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How To Be More Productive

1. Manage your energy, not just your time - find out times when you are “in the zone” and
work then.
2. Build a better to-do list - whittle down your to-do list to your priorities.
3. Tune out distractions - get away from all your biggest distractions.
4. Batch your tasks - put different types of work into batches to not lose focus.
5. Prioritize healthy habits - introduce healthy things to do in spare time.
6. Take a break (or a few) - make sure to give yourself breaks to be able to work better.
7. Refine your workspace - surround yourself with less distractions.
8. Change your scenery - a change in environment can boost your focus levels.
9. Let go of perfectionism - allow yourself to achieve below perfect.
10. Cut your to-do list in half - focus on accomplishing what really matters.
11. Follow the 80/20 rule - remove useless tasks to get 80% of results in 20% of your time.
12. Use your morning to focus on yourself - use the morning to set your mood to being
13. Tackle your challenging tasks first - choose the most important and challenging tasks to
accomplish first.
14. Improve your email etiquette - don’t waste time communicating about things you don’t
need to know and really just fills up your head with useless emails.
15. Create a system - schedule out times for each daily task.
16. Stop confusing productivity with laziness - don’t replace actually working with useless
things that fill up your time.
17. Stop multi-tasking - give your full focus to the task ahead of you.
18. Set small goals - break large projects into small milestones you can accomplish regularly.
19. The five-minute rule - tell yourself you’re only going to work for 5 minutes and then let
the motivation carry you longer.
20. Time blocking - give each task a block of time to complete it in.
21. Delegate - use team members and let others help you.
22. Set boundaries - don’t let yourself take extra time to finish things.
23. Identify when you’re most productive - track times of the day you get the most work
24. Live by your calendar, not your inbox - look at what you already need to get done and
don’t introduce new requests until you are done.
25. Think in waves - when you have something really big going on don’t stretch yourself,
wait for after to have another wave of productivity.
26. Don’t fight the truth of time - overplanning will only drain you and make you realise
there’s not enough time.
27. Focus on one task at a time - take your to-do list one task at a time.
28. Set small objectives - instead of looking at each item on your to-do list as a whole, break
it up into smaller parts.
29. Use the Pomodoro strategy - work a bit, take a break, work some more, take another
break, etc.
30. Have an organzied workspace - only have the essentials around to not lose focus.

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