Unit 2 Final

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Universidad Agroforestal

Fernando Arturo de Meriño


Unit 2

Éva Jakab
Tom Degandt
F. M. Nuñéz de Plasancia

Unit 2 1
Unit 2

Unit Titles Vocabulary/ Grammar Page

2.1 What are you Talk about present Present Continuous: 3
doing now? activities affirmative, negative,
Present Simple Comparing Present Simple 9
and Present and Present Continuous
Protect our Talking about the 10
beautiful planet environment
Ordinal numbers Expressing dates Time expressions 11
Check your knowledge 13
2.2 My house Describing houses/ Simple present statements: 18
apartments This is…
There is an apple Talking about Simple present statements: 20
on the desk furniture in a room There is/There are
The verbs need Talking about needs Need + verb; need+ to; 22
and want and desires want + verb; want + to
The man’s hat Talking about Possession with ‘s 24
Check your knowledge 26
2.3 My family Talking about your 29

Pronouns Subject and indefinite 30

What do you like Talking about food 33
to eat? and mealtime habits
Plurals Plurals 35
Count and Much/many; a little/ a few; 37
noncount nouns some/any
Check your knowledge 43
Read and understand 46

Unit 2 2


The man is reading. She is eating. He is drinking. The cat is sleeping.

He is sunbathing. The children are playing. He is watching TV.

They are dancing. She is singing. He is playing the guitar.

The Present Continuous


a. for actions going on in the moment of speaking

Ex: Peter is reading a book now.

b. for actions taking place only for a short period of time

Ex: His father is working in Rome this month.

c. to express actions that are arranged for the near future

Ex: She is going to Santiago on Saturday.

d. trends
Ex: More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.

e. repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker (with always, constantly, forever)
Ex: Andrew is always coming late.

Signal words: at the moment, Look!, Listen!, now / just now / right now

Unit 2 3
Present Continuous – Affirmative

subject + to be + verb + -ing


Long form Short form

I am singing. I’m singing.

You are singing. You’re singing.
He/ She/ It is singing. He’s/ She’s/ It’s singing.
We are singing. We’re singing.
You are singing. You’re singing.
They are singing They’re singing.

Info in Spanish

Cuando se quiere expresar una acción que sigue ejecutándose al momento en que se enuncia, se
emplea el tiempo Presente Continuo (Present Continuous).
La forma en que se conjuga este tiempo: se usa el verbo to be conjugado en presente seguido del
verbo en cuestión a cual se agrega –ing.


1 Use the words below to make sentences in Present Continuous.

Ex: Laura / walk the dog → Laura is walking the dog.

1. I / read a book _________________________________

2. it / rain _________________________________
3. he / repair his bike _________________________________
4. they / watch a film _________________________________
5. the cat / sleep on the chair _________________________________
6. Jane and Emily / do their homework _________________________________
7. Bill / wait at the bus stop _________________________________
8. we / listen to the radio _________________________________
9. the children / play a game _________________________________
2 Complete the sentences with the words in parenthesis.

1. We (go) ___________________ to the cinema tonight.

2. You (listen) ___________________to music right now.
3. I (play)___________________ tennis tonight.
4. He (watch) ___________________TV at the moment.
5. They (leave) ___________________now.
6. Listen! The children (speak) ___________________ French.
7. She (wash) ___________________your trousers.

Unit 2 4
Exceptions in spelling:
1. A single, silent e at the end of the word is dropped before -ing.
Ex: to close → closing
to leave → leaving

But: ee at the end of the word is not changed!

Ex: see → seeing

2. An ie at the end of a word becomes y before -ing.

Ex: to die → dying
to lie → lying

3. Most one-syllable verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel (except in the
case of w, x and y): the final consonant is doubled before -ing.
Ex: to dig → digging
to run → running
to clap → clapping

But: when a verb ends in w, x or y preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant is not
doubled before the -ing.
Ex: to draw → drawing
to fix → fixing
to say → saying

4. When a verb of more than one syllable ends in a single consonant other than w, x or y preceded
by a single vowel, the final consonant is sometimes doubled.
Ex: to begin → beginning
to expel → expelling

1 Write down the -ing form of the following words:
1. make __making_________ 6. stop ________________
2. have ________________ 7. model ________________
3. sit ________________ 8. get ________________
4. run ________________ 9. travel ________________
5. lie ________________ 10. shop ________________
2 Use the words below to write sentences in present continuous.

1. She / to enter / the house She is entering the house.

2. She / to write / a letter _________________________________
3. We / to work _________________________________
4. They / to argue _________________________________
5. Look! / The dog / to pee / on the carpet _________________________________
6. I / to meet / my friends tonight _________________________________
7. He / to travel / a lot _________________________________
8. The kids / to play / in the garden _________________________________

Unit 2 5
Present Continuous – Questions

to be + subject + verb + -ing +?

Affirmative statement Question

I am eating. Am I eating?
You are eating Are you eating?
He/ She/ It is eating. Is he/ she/it eating?
We are eating Are we eating?
You are eating. Are you eating?
They are eating. Are they eating?


Change the following affirmative statements into questions.

Ex: It is snowing. → Is it snowing?

1. I am learning English. _________________________________

2. You are carrying a package. _________________________________
3. It is growing colder. _________________________________
4. We are living in Halifax. _________________________________
5. They are running a race. _________________________________
6. He is drinking coffee. _________________________________
7. She is shopping for presents. _________________________________
8. I am cleaning the window. _________________________________
9. We are buying pencils. _________________________________
10. They are playing football. _________________________________

Present Continuous – Negative

subject + to be + not + verb + -ing

Affirmative Statement Neg. Statement (long) Neg. Statement (short)

I am eating. I am not eating. I’m not eating.

You are eating. You are not eating. You aren’t eating.
He/ She/ It is eating. He/ She/ It is not eating. He/ She/ it isn’t eating.
We are eating. We are not eating. We aren’t eating.
You are eating. You are not eating. You aren’t eating.
They are eating. They are not eating. They aren’t eating.

Unit 2 6

1 Transform the sentences below into negative sentences.

Ex: I am watching TV. → I am not watching TV.

1. I am talking. _________________________________
2. They are drawing. _________________________________
3. He is opening the window. _________________________________
4. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. _________________________________
5. We are helping in the garden. _________________________________
6. You are singing. _________________________________
7. It is raining. _________________________________
8. She is joking. _________________________________
9. They are dancing. _________________________________

2 What are these people / animals doing?

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

3 Answer the following questions:

Is he singing?

Are they eating?


Unit 2 7
Is the old lady sleeping?

Is this boy working?


Asking for information in Present Continuous

To ask for more information you use the Wh- questions (who, what, where, when, how….)

What is John reading? Who is singing? Where is the dog sleeping?

