a very
important part in their everyday lives because it was their way of communicating with
the Gods and telling them what it is that they needed to be able to continue. Some of
the geoglyphs drawn are the killer whale, spider, monkey, condor and hummingbird.
All of these animals are linked to water and are important for the Nazca people. The
theory of the lines being linked to water is the most probable that even in other theories
like the astronomy ones can be brought back to having some thing to do with water.
The ideas that Maria Reiche and Paul Kosok studied about an astronomical calendar can
be refined to agricultural clock, as mentioned in Archaeology, The sun enters this region
of the horizon at the time of year late October when water beings to run in the rivers and
their underground canals. If builders of the Nazca Lines had intended to incorporate an
orientation calendar into their complex maze of lineation, we would logically expect not
the solstices or equinoxes to be prominent in the plan, but rather the most significant
times in the agricultural year to be indicated, just as they are at Cuzco, (Aveni, 39).
Eventually, it is revealed in some theories that water has a massive significance to the
meaning and
It s Time to Abolish Speed Limits Essay
It s Time to Abolish Speed Limits

It is 8:45 and Paul has just gotten on the interstate to make his normal commute to
Longview from Tyler. About halfway there, Paul notices a state trooper right behind
him. He frantically checks his speed! Too late!!!!!! The state trooper turns on his lights.
Not only was Paul speeding, but now he will be late to a very important meeting at work.

The problem here is that Paul was just driving to work. He was not intentionally
speeding just to get away with it. Neither was he driving reckless. He was just carrying
on with his life. Every day people go through this very scenario. They are ticketed for
driving safely although faster than the speed limit, and minding their own business. The
freeways ... Show more content on ...
First of all, have you ever noticed that if you travel on Interstate 45 or on Interstate 20
for a long enough distance that there is always construction dealing with the
resurfacing or complete revamping of the roadway. Have you ever wondered why
they are working on the road or thought that it was just another government scam to
cost the taxpayers more money? The common thought asserted here is that higher
speeds create more wear and tear on the roadways. Another factor of speeding is
damage inflicted on cars while drivers are driving fast. This side asserts that the faster
the car runs, the harder the engine works; the harder the engine, works the more wear
the car takes. This may have been true with automobiles made several years ago, but
the cars and trucks manufactured today are quality automobiles. They are tested very
rigorously in order to withstand wear and tear. Second, the government would also like
us to believe that driving high speeds causes more deaths than driving slowly.
According to the Transportation Accident Commission, Last year Victoria recorded its
worst road toll in a decade, with speed being the main cause of fatalities (36%) and
serious injury (33%). (Transport Accident Commission) This group is asserting that a
person speeding is more likely to cause death than a person not speeding. According to
P.E. Spitz:
Environmental Assessment Of A Landfill And The Dulverton...
Assessment Task 3 Environmental Assessment

This report has been prepared to detail the operations and environmental compliance at
the Dulverton Landfill and the Dulverton Compost Facility based on our visit on 28th
April 2016. This report also covers the requirements of the six (6) environmental issues of
primary concern listed in Section 1.2.2 of the Tasmanian Department of Primary
Industries, Water and Environment publication Landfill Sustainability Guide 2004.

Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority, now trading as Dulverton Waste
Management was established for the management and disposal of waste generated
predominately by its owners ... Show more content on ...
Land operations
Weighbridge and boom gate Site office and lunch room
Two lined leachate storage dams for collection of leachate from landfill
Two unlined stormwater collection ponds
Bulldozer for spreading and compacting waste
Fire fighting pump and stormwater storage dam
Pump to transfer leachate through pipeline to Latrobe sewerage system plant
Leachate pipeline from site to Latrobe sewerage system
Compactor for compacting waste
Vehicles for moving personnel around site

Pollution discharges and Waste

This section briefly discusses the pollution discharges and wastes generated by the
Landfill, and their control measures, in relation to air, water, noise and soil. It also
covers general waste energy use, water use, measure to manage and minimise greenhouse
gas emissions.

1) Water quality
Leachate is a massive ongoing potential issue in landfill that could pollute both surface
water and the ground water (Environmental Protection Authority 2013). There are two
leachate storage dams, which are used for the collection of contaminated rainwater from
the landfill shown in figure 1 in order to prevent the environment of the ecosystem of
nearby waterways and make sure that the contaminated water does not leave the site. This
Landfill site is monitoring in a way that satisfies all the
Effects of Religious Rival in The Shopkeepers Millennium...
The Shopkeepers Millennium, by Paul E. Johnson explains the causes and effects of
the religious revival in Rochester, New York. Religious revivals took place all over
America but, the greatest took place in Rochester with the help of the evangelist,
Charles Finney. He convinced many that they could make a better society with the
help of God. Finney persuaded the people saying God has made man a moral free
agent (pg. 4), suggesting that man can choose to be good or evil; and If Christians
united and dedicated their lives to the task, they could convert the world and bring on
the millennium... (pgs. 3 4). If everyone worked together to do the moral good and
encourage others to do it there will be a better world. Based on Rochester s revival,
Johnson argues that religion was used by the middle classto enforce social control over
the working class and uses Durkheim s Sociologyto prove it. Indeed, middle class used
religion to regulate the working class because they wanted to re establish the authority
that was lost when they dissolved family work relationships and religion was a way to
get wage earners to be obedient.
Before 1820, the workers lived with their boss and the boss was responsible for his
workers and family. Since the boss was the patriarch, the workers listened and followed
his command. However, when the Erie Canal opened the improvement in transportation
extended the market converting farmers to businessmen. Bosses were now busy hiring
employees and
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Extraction
Chapter Five
Extraction is a process by which substances and active constituents are separated from
the original matrix, extraction process depends on many physical and chemical
characteristics. Extraction is divided into two types liquid phase extraction and solid
phase extraction depending on the physical phase of extraction agent(Rezaee et al.,
2006). In our study, we have adopted liquid phase extraction for several reasons. Firstly,
simple, inexpensive, relatively precise and wide range methods for separation,
identification, and quantification of drugs, poisons, and herbal medicine. Secondly, An
equilibrium distribution is established by the ratio between two phases will be influenced
by the choice of the extracting solvent, the pH value of the aqueous phase and the ratio of
the volumes of the organic to aqueous phases (Ahadi et al., 2011). ... Show more content
on ...
regia unripe fruit using two extraction methods (microwave and soxhlet methods). The
selection of solvents was based on the gradual increase in the polarity, ethyl acetate,
acetone, ethanol, methanol, and water. The highest efficient solvent for extraction was
water as the total yield weight of the extracts was 3.4 g in the fatted and defatted J.
regia using microwave and soxhlet methods. Whereas, the lowest efficient solvent for
extraction was ethyl acetate as the total yield weight of the extracts was only 0.74 g. The
increase in the polarity of the extraction solvent has conferred a significant increase in
yield amount as there were 4.6 fold increases in the amount of yield between the lowest
polarity solvent (ethyl acetate) and the highest polarity solvent (water) regardless to the

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