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Essay On Paper

Crafting an essay on the seemingly straightforward topic of "Essay On Paper" may appear
deceptively simple at first glance. One might assume that the subject itself, being a familiar medium
for expression and communication, would lend itself to an effortless exploration. However, delving
into the intricacies of such a seemingly commonplace topic poses a unique challenge.

The difficulty arises from the need to transcend the surface-level understanding of paper and its role
in writing. A mere recounting of the historical development or a recitation of the physical attributes
of paper would fall short of the essay's potential. Instead, the writer must navigate the delicate
balance between the tangible and intangible aspects of paper, considering its cultural, social, and
symbolic dimensions.

Moreover, as the essay unfolds, one may find the challenge in avoiding clichés and banalities
associated with the topic. The danger of succumbing to well-worn expressions about the "blank
page" or the metaphorical weight of words on paper looms large. The writer must strive to infuse the
essay with freshness and originality, steering clear of tired tropes that fail to captivate the reader's

The essayist must also grapple with the task of making the exploration of paper's significance
relevant and engaging to a contemporary audience. It requires the ability to connect the traditional
use of paper to modern communication technologies and the evolving nature of written expression.
Bridging the gap between the tangible and the digital while maintaining a coherent narrative can be
a challenging tightrope act.

In conclusion, while the topic "Essay On Paper" may appear deceptively simple, the journey of
crafting a compelling essay unveils layers of complexity. It demands a nuanced understanding of the
subject, an adept avoidance of clichés, and the ability to make the exploration relevant to the present
era. Writing on such a seemingly mundane topic reveals the true test of a writer's skill in transforming
the ordinary into the extraordinary.

For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring diverse topics, a helpful resource is available at . There, one can find a range of professionally crafted essays and access support for
academic writing needs.
Essay On Paper Essay On Paper
Death of General Wolfe Essay
Analysis of The Death of General Wolfe by Benjamin West

