Passive + Reported Speech

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Study this example: This house was built in 1961. Was built is passive. Compare active and passive: Somebody built thishouse in 1961. (active) subject. ‘object Thishouse was built in 1961. (passive) subject When we use an active verb, we say what the subject does My grandfather was a builder, He built this house in 1961 It's a big company. It employs two hundred people. When we use a passive verb, we say what happens to the subject: ‘How old is this house?’ ‘It was built in 1961." ‘Two hundred people are employed by the company. When we use the passive, who or what causes the action is often unknown or unimportant: Alot of money was stolen in the robbery. (somebody stole it, but we don’t know who) Is this room cleaned every day? (does somebody clean it? ~ it's not important who) If we want to say who does or what causes the action, we use by: This house was built by my grandfather Two hundred people are employed by the company. “The passive is be (is/was etc.) + past participle (done/cleaned/seen etc.) (be) done (be) cleaned (be) damaged (be) built (be) seen etc For irregular past participles (done/seen/known etc), see Appendix 1. Study the active and passive forms of the present simple and past simple: Present simple active clean(s) / see(s) etc Somebody cleans this room every day. passive am/is/are + cleaned/seen etc. This room is cleaned every day. Many accidents are caused by careless driving, I'm not invited to parties very often. How is this word pronounced? Past simple active cleaned/saw etc Somebody cleaned this room yesterday. passive was/were + cleaned/seen etc This room was cleaned yesterday. We were woken up by a loud noise during the night, "Did you go to the party?’ ‘No, | wasn't invited.” How much money was stolen in the robbery? oii Exercises 7) SB complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form, present or past: cause damage hold invite make overtake show surround translate write 1 Many accidents are caused. by dangerous driving 2 Cheese from milk. 3. The roof of the building ina storm a few days ago. 4 You to the wedding. Why didn’t you go? 5 Acinema isa place where films 6 Inthe United States, elections for president every four years. 7 Originally the book Spanish, and a few years ago it into English. 8 Although we were driving fast, we by a lot of other cars. 9 You can’t see the house from the road. It by trees. @Q Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past. 1 Ask about glass. (how /make?) . How is glass made? 2 Ask about television. (when / invent?) 3 Ask about mountains. (how / form?) 4 Ask about antibiotics. (when / discover?) 5 Ask about silver. (what / use for?) GB “ut the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive. 1 It’sabig factory. Five hundred people are employed. (employ) there. 2 Did. somebody clean (somebody / clean) this room yesterday? 3 Water (cover) most of the earth's surface. 4 How much of the earth’s surface (cover) by water? 5 The park gates, (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening 6 The letter (send) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 7 The boat hit a rock and (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody (rescue) 8 Robert's parents (die) when he was very young. He and his sister (bring up) by their grandparents. 9 Iwas born in London, but | (grow up) in Canada. 10 While | was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room, 11 While | was on holiday, my camera (disappear) from my hotel room 12 Why (Sue / resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it? 13 Why (Ben / fire) from his job? Did he do something wrong? 14 The company is not independent. It (own) by a much larger company. 15 | saw an accident last night. Somebody (call) an ambulance but nobody (injure), so the ambulance (not / need), 16 Where (these pictures / take)? In London? (you / take) them, or somebody else? 17 Sometimes it's quite noisy living here, but it’s not a problem for me — ' (not / bother) by it. @ Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody, they, people etc., write a passive sentence. 