Paid To Write Essays

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Paid To Write Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Paid To Write Essays" presents a unique set of challenges.
Primarily, it delves into a morally ambiguous territory, requiring a delicate balance between impartial
analysis and ethical considerations. On one hand, exploring the phenomenon of individuals being
compensated for academic writing demands a thorough examination of the motivations behind such
practices, including financial incentives and academic pressures. Yet, on the other hand, it
necessitates a critical evaluation of the consequences, both ethical and educational, of this growing

Furthermore, navigating through the various perspectives surrounding this topic proves intricate. One
must contend with arguments advocating for the freedom of choice and economic empowerment for
writers, juxtaposed against concerns regarding academic integrity, plagiarism, and the devaluation of
education. Additionally, the essay must delve into the broader societal implications, including the
erosion of trust in educational systems and the perpetuation of inequality in academia.

Moreover, the task is compounded by the need for extensive research to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of the issue. This involves analyzing scholarly articles,
industry reports, legal frameworks, and real-life case studies to construct a well-informed argument.
Synthesizing these diverse sources while maintaining coherence and relevance poses a significant

Lastly, there's the inherent difficulty in remaining objective and unbiased when tackling such a
contentious subject. Striking a balance between presenting differing viewpoints without endorsing or
condemning them requires careful attention to language and tone.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Paid To Write Essays" demands meticulous
research, critical thinking, and ethical reflection. It entails navigating through moral ambiguities,
diverse perspectives, and complex societal implications. Despite its challenges, addressing this topic
provides an opportunity to engage in meaningful discourse about the intersection of education,
economics, and ethics.

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Paid To Write EssaysPaid To Write Essays
The Fall Of The City Of Jerusalem
Triston Janise

2 8 15

Coach Wade

World history The fall of Jerusalem.

There are many reasons for the fall of the city of Jerusalem. Some of those reasons
being that the defenders of the city were completely out numbered by Saladin s army,
the weakness of the city s walls, a long siege by Saladin s army, and the collapse of the
Kingdom of Jerusalem itself. When Saladin s army approached the city of Jerusalem the
defenders of the city was starchily out numbered. The cause of this was the fact that in a
previous battle now known as the battle of Hattin the Jerusalem force of 16200 men
were completely decimated by Saladin s force of 42000 men. The reason for this
great defeat at the hands of Saladin s army was poor leadership. The new king of
Jerusalem Guy was bent on attacking Saladin s army as soon as possible. This caused
the new king to leave the city of Jerusalem with most of its defenders. After he left the
city is where he made his biggest military blunder. He made camp with his army at the
first watering hole outside of Jerusalem. Guy and his army however did not stay long.
They soon moved out in search of Saladin s army this was his fatal mistake. Instead of
staying at his original camp where he and his army had a good supply of water he
made a brash decision and decided to march his army in the pursuit of Saladin s army.
His original camp was the only source of water for many miles. With this decision to
march without a good supply of water he made his army very
Prion Disease
Despite some speculation of scientific findings in regards to prion conversion, research
continues. The prion disease, unlike other infectious diseases such as viruses or bacteria,
cannot be diagnosed using PCR, cell culture assays, or serology attributable to lack of
nucleic acids, which are not recognized by normal host immune responses. Also, owing
to uneven distribution throughout the body, finding a tool that can be used on the central
nervous system may be easier said than done (25). The diagnostic testing techniques vary
according to the type of priondisease; progress in the detection of CJD has been realized
through detection of cerebrospinal fluid and proteins, EEG, and other neuroimaging
strategies. Positive results using histopathology... Show more content on
In PrP found throughout the body, digestion and recycling does occur regularly with the
aid of the alpha helices. The protein s formation is problematic because it allows for
PrPSc resistance to proteases and amyloidogenicity including proteinase K (PK)
digestion. Yet, using immunoblotting the detection of proteinase K (PK) resistant PrPSc
in infected brains are seen as distinct bands spanning 27 30 kDa (PrP 27 30).
Interestingly enough, the portion that remains insoluble and undigested is part of the C
terminal portion of PrPSc or PrPres, which is cleaved around amino acid 90. Therefore,
trying to find ways around this insoluble portion or trying to determine other techniques
that may help break the molecule down, or preventing conversion is key to treatment
Pros And Cons Of Mercantilism Criticism
Mercantilism Criticisms
Adam Smith and David Hume were the founding fathers of anti mercantilist thought. A
number of scholars found important flaws with mercantilism long before Adam Smith
developed an ideology that could fully replace it. Critics like Hume, Dudley North, and
John Locke undermined much of mercantilism, and it steadily lost favor during the 18th
In 1690, John Locke argued that prices vary in proportion to the quantity of money.
Locke s Second Treatise also points towards the heart of the anti mercantilist critique:
that the wealth of the world is not fixed, but is created by human labor (represented
embryonically by Locke s labor theory of value). Mercantilists failed to understand the
notions of absolute advantage and comparative advantage (although this idea was only
fully fleshed out in 1817 by David Ricardo) and the benefits of trade.
For instance, suppose Portugal was a more efficient producer of wine than England, yet
in England cloth could be produced more efficiently than it could in Portugal. Thus if
Portugal specialized in wine and England in cloth, both states would end up better off if
they traded. This is an example of the reciprocal benefits of trade due to a comparative
advantage. In modern economic theory, trade is not a zero sum game of cutthroat
competition because both sides can benefit.
Hume famously noted the impossibility of the mercantilists goal of a constant positive
balance of trade. As bullion flowed into one

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