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Essay About Against Abortion

Composing an essay on the topic of "Against Abortion" is indeed a challenging endeavor, as it

involves navigating through a highly sensitive and controversial subject matter. The difficulty lies not
only in presenting a well-reasoned argument but also in addressing the emotional and ethical
dimensions associated with the topic. Crafting an essay that effectively conveys a stance against
abortion requires thorough research, a nuanced understanding of diverse perspectives, and the ability
to communicate ideas persuasively.

One of the complexities arises from the fact that abortion is a deeply personal and emotionally
charged issue, with individuals holding varying beliefs and values. Striking a balance between
presenting a compelling argument and maintaining empathy for those with opposing views is a
delicate task. Additionally, the essay must grapple with the legal and ethical aspects surrounding
abortion, delving into the rights of the woman versus the rights of the unborn.

To build a convincing case against abortion, the writer needs to synthesize information from
medical, ethical, religious, and legal perspectives. This demands a comprehensive exploration of
scientific data, philosophical arguments, and the examination of religious doctrines—all while
ensuring the essay remains coherent and focused.

Furthermore, addressing counterarguments and potential rebuttals is crucial to fortify the essay's
credibility. Anticipating and effectively responding to opposing viewpoints demonstrates a depth of
understanding and intellectual rigor. However, this adds another layer of complexity, as the writer
must carefully navigate through the nuances of different perspectives without dismissing them

In conclusion, writing an essay against abortion is a challenging task that requires a delicate balance
between presenting a well-informed argument and acknowledging the emotional complexities
surrounding the topic. It demands extensive research, empathy, and the ability to navigate through
the intricacies of the abortion debate. For those seeking assistance with such essays or other writing
tasks, various services are available, and similar essays can be explored on platforms like .
Essay About Against AbortionEssay About Against Abortion
Tegla Loroupe s Success
Paragraph #1
Could you imagine a tiny woman, 5 1 and 88 pounds, holding the women s world
record for 20000 meters, 25000 meters, 30000 meters, and 26.2 miles? Even though
this woman, Tegla Loroupe, does not still hold world record for the marathon, she will
always be remembered for her outstanding accomplishments. As a child, she had 24
siblings and her dad had 4 wives. Her talent was first noticed in school races, however
her dad banned her from running because it was not ladylike. This did not stop Tegla, and
she continued running. Initially, the Kenyan athletics federation were not too impressed
with her because she was considered too frail. However, after winning a prestigious cross
country race in 1988, this changed. She continued winning more and more races
including in 1994, she ran her first major marathon in New ... Show more content on ...
This made her the first African woman to win the New York Marathon. Between 19
April 1998 30 September 2001, Loroupe held the world record for the marathon. She
initially set a time of 2:20:47 in the 1998 Rotterdam marathon and broke it a year later
with a time of 2:20:43. In addition her amazing gift of running, Tegla has a heart for
others. She founded the 10km Peace Race, which included 2,000 warriors from six
different tribes. Loroupe said the motivation for the race was to use her fame to help
bring about greater harmony. Plus, The Tegla Loroupe Peace Academy Center in Eastern
Kenya is a school for orphans and children from poor families, who would otherwise not
have the resources to get an education. The more than 300 children attending the school
are encouraged to learn, but also to run and play sports. In conclusion, Tegla Loroupe has
had a major impact on the world through her running and
The Man Called Peter Brook
On March 21st, 1925, in London, England, a man named Peter Brook was born. He
was the, younger son of two Russian scientists who came to Britain in 1914 as refugees,
and set up a successful pharmaceuticals company, whose bestselling product was a
laxative called Brooklax . Peter s older brother became a psychiatrist , (Peter Brook
).Ever since Brook was a little kid, he had a huge interest in film making. He went to
school at Magdalen College of Oxford to read English and Modern Languages. Brook s
first job after graduation was as a writer/director with the Crown Film Unit. Although
theatredirecting was his second career choice, he was soon employed and early classical
productions at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre were followed by Shakespeare in
London and Stratford, (Peter Brook).
Mr. Brook is known for directing theatrical productions, but he didn t start off doing live
entertainment. His first completed project was a movie that he did as an undergraduate
student at Magdalen College Oxford. He made his first film on a budget of £250, using
redundant sets and some fledgling actors from among his friends and classmates an early
indication of his confidence and his ability to attract casts and funding,(Peter Brook).
According to the New York Times, Brook directed an amateur adaptation of Laurence
Sterne s eighteenth century novel A Sentimental Journey (1943). From that moment on,
little did he know that his career in the theatre world would take off.
Essay on Individual Development Plan
August 7, 2001 Individual Development Plan Each individual is just that: individual.
We all have our strengths and weakness. Life is about exploring and improving on
those. Growth never ends. It is expanding our minds and attitudes to make life happy
and peaceful. My development depends what I do to accomplish my life goals. My
carrier path will depend on how I can grow and develop in my field and management
capabilities. I like to think I have many strengths. After review of my character
/ personality test, I can see what they are. I am a task oriented leader, which drives me
to finish a project. I have a strong individual work ethic, which allows me to be
responsible and not rely on others. I am good at building and leading... Show more
content on ...
I have a low emotional stability. I also have a high amount of neediness, which can me
extremely unsatisfied. Tommy Wood s Independent Improvement Plan August 2001
Read Celebration of Discipline Practice a new discipline each month August 2002
Review Tools for Teams Apply one section from book each month January 2003 Read
Bridges Not Walls, a Book About Interpersonal Communication Try a technique from
the book each month January 2004 Read The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership
Follow Them And People Will Follow You Apply a law each month I believe reading
is the key to finding success, whether it s work or play. I found several resources to
improve on my weakness while enhancing my strengths. The four resources are
Celebration of Discipline, Tools for Teams: Building Effective Teams in the
Workplace, Bridges Not Walls: A book about Interpersonal Communication, and The
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Follow Them And People Will Follow You. It has
been said that it takes twenty eight days to develop a habit, I have decided to pace my
self a month for developing each new technique I have researched and determined that
these three resources can help find the growth I am looking for. Celebration of
Discipline by Richard F. Foster is a book about the path to spiritual growth. This book
will help me train myself to be emotionally stronger while reaffirming my ethics and

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