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Japanese Water Therapy’s main objective is to clean your stomach and boost your
digestive system. Being scientifically proven in several countries and backed by
Japanese traditional medicine, this therapy suggests us to drink a certain amount
of water on an empty stomach, every morning and during the day at a specific time
before/after meals. It is recommended to drink water right after you wake up early
in the morning which is considered to be ‘the golden hours’ of your day. Yes, it
really is as simple as that! The therapy works in a way to promote weight loss by
smoothening your digestive system. This habit, once inculcated, can not only help
you get rid of your prevailing ailments but will make you enjoy it’s several,
wonderful benefits, as well

How Is The Japanese Water Therapy Followed?

To do the Japanese Water Therapy, you must follow the following steps:

Step 1 – As soon as you wake up, drink four glasses of lukewarm or room temperature
water (160 ml each). You can squeeze a lemon to flavour it. Remember, you must
drink on an empty stomach.
Step 2 – Brush your teeth, thereafter, but don’t eat or drink anything for 45
Step 3 – Once the time has passed, you can eat and drink as per your normal
Step 4 – Drink water at least thirty minutes before eating anything, but not during
the two hours following your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Japanese Water Therapy Benefits

This therapy has been known for fighting many, harmful diseases and healing us in
innumerable ways. Some of the Japanese water therapy benefits are as follows:

Beneficial For Health

Beneficial For Hair
Beneficial For Skin

Beneficial For Health

1. Eliminates Toxins From The Body – As you drink more water, it naturally urges
movement in your bowels. At night, your body repairs itself and casts out all the
toxins in your body. When you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, you
will flush out these harmful toxins, leaving your body fresh and healthy.

2. Reinforces Weight Loss – Japanese Water Therapy’s main objective is to clean

your stomach and boost your digestive system. Being scientifically proven in
several countries and backed by Japanese traditional medicine, this therapy
suggests us to drink a certain amount of water on an empty stomach, every morning
and during the day at a specific time before/after meals. It is recommended to
drink water right after you wake up early in the morning which is considered to be
‘the golden hours’ of your day. Yes, it really is as simple as that! The therapy
works in a way to promote weight loss by smoothening your digestive system. This
habit, once inculcated, can not only help you get rid of your prevailing ailments
but will make you enjoy it’s several, wonderful benefits, as well.

3. Increases Metabolism – Drinking water on an empty stomach can increase your

metabolic rate by 24%. An increased metabolic rate leads to an improved digestive
system. Hence, this proves most beneficial for those who are on a strict diet as
they are likely to follow their diet routine more easily once they are able to
digest their food faster.
4. Fights Kidney Stones And Bladder Infections – It is a fact that drinking water
on an empty stomach dilutes the acids which leads to stones in the kidney. Hence,
the more water you drink (to a healthy limit), the more you will be protected from
all kinds of bladder infections caused by toxins.

5. Strengthens Immune System – A strong immune system will keep you safe from
various diseases and prevent you from falling sick as often. Thus, when you drink
water on an empty stomach, it helps the body in flushing and balancing the
lymphatic system, which leads to increased levels of immunity.

6. Prevents Heartburn – You suffer from heartburn when increased amounts of acidity
in your stomach, refluxes into your oesophagus. Drinking water on an empty stomach
pushes down these acids and dilutes them, thereby solving the problem and providing
a headstart for your stomach for breakfast.

Beneficial For Hair

Dehydration can have a serious impact on your hair growth. Water makes up almost
one-fourth of the weight of a hair strand. Thus, an insufficient intake of water
can your cause thin hair strands and dull, brittle hair. Drinking water on an empty
stomach can nourish your hair from inside-out, leading to shiny, smooth and healthy

Beneficial For Skin

One of the most common symptoms for dehydration is premature wrinkles and deep
pores in the skin. According to a recent study, drinking 500 ml of water on an
empty stomach increases the blood flow in your skin, making it glow. Water helps to
keep the skin clear as it helps to purge toxins from the blood.

Cures Illnesses
The therapy, if followed on a regular basis, along with your medication, can not
only help quicken the healing process but can also be a contributing factor in
preventing these diseases from occurring again. Some of the conditions that the
Japenese Water therapy has proven to cure are Constipation, Gastritis, High Blood
Pressure, Arthritis, Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Tuberculosis, Diabetes,
Epilepsy, Body Pain, Joint Pain, Obesity, Asthma, Nausea and Vomiting, Piles, Eye
Infections, Cancer and Menstrual problems.

What Should Be Kept In Mind While Following The Japanese Water Therapy?
Too much of everything is bad. Drinking too much water in rapid succession can also
prove to be fatal and should definitely be avoided. This is because it overwhelms
the kidneys and causes a sudden drop in blood sodium levels. This drop in sodium
leads to water entering the brain, causing it to swell.

Hence, if you’re not able to drink the full amount of water required for the
Japanese Water Therapy, start off by drinking less on day one and then, gradually,
build up to four glasses. Suit your convenience.

Why Do Japanese Prefer To Drink Hot Water Instead Of Cold?

According to Japanese, starting your day with a warm glass of water will get you
much closer to being adequately and quickly hydrated. It raises your internal body
temperature, which helps in reducing toxins and activating your metabolism. It also
helps your intestines to contract to clear out waste products that are bloating
your body, thereby getting rid of the dreaded ‘dead weight’.

Are There Any Side Effects To The Japanese Water Therapy?

This Japanese Water therapy has absolutely no side effects, except that you may
have to use the washroom a little more often than you normally would. Then again,
what do you have to lose? It doesn’t cost you a penny and could do your health a
world of good!

Drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach reinforces healthy
weight loss and prevents kidney stones and bladder infections. It improves the
body’s efficiency to fight against infections while keeping the body hydrated. This
therapy can help heal blood pressure, gastritis, constipation and diabetes without
any side effects. Now that you know its amazing benefits, it’s time that you
develop a habit of drinking 2-3 glasses of water on an empty stomach.

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