How To Change A Quote in An Essay

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How To Change A Quote In An Essay

Crafting an essay on the intricacies of altering a quote within an academic piece poses a multifaceted
challenge. At its core, this task demands a delicate balance between maintaining the integrity of the
original quote and seamlessly integrating it into the essay's narrative.

Firstly, one must possess a profound understanding of the quote's context, ensuring that any
modifications made align with the author's intended message. This requires meticulous research and
critical analysis to grasp the nuances embedded within the quote.

Furthermore, altering a quote necessitates a thorough comprehension of citation rules and academic
conventions to ensure compliance with scholarly standards. Properly attributing the modified quote
while adhering to formatting guidelines adds another layer of complexity to the process.

Moreover, the task demands a keen eye for language and syntax to ensure that any alterations made
seamlessly blend with the surrounding text, maintaining the essay's coherence and flow. Striking the
right balance between preserving the essence of the original quote and integrating it harmoniously
into the essay's argument is no small feat.

Additionally, addressing potential ethical considerations surrounding quote manipulation adds

another dimension of complexity to the writing process. It requires careful consideration of the
implications of altering someone else's words and the responsibility that comes with accurately
representing external sources.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of modifying quotes within an academic context
requires a comprehensive understanding of the quote's context, proficiency in citation conventions,
linguistic finesse, and ethical awareness. Successfully navigating these challenges demands a high
level of skill and precision from the writer.

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How To Change A Quote In An EssayHow To Change A Quote In An Essay
The Importance Of Semiotics To The Cultural Aspects Of...

In the Introduction, the philosophy of quantum physics and the philosophy of educology
will be characterized in respect to five established cultural aspects of philosophy , i.e. in
respect to the aspects:

(1) of ontology as philosophy of what exists,

(2) of metaphysics as philosophy of what exists and is real,
(3) of epistemology as philosophy of what knowledge is,
(4) of logic as philosophy of inquiry entailing an epistemology,
(5) of axiology philosophy of what value,

and, in respect;

to semiotics as the science of the semiosical process, whereas the semiosical process is a
naturally and culturally determined socially oriented process, involving symbols as to
their meanings (symbol meaning) and signs as to their significance (sign significance).

The Importance of Semiotics to the Cultural Aspects of Philosophy

From the perspective of the author of this paper, semiotics is the science of the
semiosical process, whereas the semiosical process entails what is alluded to when John
Dewey states that:

I shall. . . connect sign and significance [sign significance], symbol and meaning [symbol
meaning], respectively, with each other, in order to have terms to designate two different
kinds of representative capacity. Linguistically, the choice of terms is more or less
arbitrary, although sign and significance have a common verbal root. This consideration
is of no importance, however, compared with the necessity of having some words by
which to
Abolition and the Lasting Effects in East Africa
Abolition and the Lasting Effects in East Africa
Unlike the Atlantic world, slavery in East Africa looked a little different. Slavery in
Africa portrayed a complex use of labor, the exercise of rights in person, and of
exploitation and coercion tempered by negotiation and accommodation. However the
most common features on slavery in East Africa is the fact that it varies overtime and
place. For instance, according to Miers and Roberts, Slaves might be menial field
workers, downtrodden servants, cherished concubines, surrogate kin, trusted trading
agents, high officials, army commanders, ostracized social group dedicated to a deity...(
5). Perhaps the largest difference between slavery in East Africa versus slavery in the
Atlantic world or ... Show more content on ...
However, before any further discuss, it is pertinent to provide the background or the
motivation towards abolition of slavery.

According to Jay Milbrandt in his book, Livingston and the Law, The proclamation by
the British missionary explorer David Livingstone Satan has his Seat in the East
African slavery in the mid nineteen century, rejuvenates the movement of anti slavery
rhetoric both by the British and Foreign Anti Slavery Society (BFASS) and the
international humanitarian group like the German Afrika Verein der deutschen
Katholiken. Most anti slavery groups have been pushing the colonial government to
abolished slavery in the East Africa. While it could be easily argued that the call for
abolition by the anti slavery group such as the Quakers, Catholics, Protestants and the
BFASS arose from a humanitarian concern, it is also true that there were both
economic and religious motivation behind the clamor for abolition. According to
Opolot Okia, in his book, The Windmill of Slavery the ideological attack of the BFASS
emphasized free labor. They sought to influence government to use free grown produce
as far as practicable, in preference to slave grown and to promote the adoption of fiscal
regulation in favor of free labour (9). Moreover, the German colonial government
portrayed the resistance against
Persuasive Essay About Horse Slaughter
Would you kill your best friend after years of hard work together? I believe horse
slaughter is a necessary evil due to many different reasons. The first reason is due to
horses that cannot be used anymore due to health reasons. It would be wonderful to be
able to afford a lame horse to sit on pasture all day, but that is not always an option.
Nobody is going to buy a lame horsewhen they can buy a perfectly able horse for the
same price. Where does a lame horse go? He goes to the auction and a kill buyer buys
him. He gets sent across the US border into Canada or Mexico to be slaughtered. He
has to suffer through the long trailer ride in horrendous conditions to the slaughter
plant. Then, he arrives at the slaughter plant. They open the trailer doors and he gets
trampled by other horses trying to get off. Now, he is injured and limps out of the
trailer. All the horses are scared and they are rounded into a pen. They are in the pen and
get a chained... Show more content on ...
I own one and take care of her every day, but I also understand what goes on behind the
scenes. I know that not every horse can have a loving owner. I believe that if a horse is
offered a humane death; it is better than living its life unloved. My horse was an abuse
case. She was born as a colorless paint which means that she was supposed to be born
with two or more colors but she was born with only one color. Her breeder was upset
and did not take care of her. She was finally rescued four years later due to being
severely malnourished and beaten. I found her six years later and she was still
malnourished. Now, she suffers with everyday joint issues and pain because of what she
went through. I almost wish they would have sent her off to slaughter for she would not
have had to suffer. Horse slaughter NEEDS to happen. There are too many horses on the
earth, and not enough resources to feed them. They are considered livestock, so I do not
see any reason for them not to be
Essay on Why Gladstone Failed to Pacify Ireland
Why Gladstone Failed to Pacify Ireland

