Does The American Dream Still Exist Today Essay

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Does The American Dream Still Exist Today

Crafting an essay on the question of whether the American Dream still exists today is a task that
requires a nuanced exploration of historical context, contemporary socioeconomic realities, and the
evolving nature of individual aspirations. It demands a delicate balance between optimism and
critical analysis, considering both the success stories that embody the American Dream and the
challenges and inequalities that persist in society.

Addressing this topic involves delving into complex themes such as economic mobility, social
equality, and the impact of cultural shifts. One must navigate through a plethora of opinions,
statistics, and expert perspectives to build a comprehensive and well-supported argument. The
evolving nature of the American Dream, shaped by changing societal norms and economic
landscapes, adds an additional layer of intricacy to the essay.

Moreover, discussing whether the American Dream still exists demands an understanding of diverse
perspectives, including those who have achieved their dreams, those who feel excluded from the
promise of upward mobility, and the varying experiences of different demographic groups. It requires
a careful examination of the historical roots of the American Dream and its relevance in the
contemporary world.

Assembling an essay on this topic requires a thoughtful approach to structure and coherence, ensuring
that the arguments flow logically and are supported by relevant evidence. Striking a balance between
optimism and realism is crucial, as the exploration of the American Dream involves acknowledging
both its inspirational aspects and the challenges that may hinder its realization for many.

In conclusion, writing an essay on whether the American Dream still exists today is a demanding
task that requires comprehensive research, critical thinking, and an ability to navigate through diverse
perspectives. It is an exploration of the intersection between history, culture, and socioeconomic
factors, and it requires a careful examination of both the achievements and the shortcomings of the
American Dream in the present context.

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valuable, offering support in crafting well-researched and thoughtful essays on a variety of topics.
Does The American Dream Still Exist Today EssayDoes The American Dream Still Exist Today
Martin Luther King Jr. And The Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King Jr was a very great leader. He was one of the most affective people
in the civil rights movement. He has been helping people since when he was a little
boy. He would also help people with his smartness. Lastly, one of his best qualities was
being a good speech man. Martin Luther King Jr was one of the best leaders of all
time. Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. His real
name when he was born was Michael, but he later changed it to Martin. He grew up in
the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where his grandfather and father were both
pastors there when he was a kid. Until his father s death, he was the co pastor. Martin
was a very strong Christian. This was Martin s childhood. Even though
Uncertainty Reduction Theory “the Vow” and “Meet the
Uncertainty Reduction Theory
The Vow and Meet the Parents

Uncertainty reduction theory is the point of view that uncertainty motivates

communication and that certainty reduces the motivation to communicate (Wood,
definition). This theory was first developed by Charles Berger. He believed that when
people are to meet for the first time they have a high level of uncertainty and the only
way for them to reduce it is to communicate with one another. They don t know what each
other likes, thinks and believes; how each other responds to certain reactions, and they re
unsure what each other expects or wants from interacting (Wood,184). There are three
prior conditions that are meant to help individuals want to reduce uncertainty. ... Show
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Although their situation makes the reduction of uncertainty a lot more difficult because
for Channing he remembers all the stuff they once did together, but Rachel cannot seem
to place any remembrance on what they were like. She keeps remembering who she
used to be before she met him, which was a completely different person. This causes
him to get very frustrated with her, and this in turn puts a strain on them continuing of
the reduction of uncertainty. There is a scene in the film where Channing takes Rachel
out on a date and he brings her to all the places that they shared special moments at;
where they first met, first date, and a ritual they would always do once a month. During
this date the couple was able to talk and began to restart their relationship. I was able to
see that from their communication it began to break the barrier between the couple, and
allowed them to start to grow some feelings towards one another again. Where as in the
film Meet the Parents the verbal communication between the father and the possible son
in law they both do not know each other so everything is completely new about one
another. I found that verbal communication actually decreased the chance of reducing the
uncertainty between the two. For example the more they talked and learned about one
another the more the conversation started to change because it helped them realize that
Benjamin Franklin s Use Of The Telegraph
Before the discovery of the telegraph, communication was difficult between long
distances. Upon discovery the telegraph, a machine transmitted messages to and from
different places. Once the telegraph became popular, the telegraph was used for fast
communication . There were two men majorly involved in the creation of the telegraph.
The man that created the telegraph created morse code, which was involved in many other
future forms of technology. The technology that evolved from the telegraph has been
used throughout history. The telegraph ideas are used in modern day times to create new
ways of communication connecting the corners of the nation. The phenomenon of
Benjamin Franklin s experiments helped influence the creation of the telegraph.... Show
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The three colleges were Yale Academy (1805 1810) attending at age 14, Royal
Academy of Arts(1811 1815), and Phillips Academy (unknown dates). His passion of
knowledge took a turn for the better. Morse took interest in electricity during college at
Yale Academy, while studying with Jeremiah Day, a professor in science. Along with a
discussion with Charles Jackson about electromagnetics The spontaneous idea of the
telegraph was formed. Morse spent a total of seven years of his life creating the telegraph,
three years being notes turning into sketches and models. Samuel Morse was not able to
accomplish the machinery without some assistance from many other intelligent
Themes In Seedfolks
Seedfolks is a story about people living in Cleveland and they live in a community that
is not diverse at all. The characters are all different races, so it is hard for them to go
out in the world without thinking they are being judged or bullied by other people. In
the story, we see the characters building up to create a community garden. This story is
about how one act of kindness can generate another. But that s not the only theme to the
story. There are tons more morals and themes. Such as the garden. The garden helps
bring people together and makes the dirty neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio more
diverse. The characters in the book all have something in common, they all deal with
family issues and their races and cultures make them feel like they don t belong. But
when the community garden is created, everything starts to change. People become
more open about their feelings, they have a lot of friends, and everyone we read about
connects back to one another. The characters in Seedfolks are different from one
another. They are all different races which makes them really self conscious about how
they look when they go out in public. They do not easily meet new people due to their
cultural differences and isolation in a large city. But when they convert the vacant lot
into the community garden, this provides them with the chance to break out and meet
new people. The book shows that this is an important thing because the more diverse and
close a neighborhood

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