He is reading a book. The singer is singing. The dog is sleeping in the park.

Info in Spanish:

Para realizar preguntas en este tiempo verbal, se usa primero el "question word" después el verbo to
be conjugado, luego la persona y finalmente el verbo.
Ex: What are you doing?
Where are we going?


Tell the class what your family members are doing while you are in school!

Verbs that are not used in Present Continuous

The present continuous is usually used with doing verbs (verbs of action) not with verbs of state.

Some verbs that are not used in the continuous form:

cost, own, like, hate, want, wish, know, remember, understand…

Unit 2 8

The Simple Present (check Unit 1.4) may be used for stating general truths, and for referring to
actions which occur at regular intervals.

Ex: Santiago is a city in the Dominican Republic.

Geese fly south every winter.

The Present Continuous is usually used to refer to ongoing actions happening at the time of
speaking or writing.

Ex: Right now, I am visiting the Santiago.

At the moment, a flock of geese is flying overhead.


1 In the following sentences, determine whether the Simple Present tense or the Present Continuous
tense is more appropriate, and fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

Ex: She ______ to Sydney every weekend. (to drive)

She drives to Sydney every weekend.

1. At the moment, I __________________ supper. (to cook)

2. He ________________ the paper every weekday. (to read)
3. We ________________ right now. (to study)
4. She ________________ every day. (to study)
5. Now it _______________. (to rain)
6. They ______________ to Mexico every year. (to travel)
7. Just now we ________________ the shopping. (to do)
8. She always ________________ correctly.( to answer)
9. You ________________ never late. (to be)

2 Choose the correct answer.

1. Is Brian reading a book? 5. Is your brother playing hockey?

Yes, he does. Yes, he is.
Yes, he is. Yes, she is.

2. What is Brian reading? 6. Does John go to school?

He's reading a magazine. Yes, he does.
Yes, he does. Yes, she does.

3. Is Susan writing a poem? 7. What is your father doing?

No, she is not. He's working.
Yes, she does. Yes, he is.

4. Is this your book? 8. Are you studying English?

Yes, it's my book. Yes, I’m not.
Yes, it's your book. Yes I am.

Unit 2 9

Our planet is in trouble! Every day we hear of problems affecting the environment: pollution,
acid rain, climate change, the destruction of forests, the extinction of thousands of species of animals
and plants and so on.

We all can do something to help. We all have a responsibility for our environment.

Here are some ideas:

Use less energy. Switch off lights when rooms are not in use.

Don’t waste water.

Save paper! Only print when necessary and use both sides of the paper.

Refuse plastic bags in the supermarkets! Use strong, long lasting shopping
Don't buy over-packed goods. Many things we buy have unnecessary amounts
of plastic around them.

Car and motorbike fumes pollute air and are bad for our health.
Use a bike or walk - it's good exercise for you!

Avoid single-use plastics! Plastics take hundreds of years to degrade. They

often get into the seas and oceans where animals eat them thinking that it’s
food. Plastics can cause their death!

Your ideas on:

• how to avoid river pollution
• how to avoid noise pollution
• how to recycle used clothes, tools, toys…
• how to protect forests
• how to keep streets and fields clean
• how to avoid single-use plastics

Unit 2 10

Ordinal numbers are used for ranking.

1st the first 21st the twenty-first

2nd the second 22nd the twenty-second
3rd the third 23rd the twenty-third
4th the fourth 24th the twenty-fourth
5th the fifth 25th the twenty-fifth
6th the sixth 26th the twenty-sixth
7th the seventh 27th the twenty-seventh
8th the eighth 28th the twenty-eighth
9th the ninth 29th the twenty-ninth
10th the tenth 30th the thirtieth
11th the eleventh 40th the fortieth
12th the twelfth 50th the fiftieth
13th the thirteenth 60th the sixtieth
14th the fourteenth 70th the seventieth
15th the fifteenth 80th the eightieth
16th the sixteenth 90th the ninetieth
17th the seventeenth 100th the hundredth
18th the eighteenth 101st the hundred and first
19th the nineteenth 1000th the thousandth
20th the twentieth

Info in Spanish:

Como su nombre lo indica, los números ordinales sirven para indicar un orden.
Ex: first (primero), second (segundo), third (tercero)

Para formar la fecha, se escribe el mes, el día y dos letras que corresponden a la abreviatura del
número en su forma ordinal. El año se agrega a continuación.

Ex: May 25th → the twenty-fifth of May

August 1st 2000 → the first of August of 2000

Los años asta 2000 se leen agrupándolos de a dos cifras:

1999 se lee como si fueran dos cifras separadas 19 / 99 → nineteen ninety-nine
1970 se lee como 19/ 70 → nineteen seventy
2005 se lee directamente → two thousand five

Cuando se hace referencia al día de la semana, se usa la preposición on.

Ex: On Monday I have to go to the dentist.

Si se hace referencia al mes, se usa la preposición in.

Ex: In June I have to go to the dentist.

Si se hace referencia al día y al mes, se debe usar la preposición on.

Ex: On June 23rd, I have to go to the dentist.

Unit 2 11

1 Write (on the board) or say cardinal numbers that the students change into ordinal numbers!

2 How do we say these dates? Write the dates in words.

1. 20 June 1970 the twentieth of June / June the twentieth, nineteen seventy_________
2. 3 December 2003 the third of December / December the third, two thousand and three
3. 5 August 2002 ______________________________________________
4. 1 April 1968 ______________________________________________
5. 19 June 1999 ______________________________________________
6. 22 November 1985______________________________________________
7. 3 February 2004 ______________________________________________
8. 8 July 1912 ______________________________________________
9. 30 May 2003 ______________________________________________
10. 21 October 1605 ______________________________________________
11. 14 March 2001 ______________________________________________
12. 12 January 1887 ______________________________________________

3 Match the items on the right to the items on the left.

01/ 01/ 2000 the first of June, nineteen forty-five

22/ 03/ 1817 the ninth of May, nineteen sixty-eight
09/ 05/ 1968 the twenty-first of August, ten sixty-six
15/ 06/ 1990 the twelfth of February, nineteen fourteen
25/ 12/ 2005 the first of January, two thousand
21/ 08/ 1066 the thirty-first of April, eighteen seventy
31/ 04/ 1870 the thirteenth of October, nineteen forty
01/ 06/ 1945 the twenty-second of March, eighteen seventeen
12/ 02/ 1914 the twenty-fifth of December, two thousand and five
13/ 10/ 1940 the fifteenth of June, nineteen ninety

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (on, in, at):

1. I don't go to school _on___ Sunday.

2. I always travel to New York_____ August.
3. Where were you _____ 1997?
4. Paul and Karen went to Paris_____ 1994.
5. He likes reading the newspaper _____ Sundays.
6. Jane has gym class _____ Mondays.
7. The train leaves _____ 10:15.
8. The train leaves _____ fifteen minutes.
9. I started to work here _____ September 1997.