1 Somebody cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day 2 They cancelled all fights because of fog. All 3 People don’t use this road much, 4 Somebody accused me of stealing money. | 5 How do people learn languages? How 6 People warned us not to go out alone. Ps Study the following active and passive forms: Infinitive active (to) do/clean/see etc Somebody will clean this room later. passive (to) be + done/cleaned/seen etc. This room will be cleaned later. The situation is serious. Something must be done before it's too late. Amystery is something that can't be explained ‘The music was very loud and could be heard from a long way away. ‘Anew supermarket is going to be built next year. Please go away. | want to be left alone. Perfect infinitive active (to) have + done/cleaned/seen etc. Somebody should have cleaned the room passive (to) have been + done/cleaned/seen etc. The room should have been cleaned. | should have received the letter by now. It might have been sent to the wrong address. If you had locked the car, it wouldn't have been stolen. There were some problems at first, but they seem to have been solved Present perfect active have/has + done etc. The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned it passive have/has been + done etc. The room looks nice. It has been cleaned. Have you heard? The trip has been cancelled Have you ever been bitten by a dog? “Are you going to the party?’ ‘No, | haven't been invited. Past perfect active had + done etc. The room looked nice. Somebody had cleaned it passive had been +done etc The room looked nice. It had been cleaned. The vegetables didn't taste good. They had been cooked too long The car was three years old, but hadn’t been used very much. Present continuous active am/is/are + (do)ing Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment. passive am/is/are + being (done) The room is being cleaned at the moment. There's somebody walking behind us. | think we are being followed. (ina shop) ‘Can help you?" ‘No, thanks. I'm being served.’ ast continuous active was/were + (do)ing ‘Somebody was cleaning the room when | arrived passive _was/were + being (done) The room was being cleaned when | arrived ‘There was somebody walking behind us. | think we were being followed. Passive 1,3-® Units 42, 44 . Unit Exercises 7k) SBD what do these words mean? Use it can ... or it can't ... If something is Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 washable, . it can be washed, 4 unusable, 2 unbreakable, it 5 invisible, 3 edible, 6 portable, GB complete these sentences with the following verbs (in the correct form): arrest carry cause do make repair -send- spend —_ wake up Sometimes you need have (might have, should have etc.) The situation is serious. Something must be done... before it's too late. | should have received the letter by now. It might. have. been sent to the wrong address. A decision will not until the next meeting. Do you think that more money should on education? This road is in very bad condition. It should a long time ago The injured man couldn't walk and had to I told the hotel receptionist | wanted to at 6.30 the next morning. If you hadn't pushed the policeman, you wouldn't It’s not certain how the fire started, but it might byan electrical fault. @ Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody or they etc., write a passive sentence. 1 Somebody has cleaned the room. The room has been cleaned, 2 Somebody is using the computer right now. The computer 3 I didn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn’t realise that 4 When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game. When we got to the stadium, we found that 5. They are building a new ring road round the city. 6 They have built a new hospital near the airport. GB Make sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes pas: 1. There's somebody behind us. (I think /we / follow) | think we're. being followed. This room looks different. (you / paint / the walls?) Have you. painted the walls? My car has disappeared. (it/ steal!) It My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody / take) Somebody Sam gets a higher salary now. (he / promote) He ‘Ann can't use her office this week. (it / redecorate) It There was a problem with the photocopier yesterday, but now it’s OK. (it / work) It again. (it /repair) It 8 When | went into the room, | saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place. (the furniture / move) The 9 Aneighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (he / not / see / since then) He 10 I wonder how Jane is these days. (I/ not / see / for ages) \ 11 A friend of mine was mugged on his way home a few nights ago. (you / ever / mug?) Nouaun » Additional exercises 22-24 (pages 314-15) 87 Iwas offered ... / we were given ... etc. ‘Some verbs can have two objects. For example, give: Somebody gave the police the information. (= somebody gave the information to the police) object 1 object2 So it is possible to make two passive sentences: The police were given the information. or The information was given to the police. Other verbs which can have two objects are: ask offer pay show teach _ tell When we use these verbs in the passive, most often we begin with the person I've been offered the job, but | don’t think I'll accept it. (= they have offered me the job) You will be given plenty of time to decide. (= we will give you plenty of time) I didn’t see