Extracto Norma ASTM A792

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• A792/A792M - 1 0

TABLE 2 Chemical RequirementsA

Com sitian, %-Heat Anal is Element, Maximum, Unless Otherwise Shown

Desi nation C Mn p s AJ Cu Ni Cr Mo V Cb 1i N B

es TypeA · · E 0.10 0.60 0.030 0.035 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

es Type Bº· F 0.02 to 0.15 0.60 0.030 0.035 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

es Type eª º· E o.oa 0.60 0.10 0.035 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

FSC · G .02 to 0.10 o.so 0.020 0.030 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

os= • e o.oo 0.50 0.020 0.025 0.01, min 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

HTSº .02 to 0.15 0.60 0.040. min 0.035 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

AWhere an ellipsis (. . . ) oppears in the table, there is no requirement, but tne analysis result shall be reportad.
For steels containing more than 0.02 % carbon, titanium is permitted at the producer's option, to the lesser of 3.4N + 1.5S or 0.025 %, for the purpose of slabilization.

CWhen a deoxidized steel is required for the application, the purchaser has the option to arder CS, FS, and HTS to a mínimum o! 0.01 % total aluminum.

"Steet is permitted to be fumished as a vacuum degassed or chemically slabilized steet or both, at producer's option.

Efor car bon levels less !han or equal to 0.02 %, vanadium, columbium, or titanium, or combinations thereof are permitted to be used as stabilizing elements at producer's

option. In such cases, the app!icable limil lar vanadium and columbium shall be O. 1 O % max. and the timit far lrtanium shall be O. 15 % max.

FFor CS, specify Type B to avoid carbon levels below 0.02 %.

�hall not be fumished as a slabilized steel.

TABLE 3 Chemical Requirements

Composition, %-Heal Analysis Element, maximum, Unless Otherwise Shown

p s 1jA
Designation c Mn Cu Ni Cr Mo V ce Nº

Structurat Sleel:

Grade 33 [230] 0.20 1.35 0.04 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

Grade 37 [255] 0.20 1.35 0.10 0.040 0.25 0.20 0. 15 0.08 0.008 0.008 0.025

Grade 40 [275] 0.25 1.35 0.10 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

Grade 50 Class 1 , Class 2, 0.25 1.35 0.20 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

and Class 4 1340 Class 1 ,

Class 2, and Class 4]

Grade 60 (410] 0.25 1.35 020 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

Grade 70 [480] 0.25 1.35 0.20 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025

Grade 80 (550] etass 1 0.20 1.35 0.04 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.015 0.025

Grade 80 (550] crass 2° 0.10 1.35 o.os 0.020 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.15

Grade 80 [550] Class 3 0.20 1.35 0.04 0.040 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.015 0.025

..tiitanium is permitted al the producer's option, to the lesser of 3.4N + 1.5S or 0.025 %, far !he purpose al stabilization.

9vVhere an emosls (. . . ) appears in !he table, mere is no reouirement, bu! !he analysis shall be reportad.

csteels containing less than or equal to 0.02 o/o carbon shall be fumished as a stabilized steel.

possible to make an informed decision on the steel to be 8 . 1. 1 Coating weight [mass] shall conform to the require­

specified. Valucs outside these ranges are to be expected. ments as shown in Table 1 for the specific coating designation.

8.1.2 Use the following relationships to estimate the coating

7.3 AII tests for mechanical properties shall be conducted in
thickness from the coating weight [mass]:
accordance with the methods described in Specification A924/
A924M. 8 . 1. 2 .1 1.00 oz /ft coating weight = 3.20 mils coating

thickness, and
7.4 Bending Properties: 3.75 g/rn:' coating mass = 1.00 µm coating thickness
7.4.1 Minimum Inside Radii for Co/d Bending-Structural

Steel sheet is commonly fabricated by cold bending. There are 8.1.3 Use the following relationship to convert coating

many interrelated factors that affect the ability of a stcel to cold weight to coating mass:
2 2
fonn over a given radius under shop conditions. These factors 8. 1. 3 . 1 1.00 oz/ft coating weight = 305 g/m coating rnass

include thickness, strength level, degree of restraint, relation­

8.2 Coating Weight fMass I Tests:
ship to rolling direction, chernistry, and base metal microstruc­
8.2.1 Coating weight [rnass] tests shall be performed in
ture. Table X2. I lists the suggested mínimum inside radii for
accordance with the requirements stated in Specification A924/
90º cold bending for Structural Steels. They presuppose "hard
way" bending (bend axis parallel to the rolling direction) and

reasonably good shop forming practices. Where possible, the 8.2.2 The referee method to be used shall be the dilute

use of larger radii or "easy way" bends are recommended for hydrochloric acid method, in Test Method A90/A90M.

improved performance.
8.3 Coating Bend Test-The coating bend test specimens for
7.4.2 Fabricators should be aware that cracks may initiate
ali designations other than Structural Stccl shall be capable of
upon bending a sheared or cold-worked edge. This is not
being bent through 180º flat on itself in any direction without
considered to be a fault of the steel but is rather a function of
ñaking on the outside of the bcnd only. For Structural Steel, the
the induced localized cold-work zone.
coaling bend test inside diameter shall have a relalion to the

thickness of the specimen as shown in Table 6. Flaking of the

8. Coating Properties
coating within 0.25 in. [6 mm] of the edge of the bend

8. 1 Coating Weight [Mass]� specimen shall not be cause for rejection.