Unit 2 12
Check Your Knowledge
Can you...

• Talk about present activities using Present Continuous?

• Ask and answer to yes / no and Wh- questions in Present Continuous?
• Talk about dates using ordinal numbers?

1 What's Mike doing?

1. Mike / clean / the house 2. He / make / dinner 3. Mike / smile at / me

Mike is cleaning the house. __________________________ ________________________

4. He / run / to catch / the bus 5. Mike / dance / at / the party 6. He / cry

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

7. He / wait for / the bus 8. He / play / the guitar 9. He / drink / water

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

10. He / sleep 11. He / read / a novel / 12. Mike / think / about / his / problems

____________________ _________________________ ________________________________

Unit 2 13
2 What are they doing?

3 Choose the correct form for each verb.

1. Once a week, I ________ to an art class. 6. I ________ lunch in the cafeteria every day.
1. go 1. have
2. am going 2. am having

2. Jerry is not at home right now. 7. I ________ to Toronto next Thursday. Do

He ________ in the library. you want to come?
1. studies 1. go
2. is studying 2. am going

3. It ________ quite hard tonight. 8. I ________ Marie comes from France.

1. snows 1. believe
2. is snowing 2. am believing

4. Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________ it! 9. I ________ you're crazy!
1. hates 1. think
2. is hating 2. am thinking

5. John is rich, he ________ a Mercedes. 10. Look! Jane ________ into the water.
1. drives 1. jumps
2. is driving 2. is jumping

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. We aren't watching the television.
2. The kids ________________ (not study) tomorrow.
3. It ________________ (not rain) today.
4. I ________________ (not study) German.
5. We ________________ (not go) to Egypt on summer holiday.
6. My Dad ________________ (not have) his lunch now.

Unit 2 14
5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Are you listening (you listen) to me?

2. ________________ (it start) to rain?
3. ________________ (Sue study) to become a doctor?
4. ________________ (you take) your daughter with you?
5. ________________ (the dog play) with the kids?
6. ________________ (they come) tonight?

5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Where is Mary going (Mary go)?

2. What company ________________ (you work) for?
3. What class ________________ (they study) in?
4. Who ________________ (John shake) hands with?
5. What time ________________ (your friends come)?
6. What country ________________ (they visit) at the moment?

6 Fill the gaps with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verb:

This is the house of Rose and her family.

They __live________ (live/ are living) in a small town near
Brighton. Rose __________ (lives/ is living) with her mum, her
dad, her two brothers Tom and Toni and her dog Ronny.
They __________ (have/ are having) a big back garden with some trees. Rose __________ (likes/ is
liking) helping her mum with the garden.
Today is Saturday, at the moment she __________ (cleans/ is cleaning) her bedroom and her brothers
__________ (cook/ cooking) breakfast in the kitchen. They __________ (love/ are loving) bacon and
eggs and every weekend they __________ (prepare/ are preparing) breakfast for the family.
This afternoon, Tom and Toni __________ (drive/ are driving) to Brighton to go to the cinema and
Rose __________ (dance/ is dancing) at the club with her friends. Every Saturday afternoon, Rose's
mum __________ (visits/ is visiting) Aunt Liza and __________ (comes/ is coming) back home for
dinner. Rosie's dad usually __________ (stays/ is staying) at home and __________ (watches/ is
watching) a video. At the moment, he __________ (talks/ is talking) on the phone.

7 Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.

1. John ___is reading_____ (read) a book now.

2. What ________________ (you do) tonight?
3. Jack and Peter ________________ (work) late today.
4. Silvia ________________ (not listen) to music at the moment.
5. Maria never ________________ (sit) next to Paul.
6. Who ________________ (watch TV) every evening?
7. The phone ________________ (not ring).

Unit 2 15
8 Choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices below (a, b, c, or d)

1. Every Friday, our teacher _______ us a test to see how much we know.

a) give b) gives
c) is giving d) is give

2. Every time I _______ to England, it is rainy and cold.

a) go b) goes
c) am go d) am going

3. Today, my teacher _______ a blue shirt and dark blue trousers.

a) wear b) wears
c) is wear d) is wearing

4. I can't go to the cinema this evening because I ______ a lot of homework.

a) have b) having
c) am have d) am having

5. This evening I _______ to an Indian restaurant with some students.

a) go b) goes
c) am going d) am go

6. My father usually ______ to bed after midnight.

a) go b) goes
c) is go d) is going

7. _______ this TV program?

a) Are you enjoy b) Are you enjoying

c) Do you enjoy d) Do you enjoying

8. I ______ difficult tests.

a) don't like b) am not like

c) am not liking d) don't liking

9. Edna always _______ next to Rita.

a) sit b) sits
c) is sit d) is sitting

10. _______ your lunch in the students' room every day?

a) Eat you b) Do you eat

c) Are you eat d) Are you eating

Unit 2 16
9 Choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices below (a, b, c, or d).

1. The date today is Friday the twenty-first ________ April.

a) in b) of
c) on d) by

2. My friends and I go to a shopping mall ________ Saturday.

a) in b) of
c) on d) at

3. We go on a holiday to Malaysia, next year ________ June.

a) in b) at
c) on d) for

4. He comes ________ Friday.

a) in b) on
c) at d) for

5 . Vacation starts ________ June.

a) in b) at

10 Write the numbers as words and keep in mind that some words need to be capitalized!

11/30/2010 (month/day/year) November the thirtieth, two thousand (and) ten

the thirtieth of November two thousand (and) ten

1/11/2004 (month/day/year) ___________________________________


7/3/2006 (month/day/year) ___________________________________


10/7/2009 (month/day/year) ___________________________________


9/20/2008 (month/day/year) ___________________________________


6/23/2009 (month/day/year) ___________________________________


10/13/2010 (month/day/year) ___________________________________


Unit 2 17


house block of flats

Rooms: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, hall, garage, stairs…

Furniture in the living room:

sofa armchair television picture

rug table coffee table bookcase

Unit 2 18
Furniture in the bedroom:

bed dresser nightstand with lamp closet / wardrobe

The kitchen:

table with chairs stove fridge garbage/trash

The bathroom:

bathtub toilet/ loo sink mirror

Read and translate the following text:

Our Dream House.....

“Our dream house is in a village because we love fresh air and beautiful
It is not too big but it’s pretty. It has a very big garden with a lot of
trees and flowers because we love nature. We have a garage next to the house
where we keep our car.
In our dream house there are three bedrooms, a hall, a living room, a
big kitchen and a very big bathroom. Our own bedroom has a huge waterbed.
In our big kitchen we have many cupboards, a fridge, a cooker, a
dishwasher and a big oven because we love baking cakes.
The bathroom has a big bath, a shower and a big mirror.
The living room is nice. There are two sofas, a coffee table, a big
fireplace and a TV.
Our dream house is very modern, cozy, and roomy.”

