CCO TheprevalenceandimpactofVoiceproblems

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T he prevalence and impact of voice problems in CAll center operators

Article in Journal of Laryngology and Voice · January 2013

DOI: 10.4103/2230-9748.118696

12 147

2 authors:

Usha Devadas Bellur Rajashekhar

Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal University/ School of Allied Health Sciences


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The prevalence and Usha Devadas, B. Rajashekhar

impact of voice problems Department of Speech and Hearing, MCOAHS, Manipal

University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

in call center operators


Background: Since the past 10 years, the call center industry has expanded rapidly in India. Effective and
healthy voice is a primary need for these professionals. Voice problems may threaten both the working
ability and occupational health and safety of call center operators (CCOs). Western literature reports higher
prevalence of voice problems in CCOs: Yet such investigations are not reported in India. Hence, the present
study was focused on investigating the prevalence of voice problems among CCOs and its impact on
their working performance. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional survey study was conducted using
self‑reported questionnaires. Data for the present study were obtained through convenient sampling by
distributing 2000 questionnaires in 11 voice‑based call centers in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. The results
of the study are analyzed and discussed, based on 1093 eligible questionnaires. Results: The career Access this article online
and point prevalence of voice problems in CCOs were observed to be 59% and 27%, respectively, with Website:
no significant gender difference (P > 0.05). The impact of the voice problem in terms of missing work was
found to be significantly greater in female CCOs as compared with their male counterparts. Conclusions: DOI: 10.4103/2230-9748.118696
This study supports the findings in the literature that CCOs are at greater risk of developing voice problems Quick Response Code:
and that voice problems affect their performance. Thus, there is a great need to identify the risk factors
associated with these voice problems and educate the CCOs and employers/organizations about the
consequences of voice problems for monitoring effective functioning of CCOs.

Key words: Call center operators, impact, prevalence, voice problems

INTRODUCTION Although occupational health and safety issues are evincing

increasing interest in India, there is still a lack of adequate
As the service sector continues to grow, more and more research highlighting the prevalence of voice problems in this
personnel depend on their voices for their livelihood. Call sector. A recent study conducted on 21 CCOs, using Voice
center operators (CCOs) are among the workers relying Handicap Index and adapted version of vocal self‑perception
heavily on their voices to carry out their profession. In the attitudinal questionnaire revealed that CCOs’ vocal demands
late 1990s, with the rise in the number of call centers across affected their quality of voice, with no self‑awareness of this
the world, researchers began to investigate the factors specific among most of the workers.[10] In another study, Shah and
to their working environment that could affect the workers’ Sanghi,[11] reported that 40% of the international CCOs and
health. Studies conducted on a large group of CCOs in Europe 30% of the domestic CCOs are experiencing voice problems.
revealed a higher relative risk of developing health‑related However, these studies are quite preliminary due to the small
problems, namely, musculoskeletal problems and psychological number of participants.
distress,[1‑3] and organic voice problems.[4‑6] Studies conducted
in different parts of the world confirmed higher prevalence and Aim
greater impact of voice problems in CCOs.[5‑9] The present study was conducted to investigate,
prevalence of voice problems in CCOs, using self‑reported
questionnaires to highlight functional impact on CCOs
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Usha Devadas, Department of Speech and Hearing, MCOAHS, performances, thus enhancing self‑awareness both to
Manipal University, Manipal ‑ 576 104, Karnataka, India. identify risk factors and to prevent and reduce voice
E‑mail: problems in these workers.

Journal of Laryngology and Voice | January-June 2013 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 3

