Practice 2 Listening and Reading

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End-of-term Test 2

Specific Competences Test: Listening, Reading,

Specific competence 1: Listening

1 EoT2.1 Listen to the conversation between two friends, Lottie and Omar. Choose the
correct answer.
Which films has the girl, Lottie, already seen?
A ☐ Pet Sematary
B ☐x the latest Avengers film
C ☐ Bohemian Rhapsody
D ☐ The Queen


2 EoT2.2 Listen to the conversation. Complete the club news.

Amateur Drama Club News

website to receive 2 ___________
Register on our 1___________ uptades about performances. We regularly upload
photos from our plays, too.
Our venue is a local 4 ____________ stage
with a big 5 ____________. Come along. You don’t have to be a good 6
Actor You can help with music or props.

Our next 7performance

___________ is A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Come and join in. The play opens in
8 6
_____________ weeks!


3 EoT2.3 Listen. Answer the questions.

1 Where is Omar’s band playing next?
They are playing on a club in town
2 Has Lottie seen Omar’s band play before?
Yes, she has seen the band before.
3 What does Omar play? Tick () the correct answer.
A ☐x the guitar
B ☐ the drums
C ☐ the piano

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D ☐ many instruments
4 What does Lottie plan to do when she finishes school? Tick () the correct answer.
A ☐ study music at university
B ☐x act and write plays for the stage
C ☐ work as a director
D ☐ become a professional musician
5 Complete the sentence.
‘When I’m on stage, I get such an ____________ ____________. ‘
amazing feeling


4 EoT2.3 Listen again to check your answers.

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Specific competence 1: Reading
5 Read the text and answer the questions.
Registration: Performing Arts School
Final date for submission of registration forms is 1st September. Classes start at the school on 15th September.
Instructions for registering for a place at our school.
You can register for a place on a course in one of two ways: online or by post.
1 Click on the link in order to download the file. The file will open up automatically on the screen. Save the file.
Please add the candidate’s name to the file name.
2 Fill in the Personal Details section. Please don’t forget to include your age as we group students according to age
and not ability. Save any changes you have made.
3 Tick the class time that suits you best. Please complete this section carefully because it’s not possible to change
your class time after you have applied. Save the document again.
4 If you are paying for the course by bank transfer, complete the Payment section carefully. Tick the appropriate
box. Click ‘save’ so as to save all changes. If you want to pay by card, please tick the credit card box. Fill in the
card information, including card number and expiry date. If you would like to pay using cash at every class, please
tick that box. However, classes will be 10% cheaper if you pay by card or bank transfer.
5 When the form is completed, save it one last time.
6 To send the file to us via our website, click on the button: “Send file”. Choose the file from your folder and upload
the file. Alternatively, you can send the file by email, but please use the subject line “Registration: name of
7 We will send an email within two working days so that you know we have your form.
8 We will inform successful candidates by email or text on 7th September.
By post:
Alternatively, you can collect a registration form from our school and complete it at home. You can then return the
completed form to our office or send it by post. When you are filling in the form, please follow steps 2–6 in the Online

1 Tick () the correct answer. This text uses:

A ☐x formal, impersonal language
B ☐ informal, personal language
C ☐ long, formal sentences
D ☐ short, informal sentences
2 Complete the sentences with either in order to / so as to or so that.
1 Put your name on the form _________________ we know who is writing.
2 Apply online ___________________ save time.
in order to
3 We are running an evening course _______________________ attract people who work during the
4 Write your age ___________________ we can put you in the right class.
3 Tick () the correct answer. People should submit a registration form if they want to:
A ☐ get a job at the Performing Arts School.
B ☐x be a student at the Performing Arts School.
C ☐ do an online course with the Performing Arts School.
D ☐ have individual tuition at the Performing Arts School.

© Oxford University Press Energize 4 • Specific Competences End-of-term Test 2 3

6 Read the instructions again. Are the sentences True (T), False (F) or it Doesn’t
Say (DS)? Correct the false sentences.
1 The last date for sending in completed registration forms is 15th September.
F The last date for sending in completed registration forms is the1st september
2 If you send the registration form late, they won’t give you a place in the school.
3 You can pay by cash or card.
4 Classes cost more if you pay at each class.
5 You will know before the start of term if you have been accepted to the school.
6 If you send in the registration form by post, you don’t have to do step 6.
F If you send in the registration form by post, you have to do from step 2 to 6.


7 Read the instructions in the ‘Online’ section again. Put the key information below in the order
it is provided in the text.
A 3 Select when you would like to attend classes.

B 7 Wait to hear if you are accepted.

C 1☐ Download the file from the website.
D 4 Select the method of payment.

E 5 Submit the file online.

F 2 Write in your name, age and address.

G 6 Wait for your confirmation that the file has been received.


8 Read the interviews again to check your answers.

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