Unit 2 19

1 Describe your home!

2 Pair work: students ask each other about their home

ex: Does your house have a garage?
Do you have a television in your living?

3 Choose the right word in parenthesis to complete the conversation:

Ann: (Do/ Does) you (live/ lives) near here, Bob?

Bob: Yes, I (do/ does). My parents and I (live/ lives) on Grand Street.
Ann: Do you (live /lives) in an apartment?
Bob: No, we (don’t/ doesn’t), we (have/ has) a house.
Ann: Great! And (do/ does) you (have/ has) brothers or sisters?
Bob: Yes, I (have/has) a brother, he (live/ lives) with us.
Ann: Really? (Does/ Do) he help a lot?
Bob: Yes he (does/ do). He washes the dishes every evening.
Ann: You are lucky. I (live/ lives) alone, and I (do/ does) everything at home.


There is / There are: indicate that something exists or is in a certain location (close or far).


There is an apple on the desk. There are some apples on the plate.

Contractions are possible, but they are mostly used informally in speech.
Ex: There's a fly in my soup.
There're plenty of oranges left.

Info in Spanish:

There is / There are se utilizan para expresar la cantidad de objetos o personas que se encuentran en
un determinado lugar. Ambas formas significan "hay".
La diferencia es que la primera se utiliza para el singular y la segunda para el plural.

Questions: Is there a restaurant here?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.

Negative: There is no computer in my bedroom. / There isn't a computer in my bedroom.

There are no cinemas here. / There aren't any cinemas here.

Unit 2 20
Common mistakes:

Since the expression there is/ there are usually has no equivalent in other languages, students
sometimes use have instead.
Ex: Have a lot of food on the table. – incorrect!!!
There is a lot of food on the table. – correct


1 Describe the room on this painting (Van Gogh) using “there is/ there are”:

2 Complete the sentences with "there is" or "there are", in their right form.

1. _There is__ a fly in my soup.

2. _________ many parks in New York.
3. _________ a chair in the hall.
4. _________ two pictures on the wall.
5. _________ a football game tomorrow.
6. _________ students in my class.
7. _________ a bank near here?
8. _________ life on Mars?
9. _________ any books on the table?

3 Put the words in the correct order:

1. in, there, room, chairs, are, the There are chairs in the room.
2. a, in, mirror, the, there, bedroom, is ___________________________________
3. no, there, sofa, the, in, living room, is ___________________________________
4. are, rugs, there, floor, on, the ___________________________________
5. there, pictures, the, on, wall, are ___________________________________
6. isn’t, a table, there, the, in, kitchen ___________________________________
4 Describe your dream house using “there is / there are”

Unit 2 21


Meaning: must have, have to have (something), to want (something) very much.

Children need a good balanced diet.

I need some new shoes.

To make a cake you need flour, fat and sugar.

Need + to + verb

He is too fat; he needs to lose a bit of weight.

When you are coughing you need to take cough syrup.

John has the flu; he needs to stay in bed.

Grandpa has a fever; he needs to see a doctor.

Unit 2 22

1 Give advice using “need” or “need to” in the following situations.

Use the phrases: have a hot tee; be home early; go to the supermarket; go to bed early; take a
vacation; drink some water

1. The child is very thirsty. _The child needs to drink some water.____________________
2. We don’t have milk. ___________________________________________
3. Mike feels very tired. ___________________________________________
4. Grandmother got very cold. ___________________________________________
5. Gorge has many guests tonight. ___________________________________________
6. Ann is working too hard. ___________________________________________
2 What do you need in your house?
Ex: I need to have a bed in my bedroom…..


Meaning: to desire a particular thing or plan of action.

Note! “Want” is not used in polite requests in British English!

I want some chocolate. Your boss wants a word with you.

Want + to + verb
Ex: What do you want to eat?
I want to build a house.

The verb “want” can not be used with continuous tenses.
Ex: I am wanting a coffee. – incorrect!!!
I want a coffee. – correct!


Tell to your classmates what you want to do in the weekend:

Ex: Saturday I want to eat in the new Chinese restaurant.

Unit 2 23

One way in which English nouns indicate possession is by means of the ending 's.

the man’s hat the girl’s dog

The ending 's is most often used with nouns referring to human beings or animals.

Maria’s bike the bird’s song

The ending 's may also used with nouns referring to non-living things.

the city's parks the earth's surface

Note! The ending 's is used only with singular and plural nouns which do not end in s.

Ex: the girl's hat

the children's books
the men's jackets

Nouns formed from two or more words joined by hyphens (-) indicate possession by adding 's to the
last word.

Ex: the runner-up's score

the sister-in-law's children

Unit 2 24
Possessive 's and plural nouns

When plural nouns end in s, the ending 's is not used.

Instead, an apostrophe ( ' ) is placed after the s which indicates the plural.

the students' books the Smiths' house

Note! Both 's and s' are pronounced like s.

Thus, in spoken English, there is no distinction between a singular noun with the ending 's
and a plural noun ending in s'! For instance, the phrase “the student's books” is pronounced in
the same way as the phrase “the students' books”.


1 Change the noun indicating possession from the singular to the plural.

1. the musician's instruments _the musicians' instruments___________

2. the child's adventures ______________________________
3. the animal's habitat ______________________________
4. the workman's instructions ______________________________
5. the ship's passengers ______________________________
6. the pilot's vacation ______________________________
7. the officer's friends ______________________________
8. the doctor's office ______________________________

2 Change the noun indicating possession from the plural to the singular.

1. the surgeons' skill the surgeon's skill________________

2. the policemen's warning ______________________________
3. the directors' decision ______________________________
4. the secretaries' correspondence ______________________________
5. the eagles' eyes ______________________________
6. the women's task ______________________________
7. the managers' assistants ______________________________
8. the owners' permission ______________________________

Students go around the class and identify the owners of some objects
Ex: this is Eric’s pen; that is the teacher’s table….

Unit 2 25
Check Your Knowledge
Can you...

• Describe your home using “there is / there are”?

• Talk about needs and wishes using “need” and “want”?
• Indicate possessions using 's?