Devadas and Rajashekhar: Voice problems in call center operators

MATERIALS AND METHODS The prevalence (career and point) of voice problems was
analyzed in terms of percentage. Mean and SD were used to
Participants summarize continuous variables. Pearson’s Chi‑square test
This cross sectional survey research was conducted by was used to compare the differences in prevalence and impact
contacting human resource (HR) managers at 25 voice‑based of voice problems between two genders.
call centers in Bengaluru, a metropolis in southern India,
using a self‑reported questionnaire. The responses were RESULTS
forthcoming from 11 call centers: They accepted to participate
Response rate
in the survey once assured of confidentiality. Nonparticipation
A wholesome response rate of 60.95% was obtained with
by other companies is attributed mainly to non‑grant of
returning of 1219 completed questionnaires. The data
permission from their management, organization and their
were analyzed based on 1093 questionnaires excluding the
company policies. The employees in these 11 companies
126 incomplete questionnaires. This was further categorized
ranged from 250 to 3000.
gender‑wise as response rates of 58% (632) and 42% (461)
for males and females, respectively. As literature quotes of
Description of the questionnaire
significant gender differences in experiencing voice problems,
The self‑reported questionnaire focused on CCOs answers
the results were discussed gender‑wise.
on demographic data, vocal attrition symptoms, frequency
and severity of the symptoms, and impact of these symptoms
Demographic and vocational information
on their emotion, social interaction, job performance and
The demographic and vocational information of CCOs is
voice‑related absenteeism, and also if experiencing voice
given in Table 1. The gender groups presented no significant
problems on that same day. The questionnaire data for the
difference in age range and work experience. All of them
present study was obtained from ‘voice survey’ questionnaire were involved exclusively in answering customer calls
developed by Jones et al.,[5] to study the prevalence and risk (80‑100 calls/shift) during the entire working day/shift with
factors for voice problems in telemarketers with permission 50% of them serving inbound call centers. The average length
from the primary author. The questionnaire was accompanied of their working day/shift was 8.7 and 8.5 hours (range: 8‑10
by a covering letter, explaining the broad outline of the hours.) for male and female CCOs, respectively, including one
research topic, with assurance of confidentiality to each 30 minutes and two 10 minutes breaks.
participant. The participants were required to sign a consent
form included in the questionnaire for documentation and Career prevalence of voice problems
future reference purposes. Prior to data collection, the For the present study, to measure the career prevalence of
protocol was presented before the institutional ethical voice problems, the CCOs were asked to indicate whether
committee. On its approval, the study was conducted in they experienced any of the vocal attrition symptoms listed
accordance with the stipulated guidelines. in the questionnaire, since they began their profession
as a CCO. No symptoms of vocal attrition were reported
Data collection throughout their career by 446 (41%) composed of 42%
Two thousand questionnaires were distributed across male and 40% female CCOs. Higher number (n = 647; 59%)
11 (7 inbound and 4 outbound) voice‑based call centers. The of the CCOs (58% male and 60% female) reported of one or
questionnaires were handed over to HR managers of these call more symptoms of vocal attrition, since they began their
centers who distributed the questionnaires to the CCOs. The career as CCOs irrespective of the gender. Even though the
number of questionnaires distributed varied according to the percentage of female CCOs experiencing voice problems was
number of employees. That is, the number of questionnaires slightly higher (60%) than their male counterparts (58%), it
distributed was around 100 and 250, respectively, in companies was not statistically significant (χ2 = 0.406; P = 0.524). The
with less than and more than a thousand employees. The prevalence of individual vocal symptoms reported by the
questionnaires filled from the CCOs were collected by HR CCOs, gender wise is shown in Table 2.
managers and returned to the researcher. Follow up of
non‑responders by HR managers was restricted by their busy As depicted in Table 2, among the 14 vocal attrition symptoms
work schedule and inability to contact them individually. listed, higher percentage of CCOs (both genders) indicated
the symptoms of ‘dry throat’ and ‘frequent need to clear
Statistical analysis throat’. Pearson’s Chi‑square test indicated no significant
SPSS software version 15 (Software Package for Social gender difference in reporting vocal attrition symptoms
Sciences, South Asia, Bangalore) was used for the analysis. except significantly higher number of male CCOs experiencing

4 Journal of Laryngology and Voice | January-June 2013 | Vol 3 | Issue 1

Devadas and Rajashekhar: Voice problems in call center operators

Table 1: Demographic and vocational details of the CCOs

Factor Male (n=632) Female (n=461) Test statistic P value
Average age mean+SD (range) 24.32 SD=3.225 (18-38) 24.08 SD=3.159 (18-37) t=1.22 0.22
Matriculation 4 (1) 0 χ2=18.680 <0.001
Higher Secondary 184 (29) 88 (19)
Graduation 402 (64) 330 (72)
Postgraduation 42 (7) 43 (9)
Period of work experience as CCO
Less than 6 months 154 (24) 83 (18) χ2=8.605 0.071
6 months to 1 year 142 (23) 95 (21)
1-2 years 155 (25) 129 (28)
2-5 years 168 (27) 143 (31)
5-10 years 13 (2) 11 (2)
More than 10 years 0 (0) 0 (0)
Average hours worked per shift (range) 8.67 (8-10) 8.52 (8-10) t=3.71 0.041
Type of calls
Inbound all of the time 255 (40) 189 (41) χ2=9.003 0.061
Inbound most of the times 59 (9) 45 (10)
About half inbound and half outbound 60 (9) 63 (14)
Outbound most of the time 78 (12) 37 (8)
Outbound all of the time 180 (28) 127 (28)
Data are number (percentage) of CCOs unless otherwise specified. Percentages have been calculated based on the number of respondents. Boldface values indicate statistical
significance (P<0.05)

