Pre-DecideBCBL 1 PreachingOutline

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Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am
doing a new thing! Isa 43:18-19a (A question)
What do u think diff between those who are fulfilled in life?
Great relationship—Financially—Meaningful ministry—Love life!

Rest world—Struggle relationship—Financially—Feel empty.


Not  Intelligence—Talent—Appearance!
Seen smart people—Miserable. Talented people—Broke.
Attractive people—Can’t hold a relationship. (Dated)

What’s the difference  It all boils down to… DECISIONS! (Show)

 The quality of your decisions determines the quality of

your life.


The problem is—We’re not great decision makers!

Eat more should—Buy things can’t afford—Say things regret

Do things don’t want do—Hurt people love most!

Not decision makers—(Climbing church!) (Typewriter) (Payphone)

Why Do We Struggle to Make Good Decisions?

1. We’re overwhelmed with choices.

35,000 decisions a day!

Nonstop—All day long—Wear—Eat—Say—Show binge—SM.

Too many decisions—Cognitive scientist—Decision Fatigue

As volume of decisions increase—Quality of decisions decrease.

Hard decisions all day—Come home and binge eat.

Wise financial choices two weeks—Make stupid impulse buy.
2. We’re afraid of making a wrong choice. (Missing God’s will)

Perfect school—Job—House—Marriage!
Since we aren’t sure—Don’t make any decision!

Indecision is a decision!
Indecision is the enemy of progress.
3. We let emotions overrule logic.

Interesting—Some decisions—Way too much time analyzing.

Series watch

Overanalyze doesn’t matter—Buying Trailer—(Trailer fine)

Overanalyze what doesn’t matter!
Comes to important decisions—React in moment.

 Kid upsets you—Logic says be patient—Emotion says yell!

 Unexpected temptation—Logic not wise—Emotion deserve!

So often the emotional decisions that hurt us most!

 Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary


The quality of our decisions determines quality of our lives.

One of the best ways to live forward-looking, people-loving
God-glorifying life—Decide before what you will do later.

The Power of Pre-Deciding! (Show)


As followers of X—Ask God to help us Pre-Decide!

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your
plans. Prov 16:3

With God’s help, we will—Determine our course of action

before the moment of decision.

When faced with __________ (this situation)

I have pre-decided to ___________ (take this action).
 When I’m tempted make impulse purchase—Wait 3 days.
 Worried—Pre-decide take burden to God—Unhealthy coping.
 Cuts off traffic—Pray go to heaven—Tell go hell.


Pre-Decide—See examples of this in Bible!

 Gen 22—God told Abe offer son Isaac sacrifice—Trust God.

 Ruth 1—Ruth PD—No matter what—Where you go—I go!
 Dan 1—Dan & friends—Taken to foreign land brainwashed.
But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and
wine… Daniel 1:8

Knew what he valued… So, he pre-decided!

 What do you value?

Integrity? Faithfulness? Purity? Generosity?

 When your values are clear, your decisions are easier.


Based on what you value—Decide now what you will do later.

When faced with __________ (this situation) (lower third)

I have pre-decided to ___________ (take this action).
Play out?


Don’t realize—Our decisions are rarely isolated!

Decisions determine direction—Direction determines destiny.

If your life is moving in the direction of your decisions,

do you like the direction your decisions are taking you?

Time take your life back—Pre-Decide to do something different.


Real talk—Myself and others… (Keys)

Short-sighted—Quit things get tough.


 I am ready.
 I am consistent.
 I am devoted.
 I am generous.
 I am faithful.
 I am a finisher.


Depressed—More vulnerable…

Decisions won’t be based on emotions in the moment

But on the values God placed on your heart!

Values are clear—Decisions are easy.

Good news…
We’re not saved by the quality of our decisions.
We’re saved by the grace of God.

Jesus, Pre-Decided—Not my will.


Commit everything to the Lord—He establishes plans.

With God’s help, we will PD—Determine our course of action

before the moment of decision.

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