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File Tracking System

Designed and Developed By NIC
Designed and Developed By NIC


File Tracking System (FTS) is a web based application which helps in tracking

the movement of files and receipts. The application enables the users to maintain a

consistent watch over the movement of various important documents in the process of

decision- making. It was felt that a system is required to monitor the movement of Files

and Receipts at different levels in the decision making process. To fulfill the requirement,

a thorough study was conducted of the existing system. It was decided that the system

should be a lightweight application requiring minimal inputs and user- friendly interface.

The system has been designed in such a manner that the controlling officer of an

organization/division/section can view the movement of the documents and could take

appropriate decisions. This has been achieved by putting rigorous efforts while designing

of the database for the application.

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How to Access

The application can be accessed through Internet Explorer web browser. The

address for the portal is

Login Screen for File Tracking System

Screen 1.1
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How to Login

The user has to type the address as in the Address Bar

of Internet Explorer and press the Enter Key (Please check with your system

administrator in case of any change in the address). The user will get a Login Screen as

shown in the diagram (Screen 1.1). Before the system can be accessed, the user has to

provide the valid Login Id and password assigned to them. Initially the users can get their

Login Id and Password from the system administrators. Once the valid Login Id and

Password are entered, the user will get the Main Menu of File Tracking Application as

shown next (Screen 1.2).

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Main Screen File Tracking System

Screen 1.2
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Main Menu

The Main Screen of File Tracking System is divided into two frames. The Left

Frame and the Center Frame.

Four options are available in the left frame.

1. Change Section

2. Diary Module

3. File Module

4. Dispatch Module

5. Status Report

6. Change Password

7. Logout

8. Home

The Center Frame is the main working area for entering File and Receipt Details. It

shows the Login Id of the User, Name of the User and the User Section.

1. Users can click on Section Change to change the Section name.

2. Users can click on Diary to access the Diary Module.

3. Users can click on File Module to access the File Module.

4. Users can click on Dispatch Module to access the Dispatch Module.

5. Users can click on Status Module to access the Status Module.

6. The Change Password option can be used to change the password.

7. Logout can be used to quit the application.

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Section Change
On Clicking Section Change from the Min Menu, the User will get Section Change as
shown in Screen 1.


The user can click on the radio button or select and click the Change button to

change the section name as shown in screen 1.2

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Diary Module
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Diary Module

Screen 1.3
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Diary Module

On Clicking Diary from the Min Menu, the User will get Diary Module as shown in

Screen 1.3. The following options available in this module.

• • Create Receipt
• • Edit Receipt
• • Forward Receipt
• • Merge Receipt in a File
• • Get Receipt Sent Outside
• • Receipts from CRU
• • Close Receipt
• • Re Activate a Receipt
• • De Merge Receipt
• • Cancel Last Movement
• • Physically Receive Receipt
• • Query
• • History
• • Reports
• • Logout
• • Main Menu
• • File Module
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Screen 1.4

On Clicking Create Receipt, the User will get the screen as shown in Screen 1.4
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Year : This column specifies the year in which the receipt is being diarised. By

default the current year will be displayed. The year cannot be edited.

Diary Date : This column represents the Diary Date of the Receipt. By default it gives

the current date and it cannot be modified by the user.

Receipt Type : The Receipt Type Column specifies the type of receipt. The user can

see the available list of all receipt types by clicking the combo box in the receipt type

column. By default, the Receipt Type ‘Letter’ will be selected. The user is allowed to

change the desired option in this column.

Receipt Category : This column specifies the Category of Receipts being entered. By

default ‘General’ will be selected. User has the option to change the receipt category.

Ref. No. : This column indicates to the reference number of the receipt. Users can

either enter the reference number, if any, or leave it blank.

Ref. Date : If there is any Reference Date on the receipt, then it must be entered in

this column.

Receipt Language : This refers to the receipt language. By default, ‘English’ will be

selected. The user can see the list of choices and select the required language. If the

user wants to add any new language, then the user can contact the system

administrator who is looking after this system.

Dak Received Date : It represents the date on which the Dak is received in the

concerned section.

Sender’s Name : This column refers to the Name of the Sender who has sent the

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Address : This refers to the address of the sender who has sent the receipt.

Subject : This column indicates the subject of the receipt.

Remakrs : If the user wishes to enter any remarks pertaining to the receipt, he can

enter in the remarks column.

Dealing Assistant : This column can be used to mark a particular receipt to the

concerned Dealing Assistant.