1 Choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices below (a, b, c,or d).

1. In our living room __________ four chairs and a table.

a) there is b) there are
c) is there d) there am

2. In our class _______ students from Italy, Spain and France.

a) there is b) there are
c) is there d) there am

3. In our school, every Friday ________ a 'Conversation Club'.

a) there is b) there are
c) is there d) there am

5. _________ any teachers in the teachers' room?

a) There is b) Is there
c) There are d) Are there

6. In my garden ________ any flowers.

a) there isn't b) there aren't
c) is there d) are there

7. Excuse me. __________ a student called Andreas in this class?

a) There's b) There are
c) There isn't d) Is there

8. In my room ________ any computer.

a) there isn't b) there aren't
c) aren't there d) is there

9. ________ no coffee in the coffee machine.

a) There's b) There are
c) There isn't d) There aren't

10. Are there any students in the school from Switzerland? Yes, _______ one.
a) there's b) there are
c) are there d) there isn't

Unit 2 26
2 Describe this living room using there is / there are:

1. __There are curtains on the window.____________________________________

2. _________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________

3 Answer the following questions.

Ex: What does a hungry baby need? (food) → A hungry baby needs food.

1. What does a sick person need? (medicine)


2. What do you need when you are tired? (to sleep)


3. How many hours do you need to sleep?


4. What furniture do you need in the living? (chairs, table, sofa, lamp and TV)


5. What do you need when you are thirsty? (water)


Unit 2 27
4 Answer the following questions.

Ex: What does Ed want to do next weekend? (play baseball)

Ed wants to play baseball next weekend.

1. What does Mrs. Smith want to have in the bedroom? (new lamp)


2. What does the English teacher want to teach today? (grammar)


3. Where do we want to go on vacation? (Samaná)


4. When does Mark want to visit his friend? (Saturday)


5. How do they want to travel to Puerto Rico? (by plane)


5 Answer the following questions using the information given.

Whose dog is this? (blind man) Whose luggage is this? (Jane) Whose wife is she? (Mr. Smith)

This is the blind man's dog._ __________________________ _________________________

Whose grandparents are they? (Ann) Whose desk is this? (boss) Whose book is this? (boy)

____________________________ ________________________ _______________________

Unit 2 28


The family tree:

Male Female Relationship.____________

father / dad (padre) mother / mom (madre) parent(s) (padres)
son (hijo) daughter (hija) child(-ren) (niños)
husband (esposo/marido) wife (esposa) spouse (cónyuge)
brother (hermano) sister (hermana) sibling (hermano/ hermana)
grandfather /-pa(abuelo) grandmother /-ma (abuela) grandparent(s) (abuelos)
grandson (nieto) granddaughter (nieta) grandchild(-ren) (nietos)
uncle (tío) aunt (tía)
nephew (sobrino) niece (sobrina)
cousin (primo) cousin (prima)
father-in-law (suegro) mother-in-law (suegra)
brother-in-law (cuñado) sister-in-law (cuñada)
son-in-law (yerno) daughter-in-law (nuera)


1 Read and practice the following text:

Your closest relatives are your parents: your mother and father and your siblings (brothers
or sisters).
If your mother or father is not an only child, you also have aunts and/ or uncles. Your aunt is
the sister of your mother or father and your uncle is the brother of your mother or father.
Your female child is called your daughter, and your male child is your son.
Parents of your parents are your grandparents: grandmother and grandfather. You are
their grandchildren, either a granddaughter or a grandson.
When you marry, your husband’s (or wife's) family become your in-laws. The mother of your
spouse (husband or wife) is your mother-in-law and his or her father becomes your father-in-law.
The term in-law is also used to describe your relationship with the spouses of your siblings.
So the husband of your sister becomes your brother-in-law, while the sister of your husband
becomes your sister-in-law.
If you are a woman, you become the daughter-in-law of your husband's parents, and if you
are a man, you become the son-in-law of your wife's parents.

Unit 2 29
2 Fill in with the correct word.

Your father's sister is your __aunt_______ Your sister's brother is your _____________
Your sister's husband is your _____________ Your mother's brother is your _____________
Your mother's mother is your _____________ Your uncle's son is your _____________
Your sister's daughter is your _____________ Your brother's son is your _____________
Your son's son is your _____________ Your mother's father is your _____________

3 Write down the term for the opposite sex:

1. mum __dad________ 6. granddaughter _____________

2. brother _____________ 7. nephew _____________
3. son _____________ 8. wife _____________
4. uncle _____________ 9. boyfriend _____________
5. grandmother _____________ 10. cousin _____________

4 Make your own family tree.


Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun. By using them we avoid frequent repetition of a

Ex: Do you know my brother? My brother is very funny. My brother lives in Mexico.

With pronouns, we can say:

Do you know my brother? He is very funny, he lives in Mexico.

Subject pronouns: I We
You You
He/ She/ It They

Subjective pronouns can be used as the subject of a verb.

Ex: I am ready.
He is a boy.
She is a teacher.
It is raining.

Use subject pronouns to avoid repetition of the word to which the pronoun refers (antecedent).
Ex: I sing every evening to my little nephew, he likes it a lot.
Sunday we eat at my grandmother, she likes to cook a lot.
Your parents are here. They look angry.

Unit 2 30
Singular and plural antecedents:

If the antecedent is singular, use a singular pronoun.

Ex: This is my sister. She is younger than I am.

If the antecedent is plural, use a plural pronoun.

Ex: These are my sisters. They are younger than I am.

Extra info:

The pronoun it can be used without an antecedent in sentences referring to general conditions such
as the weather or the time.
Ex: It is raining.
It is the twenty-fourth of April.
It is seven o'clock.
It is Friday.


1. Fill in the blanks with the personal pronouns which agree with the underlined antecedents.

Ex: She and I are not coming, because ____are too busy.
She and I are not coming, because _we_ are too busy.

1. The children are happy because _______ have a holiday today.

2. My father and I plan to visit the park, but _______ have to wait because it is raining.
3. This chair is valuable because _______ is so old.
4. The woman is pleased because _______ likes her work.
5. Until _______ gets exhausted, their father works continuously.
6. After the apples are cut up, _______ should be sprinkled with lemon.
7. Her husband studies music. _______ knows how to play guitar.
8. My neighbour and I like to go shopping together, so that _______ can help each other.
9. Her daughter likes to study, because _______ wants to know more.
10. The car is in good condition, but _______ needs a new muffler.

2 Fill in each blank with he, she, it, we or they, and underline the antecedent of the pronoun.

Ex: My cousin and I live in different towns, but ____ write to each other often.
My cousin and I live in different towns, but _we_ write to each other often.

1. When the moon is full, ______ rises just as the sun sets.
2. Tracy and I like spending time together, because _______ share many interests.
3. When my uncle is home, _______ enjoys watching soccer.
4. The students work hard, because _______ are anxious to complete the assignment.
5. When that lady enters the hotel, ______ always wants to speak with the manager.
6. Jake likes apples. ______ eats two apples every day.
7. My friend and I leave early so that _____ can catch the bus.
8. I like the picture so much that I want to have ______ framed.
9. Your grandmother is old, but ______ is still beautiful.
10. The boats look picturesque when _______ are tied up in the harbour.

