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Citation Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of citations can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty lies not only in the meticulous attention to detail required but also in the need to navigate a
complex web of rules and styles governing the proper use of citations.

The task demands a thorough understanding of various citation formats, such as APA, MLA,
Chicago, and others, each with its unique set of rules governing the way sources are cited within the
text and in the bibliography. The writer must be vigilant in ensuring that each citation adheres to the
specified guidelines, including the correct formatting of author names, publication dates, titles, and
page numbers.

Moreover, the essay should address the importance of citations in academic and scholarly writing. It
is not merely a mechanical process but a crucial aspect of giving credit to the original authors,
acknowledging intellectual contributions, and maintaining the integrity of one's own work.

However, the challenge extends beyond the technical aspects. To create a compelling essay, the
writer must delve into the broader context of why citations matter. This involves exploring issues
related to academic integrity, intellectual property, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use
of others' work.

Furthermore, a well-crafted citation essay should touch upon the evolving landscape of citation
practices in the digital age, including challenges posed by online sources, electronic publications, and
the need for adaptability in an ever-changing scholarly environment.

In conclusion, tackling a citation essay requires not only a keen eye for detail and a mastery of
citation styles but also a thoughtful exploration of the underlying principles and ethical
considerations. It is a task that demands diligence, precision, and a deep understanding of the role
citations play in academic discourse.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges,
professional help can be found at . Skilled writers are available to provide support
in navigating the complexities of citation essays and a wide range of academic topics.
Citation Essay Citation Essay
Phantom Limb
The author starts off by recalling his personal experiences with phantom limbs. A
young boy had a phantom limb phenomenon. The term phantom limb was first used by
Silas Weir Mitchell in 1872. Phantom limb seems to occur because of the images
created by the images of the body and makes the person always believe that it is all there
even after an amputation. The body is basically trying to make sense of the amputation. It
is not actually caused by incorrect neural activity. It is actually more built from the part
of the brain that creates the mental image of the body. Turns out on 90 percent of
amputee actually have a phantom limb experience. Researchers have tried to treat
phantom limb with the mirrors and Virtual Reality.
A phantom limb can actually be very painful and debilitating to a person and hinder their
daily life. Severe pain can also cause the patient to reject the use of a prosthetic limb in
place of the amputated one. Sadly most people do not find relief in many of the pain
therapy options offered. Often if there was any pain right ... Show more content on ...
We have sadly not found a permanent solution to the problem but are working towards
it. As of now, though, we use mirrors and virtual reality techniques to try and alleviate
the pain of phantom limbs. So far we can say that the brain is partially involved in the
problem. It seems that it want to believe it is still there because it is just supposed to
be. We know it is supposed to be there because of the neuromatrix or our
neurosignature. The neurosignature is basically the blueprint of our own body. It is
created from the time or birth and even infants who are born without limbs seem to
have the phantom limb experience. This is a social and individually debilitating
problem because of the severe pain and sometimes confusion if the parietal lobe is
damaged. It is so painful most people cannot even find relief from therapy
Fannie Mae Failure
The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) were to central semi public organizations that
assisted buyers with qualifying for mortgages. The both the company failed during the
year 2008 when they were left with no money and were bankrupt. Like every company
they were unable to pay back the moneyand they were in the looking for the help of
government via taxpayer s money. Hence, after the bankruptcy of 2008, the government
has utilized huge amount of the taxpayer s money for not letting them to shutdown and
recovering them.
It is better to eliminate the companies who have taken risky decisions and utilized the
taxpayer s money for recovering themselves from the bankruptcy. ... Show more content
on ...
Both the company was providing loans at the lower rates which are against the
regulations. The effect was they were bankrupt and there was misutilization of the
investor s money and taxpayer s money. In the year 2010, the company held huge amount
of mortgages which is more than 50% of the America s mortgages. The effect is that they
have sanctioned the loans without following the regulations and the result was that that
they were bankrupt and government supported them huge amount of money and other
Hence, as per the decision, the decision for eliminating is correct but doing nothing
about the tax breaks and incentives to wealthier is not ethical. This is because, if the
incentives is provided to wealthy people they will take the benefit of the same. This will
help to wealthier people to generate more money and the poor people will not be able to
take the benefits. The government should make schemes to provide loans to poor people
and different which supports them and not only the wealthier

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