Enclosure Details : If there is any enclosure along with the receipt, then the details

of enclosure can be entered here.

Action Taken : In this column, two options are available for the user. i) Forward to

Section and ii) Forward to Others. If the user simply wants to save the record without

selecting any of the two options, then he can click the save button. In the next screen,

a message box showing the diary number of the receipt being entered. The user can

note down the diary number for future reference.

If the user wants to Save and Forward the receipt to a particular section, then he can

select the option Forward to Section. Once this options is selected, the following

screen (Screen 1.5) is displayed.

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Save and Forwarding to Section

Screen 1.5
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Save and Forwarding to Section

The Screen 1.5 is used to forward a receipt to a particular section selected by the user.

By default, the Ministry and Department will be selected as per the user details. Then

the user has to select the Division from the combo box. Once a particular Division is

selected, the user can select from the list of sections belongs to that particular

division. Then the user can click “Save & Forward” button to save and forward the

receipt to the concerned section.

If the user wants to send the receipt to outside the network, then the user can select

the option Forward to Others. The following screen (Screen 1.6) will be displayed

once this option is selected.

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Save and Forward to Others

Screen 1.6
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Save and Forward to Others

Under this option, the user can enter the name of the person or department they are

forwarding the receipt and then press the “Save and Forward” button to save the

Record. Here the receipt will still be lying with the same section (from which it is

forwarded to other), since capturing the movement is not possible outside the

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Edit Receipt

The Edit Receipt Option is used to edit the previously diarised receipts. On clicking

the Edit Receipt option, the user will get the screen as displayed in Screen 2.1

Screen 2.1
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Edit Receipt

In the Screen 2.1, a query screen will be displayed for editing the receipts. Here

the user can supply any known value like Diary Number, Diary Date, Receipt Year,

Receipt Type, Receipt Category, Part of Full Reference Number, Reference Date, Receipt

Language, Dak Received Date, Sender’s Name, Address, Subject, Remarks, Dealing

Assistant and enclosure details.

If the user simply clicks the Submit button without supplying any parameters,

then all the records, which are available for editing, will be displayed. On the contrary, if

the user types any values against any columns, then the output will be limited as per the

user input. By using the query option, the output can be restricted to the desired number

of records.

After the submit button is clicked the user will get the output as shown in Screen

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Edit Receipt

Screen 2.2
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Edit Receipt

From the Screen 2.2, the user can double click on the radio button or select and

click the submit button to get the details of the receipt as screen 2.3

Screen 2.3

The user can make changes to all fields except the Section Diary Number and

Diary Date. The record can be saved by clicking the Update button. The Cancel button is

used to cancel the editing of record.

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Forward Receipt

The Forward Receipt Option is used to Forward the receipts. On clicking the

Forward Receipt option, the user will get the screen as displayed in Screen 3.1

Screen 3.1

The Screen 3.1 provides query screen for forwarding receipts. User can supply any

parameter like Diary Number, Sender’s Name, Address, Subject and Reference Number.

If the user wants to view records from a particular division or section, the user can select

the division or section and the click the submit button. The List of available receipts for

forwarding will be displayed as per the screen 3.2

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Forward Receipt

Screen 3.2

In the screen 3.2 the system retrieves the records available for forwarding are displayed.

The user can select a particular record and the details of the selected record is displayed

as per the screen 3.3

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Forward Receipt

Screen 3.3

The above screen 3.3 shows the details of the receipt and the user can enter any remarks

in the Remarks column. The Priority also can be changed in the Priority column. By

default, Normal will be selected. In the Action Taken Column, the user can select one of

the following options. i) Forward to Section and ii) Forward to Others. On clicking

Forward to Section, the user will get the following screen 3.4. On the other hand, if the

user select Forward to Others, the user will get the screen 3.5
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Forward Receipt

Screen 3.4

In the above screen 3.4, the user has to select the division and section and click the

Forward button to forward the selected receipt.