Unit 2 31
Indefinite pronouns
Indefinite pronouns refer to things or people without mentioning what or who they are.

everyone / everybody = todos/as, todo el mundo

no one / nobody = nadie
someone / somebody = alguien
anyone /anybody = alguien -al preguntar; cualquiera -al afirmar; nadie -al negar.
everything = todo
nothing = nada
something = algo
anything = algo -al preguntar; cualquier cosa -al afirmar; nada -al negar.

Note! For people we use: anybody or anyone | somebody or someone | nobody or no one
For things we use: anything, something, nothing, none

All of the pronouns listed above take verbs in the third person singular.

Everybody has a mother. Nobody wants to play alone.

Note! Use the his or his or her to agree with pronouns such as anyone and everyone.
Ex: Everyone took his seat. / Everyone took his or her seat.


1 Read and translate the following text:

Somebody, Everybody, Anybody, and Nobody

The four managers Somebody, Everybody, Anybody, and Nobody live together in a house.
They are very busy people, but whenever there is an important job to be done, Everybody is sure that
Somebody will do it. Anybody could do the job, but at the end Nobody does it.
When Nobody does it, Everybody gets angry because it is Everybody's job. Everybody thinks
that Somebody does it, but Nobody realizes that Nobody does it. So consequently Everybody blames
Somebody when Nobody does what Anybody could have done in the first place.

2 Fill in all the gaps with: somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything or nothing.

1. I can hear ___________ at the door.

2. Does ___________ want to go to the cinema?
3. A: What are you doing on Saturday?
B: ___________
4. Can___________ tell me the capital of Mongolia?"
5. "Would you like___________ to eat?
6. The film is in German so I can’t understand___________.
7. I'm sad because ___________ can help me.
8. It's your graduation, you can order ___________ you like from the menu.

Unit 2 32


bread rice pasta corn cereal


potato carrot bean(s) onion cucumber pumpkin

tomato cabbage(s) peppers(s) lettuce avocado


banana grape lemon apple strawberry(ies) pineapple


milk cheese yoghurt

Meat and other proteins:

fish meat chicken egg(s) nut(s)

Fat, oil, sugar

butter oil candy(ies) potato chips

Unit 2 33
In the morning you have breakfast.
At noon you eat lunch.
In the evening you have dinner/ supper.
When you are hungry between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner, you have some snacks.


1 What vegetables do you see on the following pictures?

____corn___________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________

2 Talk about your favourite dish; explain what you need to make it.

3 What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
4 Talk about mealtime habits. Answer the following questions:

Do you usually eat breakfast? ______________________________________

What time do you eat dinner? ______________________________________
Do you ever go to the restaurant? ______________________________________
What is your favourite drink? ______________________________________
Do you like to cook? ______________________________________

Unit 2 34
1 General rule: singular form + s

an apple four apples

2 Nouns ending in ch, s, sh, x or z + es

one match many matches

3 Nouns ending in ce, ge, se or ze + s: the final es is pronounced as a separate syllable.

Ex: place → places
voice → voices
page → pages
house → houses

4 Nouns ending in y:

a. Y preceded by a consonant: change the y to i and add es.

one candy many candies

b. Y preceded by a vowel: simply add s.

one key three keys

5 Nouns ending in f or fe

Some English nouns ending in f or fe change the f to v when forming the plural.

a wolf two wolves one knife three knives

Unit 2 35
6 Nouns ending in o

Some English nouns ending in o form the plural by adding s, some form the plural by adding es, and
some can form the plural by adding either s or es.

a. The following nouns form the plural by adding es:

echo → echoes tomato → tomatoes

hero → heroes tornado → tornadoes
mosquito → mosquitoes torpedo → torpedoes
potato → potatoes volcano → volcanoes

b. Other nouns (particularly those of Spanish or Italian origin) can form the plural simply by
adding s:

albino → albinos sombrero → sombreros

casino → casinos soprano → sopranos
radio → radios studio → studios

Note! A good dictionary should be consulted in cases of doubt.

7 Irregular plurals

There are a few words surviving which do not use s to form the plural:

child → children mouse → mice

foot → feet ox → oxen
goose → geese man → men
tooth → teeth woman → women
sheep → sheep deer → deer


1. For each of the following sentences, change the subject of the verb to the plural, and change the
verb so that it agrees with its subject.
Ex: The room is large.
The rooms are large.

1. The book is heavy. 13. The bench is made of stone.

2. The train is long. 14. The sketch is finished.
3. The bird is singing. 15. The breeze is warm.
4. The door is closed. 16. The wall is painted.
5. The shoe fits well. 17. The ball is red.
6. The branch is covered with ice. 18. The key is difficult to use.
7. The newspaper is interesting. 19. The valley is very beautiful.
8. The museum opens at nine o'clock. 20. The monkey is funny.
9 The box is empty. 21. The boy runs to school.
10. The river flows to the sea. 22. The office is open to the public.
11. The bush is growing fast. 23. The secretary works a lot.
12. The hat is on sale. 24. The toy is expensive.

Unit 2 36
2 In the following sentences change the subject to the plural, and change the verb so that it agrees
with its subject.
Ex: The goose likes to eat grass.
The geese like to eat grass.

1. The child is happy. 7. The gentleman has breakfast early.

2. The sheep is sheared. 8. The policewoman is directing traffic.
3. The man is fat. 9. Your foot is size ten.
4. The deer is eating. 10. The fisherman has a good season.
5. The woman is visiting the doctor. 11. The tooth needs to be filled.
6. The mouse makes a lot of noise.


Count nouns: - have two forms: singular and plural

- can be preceded by a, an, or a number
- to ask for quantity use: How many?

Ex: How many pineapples are here?

a/one pineapple two pineapples three pineapples

In general, when a count noun refers to two or more things, it must be put into the plural.

The book is interesting. The books are interesting.

Info in Spanish:
Un sustantivo es contable cuando se puede contar en unidades.

Noncount nouns: - cannot form a plural, they have only a singular form
- cannot be preceded by a, an or a number
- to ask for quantity use: How much?

Unit 2 37
Info in Spanish
Un sustantivo es incontable cuando no se puede contar en unidades.
Por ejemplo, “milk” es incontable porque no se puede decir “one milk”, “two milks” sino que se debe
hacer alguna referencia, como por ejemplo al envase: “two bottles of milk”.

English noncount nouns include:

a) nouns naming intangible things which normally cannot be counted:

Ex: honesty, courage, impatience
b) nouns naming tangible things which are thought of as substances:
Ex: butter, milk, sand, rice, sugar
c) nouns naming groups of things which in English are referred to collectively:
Ex: furniture, luggage, news
d) names of languages:
Ex: English, German, Spanish

Note! A noncount noun takes a singular verb.

