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Structure Of Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the structure of an argumentative essay can be both challenging and rewarding.
On the surface, the topic might seem straightforward, as it involves outlining the components of a
specific type of essay. However, delving deeper reveals the intricacies of crafting a compelling
argument, organizing thoughts coherently, and presenting evidence persuasively.

One of the initial challenges lies in understanding the fundamental elements of an argumentative
essay. This includes grasping the importance of a clear thesis statement, identifying reliable sources
for evidence, and acknowledging counterarguments. Balancing these elements while maintaining a
logical flow is crucial, and it requires a keen understanding of the topic at hand.

Moreover, the process involves selecting relevant evidence to support the main claims. This requires
thorough research and critical analysis to ensure the chosen sources are credible and contribute
effectively to the argument. The ability to synthesize information and present a cohesive argument is
a skill that demands time and practice to master.

Organizing the essay itself can be another hurdle. Determining the most effective sequence for
presenting ideas, transitioning between paragraphs, and ensuring a smooth progression of thought
can be challenging. The writer must consider the reader's perspective and anticipate potential
objections, addressing them strategically within the essay.

Additionally, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion requires finesse. The introduction
must grab the reader's attention, provide context, and present a clear thesis statement. Conversely,
the conclusion should effectively summarize the main points, restate the thesis, and leave a lasting
impression. Achieving this balance is no easy feat.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the structure of an argumentative essay involves navigating

through various challenges. It demands a solid understanding of the components of effective
argumentation, the ability to find and synthesize relevant evidence, and the skill to organize thoughts
in a coherent and persuasive manner. However, mastering these challenges can lead to the
development of crucial writing and critical-thinking skills.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, various
resources are available, including professional writing services. These services can provide support in
crafting well-structured and compelling essays tailored to specific requirements. If you need help
with your academic writing, similar essays, or any other assignments, consider exploring options
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Structure Of Argumentative Essay Structure Of Argumentative Essay
Analysis Of Kathy Acker s Blood And Guts In High School
For her article in the 1976 publication of the Journal of Women in Culture and Society,
Helen Cixous writes, Woman must write herself: must write about women and bring
women to writing, from which they have been driven away as violently as from their
bodies for the same reasons, by the same law, with the same fatal goal. Women must put
herself into text as into the world and into history by her own movement (Cixous 875).
Kathy Acker does just this in her novel, Blood and Guts in High School. Unlike her
male contemporaries, Acker took the risk of writing her own body into her text. As a
womanwho wrote from inside her skin and mind, she maintained an acute awareness that
the metaphor of the body politic begins as a gendered experience.... Show more content
on ...
Acker writes, ...Janey depended on her father for everything and regarded her father as
boyfriend, brother, sister, money, amusement, and father (Acker 7). What is the most
disturbing isn t the incestuous relationship Acker s main character is engaging in, it is
the confusion of what love is. Janey has been divorced from the maternal, the only
notion of love in her life is the problematic relationship she has with her father. This
relationship is volatile, and only leads to Janey s rejection. She endures this rejection
many times after, finding herself surrogate fathers who will have sex with her, and in
her mind, love her. Janey is the epitome of what male dominated society desires from a
female. Women are taught that all they should want to do is have sex and more
specifically, sex with men. When Janey is repeatedly rejected by the men who are
supposed to desire her, Acker is acknowledging the abandonment that comes along with
supposed consent. The masochistic relationships that Janey engages in illustrate the
extent of her psychological trauma. She falls in love with abusers, over and over again,
hinting at the symbolic and structural violence heteronormative patriarchy commits
against women. Janey experiences various masochistic relationships that erase her
explicit consent, or her explicit rejection of the abuse she endures. Of one of her violent
affairs, Janey writes in her diary, I didn t want to
A Qualitative Study On African Women s Views On Perinatal...
services results in positive maternal outcomes. However, barriers still exist in some
communities due to inequalities, language barriers and education levels which compels
individuals to access and use appropriately such services among women of the
reproductive age. Perinatal care services refers to care that pregnant women and their
unborn babies receive before, during, and after delivery which commences from the first
visit of antenatal care through the fortieth day after delivery. which in short are referred
to as antenatal, labour and delivery and postnatal period which women undergo through
during maternity... Show more content on ...
In Australia maternity services can be accessed in either public or the private
sector(Brown, Sutherland, Gunn, Yelland, 2014). In Australia, many studies have been
done to explore the experiences of migrant women of different backgrounds and not
much has been done on African women on their experiences on perinatal care only
one study was done on African women s experience in Brisbane (Murray, Windsor,
Parker, Tewfik, 2010). According toBuckskin et al 2013, recommended that non
english speaking background women are hard to reach group which needs further to be
investigated. This has prompted the researcher to explore the experiences of African
women on perinatal care in Victoria. OBJECTIVES Broad Objective To explore the
experiences of perinatal care services among women of African background who are
living in Victoria, Australia. Specific Objectives To examine their experiences on
antenatal care services. To explore their experiences on labour and delivery. To explore
their experience on postnatal care which they received. Literature Review Antenatal
experiences Antenatal period is very crucial for pregnant mothers and their unborn baby
in order to identify and prevent ailments. Thus WHO recommends that women should
start antenatal care services as

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