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Forward Receipt

Screen 3.5

The user has to enter the name of the person or department in the column Forwarded to

Whom, and then click the Forward button. Whenever a receipt is forwarded to other, the

receipt is actually lying with the section from which it has been forwarded. Once a

particular receipt (which was forwarded to other) is received back to the section, the user

can get back the receipt using the option “Receive receipt Sent Outside”.
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Merge Receipt

The Merge Receipt Option is used to merge an already entered receipt in a file. Before a

receipt can be merged in a file, it has to be ensured that the receipt should be with the

section, not closed and not merged. On clicking the option Merge Receipt, the user will

get the following screen 4.1

Screen 4.1

In the Screen 4.1 above, a query form is displayed. The user can specify any parameter

and the output will be limited as per the user input. If the user clicks the Submit button,

without specifying parameter, then all the available records will be displayed for

merging. The next screen (Screen 4.2) shows the list of records available for merging.
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Merge Receipt

Screen 4.2

The user can select the desired receipt and get the details as per the screen 4.3
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Merge Receipt

Screen 4.3

From the Screen 4.3, the user can select the file against the column “Select the File” and

click the Merge Button. Now the receipt will be attached to the selected file. Once the

receipt is merged in File, it will be no longer available for Editing, Forwarding or Closing

the receipts.
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Get Receipt Sent Outside

The Option “Get Receipt Sent Outside” is used to get back the receipts which are

forwarded using the option “Forward to Others ”. On clicking this, the user will get a

query screen (Screen 5.1).

Screen 5.1

The user can specify any parameter to minimize the number of records to be retrieved. If

the user clicks either giving parameter values or simply clicks the Submit Button without

specifying any parameter, the system displays the list of records as per the user parameter

and which have been sent outside (Screen 5.2)

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Get Receipt Sent Outside

Screen 5.2

By Selecting the particular receipt and clicking the submit button, the user will get the

following Screen 5.3.

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Get Receipt Sent Outside

Screen 5.3

From the Screen 5.3, the user can click the Receive Button to get back the receipt which

is sent outside. Once it is received, it will become part of the system and any action like

forwarding, merging etc can be carried out.

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Close Receipt

The Close Receipt Option is used to Close the diarised receipts on which no specific

action is to be taken. On clicking the Close Receipt, the user is prompted with the Screen


Screen 6.1

The user can specify any parameter like Sender’s Name, Address, Subject, Reference

Number etc to display the records as in the Screen 6.2.

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Close Receipt

Screen 6.2

From the Screen 6.2, the user can select the record and click the submit button. The next

Screen 6.3 shows the details of the selected receipt.

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Close Receipt

Screen 6.3

The user can enter remarks and click the Close button to close the selected receipt. Once

the receipt is closed, it will no longer available for forwarding, merging purposes. A

Closed Receipt can be reactivated using the Option Re Activate a Receipt.

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De Merge Receipt

The DeMerge Receipt Option is used to remove the receipts, which are merged in the

file. On clicking the DeMerge Receipt, the user will get a query screen wherein the user

can specify parameter to narrow the search. The Screen 7.1 displays the query screen for

DeMerging the receipts.

Screen 7.1

On clicking the submit button, the user will get the records as per the input. The next

Screen 7.2 shows the list of records as per the user input.
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De Merge Receipt

Screen 7.2

From the Screen 7.2, the user can select a particular record and click the submit button to

get the details of the record as shown in the screen 7.3

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De Merge Receipt

Screen 7.3

On Clicking the DeMerge button, the receipt will be removed from the file and is

available for Forwarding, Closing and of course for merging too.

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Cancel Last Movement

The Cancel Last Movement option is used to cancel the last movement made on a

particular receipt provided no action (like forwarding, merging or closing) has taken

place at the forwarded section. On Clicking Cancel Last Movement, the query screen 8.1

will be displayed.

Screen 8.1

The user can give any parameter to restrict the number of records to be displayed. Based

on the user input, the next screen 8.2 will list out the records, which are available for

cancelling the Last Movement.

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Cancel Last Movement

Screen 8.2

Any record can be selected from the Screen 8.2. The Details of the selected record will be

shows as per the screen 8.3

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Cancel Last Movement

Screen 8.3

On clicking the Cancel Last Movement Button, the last movement made on the particular

receipt will be cancelled and the receipt will be available with the current section for

further action.
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Physically Receive Receipts

This option is used to mark a receipt as physically received. On clicking Physically

Receive Receipts, the Query Screen 9.1 will be displayed.

Screen 9.1

The user can either specify any parameter or click the submit button to retrieve all the

records. The next Screen 9.2 displays the records which are available for marking

receipts as physically received.

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Physically Receive Receipts

Screen 9.2

From the Screen 9.2, the user can select a particular record and the details are displayed

as in the Screen 9.3.

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Physically Receive Receipts

Screen 9.3

The user can enter the date on which the receipt has been physically received and click

the Physically Receive button. Once a receipt has been physically received, its last

movement cannot be cancelled.