Table 2: The prevalence of individual vocal symptoms reported by the CCOs

Vocal symptoms Prevalence χ2 P value
Male (n=632) Female (n=461)
My voice seems tired and weak when i talk or sing 17 (108) 20 (92) 1.467 0.226
It seems to require extra effort to talk 19 (119) 17 (76) 0.999 0.318
My voice is hoarse and rough 16 (99) 10 (48) 6.318 0.012
My voice breaks or cracks when i talk 16 (101) 13 (59) 2.161 0.142
My throat feels uncomfortable when i talk 12 (74) 11 (50) 0.197 0.657
I constantly feel like i need to clear my throat 31 (194) 25 (117) 3.701 0.054
My throat feels dry 40 (251) 45 (206) 2.707 0.100
My throat feels scratchy 17 (105) 18 (84) 0.482 0.488
I have a burning sensation in my throat 8 (48) 7 (30) 0.476 0.490
I have a feeling of tightness or pressure in my throat 12 (76) 12 (55) 0.002 0.962
I have a choking sensation in my throat 9 (58) 10 (46) 0.199 0.656
I tend to lose my voice at the end of a sentence 17 (108) 19 (86) 0.448 0.503
I tend to lose my voice in the mid‑sentence 8 (51) 9 (40) 0.129 0.720
I frequently lose my voice completely 3 (20) 3 (14) 0.014 0.904
Data are percentages (number) of CCOs unless otherwise specified. Percentages were calculated on the number of respondents. P values were derived from the Chi‑square test.
Boldface values indicate statistical significance (P<0.05)

hoarse voice. However, no significant relationship was found there was no significant difference between reporting the
between age, work experience, education level of the CCOs frequency of vocal attrition symptoms (χ2 = 2.311; P = 0.252)
and career or point prevalence of voice problems. or the severity rating (χ2 = 3.537, P = 0.171) and gender.

Out of the 369 male and 278 female CCOs reporting one or Point prevalence of the voice problems
more symptoms, 92% of male and 93% of female CCOs reported The prevalence of the voice problems on the day of survey
frequent voice problems, indicating they had occurred for every was reported by 292 (27%) composed of 161 (25%) male and
2‑3 months or more frequently. The remaining 8% males and 131 (28%) female CCOs. The relationship between point
7% of females reported experiencing vocal attrition symptoms prevalence and gender was non‑significant by Pearson’s
infrequently, indicating that they had occurred once in every 6 Chi‑square analysis (χ2 = 1.311; P = 0.252). In response to the
or 9 months. Further, when the CCOs were asked to indicate question of ‘how severe is the problem with your voice’, 70%
the severity of these symptoms (very mild, mild, moderate, of the CCOs rated their voice problems as of milder degree.
severe, very severe), 74% of them (76% of males and 73% of
females) rated it as very mild or mild. The remaining 22% (21% Impact of vocal symptoms
males and 24% females) rated it as moderate and 3% (4% of The CCOs were asked to describe whether the vocal attrition
males and 3% of females) as ‘severe’ or ‘very severe’. However, symptoms caused any stress or frustration, affected their

Journal of Laryngology and Voice | January-June 2013 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 5

