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Social Stigmatization, Self-Concept and Quality of Life

in Obese People
Huma Gul


A Dissertation Submitted to
Lahore School of Professional Studies
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of




Social Stigmatization, Self-Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People

Thesis Approval
Approved / Rejected / Sought Revision and Resubmission.

Defense Date: _____

___________________________ ___________________________
Miss. Shumaila Mukhtar Khan Dr.
Internal Supervisor External Examiner

___________________________ ___________________________
Muhammad Nasar Iqbal Dr. Muhammad Rafiq
Lecturer, Program Coordinator Head of Department


I, Huma Gul here by Stated that my MS thesis titled “Social Stigmatization, Self

Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People” is my own work and has not been

submitted previously by me for taking any degree from this University “The

University of Lahore” or anywhere else in the country/world.

At any time if my statement is found to be incorrect even after my graduate the

University has the right to withdraw my MS degree.


Huma Gul


I solemnly declare that research work presented in the thesis titled “Social
Stigmatization, Self concept and Quality of Life in Obese People” is solely my research
work with no significant contribution from any other person. Small contribution/help
wherever taken has been duly acknowledged and that the complete thesis has been
written by me.

I understand the zero-tolerance policy of the HEC and “The University of Lahore”
towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as an Author of the above titled thesis declare that the
thesis is complete with no material omitted. Further, no portion of my thesis has been
plagiarized and any material used as reference is properly referred/cited.

I undertake that if I am found guilty of any kind of plagiarism in the above titled thesis
even after award of degree, the University reserves the right to withdraw/revoke my MS
Clinical Psychology degree and that HEC/University has the right to publish my name
on the HEC/University Website on which names of students are placed who have
submitted plagiarized thesis.
Official Name of the Student: Huma Gul
Registration No: MSCP02203077 Date:

This is to certify that research-work presented in the above mentioned thesis has been
conducted under my supervision. I certify that the thesis is complete with no material
omitted. Further, no portion of the thesis has been plagiarized and any material used as
reference is properly referred/cited. I undertake that the plagiarism report is complete,
truthful and trustworthy.

Official Name of the Supervisor: _________________________________________

Employee No: Date:


This is to certify that research work presented in the thesis, entitled “Social

Stigmatization, Self Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People” was conducted

by Ms. Huma Gul under the supervision of Miss. Shumaila Mukhtar Khan.

No part of this thesis has been submitted anywhere else for any other

degree. This thesis is submitted to the Lahore School of Professional Studies in

partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, Lahore School of Professional

Studies, and The University of Lahore.


Ms. Shumaila Mukhtar Khan

Lecturer, LSPS-UOL

Up to above everything else, I offer my humblest thanks to

almighty Allah, and His Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad

(SAWW) who gave me the strength to complete this research

thesis. I heartily thank my worthy supervisor, Ms. Shumaila

Mukhtar Khan for her constant support, keen interest, wise

guidance and vital patience throughout this thesis.

I would like to pay my gratitude to my beloved parents for

their constant support and encouragement. I also offer my thanks

to all participants, without their cooperation it was hard to collect

data and complete this research.


Dedicated to
My beloved family, it would be impossible without their love and

constant support.

Table of Contents

List of Contents Page No.

 Title page I

 Thesis Approval II

 Declaration III

 Certificate of Anti-Plagiarism IV

 Certificate of Approval V

 Acknowledgment VI

 Dedication VII

 Table of content VIII

 List of tables IX

 List of Appendices X

 List of Abbreviations and Symbols XI

 Abstract XII

Chapter I 1

Introduction 1

1.1 Obesity 1

1.2 Social Stigmatization 4

1.3 Self Concept 6

1.4 Quality of Life 12

1.5 Aims of the study 17

1.6 Objectives 17

Chapter II 19

Literature Review 19

2.1 International Researches 19

2.2 Indigenous Researches 39

2.3 Rationale 40

2.4 Research Question 41

2.5 Hypothesis 41

Chapter III 43

Method 43

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Research Setting

3.3 Sampling Strategy 43

3.4 Participants 43

3.5 Assessment Measures 44

3.6 Ethical Considerations 45

3.7 Procedure 45

3.8 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 46

Chapter IV 47

Results 47

4.1 Description of the Sample 48

4.2 Section II: Testing the Hypotheses 54

Chapter V 79

Discussion 79

5.1 Conclusion 84

5.2 Implications 85

5.3 Limitations of the Study 86


References 67

List of Tables

Table No Title Pg. No

Frequency of the Demographic Characteristics of the

1 48
Participants (N = 117)