the original document but | was shown a copy. (= somebody showed me.) Tim has an easy job - he's paid a lot of money to do very little. (= they pay him a lot) I don't like being ‘The passive of doing/seeing etc. is being done / being seen etc. Compare: active | don't like people telling me what to do. passive | don't like being told what to do. | remember being taken to the zoo when | was a child. (= I remember somebody taking me to the 200) Steve hates being kept waiting. (= he hates people keeping him waiting) We managed to climb over the wall without being seen. (= without anybody seeing us) Iwas born... We say I was born .” (not lam born) | was born in Chicago. Where were you born? (not Where are you born?) { P@st but How many babies are born every day? present Get You can use get instead of be in the passive: There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. (= nobody was hurt) I don't get invited to many parties. (=1'm not invited) I'm surprised Liz didn’t get offered the job. (=Liz wasn't offered the job) We use get only when things happen. For example, you cannot use get in these sentences: Jessica is liked by everybody. (not gets liked - this is not a ‘happening’) Peter was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. (not got known) We use get mainly in informal spoken English. You can use be in all situations. We also use get in the following expressions (which are not passive in meaning): get married, get divorced get dressed (= put on your clothes) get lost (= not know where you are) get changed (= change your clothes) (rome eo ) Exercises EBD write these sentences in another way, beginning in the way shown. 1. They didn’t give me the information | needed. | wasn’t goven the information | needed. 2 They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. \ 3 Amy's colleagues gave her a present when she retired. Amy 4 Nobody told me about the meeting. wasn’t 5 How much will they pay you for your work? How much will you 6 think they should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom 7 Has anybody shown you what to do? Have you E}*MD complete the sentences using being + the following verbs (in the correct form): give invite -keep- knockdown stick —_ treat 1 Steve hates being kept _ waiting. 2. We went to the party without 3 like giving presents and | also like them. 4 It's busy road and | don't like crossing it. I'm afraid of 5 'manadult. | don't like like a child 6 You can’t do anything about ina traffic jam. GD when were they born? Choose five of these people and write a sentence for each (Two of them were born in the same year.) Ludwig van Beethoven Mahatma Gandhi _ Elvis Presley 1452 1869-1935 Walt Disney. Michael Jackson William Shakespeare 1564 4901 1958 Galileo Martin Luther King Leonardo da Vinci 70 1929 1. Walt Disney was born in, 1901. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Andyou? | EB complete the sentences using get/got + the following verbs (in the correct form): ask damage hurt pay steal sting stop use 1. There was a fight at the party, but nobody got. hurt 2 Alex bya bee while he was sitting in the garden 3. These tennis courts don’t very often, Not many people want to play. 4 lused to have a bicycle, but it ‘a few months ago. 5 Rachel works hard but doesn't very much. 6 Last night | by the police as | was driving home. One of the lights on my car wasn't working. Please pack these things very carefully. | don't want them to People often want to know what my job is. | that question a lot. on nal exercises 22-24 (pages 314-15) Uta 44 89 Study this example situation: George is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but: Itis said that he is 108 years old. or He is said to be 108 years old Both these sentences mean: 'People say that he is 108 years old.’ You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especially. alleged believed considered expected known reported thought understood Compare the two structures: Cathy loves running, Itis said that she runs ten miles aday. or She is said to run ten miles a day. The police are looking for a missing boy. Itis believed that the boy is wearing or The boy is believed to be wearing a white sweater and blue jeans. a white sweater and blue jeans. The strike started three weeks ago. Itis expected that the strike will end or The strike is expected to end soon. soon. A friend of mine has been arrested. It is alleged that he hit a policeman or Heis alleged to have hit a policeman. The two houses belong to the same farnily. It is said that there is a secret tunnel or There is said to be a secret tunnel between them. between them. These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident: Itis reported that two people were or ‘Two people are reported to have injured in the explosion. been injured in the