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Using the Query Option, the user can search on receipts by supplying any known

parameter. If no parameter is specified, the all the available records will be displayed.

The Query menu is displayed in the Screen 10.1.

Screen 10.1

In the Screen 10.1 the User can specify any parameter like Diary Number, Receipt Year,

Diary Date, Receipt Type, Receipt Category, Reference Number, Reference Date,

Receipt Language, Dark Received Date, Sender’s Name, Address, Subject, Remarks or

Enclosure Details. Based on the input, the output will be shown as per the screen 10.2.

The Present position where the receipt is lying currently will also be displayed.

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Screen 10.2

Query Again button can be clicked, if the user wants to query more.
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Receipt History

The History Option is used to view the History of any receipt. On clicking the History

Option, a query screen will be displayed as in the screen 11.1

Screen 11.1

Any parameter can be specified to retrieve the list of receipts to be displayed as in the

screen 11.2
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Receipt History

Screen 11.2

From the Screen 11.2, the user can select any record and click the submit button. The

History of receipt will be displayed as in Screen 11.3

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Receipt History

Screen 11.3

The top portion displays the details of the receipt and the bottom portion displays its

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The Reports Option is used to generate various reports. On clicking the Reports Option,

the following Screen 12.1 is displayed.

Screen 12.1

In Screen 12.1, there are 6 types of reports are available.

The Diary Register Report is used to view the List of Receipts Diarised in the Section.

The List of Receipts Received report is used to view the receipts which are forwarded by

other sections.

The List of Receipts Forwarded report is used to view the receipts forwarded from the

current section.
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The List of Pending Receipts report shows list of all pending receipts pertaining to the

current section.

The List of Receipts Merged in File report displays all the receipts which are merged in

file pertaining to the Section.

The List of Closed Receipts report shows the list of all closed receipts pertaining to the

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Diary Register

On clicking the Diary Register, the following Screen 12.2 will be displayed.

Screen 12.2

The User can specify the From Date and To Date to get the Diary Register for the

particular period. On clicking the Submit button, the system will generate a report as

shown in the Screen 12.3.

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Diary Register

Screen 12.3
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List of Receipts Received

On Clicking the List of Receipts Received Option from the Reports Menu, the following

Screen 12.4 will be displayed.

Screen 12.4

The user can input the date to get the report corresponding to that period. The output is

shown as per the Screen 12.5

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List of Receipts Received

Screen 12.5

The above screen 12.5 shows list of receipts received in the section pertaining to the

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List of Receipts Forwarded

By Clicking the List of Receipts Forwarded Option, the user will get the following date

input screen 12.6

Screen 12.6

Using the Input Screen 12.6, the use can generate the List of Receipts forwarded between

two dates. The output is displayed as shown in Screen 12.7

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List of Receipts Forwarded

Screen 12.7
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List of Pending Receipts

On Clicking the List of Pending Receipts Option, the User will get the report as per the

Screen 12.8

Screen 12.8
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List of Receipts Merged in File

On Clicking List of Receipts Merged in File Option, the report will be displayed as

shown in Screen 12.9.

Screen 12.9
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List of Receipts Closed

Similarly the List of Receipts Closed Option will generate a report displaying the list of

all the closed receipts in the particular section.

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File Module
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File Module

On Clicking File Module from the Main Menu, the Screen 13.1 will be displayed.

Screen 13.1
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File Module

The following options are available in the File Module

• • Create Main File

• • Create Part File

• • Edit File

• • Forward File

• • Receive File Sent Outside

• • Link File

• • De-Link File

• • Merge Part File

• • Cancel Last Movement

• • Physically Receive a File

• • Physically Un-Receive a File

• • Close File

• • Open File

• • Query

• • History

• • Reports
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Create Main File

On Clicking Create Main File, the system will display the following Screen 14.1.

Screen 14.1

Here, the User can select one of the File Systems. i.e. Single File System or Functional

File System. In Single File System, the User can enter the file number on his own that is

being followed. In the case of Function Filing System, the user has to select the Group

Head, Major Head, Sub Head and Year. The File Number will automatically be

generated. Now let us see how to enter a Single File System. On Clicking the Single File

System button, the Screen 14.2 will be displayed.