Devadas and Rajashekhar: Voice problems in call center operators

productivity, interaction with family or friends, and whether asking them “during your career, how long have you missed
they missed work. work because of a problem with your voice?” (none, a few
days, about a week, about 2 weeks, about 3 weeks, or
Feelings about the vocal symptoms more than 3 weeks). In 45% of the CCOs, presence of vocal
The CCOs were asked to indicate their feelings about voice attrition symptoms affected their job performance among
problems using the following statements: Does not affect me, whom only 28% (n = 182) (25% male and 33% female CCOs)
rarely frustrates, occasionally frustrates, often frustrates, major missed work. Among the 182 employees reporting of missing
source of stress, and frustration. It was found that 41% of male work, for 22% of males and 26% of females, it was for few
and 37% female CCOs did not get affected by the presence of days, while for 2% of males and 6% of females it was for a
vocal symptoms. For 51% of males and 52% of females, the vocal week or more. Pearson’s Chi‑square test showed a significant
symptoms affected rarely or occasionally, whereas, 8% of the association (χ2 = 12.770, P = 0.026) between missing work
male and 12% of the female CCOs felt that the vocal symptoms due to voice problems and gender with significantly higher
was a major source of frustration for them. However, there percentage of females (33%) reporting of missing work than
was no significant gender difference (χ2 = 6.997, P = 0.136) their male (25%) counterparts.
in reporting their feeling about the vocal symptoms.
Physician/speech language pathologist (SLP) consultation
Impact of vocal symptoms on social interaction This was investigated using two questions “since beginning
Presence of vocal symptoms affected social interaction in only this type of work, have you ever seen a doctor for problems
57 (15%) male and 38 (17%) female CCOs, with no significant with your voice?” and “since beginning this type of work,
gender difference (χ2 = 0.400; P = 0.527). have you ever seen a speech therapist for problems with your
voice?” If yes, “how frequently did you visit the physician
Impact of vocal symptoms at work or SLP?” (once in 9 months, once in 6 months, once every
Presence of vocal symptoms affected job performance 2‑3 months, monthly, fortnightly, weekly). Despite 647 CCOs
in 288 (45%) of the CCOs and there was a significant reporting of experiencing one or more vocal symptoms,
relationship (χ2 = 9.466; P = 0.002) between work being only 85 (13%) consulted the Physician (11% males and 16%
affected and gender with significantly higher percentage of females), while only 18 (3%), visited SLP (4% males and 2%
female CCOs (51%) reporting of work being affected than their females), with majority, 562 (87%), reporting of not consulting
male counterparts (39%). Those CCOs whose work was affected either of them. Among the CCOs who visited the Physician,
due to vocal symptoms, indicated the effect of vocal symptoms 60 (9%) reported that their work was affected due to the
on their work using five statements as shown in Table 3. vocal attrition symptoms and only 12 (2%) sought advice
from SLPs. There was no significant relationship observed
As evident from Table 3, more than 50% of the CCOs (male between consulting Physician/SLP and gender ((χ2 = 3.090,
and female) reported that they need to repeat information P = 0.079). In spite of 182 CCOs (90 male and 92 female)
as well as need to force their voice in order to communicate missing work ranging from few days to 1 or 2 weeks, very
effectively with their customers. At the same time, taking few of them (10% male and 12% female) sought help from
breaks away from phone was reported by higher percentage physicians or SLPs for their problem.
of male (30%) compared with female (18%) CCOs.
Instructions for voice care
Missing work due to vocal symptoms The CCOs who participated in the study were asked whether
One effective way to understand the impact of voice problems they had received any instructions on the care of their voice.
is the number of days off work. This was investigated by Out of 1093, only 158 (14%), that is, 97 (15%) males and

Table 3: Effects of vocal symptoms on the call center work

Effect of voice problem on work No. (%) of CCOs χ2 P value
Males (n=145) Females (n=143)
I repeat myself because customers can’t understand me 86 (59) 93 (65) 1.003 0.317
I have to force my voice to be understood 107 (74) 109 (76) 0.227 0.634
I average fewer calls each hour 28 (19) 25 (17) 0.160 0.689
I take more breaks away from the phone 44 (30) 26 (18) 5.789 0.016
I tend to be less enthusiastic about selling the product 43 (30) 43 (30) 0.006 0.939
Other 5 2 1.275 0.259
Data are number (percentage) of CCOs unless otherwise specified. Percentages were calculated with the number of respondents in each group. P values derived from the
Chi‑square test. Boldface values indicate statistical significance (P<0.05)

