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October 2016 PC 120/INF/1

Hundred and Twentieth Session

Rome, 7 - 11 November 2016


(German Room C269)

Monday, 09.30 hrs Joint Meeting of the 120th session of the Programme Committee
7 November and 164th session of the Finance Committee (King Faisal
Room D223)
Item 1
Adoption of the Provisional Agenda (doc. JM 2016.2/1)
Item 3
Enhanced Technical Capacity and Consolidation of Programme
Management Arrangements in 2016-17 (doc. JM 2016.2/2)
14.30 hrs Item 2
Rome-based Agencies collaboration (doc. CL 155/12)
Item 4
Roadmap for the independent assessment of technical capacity of
the Organization (doc. JM 2016.2/3)
Item 5
Progress report on FAO Strategy for partnerships with the private
sector (doc. JM 2016.2/4)
Item 6
Progress report on FAO Strategy for partnerships with civil society
organizations (doc. JM 2016.2/5)
Item 7
Procedure for the selection and appointment of secretaries of
Article XIV bodies and other entities hosted in FAO
(doc. JM 2016.2/6)
Item 8
Any other business

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PC 120/INF/1 2

Tuesday, 9.30 hrs 120th session of the Programme Committee (German Room C269)
8 November
Item 1
Adoption of the Provisional Agenda and Timetable
(docs. PC 120/1; PC 120/INF/1)
Item 2
Reviewed Strategic Framework and outline of Medium Term Plan 2018-21
(doc. CL 155/3)
14.30 hrs Item 2
Reviewed Strategic Framework and outline of Medium Term Plan 2018-21
(doc. CL 155/3)(cont’d)
Item 6
Follow-up report on the evaluation of FAO’s contribution in crisis-related
transition – Linking relief to development (cf. PC 116/6) (doc. PC 120/6)
Item 7
Follow-up report on the Joint FAO/WFP Evaluation of the Food Security
Cluster Coordination (cf. PC116/8) (doc. PC 120/7)

Wednesday, 9.30 hrs Item 9

9 November Roadmap for the independent assessment of technical capacity of the
Organization (doc. JM 2016.2/3)
Item 3
Strategy for FAO’s work on climate change (doc. PC 120/2)
14.30 hrs Item 4
Evaluation of FAO’s Contribution to Strategic Objective 5 – Increase the
resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises (doc. PC 120/4)

Thursday, 9.30 hrs Item 5

10 November Evaluation of FAO’s evaluation function (doc. PC 120/5)
14.30 hrs Item 8
Indicative rolling work plan of evaluations 2017-2019 (doc. PC 120/8)
Item 10
Date and Place of the Hundred and Twenty-first session
Item 11
Any Other business

Friday, 9.30 hrs Joint Meeting of the 120th session of the Programme Committee and
11 November 164th session of the Finance Committee (German Room C269)
Adoption of the Report of the Joint Meeting
15.00 hrs 120th session of the Programme Committee
(German Room C269)
Adoption of the Report of the Programme Committee

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