Cover Letter

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Dear Sir, Madam,

I am currently doing the first year of a three-year Master’s Degree sandwich course in

mechanical and electrical engineering at Icam, La Roche sur Yon, France. Half of my me is

spent studying at Icam and half at CETIH where I am an appren ce in the method,

maintenance and con nuous improvement department. I am currently working on projects

such as organising the maintenance spare parts shop, carrying out an evalua on at the end of

produc on or doing in-depth research into a recurring fault found using a Overall Equipment
Effec veness.

As part of my studies, I'm doing a three-month internship, from June 3 to August 16, in an English-
speaking country. I'd be very interested in doing my internship with your company, as you work in an
environment I'm not familiar with, and I'd be interested in ge ng to know it. I think I can give you a
different view of your company because I have French methods that may be different. Your company
has a lot of quali es and is people-oriented, an aspect I really like.

I already have industrial experience as during my studies I did work placements in different

industrial sectors such as aeronau cs and agri-food. I also did my BTS (which corresponds to the

BTEC), as an appren ce for two years, in an industry that manufactures joinery (windows,

entrance doors, sliding doors, etc.). Then suggested that I con nue with them to do my

engineering school.

I am a highly mo vated student with good communica on and organiza onal skills. I enjoy

working in a team and discovering new processes and ways of working.

I would appreciate the opportunity of talking to you to discuss my request in further detail.

I am available for interview at your convenience. You can find my contact details on my CV

which is a ached.

I very much look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Best regards,

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