6 Journal of Laryngology and Voice | January-June 2013 | Vol 3 | Issue 1

Devadas and Rajashekhar: Voice problems in call center operators

61 (13%) females reported of receiving some instructions, recovery enhancing prevalence of voice problems threatening
while 935 (86%) never got any. Of those who received the the effective functioning.[13] In general, women have higher
instructions, only 4 (4%) male CCOs received SLPs instructions, prevalence of voice problems due to some peculiarities, such
106 (67%) reported of having received instructions from either as higher fundamental frequency.[15,16] hormonal influence on
the present or the previous employer, 14 (8%) got them from the vocal fold,[17] and lower levels of hyaluronic acid in the
singing teachers and the remaining 34 (22%) from friends and vocal folds.[18] However, this was not reflected for the CCOs in
family physician. The results indicated higher percentage the present study as both genders reported higher prevalence
of male (15%) CCOs receiving instructions about voice care of voice problems. Studies in the literature suggest that, the
as compared with their female counterparts (13%). Among CCOs need to speak with a voice that is symbolically feminine
the 158 CCOs who received instructions about their voice with wider pitch range and intonation that are unnatural
care, 47 (30%) reported that they did not experience any and difficult for male CCOs; such subtle paralinguistic vocal
vocal symptoms, while the remaining 111 (70%) reported of changes could unconsciously affect them as well as their
one or more symptoms, with majority reporting of multiple customer negatively.[19,20] This unnatural speaking style along
symptoms (n = 87; 55%). When the 935 CCOs who had not with other influencing factors (smoking) would have led to
received any instructions on their voice care were asked higher prevalence of vocal symptoms in male CCOs.
whether they would like to receive instructions regarding
their voice care, 668 (71%) (374 males and 294 females) The vocal symptoms such as hoarseness, tiring of voice and
answered they will, while 267 (29%) (161 males and extra effort to talk, throat irritation or throat pain during
106 females) did not show any interest in receiving voice speech are signs of voice abuse or overuse in inappropriate
care instructions. working conditions, characterizing an occupational disease.
Generally, these symptoms develop sporadic to permanent
DISCUSSION with the appearance of organic lesions (vocal nodules).[21]
Both genders in the present study reported experiencing
The present study is probably the first to provide data on multiple symptoms [Table 2]. Among the 14 vocal symptoms,
prevalence of voice problems in Indian CCOs, based on a “dryness of the throat” and the “need to clear the throat”
large sample size. The results of the current study support were the most prevalent in both genders. Higher prevalence
the findings in the literature that CCOs are at greater risk of these symptoms among this group has been reported and
of developing voice disorders, irrespective of experiencing attributed to relatively low ambient humidity in call center
one or more vocal symptoms. The findings also indicate that offices.[5,6,22] The greater frequency of occurrence of multiple
these voice problems have or could have adverse effects on vocal symptoms affected their work productivity, as they
their job performance. needed to repeat the information and to force their voices
to be understood. This indicates that CCOs experienced
Higher career (59%) and point (27%) prevalence of voice vocal fatigue related to heavy vocal loading resulting in
problems, observed in the present study with non‑significant functional voice disturbances and are at greater risk of
gender difference, is consistent with reports of other studies developing vocal pathology.[23,24] In contrast, significantly
in the literature.[5‑7,9,12] The consistently higher prevalence less percentage of female CCOs reporting of taking breaks
of voice problems in CCOs from different studies proves away from phone comparatively, could be due to the fear
that vocal problems are universal among CCOs owing to the to disclose their real problems for job security in spite of
occupational vocal demands. In CCOs, the vocal performance anonymous questionnaires.
is not limited to physiological aspects; rather, it includes
occupation demands, coordination of vocal, emotional, and The impact of voice problems on an individual does not
cognitive settings for interaction with customers. It has been depend merely on impairment or disability but on the
reported that continuous use of voice for 2 hours is the handicap degree.[25] This was evident in the present study
maximum allowable time and exceeding that would cause where CCOs of both genders reported vocal symptoms with
a person’s vocal tract to be strained and tensed.[6,13] Apart similar degree of severity and frequency of occurrence, with
from this, most of the CCOs were younger (20‑30 years) female CCOs finding their work being affected significantly
with lack of experience and coping skills to deal with vocal more than males. In contrast, women in general, are more
demands and more vulnerable for vocal strain.[14] Thus, in likely to recognize bodily changes as symptoms of illness
these professionals, younger age, attending to higher number and more concerned with their health than males.[25‑27] It
of calls (80‑100 calls/shift) with few breaks, excessive stress is felt that this factor among the female CCOs would have
and certain ergonomic conditions could lead to permanent resulted in greater impact on their work performance and
damage of vocal fold mucosa not amenable for day to day taking more time off from work. Unfortunately, neither

Journal of Laryngology and Voice | January-June 2013 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 7

Devadas and Rajashekhar: Voice problems in call center operators

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