Gladstone s adoption of interest in Irish affairs in 1867 puzzled many of his

contemporaries and has continued to puzzle historians. Up until 1867 Gladstone had
shown very little sympathy towards the Irish, all his life he had held them in contempt,
visiting only once. His mission to pacify Ireland was surprising and his motives suspect.
Many historians believe that Ireland was a cause through which Gladstone was to unify
his divided party. Others have said that it was in reaction to the agrarian violence raging
through Ireland, it was clear that something had to be done. Gladstone declared that it
was his high hope and ardent desire that Ireland would ... Show more content on ...
It was hoped that this would reduce social unrest provoked by religious discrimination.
Gladstone s plans were courageous; he had no precedent to go by and the task
presented immense difficulties. The Act dissolved the Irish Church s power, it meant
that it could no longer expect tithes from Catholics and C of I dissenters although this
did not mean that the Irish were any better off; the tithes still had to be paid but were
now paid to the state rather than the Irish Church. Despite the fact that the Act solved
once and for all the major religious grievance of the Irish Roman Catholics [1]in
practice it made very little difference the lives of most Irishmen. It did not by any means
solve religious differences, Protestants still owned much of the land, and they still
dominated the resented landlord class. The consequences of the act were more symbolic
than practical, it did very little to pacify Ireland.

Most agreed that the key to Ireland s problems lay in the land question. This question of
questions for Ireland (John Devoy) proved much more difficult than church reform due
to the complexities of the Irish Land System and the wider range of interests involved.
Lord Kimberley wrote no measures of any kind can satisfy the Irish: the utmost they can
do is to lay the basis for a gradual improvement . Kimberley s prognostication was very
close to the truth. Neither Act actually
Essay Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And A Doll s House
Throughout the nineteenth century, gender assumptions were made stating that women
were the substantially and intellectually the weaker sex. Due to this mindset, it was
believed that women must always serve under male control. This belief caused most
women in the nineteenth century to bask in an aura of oppression and repression.
Feministic views commence from the awareness of the inequality of treatment that
women faced. Many stories such as, The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte
Perkins Gilman , and the The Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin , demonstrated
the oppression that women endured and expressed women s regression. However, only
The Yellow Wallpaper and the The Story of an Hour are attributable to the play A Doll
s House through it s use of symbolic symbols. In A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen symbolic
use of the letter box, tarantela, macaroons,and the Nora s slamming of the door, exhibits
a change in the... Show more content on ...
In The Story of an Hour, it states the face of...possession of self
assertion...she..recognized the strongest impulse of her body and soul
(Chopin par 12). Ibsen s macaroons are analogous to Chopin s statement about
Mrs.Mallard. Macaroons are Nora s strongest impulse of her being because they are
her guilty pleasure. Nora s craving for macaroons caused her to eat them even though
Torvald forbidden them; Torvald had forbidden me...{b}ut just for once ( Ibsen 11).
This action is comparable to the narrator writing in The Yellow Wallpaper. The narrator
strongest impulse of her being is to write even though she is sick and John told the
narrator not to; absolutely forbidden to spite of them ( Gilman par 8).
The macaroons and writing serve as a symbol of the strongest impulse of women which
is rebellion. It also displays the woman s first step into
Glossophobia Is The Fear Of Public Speaking
Importance of Communication
Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. The average person ranks the fear of public
speaking higher than the fear of death. According to the National Institute of Mental
Health over 74% of people suffer from speech anxiety (Brain, 2016) . This is a sad
statistic being that communication is the backbone of our society. It is what allows us to
connect with others. Without communication skills, we would not be able to form
relationships, whether in our personal or professional lives. We, as a society, tend to
think that communication is only verbal. However, communication includes nonverbal,
written, even listening, as well as our body language. In fact, over 70% of our
communication is nonverbal. In this class I hope to improve on my interpersonal
communication by learning ways to overcome my fear and setting new standards in the
way I communicate with others. In my personal life, improper communication has led to
more than one situation that caused hurt to someone I love. Likewise, I have been on the
receiving end of hurt directly as a result of poor communication.
Currently, if I were to rank my comfortability in speaking in front of the class, I would
say it would be a 4 out of 10. I know many people would think it would be higher, but
the fact of the matter is I have an anxiety when it comes to public speaking. Being an
extroverted personality often leads people to believe I would have no problem
speaking in public, but when the spotlight is on, it is an entirely different story. The
moment I know I must get up in front of a group of people, I start to feel dread, my
stomach goes into knots, my heart starts to race, and my palms get clammy. I always
try to be the first speaker so that these feelings of dread can disappear sooner than later.
Ironically, after I finish speaking (assuming it went well) I feel a sense of
accomplishment. There is a remarkable sense of pride that comes with effectively
communicating to your peers and being well received.
My hope is that by taking this Communication 100, I will find new ways to effectively
communicate, which will not only help me grow as a person, but will further my success
in the competitive job market. Some of the

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