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Single File System

Screen 14.2

In the Screen 14.2, the user can enter the file number as desired in the Column “File
Number”. The Column “Date of File Opened” shows on which date the file is opened.
The user has to enter a valid date in this column. The date can be a back date also.
Category of the file can be selected from the column “File Category”. File Classification
can be selected from the column “File Classification”. If there are any Previous
Reference or Next Reference, they can be entered in the corresponding columns. The
“Dealing Hand” column can be used to select the concerned Dealing Hand. The
“Subject” column is used to input the subject of the file. If there is any remarks, then it
can be entered in the column “Remarks”. After the entries are made, the user can click
the “Create File” button to complete the file creation. The system will display a message
that the “File Created Successfully”.
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Functional File System

On Clicking the Functional File System radio button, the system will display the Screen


Screen 14.3

On selecting the Group Head, Major Head, Sub Head and File Year, the system

automatically generates a File Number in the column “File Number”. The other fields –

“Date of File Opened”, “File Category”, “File Classification”, “Previous Ref”, “Next

Reference”, “Dealing Hand”, “Subject”, “Remarks” can be entered / selected by the

user as the case may be. The “Create File” button is used to submit the file details. The

system will respond with the message “File Created Successfully” or the error message as

the case may be.

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Create Part File

The Create Part File option is used to create a part file. On clicking this, the following

Screen 15.1 will be displayed.

Screen 15.1

For creating Part File, the user has to first select the Main File. In the Screen 15.1, a

query has been provided for users to enter parameters like File Number, Dealing Hand or

Subject. Based on the input, the List of Main Files will be retrieved as shown in the

Screen 15.2. From the list, the user can select the desired Main File for which Part File to

be created.
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Create Part File

Screen 15.2

From the List shown in Screen15.2, the user can select the Main File and Click the

“Submit” Button. On clicking the Submit Button, the system will display the details the

Main File as in the Screen 15.3.

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Create Part File

Screen 15.3

The Screen 15.3 shows the details of the selected Main File. User can specify Part File

Name or Number in the Column “Part File Name/Number”. If the user wishes to give

remarks, then it can be entered in the “Remarks” Column. On clicking the “Create”

Button, the system will create a Part File for the Selected Main File.
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Edit File

On Clicking the Edit File option, the Query Screen 16.1 will be displayed.

Screen 16.1

As shown in the Screen 16.1, the user can input any parameter to get the desired list of

files for editing. On clicking the “Submit” button, the list of files available for editing is

displayed as in Screen 16.2.

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Edit File

Screen 16.2

From the Screen 16.2, the user can select the file to be edited and click the submit button

or double click on the radio button to get the details of the file to be edited as shown in

Screen 16.3.
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Edit File

Screen 16.3

As in Screen 16.3, the user can edit the file details and click the “Save” Button to save

the changes or click the “Reset” Button to restore the original values.
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Forward File

Clicking the “Forward File” Option will display the query Screen 17.1.

Screen 17.1

Users can specify any parameter in the Screen 17.1 and get the desired records available

for Forwarding as displayed in Screen 17.2.

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Forward File

Screen 17.2

The user can select a record either by double clicking on the radio button or select the

radio button and click the “Submit” button. The Details will be as shown in Screen 17.3.
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Forward File

Screen 17.3

In Screen 17.3, there are two options available for the users. i) Forward to a Section and

ii) Forward Outside. On Clicking Forward to A Section will display the Screen 17.4.
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Forwarding File to a Section

Screen 17.4

By default, the Ministry and Department pertaining to the user will be selected. Users can

select the Ministry, Department, Division and Section. On clicking the “Forward”

button, the file will be forwarded to the selected section.

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Forwarding File to Outside

On Clicking “Forward Outside” from Screen 17.3, the system will display the Screen


Screen 17.5

In Screen 17.5, the user can specify to whom they are sending the file and click the

“Forward” button to forward the file.

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Receive File Sent Outside

When a file is Forwarded outside, the file normally comes back to the section from where

it has been forwarded. Using this option, the file can be received back in the section for

further action. On Clicking “Receive File Sent Outside”, the query Screen 18.1 will be


Screen 18.1

By specifying parameter, the user can get the desired list of files, which are sent outside.

The next Screen 18.2 will be displayed by the system.

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Receive File Sent Outside

Screen 18.2

From the Screen 18.2, the user can select the desired to get the details as shown in Screen

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Receive File Sent Outside

Screen 18.3

The user can enter any Receiving Remarks and click the “Receive” button to get back the

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Link File

The Link File option is used to link a file with another file if it is not previously linked.

On clicking this, the Query Screen 19.1 will be displayed.