In 1770, artist Benjamin Wolfe completed what would become his most controversial
and talked about piece of artwork, an oil on canvas painting titled The Death of General
Wolfe, the purpose of which was to teach a moral lesson. The Death of General Wolfe
portrays the Battle of Quebec, but more specifically it details the moment when Major
General James Wolfe was on his deathbed shortly after the British had driven the
French away in victory. Although this piece is considered to be historical since it
details a true event, the details in it prove to be fabricated for the sake of art. Benjamin
West was truly a remarkable artist who required no formal art education to learn how to
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The fact that the clouds are passing by and opening can represent two things. The first
is that it can be a symbol of General Wolfe, and as the clouds pass over head, his soul
will similarly pass over and die. Second is that the passing clouds can be viewed as a
sign of hope that the battle is now over and people can live peacefully. One other piece
of symbolism is the flag behind General Wolfe, which serves as a directional force.
Since it is pointed at both General Wolfe and the sky, it signifies the fact that Wolfe s
soul will go up onto Heaven. The colors in this piece are instrumental in moving the
eye across the piece and drawing attention to specific parts of the piece. For instance,
for the most part, the colors that are used are dark. However, to emphasize General
Wolfe, the focal point in the middle, his outfit is painted in a brighter red and yellow
and the ground beneath him is light as well. Also, in order to allow the eye to glide
across the painting almost all of the soldier s uniforms are red, creating rhythm. One
solider, who is apparently rushing into see Wolfe, is painted in green, which is the
complimentary color to red. The use of complimentary colors brings the eyes attention
to the panicked solider, emphasizing the overall sense of urgency in the piece. The
piece is also well balanced and uses appropriate scales and proportions. Overall I think
West was successful in his piece. I admire the
The American Dream Essay Intro
The best aspects from my essay were the intro and the use integrating quotes in the
essay. I believe that the intro was one of the best part because it followed the parts of a
inverted pyramid and that it grabs the reader and makes them want to read more. In the
essay when it states Everyone has one dream or goal in life and there are certain
characteristics one must possess to achieve that dream, but things might get in the way of
being able to achieve that dream , it makes people think how is the american dream not
achievable and what are the characteristics needed to try to achieve the dream. This
makes the reader want to continues to read. The use of intergrading quotes was another
thing that stood out in my essay. In examples such as, At Rene s school his class is
sharing what they want to be when they are older and Rene shares with the class that he
would like to be an astronaut or an actor or a magician. His teacher responds to what he
said... Show more content on ...
When I said Although these pieces of evidence show that the American dream is
achievable with perseverance they are misleading because the American dream is not
always achievable as proven in the previous paragraphs , I was trying to make this my
although claim and I felt as if I could have made this a more prominent part of my
essay to create a strong opposing paragraph. In my conclusion i feel like i could have
created a stronger closer by tying all the pieces of evidence and saying something about
how all of the show why the american dream in not guaranteed. Instead I simply said The
characteristics needed to achieve the American Dream such as ambition, opportunism and
perseverance may help one achieve their dream, but it does not guarantee that they will
achieve their dream I still think this is a pretty strong statement but it could have been
Sigmund Freudian Slip In The Aeneid
A Freudian slip is a very common mistake that people make at least once in their life.
For example, calling your current significant other by your ex s name or even just
simply saying the wrong word, is a Freudian slip. A Freudian slip is typically defined to
be a verbal or memory mistake that is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind.
Fresh thoughts that one tries to suppress and stop thinking about, sometimes tend to slip
out at inappropriate times. Freud examined that first, the effort of attention, and second,
an inner determinant, causes these slips. If something is on your mind, it grabs your
attention. Trying to not think about something, typically doesn t help you stop thinking
about it. So, this process doesn t just make unconscious... Show more content on ...
Back then, Freud based his ideas on what is now called Freudian slips, on his work
with a young man who misquoted a Latin phrase from The Aeneid. The man dropped
one of the words while he was reciting it to Freud, which made Freud skeptical of why
this happened. Freud asked the man to freely share his thoughts, random words, and
anything else that comes to mind, regardless of how coherent or appropriate the
thoughts are. Through this examination of free association, Freud determined that the
word reminded the young man of blood, which he believed was linked to a pregnancy
scare the man had experienced with his girlfriend. We all have experiences that make
us not want to say specific words or names. For example, a pregnant lady probably
won t consider naming her future child after her cheating ex, not just because it would
be weird, but because their ex is linked to a negative experience. So, Freud theorized
that this man neglected to recite the phrase correctly, because it is connected to a
negative time in his life, a time that he tried to suppress and forget. Today, Freudian slips
are commonly heard of in a humorous
Jackie O Kennedy And Her Influence On Fashion
Jackie O Kennedy and her Influence on Fashion
Jackie O Kennedy was one of the biggest fashion influencers of the 1960s. Jackie was
the wife of John F Kennedy. Since she was married to John and she was able to be in
the white house this put her in the spotlight. This made is to many people around the
world could see her clean and feminine style. She was one of the most influential
people in fashion ever. She was in plenty of magazines for her chic style which put her
in the spotlight which made it possible or people all around the world to view her style
and made it possible for women to be able to show more skin and be more feminine.
The Jackie O Kennedy style is a form of fashion that was influenced and created by
Jackie O Kennedy. ... Show more content on ...
For many of her clothes she worked closely with designer Oleg Cassini. She told he what
she wanted the clothing to feature and how it should look. He would then make the
clothes for Jackie. Her father in law funded her clothing budget and was a big part in
her being able to have he iconic style. This shows that even though Jackie spent quite a
bit of money on her clothes as previously stated that no matter how expensive an item
may be you can always find a less expensive version. Ultimately this style was very
beautiful and pure but it was very easy to make it your own for much less. While
Jackie s style was style based on certain clothing items and ideas from previous decades
there were a few clothing items that made this style stand out. One item Jackie wore
frequently was the pill box hat. This style of hate was not previously very popular but
with Jackie in the spotlight it gained more recognition. Instyle Magazine stated that
Jackie often wore well tailored skirts and white gloves. Her style often featured items
that were very sleek and feminine. Jackie also had an immense love for designer
clothing. As she became more recognized she wore more high end items. These items
would include things like Chanel Jackets, skirts by Dior, and so much more. Time
Magazine wrote that Jackie loves to wear big sunglasses. She would keep a basket of
sunglasses by her front door so she would never forget them. One thing Jackie
Essay On Les Miserables
The Love Triangle of the French Revolution In the book and movie adaptation of Victor
Hugo s Les Miserables, a struggle for love exists between three characters. Eponine and
Cosette pursue Marius Pontmercy throughout the story. Whereas Eponine and Marius
seem to know each other well in the movie, Cosette and Marius believe they are in love
after simply looking at one another. Marius is presented with a choice, and he picks
Cosette. However, Marius should have decided to pursue a relationship with Eponine
rather than Cosette because his interactions with Eponine were more meaningful.
Through their brief encounters, it is clear Marius and Cosette did not know each other
well enough to declare love. The first time Marius believes he loves Cosette is when
they look at each other for the first time. She looked at him steadily, with a sweet and
thoughtful look which made Marius tremble from head to foot (Hugo 167). They know
nothing about each other, not even their names, so there is no way they love one... Show
more content on ...
In the course of the story, Eponine s parents force her to help with their dirty work and
illegal schemes. During that time, she was alone, and she witnessed horrible actions.
Now, she meets Marius, and they learn about each other s lives. Upon witnessing him
rally rebels, Eponine finally sees nobility in the world and no longer feels alone.
Throughout their interactions, Marius grows to enjoy her presence as a friend, even
going so far as to give her the nickname Ponine. This shows the audience they know
each other well enough for him to say that comfortably. Moreover, as she dies from a
bullet wound, he willingly holds her and sings with her. When the life drains from her
body, he, along with others in the barricade, weeps for her. If he did not love her in
some way, he would not have gone through that trouble to comfort her as she
Greece s Euro As A Solution Of Its Budget Deficits Essay
Greece has joined Europe Union since 1981. In the 1990s, it steadily ran substantial
budget deficits while using the Drachma as its currency. As a result, in 2001 Greece
decided to adopt the euro as a solution of its budget deficits. After using euro, all went
well for the first several years. Like other Eurozone countries, Greece benefited from the
power of the euro, which meant lower interest rates and an inflow of investment capital
and loans. Greece enjoyed a period of growth from 2001 to 2007. This boom was
described by several analysts as unsustainable growth.
In 2008, Greece was seriously affected by the subprime mortgage crisis and it was
unable to recover from this crisis. In 2009, Greece admitted its budget deficit would be
12.9% of GDP. That s more than four times the EU s 3% limit. Afterward, Greece was
prevented from borrowing in the financial markets.
The first bailout was occurred in 2010 when the Troika started handling Greece loans in
exchange for spending cuts and tax hikes. A second later bailout brought the total amount
given to Greece roughly £169 billion. The government still has a debt load. By 2011, the
EU and the IMF have provided €240 billion in emergency funds In return for even more
austerity measures. Unfortunately, the measures further reduced the Greek economy,
falling the tax revenues required to repay the debt. Unemployment reached 25%. Many
Greek economists blame the austerity measures for much of the country s continuing

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