• A792/A792M-10

TABLE 4 Mechanical Property Requirements, Structural Steel TABLE 5 Typical Ranges of Mechanical Properties
Base Metal (Longitudinal} (Nonmandatory)'4,

Longitudinal Direction
lnch-Pound Units

Yield Yield Strength Elongation

Designation n
Tensile Strength,A Eloogation 'm
2 in. {SO
Grade Strength, 0
min, ksi Valuec Value
in 2 in., min, % ks¡ MPa
min, ksi mmJ%

33 33 45 20

37 37 52 18
es TypeA 30/60 1205/4101 a,,20 • •
40 40 55 16 es Type e 351
80 (245/410} a,,20
es Type e 30/65 [205/450] a,,15
50 C1ass 1 50 65 12
FS 25140 1170/275] a,,24 1.0/1.4 0.16/0.20
50 Class 2 50 12

so Class 4 50 60 12 os 20/35 1140/2401 ;,30 1.3/1.7 0.1810.22

70 10• HTS 30/65 1205/4501 2: 1 5
60 60

70 70 80 9B
A The typical mechanical property values presented in this table are nonman­
80 Class ,e soº 82
datory. lhey are intended solely to provide the purchaser with as much inlormation
80 Class 2c.E 80º 82
as possible to make an informed decision on the steel to be specilied. Values
80 Class 3 soº 82' 3
outside of these ranges are to be expected. The purchaser may negotiate with lhe
SI Unlts
supplier il a specific or restricted range is required lar the applicalion.

Yield Elongation 8
These typical mechanical propertics apply to the full range ar steel sheet
Tensile Strength,
Grade Strength, m50mm, min,
thicknesses. The yield strength tends to increase and sorne of the formability
min, MPa
min, MPa % vaiuee tend lo decrease as the sheet thickness decreases.

230 230 310 20 e r,.. Value-Average plastic strain ratio as described in Test Method E517.

255 255 360 18 0

n Value-Strain hardening exponen! as described in Test Methcx:I E646.
275 275 380 16
E No typical properties have been established.

340 Class 1 340 450 12

340 Class 2 340 12

340 Class 4 340 410 12

410 410 480 10• TABLE 6 Coating Bend Test Requirements-Structural Steel

480 480 550 9B

Ratio ol the lnside Bend Oiameter lo
550 Class 1 c 550° 570
Grade Thick.ness of the Specrnen
550 Class 2C.E 550° 570
(Any Oírection)
550 Class 3 550° 57QF 3
33 1230] 1'
A Where an ellipses (. . . ) appears in the table. there is no requirement.
371255] 2
8For sheet ttnckness al 0.028 in. [0.71 mm] cr thinner. the elongation require­
40 12751 2½
ment is reduced two percentage poinls tor SS Grades 60 [410] and 70 [480]. A
50 Class 1, Class 2, and
e Far sheet ttucknesses of 0.028 in. and thinner, no tension test is requrred if the
Class 4
hardness result is Rockwell 885 or higher. A
As there is no discontinuous yield curve, the yield strength should be taken as A
the stress al 0.5 % elongation under loador 0.2 % offset.
(340 Class 1 , Class 2, and Class 41
ESS Grade 60 !550} Class 2 may exh1bit different lorming characteristics than A
80 Class 1 , Class 2, and
Class 1, due to a difference in chemistry.
Class 3
"The purchaser should consult wilh !he producer when ordenng SS Grade 80
(550 Class 1, Class 2, and
1550] Class 3 material in sheet thlcknesses 0.028 in. (0.71 mm] or thinner
Class 3)
regarding elongation and tension test requirements.

A Grades not subject to bend test requiremenls.

9. Retests and Disposition of Non-Conforming Material

9.1 Rercsts. conducted in accordance with thc requirements 10. Dimensions and Permissible Variations

of the section on Retests and Disposition of Non-Confonning 10.l Ali dimensions and permissible variations shall com­
Material of Specification A924/A924M, are perrnitted when an ply with the requirements of Specification A924/A924M.
unsatisfactory test result is suspected to be the conscquence of

the test method procedure. 11. Keywords

9.2 Disposition of non-conforming material shall be subject 11.1 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy coating; coatings, metallic;

to the requirements of 9.2 of Specification A924/A924M. steel sheet. metallic coated

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