Ex: Honesty is a virtue.
Butter tastes good.
Furniture was provided.

Note! Some nouns can be either count or non-count.

Many nouns are noncount when they refer to something as a substance or a concept, but are
count when they refer to an individual thing related to the substance or concept.

Ex: Job experience is essential. Some experiences can be funny.

Milk contains calcium. Two milks, please. (informal)
Life is full of surprises. It was feared that two lives had been lost.

Extra information

Sometimes a noncount noun is used to indicate a group of items, whereas individual items within the
group are count.

Noncount Count__________________________
money dollars, bills, fives, cents, dimes, coins
time years, months, days, hours, minutes
clothing dresses, pants, shirts, socks, shoes
furniture tables, chairs, sofas, lamps
luggage suitcases, briefcases, bags, carry-ons

Making noncount nouns countable

A lot of food is made up of noncount nouns; to make them count put them in another form:

Noncount Count___________________________
fruit → a piece of fruit, two pieces of fruit….
wheat → a grain of wheat, two grains of wheat
milk, coffe → a glass of milk, two glasses of coffee
sunlight → a patch of sunlight, two patches of sunlight
sugar → a cup of sugar, two cups of sugar
money → a bag of money
wine → a bottle of wine

Unit 2 38

1 In the following sentences change the word one to two and put the subject and the verb into the

1. I need one bar of soap. _I need two bars of soap.__________

2. One bottle of water is enough. ____________________________
3. One jar of honey costs 10 dollars. ____________________________
4. There is one piece of furniture in the room. ____________________________
5. One grain of rice fell under the table. ____________________________
6. One bucket of sand is needed to build the sand castle. ____________________________
7. Mix one cup of sugar with the flour. ____________________________
8. One piece of luggage is allowed per passenger. ____________________________
9. At four o'clock we play one game of chess. ____________________________

2 Fill in each blank with a or an if the noun is used as a count noun, or leave the blank empty if the
noun is used as an noncount noun.

1. The bottle is made of ___ glass. (blank)

2. Would you like _a_ glass of water?
3. She will buy ___ paper to read the news.
4. ___ paper can be made from ___ wood or ___ cloth.
5. She has a keen sense of ___ humour.
6. They always eat ___ banana at twelve o'clock.
7. There is ___ bed near the window.
8. The sun gives off ___ heat and ___ light.
9. He has ____ painting in his office.

Much / Many
The adjectives many and much refer to a big quantity of something.
Many is used with count nouns and much is used with noncount nouns.

They have much luggage. Here are many suitcases.

Much and many are used in negative and question forms.

Ex: How much money have you got?

How many dollars have you got?

There's not much sugar in the cupboard.

There aren't many people at the concert.

Unit 2 39
Complete the questions with How much or How many.

1. _____________ birds are there?

2. _____________ money is there?
3. _____________ dolphins are there?
4. _____________ pencils are there?
5. _____________ books are there?
6. _____________ milk is there?

(A )little / (A) few

The adjectives few and little refer to a small quantity of something.
They imply that the quantity is remarkably, or undesirably small!

Few is used with plural count nouns, and little is used with noncount nouns.

Few of her friends came to the party. He has little time to consider the situation.

The use of the word a with the adjectives few and little somewhat changes the meaning which is
The expressions a few and a little refer to a small quantity of something.
They don’t imply that the quantity is undesirably small!

He has a little money left. He has a few dollars left.

Comparing things using as many/ much/ few/ little:

as + many/much/few/little + noun + as
She has as many brothers as sisters.
He has as much courage a you do.
They take as few risks as possible.
He knows as little English as they do.


Unit 2 40
Choose the correct adjective in the brackets to fill the gaps.

Ex: ____ schools are closed because of the snowstorm. (many, much)
Many schools are closed because of the snowstorm.

There is ______ furniture in the room. (few, little)

There is little furniture in the room.

1. There are __________ ducks in the park. (many, much)

2. __________ water is in the glass. (few, little)
3. __________ authors are as famous as Shakespeare. (few, little)
4. How __________ rice do you have? (many, much)
5. There are __________ books on this subject. (few, little)
6. Students pay_______ attention to the teacher. (many, much)
7. _________ people like football. (many, much)
8. There are ___________ stores downtown. (few, little)
9. __________ information is available. (few, little)
10. _________ sports are as fast-paced as hockey. (few, little)
11. She makes ____________ mistakes in the class. (few, little)
12. She has __________ work to do. (few, little)
13. There is often __________ wind in the evening. (a few, a little)
14. He doesn’t have _________ money. (many, much)
15. He does __________ work. (few, little)

Some / Any
Some and any describe an indefinite or incomplete quantity.
They can be used with both count and noncount nouns.

Some is used:

a. in positive statements:
Ex: I have some rice for lunch.
She has some valuable books in her house.
There is some butter in the fridge.
We need some cheese for breakfast.

b. in questions when we expect a positive answer:

Ex: Does he want some tea? (= I'm sure he does.)
Is there some fruit juice in the fridge? (= I think there is)
Would you like some help?
Do you have some lettuce?

Any is used:

a. in negative statements:
Ex: He doesn't give me any tea.
I don't think we have any coffee.
. They don't want any help.
There isn't any reason to complain.

Unit 2 41
b. in questions when we expect a negative answer.
Ex: Do you have any tea?
Does he have any friends in London?
Have they got any children?
Do you want any groceries from the shop?
Are there any problems with your work?


1 Complete with some or any.

1. I'm buying__some___ eggs.

2. They don’t make ________ mistakes.
3. I can't pay. I don’t have _________ money.
4. There aren't ________ shops in this part of the town.
5. George and Alice don't have______ children.
6. Do you have_________ brothers or sisters?
7. There are ________ beautiful flowers in the garden.
8. Are there ________ letters for me?
9. I'm thirsty. Can I have ________ water, please?
10. Do you know _______ good hotels in London?
11. Would you like ___________ tee?
12. I am buying__________ bread.
13. They don’t put ________ milk in the soup.

2 Rewrite the following sentences as negative statements in which the word some is replaced by the
word any:

1. I need to buy some shoes. I don't need to buy any shoes._________

2. We need some onions. _____________________________
3. I like to eat some banana. _____________________________
4. He photographs some flowers. _____________________________
5. She wants to take some courses in Math. _____________________________
6. I recognize some the students. _____________________________
7. We are visiting some tropical islands. _____________________________
8. We need to buy some eggs. _____________________________
9. There is some danger involved. _____________________________
10. I have some questions about your plan. _____________________________
11. They are interviewing some of the contestants. _____________________________
12. She buys some of the books second-hand. _____________________________
13. I want to make some salad. _____________________________

Unit 2 42
Check Your Knowledge
Can you...
• Talk about your family?
• Use subject and indefinite pronouns correctly?
• Talk about food and recipes using plurals, some/ any, many/ much and (a)
little/ (a) few?

