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Self Reliance Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of self-reliance presents a unique set of challenges that demand a
profound understanding of the subject and a thoughtful exploration of personal philosophies. The
complexity lies in the delicate balance between introspection and broader philosophical concepts. To
successfully delve into the topic, one must navigate through the intricate web of individualism,
independence, and the societal implications of self-reliance.

One of the inherent difficulties lies in avoiding clichés and platitudes that often accompany
discussions on self-reliance. It's a topic that has been explored by numerous thinkers throughout
history, making it imperative for the essay to offer fresh perspectives and insights. Striking a balance
between drawing from classic philosophical principles and infusing the essay with original thoughts is
a daunting task.

Furthermore, the essay requires a deep dive into the nuances of self-reliance, touching upon its
psychological, social, and cultural dimensions. This demands extensive research and a comprehensive
understanding of how self-reliance manifests in different contexts. The challenge is not just to
discuss the concept on a theoretical level but to connect it to real-life experiences, making it relatable
to a diverse audience.

Maintaining coherence and clarity in presenting personal viewpoints is another hurdle. The essay
should be a cohesive narrative that seamlessly weaves together personal reflections with broader
philosophical ideas. Straying into tangential discussions or losing the thread of the main argument
can dilute the impact of the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on self-reliance requires a delicate balance between personal insight
and academic rigor. It demands a thorough understanding of the topic, an ability to articulate
thoughts coherently, and a commitment to providing a fresh perspective on a well-explored concept.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or in need of assistance, it's worth considering external help.
Platforms like offer the opportunity to order essays on various topics, providing a
valuable resource for those seeking guidance or support in their academic endeavors.
Self Reliance Essay Self Reliance Essay
The Culture At Youth Village, Inc.
In today s competitive world, an organization s culture can be the greatest competitive
advantage. Southwest prides their investment in their employees and their family type
culture to be their advantage. Zappos success is credited to their approach in hiring talent
(Kreitner Kinicki, 2013). When it comes to hiring and retaining talent, culturematters. In
his work and research at Glassdoor, Andrew Chamberlain, Ph.D. (2017), found that
employees were less likely to leave companies with a higher rated culture. When it comes
to an organization s ability to grow their customer base and increase their bottom line,
culture matters. Netflix credits their culture in their ability to excel in their market (
Netflix Culture: Freedom and... Show more content on ...
(Kreitner Kinicki, 2013)

Like Youth Villages, Netflix shares a mix of characteristics from each of the four
cultures of the competing values framework. Netflix was started in 1997 by Reed
Hastings and Marc Randolph with the idea of providing online movie rentals. By 1998,
Netflix provided unlimited DVD Rentals through a monthly subscription. Today, Netflix
provides online streaming services through multiple game consoles, televisions, and
computer devices. They now have 93 million customers world wide. The common theme
in the seven aspects of Netflix s culture is that of an Adhocracy Culture. ( About Netflix,

Adhocracy cultures, as defined by Kreitner and Kinicki, foster the creation of innovative
products and services by being adaptable, creative, and fast to respond to changes in the
marketplace (2013, p. 70). Netflix maintains two values that identify their adhocracy
culture and could help improve the organizational culture at Youth Villages. Before
discussing their values, Netflix points out that anyone can establish espoused values and
put them up in their lobby. They reference the espoused values of Enron versus the
actions and behaviors that ultimately brought their demise as an example. Netflix states
that their values are in fact enacted values, the values and norms that are exhibited by
employees (Kinicki Kreitner, 2013, p. 65).

One of Netflix s values that reflect an Adhocracy culture, is their value of High
Polar Bear Arguments
The Ursus Maritimus, otherwise known as the polar bear, has walked this planet with
their massive webbed paws for hundreds of years. They have sustained many different
difficulties in life but the most recent issue, global warming, is one that these animals
just might not overcome on their own. The polar bears population is rapidly dwindling
and scientists discuss why exactly we should save these giant white sea bears. There
are two different sides to this argument. One side is referred to as the Naturalists. These
people believe we need to let nature take its course. They believe we should not
interfere, and instead let the animals and the ecosystem work on its own. On the other
hand, the Anti Naturalists believe we must step in and help preserve the polar bear
population. They believe that we cannot let the Ursus Maritimus die out for a various
array of reasons.
The first reason for saving the polar bears given by the Anti Naturalists is the effect on
the food chain. In the artic, the polar bear is one of the few creatures at the very top, it
is a keystone species. Polar bear s diets consist mainly of one specific marine mammal,
the seal. Without the polar bear the entire population of the seal would rise significantly.
With no predators to lower the population there would be a skyrocket amount of growth
and a very small amount of death. This means that the diet of the seal, which mainly
consists of small fish and plankton, would also be affected negatively. A large
Negative Effects Of Beauty Pageants
Beauty pageants have been around for years and has become more accepted in society
but that does not mean that they are a good thing. The pageants can cause numerous
negative effects both emotionally and physically on the young children taking part in
them. Parents spend thousands of dollars a on pageants a year. From traveling to
clothes, spray tans, face teeth, hair and makeup. Using children as miniature beauty
queens in not normal and if society is going to continue to accept this practice, then
the rules need to change. Children s are not judged on their natural beauty but on
cosmetic beauty and flashy outfits. Young children are being over sexualized and
being made to look older and less like a five or six year old.They do not have time to
just be a child and do thing that other children do. They are always preparing for their
next pageant. Americas first beauty pageant was held for adult women in 1854 but
failed due to public protest that the contest was immoral. Child beauty pageants
became popular around 1885. The first child pageant was called National Baby Show
it attracted 143 child contestant and 61,999 viewers. In 1893 a pageant held at Asbury
Park drew 30,000 specters. Better baby contests caught in in the beginning of the 20th
century. The contest was usually held at state and country fairs. These contests sought
to measure the health of the babies and was primarily an effort to educate parents on
new ways to raise and protect their children. It was not just about spreading health
information the parents of the babies that won the competitions received a cash prize.
The Peterson Shea !2 babies entered into the better baby contest were stripped naked
then judged by physicians according to a meticulous point system like that used in
cattle judging. The better baby contests come to an end in the 1950s, as well as baby
parades. This time periods fear of spreading polio made large groups of children
congregated in public taboo. Through the summer of 1961 to 1971 little miss America
pageants became popular. The wide spread of little miss America pageants did not go
unnoticed by people who liked money across that nation and regional child beauty
pageants began to spring up. Unlike the little miss
Theme Of Self-Determination In Through The Tunnel
Throughout the story Through the Tunnel, the most important theme that recurs is self
determination. The boy in the story, Jerry, has demonstrated this self determination by
pushing himself through tough situations. One of these situations was when Jerry saw
the French boys playing in the ocean. In the text, it said, To be with them, of them, was a
craving that filled his whole body. (244) This quote proves his determination because
later on in the story, he then swam toward them. Eventually, they started playing, and the
boys yelled cheerful greetings at him. That s when Jerry knew that he was welcomed in.
Without his determination in this scene, Jerry wouldn t have been able to play with the
boys. Jerry demonstrates self determination in

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