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Persusasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay can be a challenging task that demands a combination of critical thinking,
effective communication skills, and a deep understanding of the chosen topic. Crafting a compelling
argument that convinces the reader to adopt a specific viewpoint requires meticulous planning and

One of the difficulties lies in researching and gathering relevant information to support your thesis
statement. It involves delving into various sources, analyzing data, and selecting evidence that is both
credible and persuasive. The ability to present a well-rounded perspective, acknowledging
counterarguments and refuting them effectively, adds another layer of complexity.

The structure of a persuasive essay is crucial, and arranging ideas in a logical sequence can be
daunting. A well-organized essay flows seamlessly, guiding the reader through a coherent line of
reasoning. Developing a strong introduction that captures attention, crafting persuasive body
paragraphs, and creating a compelling conclusion that reinforces the main argument—all require
careful consideration and skillful execution.

Moreover, mastering the art of persuasive language is essential. The essay should be written with
clarity and precision, employing rhetorical devices to enhance persuasion. Striking the right balance
between ethos, pathos, and logos is a delicate task that demands a nuanced understanding of the
audience and the subject matter.

Revision is a critical step in the writing process, and refining the essay for coherence, clarity, and
persuasiveness requires time and attention to detail. Revisiting and polishing the language, ensuring
the flow of ideas, and verifying the soundness of arguments are integral components of the revision

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay is no simple feat—it demands research, organizational skills,
persuasive language, and careful revision. However, with dedication and a systematic approach, one
can overcome these challenges and create a compelling piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, various resources are
available. Websites like offer professional help in crafting well-researched and
persuasive essays tailored to specific requirements.
Persusasive Essay Persusasive Essay
Analysis Of Spirited Away By Hayao Miyazaki
When do we truly grow up? In most modern day societies, there is a legal age where
young people legally become adults, in this country it is once the clock strikes 12 on
the 18th birthday. In popular science, becoming mature means your prefrontal cortex
has finally fully developed around 24 or 25 years of age for important decision making
moments. Others perceive being all grown up when they move out and are no longer
dependent on their parents any longer. In, Hayao Miyazakis most acclaimed animation
film Spirited Away, Miyazaki s shares his perception on what it means to become
mature through an adventurous story of a 10 year old girl named Chihiro. Based on
Chihiro s experiences Mr. Miyazaki portrays to his audience that when one is... Show
more content on ...
However, beneath the child like impression that the viewer first gets of Chihiro is a girl
that has an uncommon wealth of wisdom and respect for rules for a girl her age. These
foundational qualities that she possesses will be useful in her time in among the spirits
to rescue her parents from themselves. In this this movie, Chihiro will be our guiding
light of virtue.
Spirited Away is a film that is chock full life lessons. It is very dense in symbolism and
filled with symbolic moral messages; no scene or word spoken is wasted. But one very
prominent theme that Miyazaki wants to explain to his young audience is the dangers of
greediness and the freedom that could be found in selflessness.
Both humans and spirits all have qualities of covetousness in Spirited Away. In the
beginning of the film, Chihiro s parents voraciousness allows disregard respect and
mannerisms, leading them to consume swinishly the food of the spirit world without
permission that literally has literally transformed them into pigs. The bathhouse workers
avarice blinds them from possible dangers such as No Face, but also the goodness that
has come among them in the form of Chihiro. Even Haku is greedy for power to match
Yubaba s, the owner of the bathhouse. Yubaba is
Mckinstry Advertising Agency
McKinstry Advertising Agency