Screen 19.1

From the Screen 19.1, the user can specify the parameters to get the list of Main Files as

shown in Screen 19.2.

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Link File

Screen 19.2

From the Screen 19.2, the user can select the Main File and click the “Submit” Button.

The Screen 19.3 will give the details of the selected Main File. Now the user has to select

the file to be linked with the Main File.

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Link File

Screen 19.3

In Screen 19.3, the user can input any parameter like File Number or Subject to get the

list of files to be linked and click the “Submit” Button. The output is shown in Screen

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Link File

Screen 19.4

From the Screen 19.4, the user can select the file to be linked with the main file and click

the “Link” Button. A message will appear that the files have been linked.
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De-Link File

The De-Link File Option is used to De Link the linked file from Main File. On clicking

this option, Screen 20.1 is displayed.

Screen 20.1

From the Screen 20.1, the user can pass any value to get the desired list of files to be De

Linked. On clicking the “Submit” button, the system will display the records as in Screen

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De-Link File

Screen 20.2

From the above list, the user can choose the file to be De Linked and Click the Submit

Button to De Link the File.

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Merge Part File

The “Merge Part File” option is used to merge the part file with the main file. By clicking

this option, the user will get the Query Screen 21.1.

Screen 21.1

From Screen 21.1, on Clicking the “Submit” button after specifying parameter, if any,

the system will display list of part files in Screen 21.2.

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Merge Part File

Screen 21.2

Selecting the desired file from Screen 21.2 will display the Screen 21.3.
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Merge Part File

Screen 21.3

By Clicking the Merge Button in Screen 21.3, the Part file will be merged with the main

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Cancel Last Movement

The Cancel Last Movement option is used to cancel the last movement made on a file.

Clicking this option will display the screen 22.1.

Screen 22.1

The Screen 22.1 can be used to retrieve the list of forwarded files on which the user

wants to cancel the last movement. On clicking the “Submit” button, the system retrieves

the list of records which are available for cancelling the last movement as per the Screen

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Cancel Last Movement

Screen 22.2

Select the desired file for which the last movement is to be cancelled and click the submit

button. The system will display the details in Screen 22.3.

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Cancel Last Movement

Screen 22.3

By Clicking the “Cancel Last Movement” button in Screen 22.3, the last movement

made on the file will be cancelled.

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Physically Receive a File

The Physically Receive a File option is used to mark a file that it has been received

physically. On clicking this option, the system will display the Screen 23.1.

Screen 23.1

From the Screen 23.1 the user can specify the parameter and get the desired output as

shown in Screen 23.2

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Physically Receive a File

Screen 23.2

From the Screen 23.2, users can select more than one file and enter the physically

received date. On clicking the “Submit” button, the selected files will be updated.
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Physically Un-Receive a File

This option is used to Physically Un-Receive a File. This is a counter action for

Physically Receive a File. If a file is marked as Physically received, then using this

option the users can remove it from the physically received files list. On clicking this

option, the user will get a query Screen 24.1.

Screen 24.1

By giving parameters, the system will display the list of physically received files as in

Screen 24.2.
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Physically Un-Receive a File

Screen 24.2

From the Screen 24.2, the user can select the desired record and click the submit button.

The file will be physically unreceived.

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Close File

This option is used Close the existing files. Clicking this option will display the Query

Screen 25.1

Screen 25.1

The Screen 25.1 is used to enter parameter (File Number, Dealing Hand or Subject) and

after clicking the Submit button, the user will get the output(based on user input) as in

Screen 25.2.
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Close File

Screen 25.2

From the Screen 25.2, the user can select any file and click the “Submit” Button. The

system will give the details of the file to be closed in Screen 25.3.
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Close File

Screen 25.3

From the Screen 25.3, the user can enter closing remarks and click the “Close” button to

close the file.

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Open File

The Open File option is used to open the closed file. It is similar to Close File. The

System will display the Screen 26.1 after the query screen.

Screen 26.1

From Screen 26.1, the user can select any closed file and open it.
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This option is used to Query on Files. User can give any known parameter in the Screen


Screen 27.1

The output of Query file is Shown in Screen 27.2.

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Screen 27.2
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This option is used to view the history of movement of any file as shown in Screen 28.1.

Screen 28.1
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The Reports Option is used to Generate various reports as shown in Screen 29.1

Screen 29.1
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This option is used to end the current session of the system. The system displays the

Screen 30.1 as shown below.

Screen 30.1

If the user clicks Yes, then the Login Screen appears else it goes to the home page.
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