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2.1 Introduction


This report is based on primary as well as secondary data, however primary
data collection was given more important since it is overhearing factor in
attitude studies. One of the most important uses of Research methodology is
that it helps in identifying the problem, collecting, analyzing the required
information or data and providing an alternative solution to the problem. It
also helps in collecting the vital information that is required by the Top
management to assist them for the better decision making both day to day
decisions and critical ones.


Mutual fund is an investment vehicle created with pooling of funds collected
from the scattered investors for the purpose of investing in stocks, bonds,
money market instruments or similar assets. Some have benefited from it and
many are not even aware of such a mode of investment. Some of the
investors, with their limited knowledge on this mode, invest in it expecting
return higher than those provided under time deposits in commercial banks if
the expected yield under do not come up instead turn to backfire, they quit
from this mode and demotivate new ones from entering. One of the lucrative
investment avenues available for investors is mutual fund nowadays. The
problem at hand was to study and measure the awareness level of people
regarding mutual funds in the city. To find out Investors’ awareness about
Mutual fund products. The study includes analysis of the investors on the
basis of their investment objectives, age etc. It also examined the position of
MF among investment avenues available for the investors and the past
performances of various schemes from the active AMCs in Indian market on
the basis of NAV & time. So that it can help the advisors as well as investors
to choose the correct portfolio. This study is conducted with the aim to
understand the extent of awareness of Mutual funds in investors and steps in
familiarizing them among potential investors.
Descriptive Design

The target population on was the investors and non-investors of salem city.


The research consists of the 150 sample size.


The sample was collected through personal visits, formal talks and through
filling up the Questionnaire prepared. The data has been analyzed by using
mathematical or statistical tools.


For the purpose of the study two sets of data has been used. The first of data
is the primary data.
This type of data has been collected from the investors with the help of a


The second set of data used for the study is the secondary data. The
secondary data relating to net resources mobilized by banks and financial
institution sponsored mutual funds, assets under management, investors mix
etc is collected for a period of 2010- 2018. This type of data is collected from
different investment periodicals, magazines, various newspapers, RBI
reports, AMFI reports, SEBI annual reports; securities market reviews, study
of existing literature of different authors in the related field etc.


To carry out the research work different statistical tools are used in order to
derive certain meaningful information and results. In case of primary data
Chi-Square tests has been applied and in case of categories where
respondents are required to provide ranks to different factors, the relative
importance of the respective factor is calculated by assigning scores to them.
In case of secondary data exponential growth rates has been calculated.


The research has been conducted in Salem city.


The study was carried out for a period of three months, from 18th Dec to Mar
15th .

1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study and analyze of mutual fund

industry funds. To examine the awareness level of mutual fund investors.

1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is to track out the
investors’ preferences, priorities and their awareness towards different mutual
fund schemes. Keeping in view the various constraints the scope of the study
is limited only to the investors residing in Salem. Data for the study is
collected from a sample of 150 investors by using stratified sampling.

1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY In the present scenario Mutual fund

investments are the excellent resource of investments and it is further helpful
for the salary class people for getting tax benefit. Mutual fund industries are
gaining weight for the reason that salaried group people and the middle
income people prefer their investment preferable avenue for the investment
destination. There are different traditional investment options are available
i.e., gold investment, government bonds, real estate, post office savings
schemes, insurances and fixed deposits etc. Most of the investors are gaining
awareness about the mutual funds irrespective of their age, gender and their
income etc. In reality, most of the people investing in mutual funds are not
clear regarding its functioning and management. Subsequently the business
organizations which are offering mutual funds have to present absolute
information to the potential investors relating to mutual funds.