explosion (Be) supposed to Sometimes (it is) supposed to ... = (its) said to... I want to see that film. It's supposed to be good. Fireworks are supposed to have been invented in China. Is it true? But sometimes supposed to has a different meaning. We use supposed to to say what is intended, arranged or expected. Often this is different from the real situation The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. (= the plan is intended to be a secret) What are you doing at work? You're supposed to be on holiday. (= you arranged to be on holiday) Our guests were supposed to come at 7.30, but they were late. Jane was supposed to phone me last night, but she didn't. I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to be meeting Chris in ten minutes. You're not supposed to do something = it is not allowed or advisable: You're not supposed to park your car here. It's private parking only. Jeff is much better after his illness, but he's still not supposed to do any heavy work. Exercises SBD rite these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word each time. 1 It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike expected. to end. soon, 2 tis expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather is 3 It is believed that the thieves got in through a window in the roof. The thieves 4 It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods. Many people 5 It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall. The prisoner 6 Itis alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour. The man 7 Itis reported that the building has been badly damaged by the fire. The building 8 a tis said that the company is losing a lot of money. The company b Its believed that the company lost a lot of money last year The company © Itis expected that the company will make a loss this year. The company (BD There are a lot of rumours about Alan. Here are some of the things people say about hit ; 1 Gilan speaks ten languages 2 (He knows a lot of famous people. Maes P Nobody is sure whether these things are true, Write sentences about Alan using supposed to. 1 Alan is supposed to speak ten languages. 2 He 3 4 s GF) complete the sentences using supposed to be + the following: onadiet a flower my friend ajoke -a-seeret- working 1 How is it that everybody seems to know about the plan? It. is. supposed. to be a secret. 2 You shouldn't criticise me all the time. You 3 I shouldn't be eating this cake really. 1 4 I'm sorry for what | said. Iwas trying to be funny. It 5. What's this drawing? Isita tree? Or maybe it 6 You shouldn't be reading the paper now. You © write sentences with supposed to + the following verbs: block depart park. phone start Use the negative (not supposed to) where necessary. 1 You ‘re not. supposed. to park _ here. It’s private parking only. 2 We work at 815, but we rarely do anything before 8.30, 3 Oh! Helen last night, but I completely forgot. 4 This door isa fire exit. You it. 5 My flight at 11.30, but it was an hour late. + Additional exercises 22-24 (pages 314-15) 91 The roof of Lisa's house was damaged in a storm. So she called a builder, and yesterday a man came and repaired it. Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday. This means: Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn't repair it herself. We use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us. Compare: Lise repaired the roof. (= she repaired it herself) Lisa had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair it) ‘Did you make those curtains yourself?’ ‘Yes, | enjoy making things.’ ‘Did you have those curtains made?’ ‘No, | made them myself Be careful with word order. The past participle (repaired/cut etc. is after the object: have object —_past participle Lisahhad the roof repaired yesterday. Where did you have your hair cut? Your hair looks nice. Have you had it cut? Our neighbour has just hada garage built. Weare having the house painted this week How often do youhave yourcar _ serviced? I think you should have that coat cleaned, I don't like having my picture taken Get something done You can also say ‘get something done’ instead of ‘have something done’: When are you going to get the roof repaired? (= have the roof repaired) | think you should get your hair cut really short. ‘Sometimes have something done has a different meaning. For example: Paul and Karen had their bags stolen while they were travelling. This does not mean that they arranged for somebody to steal their bags. ‘They had their bags stolen’ means only: ‘Their bags were stolen’. With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happens to somebody or their belongings. Often what happens is not nice: Gary had his nose broken in aight. (= his nose was broken) Have you ever had your bike stolen? . Unit Exercises 46 GB Tick (V) the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture ra SARAH nue JOHN SuE (2) Sarahis cutting (a) Billiscutting his (a) Johniscleaning (a) Sue is taking a her hair, hair. his shoes. picture. (b) Sarahishaving — (b) Billishaving his (b) Johnishaving his (b) Sue is having her her hair cut. hair cut. shoes cleaned, picture taken. (GBD Put the words in the correct order. 