1 Choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices below (a, b, c, or d)

1. Sarah has two children, a son and a _______.

a) daughter b) girl
c) husband d) cousin
2. Ali's father and my father are brothers. We're ______.
a) parents b) sons
c) cousins d) nephews
3. I have two brothers, Mark and Simon and a _______ called Mary.
a) nephew b) son
c) girl d) sister
4. My sister has a baby, so I'm an _______.
a) parent b) uncle
c) cousin d) grandparent
5. There are three generations in my house. Me, my mother and father, and my _______.
a) nephews b) cousins
c) grandparents d) uncles
6. I love my brother, but I don't like Sonia, his _______. They've been married for three years.
a) wife b) sister
c) daughter d) girlfriend
7. In England it's normal to live with your ______ when you are 18, but not when you are 50.
a) sisters b) parents
c) children d) brothers
8. My uncle and aunt live in Australia, so I don't see my ______ very often.
a) cousins b) sisters
c) grandchildren d) nephews
9. Everyone is here: my brother, his wife, and also her parents, my ______.
a) step parents b) in-laws
c) outlaws d) uncles

2 Complete the following chart of family relationships using the opposite family members.

husband _wife_____ aunt __________ grandson __________

daughter __________ nephew __________ father __________
father-in-law __________ grandmother __________ brother __________

Unit 2 43
3 Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns. Note that Sue is the person
1. My name is Sue. (Sue) I am English. And this is my family.
2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie)_______ is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad)_______ is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon)_______ is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon)_______ are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy)_______ is two years old.
7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) _______ live in Canterbury.
8. (Canterbury) _______ is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) _______ often come and see us.
10. What can _______ tell me about your family?

4 Fill in all the gaps with either somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything or nothing.
In some case more than one option is possible!

1. Somebody/ Nobody lives in this house.

2. __________ comes to the meeting.
3. Is there __________ in that room?
4. He wants __________ to eat.
5. We don't need __________.
6. I need __________.
7. Would you like __________ to drink?
8. Is there __________ in that closet?
9. I want to go to the cinema with__________ special.
10. I don't ask __________ from you.

5 In each sentence, choose the best word for each gap from the choices (a, b, c, or d).

1. I love reading. I have hundreds of ______. 7. My ______ hurt! We walked for hoursin the
a) book b) bookes forest.
c) books d) booken a) foots b) footen
c) feet d) feets
2. Today I have five _______.
a) clases b) class 8. There are a lot of ______ at the supermarket
c) classes d) class's today.
a) persons b) person
3. I have two long ______ a year. c) people d) peoples
a) holiday b) holidays
c) holidaies d) holidayes 9. Jane an Mark stay in Hong Kong for seven
4. They have four ______, all girls. a) month b) months
a) childs b) childes c) monthis d) monthes
c) childen d) children
10. Few ______ like playing football.
5. Brush your ______ after eating. a) woman b) womans
a) tooths b) toothes c) women d) wimmen
c) teeth d) teeths
11. This year I want to grow some ______ in the
6. _______ are cheaper than taxis normally. garden.
a) Bus b) Buss a) tomatoes b) tomatos
c) Bus's d) Buses c) tomato d) tomatose

Unit 2 44
6 Choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices
below (a, b, c, or d).

1. There are ______ French students in the class at the moment.

a) much b) a lot of
c) too much d) little

2. We only have _______ time between the first and second lesson.
a) a few b) few
c) a little d) not many

3. We have ______ homework to do tonight.

a) not enough b) too much
c) too many d) many

4. You need to take _______ with you on the trip to London.

a) not much pounds b) much money
c) a few pounds d) little pounds

5. At five o'clock every evening, there are _______ cars on “White

ladies” road.
a) too much b) not much
c) little d) too many

6. How _____ pairs of shoes do you take on a trip?

a) much b) many
c) few d) enough

Unit 2 45

English Language

English is a West Germanic language originating in England, and the first

language for most people in Australia, Canada, the Commonwealth Caribbean,
Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America (also
commonly known as the Anglosphere).

It is used extensively as a second language and as an official language

throughout the world, especially in Commonwealth countries such as India, Sri Lanka,
Pakistan and South Africa, and in many international organisations.

Modern English is sometimes described as the global lingua franca. English is

the dominant international language in communications, science, business, aviation,
entertainment, radio and diplomacy. The influence of the British Empire is the primary
reason for the initial spread of the language far beyond the British Isles. Following
World War II, the growing economic and cultural influence of the United States has
significantly accelerated the spread of the language.

On an average school day approximately one billion people are learning


Knowledge of English is required in certain fields, professions, and occupations.

As a result over a billion people speak English at least at a basic level.

Unit 2 46
The Domestic Cat

Cats are very popular pets and there are many different
different breeds that all vary in
size, colour and markings. An average cat reaches a length of 50-60
50 60 cm and weighs
about 3-5 kg. The fur may be black, white, brown, grey, red, black and white.

Cats are very good hunters and use their strong, sharp claws anda teeth to grab
and hold their prey. In the wild, cats feed on mice, birds and other small animals.

Cats see and hear extremely well. They can see in the dark and hear many sounds that
humans are not able to hear. To feel their way round, cats use their whiskers.

Cat Language
Cats say 'meow'. If they feel very comfortable, they purr. If a cat is angry, it wags its
tail, lowers its ears, and hisses or growls. Just watch your cat: eyes, ears, tail and body
posture tell you a lot about how your cat feels.

Things your cat needs

food and water - There are many different sorts of food. Ask your vet or pet shop
for assistance. Make sure that your cat always has a bowl of fresh water. Cats
never drink where they eat, so put the water bowl at least one metre
metr away from
the food bowl.
a litter box - Keep the litter box clean or you will soon have some stinky corners in
your living room
a place to sleep - This can be a fancy cat's bed, a carrier or just an old cushion or
toys - Pet shops have lots of toys
t for cats, but even rolled-up
up wads of paper make
nice toys. The most important thing is that you take your time to play with your
a scratching post - A cat needs to scratch its claws and if you don't have a post,
your furniture will suffer.

Unit 2 47
Jack C. Richards: INTERCHANGE Third edition
Addison – Wesley Publishing Company: COMMUNICATING IN ENGLISH 1
Thomson Heinle: UP CLOSE 1 English for global Communication
Nancy Herzfeld- Pipkin: GRAMMAR STRAND 2




C/ Estela Geraldino Esq. Club Rotario, Las Colinas, Jarabacoa, Republica Dominicana
Tel: 809 574 6231
E-mail: u.agroforestal@codetel.net.do

Unit 2 48

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