1.8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY i)This research reflects on individual

customer in Salem only. So findings and suggestions given on the basis of
this research cannot be extrapolated to the entire population. ii)Sample size is
150 which is very small that is not enough to study the awareness of
consumers of the country. iii)Respondents are not sincere and care full to fill
up the questionnaire so we cannot find right solution. iv)As sampling
technique is convenient sampling so it may result in personal bias. So perfect
result cannot be achieved. v)The study might also consist of the respondents’
bias answer. vi)It take much time to go in different areas and fill up
questionnaire so the timings are also limited to make the project. vii)To create
hypothesis and make cross tabulation is little bit confusing technique so it
may be a limitation. viii)In India people are not much care full and educated
regarding investment plan so to do this type of research is little hard.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: To study the performance evaluation of
selected mutual fund Scheme.

1. To study the performance evaluation of selected (open ended) large cap
mutual fund scheme before and during covid19 pandemic
2. To examine the performance of selected schemes by using portfolio
evaluation model (Sharpe and treynor )
3. To understand the market return & Fund return
4. To know, which scheme has given highest return within before & during
Covid-19 outbreak.

Index Return and fund return are not significantly related.

Variables of the study are Risk, Returns, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen
Alpha SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The present study attempts to
provide an idea about the performance of selected mutual fund schemes prior
and during the COVID19 outbreak. The study has concentrated on open
ended schemes & direct growth Plan.


This study will help the investor to understand the performance of various
schemes prior and during the Covid 19 pandemic.


All the data required for this study have been obtained mainly from
Secondary Source. Secondary Data are been collected from the various
websites like BSE, NSE, Association of mutual fund etc
There are Various Scheme available in the mutual fund like Debt, balanced,
equity etc. But out of this scheme we have selected Equity Growth Scheme.
10 equity mutual fund has been selected (open ended- Large cap growth
direct plan) on the basis of AUM (Asset under management)

DATA ANALYSIS TOOL Techniques used: The tool used for the present
study is Average return, Beta, Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio, Treynor
Ratio, Jensen alpha.


This study will helpful to us to know the Performance of Selected Mutual
Fund Before and During COVID-19.

1. The study is based on the historical data. The expected returns, standard
deviation and beta are calculated using past data.
2. The study is done using three indicators of portfolio evaluation i.e. Sharpe
and treynor ratio& Jensen alpha.
3. The data is collected for the limited period (2 years)
4. Studied only open –ended direct growth plan fund
5. The study has been conducted and analyzed on the information available.

A Study on Risk and Return Analysis of Mutual Fund at SBI Mutual Funds, Bangalore..pdf
3.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In general, investors prefer to invest
in debt funds as they are sure of interest payments. As return from equity
funds are risky to some extent investors hesitate to invest. This uncertainty
affects the performance of mutual funds to a greater extent. Hence this study
has been undertaken to find out if there funds yield returns par with the risk.
3.2NEED FOR THE STUDY To study whether the Mutual fund’s
investments will have more advantages when compared with other
investments. By comparing SBI mutual funds in the area of risk and returns.
Based on which investors will make decisions easily.

3.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study risk and return of selected

scheme of SBI Mutual fund. To find volatility of selected mutual funds.

3.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Selected equity funds of these organizations

were used for research. Research is based on different investment and
savings plans, so there are many opportunities to choose investment plans
that benefit investors and market companies. Choosing the right research
technology can lead to better profit and investment decisions.

3.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The data set used was gathered from
database of Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI) for Net Asset
Value (NAV). It also provides risk-free interest rates for the Nifty National
Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Reserve Bank of India. Fund returns are
calculated based on daily net asset value rather than monthly net asset value.
Net asset value has more display power than lower frequency data.

In addition, the daily returns thus obtained are geometrically averaged to

obtain an annual average return on capital. In addition, Nifty is used as a
substitute for market mix/return and benchmark variation.

3.6 LIMITATIONS The study is limited only to the analysis of different

schemes and its suitability to different investors and according to their risk
taking capacity to different investors. This study is based on a monthly fact
sheet, a second data provided by the website and other books, because the
main reason is that data is not available. The study was limited by detailed
studies of the five SBI MF. Many investors are price recipients. The study
does not include the entry and exit loads of mutual funds.

Webliography: 1. 2. 3

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