1 had / a few weeks ago / the house / we / painted We had the house painted a few weeks ago. 2 serviced / her car / Sarah / once a year / has Sarah 3 twelve pounds / have / cleaned / it / my suit / cost / to 4 my eyes /| / two years ago / had / tested / the last time / was 5 had / in the kitchen / fitted / some new cupboards / we've 6 as soon as possible / need / translated / we / to get / this document SB write sentences in the way shown 1 Lisa didn't repair the roof herself. She had. it repaired. 2 I didn’t cut my hair myself, | 3 We didn't clean the carpets ourselves. We 4 John didn't build that wall himself 5 | didn’t deliver the flowers myself (GZ Ure the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure have something done. 1 We're having the house painted. (we / the house / paint) this week. 2 lost my key. I'l have to (another key / make) 3. When was the last time (you / your hair / cut)? 4 (you / a newspaper / deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one? 5 _&: What's happening in your garden? 8: Oh, (we / a garage / build) 64 (you / the washing machine / fix)? 8; Not yet. There's someone coming to look at it next week. 7 If you want to wear earrings, why don't you (you / your ears / pierce)? Now use ‘have something done’ with its second meaning (see Section D). 8 Gary was ina fight last night. He had his nose broken. (he / his nose / break). 9 Did I tell you about jane? (she / her credit cards / steal) 10 Security was very strict at the airport. (we all / our bags / search) 93 Study this example situation: You want to tell somebody what Paul said There are two ways of doing this: You can repeat Paul/s words (direct speech): Paul said ‘I'm feeling ill’ Oryou can use reported speech: Paul said that he was feeling ill. ‘Compare: 1 1 direct Paul said’ | ami feelingili’ _Inwriting we use these quotation voy marks to show direct speech. reported Paulsaid that he was feeling ill When we use reported speech, the main verb of the sentence is usually past (Paul said that ... / | told her that ... etc.). The rest of the sentence is usually past too: Paul said that he was feeling ill. | told Lisa that | didn’t have any money. You can leave out that. So you can say: Paul said that he was feeling ill. or Paul said he was feeling ill. In general, the present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech: amis > was do/does — did will > would are > were haverhas — had can could want/like/know/go etc. > wanted/liked/knew/went etc. Compare direct speech and reported speech: You met Anna. Here are some of Later you tell somebody what Anna said. the things she said in direct speech: You use reported speech: My parents are fine. © Anna said that her parents were fine I'm going to learn to drive. She said that she was going to learn to drive. | want to buy a car. She said that she wanted to buy a car. John has a new job. She said that John had a new job. | can’t come to the party on She said that she couldn't come to the Friday. party on Friday, | don’t have much free time. She said she didn’t have much free time. I'm going away for a few days ANNA She said that she was going away for a ’U phone you when | get back. few days and would phone me when she got back. The past simple (did/saw/knew etc) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (had done / had seen / had known etc.) direct Paul said ‘I woke up feeling ill, so | didn’t go to work.” reported Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn’t go to work. or Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn't gone to work . Unit Exercises 47 Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Steve. You hadn't seen of the things Steve said to you: 1 I'm tiving in London 7 (haven't seen Amy recently. 2. My father isn't very well SO 8. mot enjoying my job very much 3 Rachel and Mark are “tS 9 Youcan come and stay at my place marniednext month NBN type ever in tendon 4. My sister has had a baby. ———_— 10 My carwas stolen a few days ago. im for a long time. Here are some 5 ident now vst ____ —~ lthIA 55 watogoon hia, but Joe is doing, ao Steve NX can’t afford it 6 | saw Helen ata party in 12 tell Chris i saw you June and she seemed fine. Later that day you tell another friend what Steve said. Use reported speech. 1 Steve said. that he was living in London 2 He said that © somebody says something to you which is not what you expected. Use your own ideas to complete your answers. 