You are the president of the McKinstry Advertising Agency, a medium sized firm that
specializes in preparing the marketing strategies, performing the market research studies,
arranging the distribution channels, and designing the advertising and promotional
materials for industrial companies that have developed off shoot consumer products. You
obviously serve a very specific niche. Your clients are industrial companies that is, they
sell primarily to other manufacturing firms and government agencies that have developed
as unintended outcomes of their R amp;D programs products for the retail trade. Dow
Chemical Company, while not a client of your agency, is an almost ideal example of this
type of firm. ... Show more content on ...
In summary, it cannot be said that exact cause of most severe traffic accidents are
known with certainty but it is believed that speeding and drinking, jointly or separately,
play some role in the events that lead up to those accidents. Also to blame, in many
instances, are the design of the highway, the condition of the weather, the maintenance of
the vehicle, the time of the day (many severe accidents occur at dusk, with poor lighting
and tired drivers), and the presence of radar detectors. A study by the Ohio State Police
found that radar detectors were present in at least one of the vehicles involved in 69% of
all severe traffic accidents on the highways of that state in 2005. Studies in other states
have confirmed that finding, with some estimates of the relationship running as high as
The use of radar detectors is illegal in many if not most states, but neither the
manufacturing nor the marketing of the units has ever been banned by the federal
government which, of course, is the sole authority which could regulate their interstate
trade. The U.S. constitution forbids any state from restricting imports from any other
state. Currently, therefore, there often occur an unusual situation in which the use if the
radar detector sets may be illegal within a given state, but the sale of those sets is not
illegal and cannot be prohibited within that state.
The manufacture and marketing of radar detectors was expanding industry,
Governor Lepage s Administration And The Vermont State
ackground Governor LePage s administration and the Maine State Legislature have been
in gridlock for many months over the proposed two year state budget beginning July 1.
Maine faces the real possibility of a state government shutdown at the end of the fiscal
year if that a budget agreement is not reached June 30th. The most recent state
government shutdown lasting 16 days occurred in 1991 when then Gov. John McKernan
failed to reach an agreement with the state legislature about workers compensation
The legislative leaders as well as Governor LePage s administration downplay the
possibility of a shutdown, and have all stressed their commitment to avoid this drastic
measure. However, LePage s often adversarial relationship with the legislature and battles
over MaineCare funding must not be downplayed. LePage s administration is not
offering any insight as to how the administration would conduct state government if a
shutdown occurs; however, it will fall to LePage to decide which government services
are essential and will continue in the event a budget agreement is not realized and a
shutdown occurs.
Like many nonprofits in the last several decades, CHCS has been affected by
unexpected shifts in funding and must be prepared should a shutdown or any other
significant loss of funding occur. CHCS receives just under 80% of its operating funds
directly or indirectly from the State of Maine. In the unlikely event of a state government
shutdown, as executive
Human Resource Department And The Human Resources
The Human Resource Department is one of the essential divisions in an organization
with a complete structure. Its function involves maximizing employee performance,
improving the company policies, enhancing the skills of the employees through training,
established system in the organization, managing people, give rewards and privileges,
planning, implementing and a lot more.
Why there is a need of this department? This is because people are the biggest asset of a
company that no one can ever replicate. Thus, they need to be managed, controlled,
trained and improved. This is the birth of Human Resource Department or the HRD.
According to Ruth Mayhew of studio D article, an ably run human resources department
can offer the organization with ... Show more content on ...
Recruitment. The success of recruiters and employment specialists generally is measured
by the number of positions they fill and the time it takes to fill those positions. This
function starts with talent search of the best fit for the available position. Once there are
prospects, these prospects will undergo the recruitment process from the initial interview,
job testing, final interview, submission of job requirements and hiring.
Safety. Workplace safety is an important factor. Under the Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970, employers have an obligation to provide a safe working
environment for employees. Beforehand, this function is the least important among all
functions of Human Resource Department. But now that the law on workplace safety
has been released, all employers are required to establish a safety workplace
environment for its employees. Building of clinics, fire and earthquake drillings and
standby first aid kits are some of the organization s compliance to the law.
Employee Relations. In a unionized work environment, the employee and labor
relations functions of HR may be combined and handled by one specialist or be
entirely separate functions managed by two HR specialists with specific expertise in
each area. I am used to be a human resource employee relations officer. My role is to
make sure
What Does Shunning Mean
A Bush Among Trees Having to deal with problems on your own is a good thing, but if
it s about people shunning you and treating you differently, it is a whole different story.