Mean and Standard Deviation of the Demographics of the Study

2 53
(N= 117)

Pearson Correlation, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

3 Stigmatization, Positive Self-Concept and Quality of Life in Obese 54

People (N = 117)

Multiple Coefficient of Social Stigmatization and Self Concept on

4 55
Quality of Life among Obese People (N=117)

Regression Analysis for Mediation of Self Concept between Social

5 56
Stigmatization and Quality of Life in Obese People (N=117)

Independent Sample t-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

6 Stigmatization, Self-Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People 57


Independent Sample t-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

7 Stigmatization, Self-Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People 58


Independent Sample T-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

8 Stigmatization, Self-Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People 59


9 Independent Sample T-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social 60


Stigmatization, Self-Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People

(N=117) (Openness & Neuroticism), Emotional Intelligence and

Mental Health Issues for Salesgirls (N=150)

Independent Sample T-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

10 Stigmatization, Self Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People 62


Independent Sample T-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

11 Stigmatization, Self Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People 64


Independent Sample T-test, Mean and Standard Deviation of Social

12 Stigmatization, Self Concept and Quality of Life in Obese People 65


One Way ANOVA Analysis of Social Stigmatization, Self Concept

13 and Quality of Life in Obese People on the Basis of Age Categories 67

(19-23, 24-32 and 33-50)

One Way ANOVA Analysis of Social Stigmatization, Self Concept

14 and Quality of Life in Obese People on the Basis of Education 69

(FSc, Graduation and Post-Graduation)

One Way ANOVA Analysis of Social Stigmatization, Self Concept

15 and Quality of Life in Obese People on the Basis of Marital Status 71

(Married, Unmarried and Divorced)

One Way ANOVA Analysis of Social Stigmatization, Self Concept

16 and Quality of Life in Obese People on the Basis of Fast Foods 73

Consumption (Daily, Once a Week, Twice a Week, Once a Month


and Twice a Month)

One Way ANOVA Analysis of Social Stigmatization, Self Concept

17 and Quality of Life in Obese People on the Basis of Body Mass 75

Index (25-29, 30-34, 35-39 and 40-44)


List of Appendices

Appendix- A Permission by Author of Scale

Appendix- B Demographic Sheet

Appendix-C Questionnaires

• Social Stigmatization Scale

• Self Concept Questionnaire

• WHO QoL Scale - Brief

Appendix- D Plagiarism Report


List of Abbreviations

SSS Social Stigmatization Scale

SCQ Self Concept Scale

LL Lower limit

UU Upper limit

CL Confidence interval

N Sample size

α Reliability coefficient

d Cohen’s measure of sample effect size

f Frequency

% Percentage

R2 R Square

F F- ratio

∆R2 R Square change



Socially stigmatization of obese people is highly widespread and sometimes even

justifiable act because they are considered to be responsible for their obesity. This social

stigma puts a person at risk for having a weakened self concept and a lower quality of life

generally. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine the connection

between societal stigmatization, self-concept, and quality of life in obese people. Thus, a

research study was undertaken among obese people aged 19 to 50 for this purpose. Cross-

sectional correlational study design was employed, and a non-probability convenient

sampling method was used to collect the data. One-way ANOVA, t-test, and mediation

analysis were used to examine the data using the statistical programme SPSS version

(21). Hence, the results of the study show positive correlation between self concept and

quality of life while social stigmatization has strong negative correlation with self

concept and quality of life. Self concept predicts variance in the quality of life in obese

people. The research will contribute to identify and enhance the mental and social

condition of obese people through practical steps toward improving a person’s self


Keywords: social stigma, positive self concept, quality of life, obesity

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