1. &: It's quite a long way from the hotel to the station. 8: Isit? The man on the reception desk said _ it was only five minutes’ walk 2 x: Sue is coming to the party tonight. 8: Is she? | saw her a few days ago and she said she 3 &: Sarah gets on fine with Paul. 8: Does she? Last week you said each other. 4 A: Joe knows lots of people 8: That's not what he told me. He said anyone. 5 A: Jane will be here next week 8: Oh, really? When | spoke to her, she said away. 6 &: I'm going out tonight. 8: Are you? | thought you said home. 7. &: John speaks French quite well. 8: Does he? He told me any other languages. 8 &: | haven't seen Ben recently. : That's strange. He told me last weekend + Additional exercise 25 (page 316) 95 It is not always necessary to change the verb in reported speech. Ifthe situation is still the same, you do not need to change the verb to the past. For example direct Paul said "My new job is boring’ reported Paul said that his new job is boring (The situation is still the same. His job is still boring now.) direct Helen said ‘I want to go to Canada next year. reported Helen told me that she wants to go to Canada next year. (Helen still wants to go to Canada next year.) You can also change the verb to the past: Paul said that his new job was boring. Helen told me that she wanted to go to Canada next year. But if the situation has changed or finished, you must use a past verb: Paul left the room suddenly. He said he had to go. (not has to go) You need to use a past form when there is a difference A =a between what was said and what is really true. ae Hoi For example: Pr Sonia You met Sonia a few days ago. She said: Joe is in hospital Later that day you meet Joe in the street. You say: Hi, Joe. | didn’t expect to see you. Sonia said you were in hospital. (not ‘Sonia said you are in hospital’, because clearly he is not) Hi, Joe. Sonia said you were in hospital, JOE Say and tell If you say who somebody is talking to, use tel: Sonia told me that you were in hospital. (not Sonia said me) What did you tell the police? (not say the police) pat eee Otherwise use say: Reet Sonia said that you were in hospital. (not Sonia told that ...) What did you say? But you can ‘say something to somebody’ ‘Ann said goodbye to me and left. (not Ann said me goodbye) What did you say to the police? Tell/ask somebody to do something We also use the infinitive (to do / to be etc.) in reported speech, especially with tell and ask (for orders and requests): direct ‘Drink plenty of water,’ the doctor said to me. reported The doctor told me to drink plenty of water. direct ‘Don't be late,’ | said to Joe. reported | told Joe not to be late. direct ‘Canyou help me, please,’ Jackie said to me. reported Jackie asked me to help her. You can also say ‘Somebody said (not) to do something’ Paul said not to worry about him. (but not Paul said me) . Wiig Exercises ZF} q@ Here are some things that Sarah said to you: I've never been to the United States. | don't have any brothers or sisters. Fine fava vey wel poe Tinwotngionaroweeire) (nena tindot he But later Sarah says something different to you. What do you say? Sarah, Wa Dave works very hard. But you said he was lazy Let's have fish for dinner. But I'm going to buy a car. Jane is always short of money. My sister lives in Paris. I think New York is a great place. Let’s go out tomorrow evening. ve never spoken to Jane. i il eavaunsuns BD complete the sentences with say or tell (in the correct form). Use only one word each time, 1 Ann..said. goodbye to me and left. us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time? Don’t just stand there! something! | wonder where Sue is. She she would be here at 8 o'clock. Dan me that he was bored with his job. The doctor that | should rest for at least a week Don’t anybody what | It’s a secret just between us. ‘Did she ‘you what happened?" ‘No, she didn’t anything to me! 9 Gary couldn't help me. He me to ask Chris 10 Gary couldn't help me. He to ask Chris. av auawn BD The following sentences are direct speech: C (Pleaseslowdown) —- (Ganyou open your bag, please? ) Could you get mea paper?) w_\ V aN Corer) Will you mary me?) (@eyou think you could give me a hand, Tom? Now choose one of these to complete each of the sentences below. Use reported speech. Will was taking a long time to get ready, so! told. him to. hurry up Sarah was driving too fast, so | asked Sue was nervous about the situation. | told { couldn't move the piano alone, so | The security guard looked at me suspiciously and Tom was going to the shop, so | The man started asking me personal questions, so | John was in love with Marianne, so he | didn’t want to delay Helen, so | i YY weranawns ~ Additional exercise 25 (page 316) 97

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