Shunning means people around you choose to disown you, not having any respect for
you at all. Also, shunning means people leave you out of everything such as activities,
events, or even important meetings. Lastly, shunning means people also do not want
anything to do with you at all. Shunning is important because it can cause a mature
person to act as an immature person, which is not right to treat a person like they are
worth nothing. It s not about how bad you dislike the person, it s about how mature you
act about the situation of a person being an outcast. Also,... Show more content on ...
I told her I didn t have any and she offered to be my friend. In conclusion, I learned that
there are nice people in this world even if other people are shunning you, they will
stick up for you and care for you no matter what. All you must do is allow yourself to
find the right people to be around that have positive energy. But on the other hand, it is
ok to handle your problems and still have a great positive mind set. To be become a
better person it s better for me to admit to my problems and work them out. Second, it
s about building a relationship with yourself and other people around me to help build
that positive vibe. Third, it helps me grow as a person and it grows my emotions and
feeling on how to handle it like a mature person. Forth, it s about how people show
love to me and respect me as a person not just an empty shell. To be a mature person, I
must learn how shunning can make me a better person by building a relationship, grow
in the mind and love. The reason I must know these things is because it helps me to
move on in life and, it s better to have these things on taking the first steps on becoming
a mature person. Even though it is difficult to be a strong person, I am willing to do my
best and become a strong independent woman and not
Clearasil Nippon-Vicks Japan
Richardson Vicks: relevant background information
Leading worldwide marketer of health, personal and nutritional care related products.
Brand recognition based on cold treatment market, VapoRub. (25% market share in US)
More than 50% of sales were from international operations, with standardized marketing
strategy in all countries, focused on functional and chemical aspect of the product.
Skin care segment: Clearasil leading acne product in US, Germany and Japan (Before
1975, was first mover in approved treatment for acne in these countries.)
Nippon Vicks: wholly owned subsidiary of Richardson Vicks in Japan
Initial growth was very accelerated.
The firm was not associated with cold treatment as in the US, but with ... Show more
content on ...
Fierce competition, both local and foreign brands. Could also be distributed anywhere.
The products were mainly cleansing bar soaps, creams, foams, all marketed for general
skin care (not necessarily for acne specifically).
Analysis: poor positioning considering market characteristics and distribution systems
Clearasil s introduction in Japan was initially successful, but mostly because it had the
first mover advantage. Being the first product to be adversities solely for acne treatment,
Clearasil initiated the market in Japan. However, as local and international competitors
entered the market, Clearasil s strategy showed to be inappropriate. Consequently its
sales gradually decreased, never able to reach the initial levels.
One of the issues was the decision to register Clearasil as a drug, and the functional 3
way advertising of the product. Neither of them was suitable given the cultural
acceptance of acne in Japan. Due to that, Clearasil was perceived as too strong, only to
be used in extremes cases, which limited its target market.
Also, being registered as a drug limited the distribution system to only drugstores, and
could be indicated by doctors or the drugstore staff since consumer patterns were
directed by word of mouth. The decision to register Clearasil as drug in the Japanese
market was not advantageous.
Another issue was Nippon Vicks being associated with Colac (laxative product), which
was not
Dead Men s Path By Chinua Achebe
Mankind has always looked towards progression in all ways of life. Advancement
requires change to a criteria s state of being. In the short story, Dead Men s Path, written
by Chinua Achebe, we read about an ambitious headmaster wanting to instill
modernizations into his area of operation. The story concerns the boundaries of tradition
that are overstepped by the headmaster of an unprogressive school. (Chinua Achebe). We
can often see modern day governments overstepping public boundaries. The governing
bodies that have overriding powers over the outcomes of historical and protected lands,
often produce unfavorable protests by public groups that evolve from environmental
concerns and public rights. With the smallest rebuttals by these protesting groups, we can
sometimes see the power in which community contains.... Show more content on ...
His two main goals were to create a, high standard of teaching and for the school
compound to be turned into a place of beauty. (2). Being young, married, and ambitious
the protagonist, Michael Obi, was determined to uphold the school s standard to put a
lasting impression on the Government Education Officer. Michael was faced with
opposition when he discovers an ancestral footpath running through his school s garden.
A priest of Ani confronts Michael with the issue of blockading an ancestral path would
bring tension to a community and their traditions. Michael disregards the priest s
concerns and upholds his standard to disallow trespassing and ritual to take place on his
school ground. Michael found the garden to be trampled the next morning and one of the
school buildings destroyed. Michaels disregard to the community s tradition returned him
a negative report regarding the school grounds by the inspecting supervisor. Also as a
result, tension developed between the school and

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