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Gnosis Magazine

Between 1985 and 1999, GNOSIS Magazine was the only widely available, serious journal
devoted to Western esoteric and spiritual traditions. It was highly acclaimed by numerous
authors and scholars in the field and was fondly regarded by its many readers. At the time of the
publication of its final issue (#51, Spring 1999), it had just won the 1999 Utne Reader
Alternative Press Award for "best spiritual coverage." GNOSIS's founder, publisher, and editor
in chief was Jay Kinney. Its editor was Richard Smoley.

GNOSIS conducted interviews with numerous significant thinkers and teachers, including
Huston Smith, Karen Armstrong, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Colin Wilson, Reb Zalman Schacter-
Shalomi, Kathleen Raine, David Steindl-Rast, Claudio Naranjo, and June Singer. Its writers and
reviewers included many of the leading authors in the field, such as Peter Lamborn Wilson,
Stephan Hoeller, Christopher Bamford, Kabir Helminski, Roger Walsh, Jacob Needleman, Carl
Ernst, David Fideler, Chas Clifton, and John & Caitlin Matthews. Each issue commonly included
thoughtful reviews of a dozen current books on the Western traditions of spiritual inquiry.

GNOSIS was a project of the Lumen Foundation, a California nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Back issues are still available and we urge you to get them while you can.

The complete run of all 51 Gnosis issues from 1985 through 1999.

For nearly 15 years, Gnosis Magazine was the world's leading journal covering the
field of esoteric and mystical traditions, with particular emphasis on the Western
mysteries. Because each issue focused on a different topic of the Western "inner
traditions," a full set of all 51 issues constitutes a virtual encyclopedia of esoterica.
Gnosis showcased the best writers and scholars in the field, and each issue featured a
probing interview with a leading thinker such as Huston Smith, June Singer, Karen
Armstrong, Jacob Needleman, Robert Anton Wilson, and many others. Best of all,
Gnosis issues barely date at all, due to the timeless nature of the material.

 01 - Gnosticism, Ancient and Modern

 02 - Magic and Tradition
 03 - Kabala
 04 - Heresies and Heretics
 05 - Oracles and Channeling
 06 - Secret Societies
 07 - Esoteric Spirituality
 08 - Alchemy
 09 - Northern Mysteries
 10 - Jung and the Unconscious
 11 - Ritual
 12 - Sects and Schisms
 13 - The Goddess
 14 - The Dark Side
 15 - Ancient Civilizations16 - Orthodoxy
 17 - Sex and Spirituality
 18 - The Middle Ages
 19 - The Trickster
 20 - Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way
 21 - Holy War
 22 - Dreams
 23 - Gnosticism Revisited
 24 - Saints and Scoundrels
 25 - Groups and Communities
 26 - Psychedelics and the Path
 27 - Sacred Art and Music
 28 - One God or Many?
 29 - The Body
 30 - Sufism
 31 - Russia and Eastern Europe
 32 - Pop Culture and the Esoteric
 33 - Earth
 34 - Healing
 35 - The Spirituality of America
 36 - The Inner Planes
 37 - Tenth Anniversary Issue
 38 - The Stars
 39 - East Meets West
 40 - Hermeticism
 41 - The Cosmic Joke Issue
 42 - Death and the Afterlife
 43 - Love, Sacred and Profane
 44 - Freemasonry
 45 - Esoteric Christianity
 46 - Divination
 47 - Prayer and Meditation
 48 - Witchcraft and Paganism
 49 - The New Age
 50 - Good and Evil
 51 - The Grail
*01 - Gnosticism, Ancient and Modern - REPRINT

02 - Magic and Tradition

03 - Kabala

04 - Heresies and Heretics

*05 - Oracles and Channeling - REPRINT

06 - Secret Societies - REPRINT

07 - Esoteric Spirituality - REPRINT

08 - Alchemy - REPRINT

09 - Northern Mysteries - REPRINT

10 - Jung and the Unconscious - REPRINT

11 - Ritual - REPRINT

12 - Sects and Schisms

13 - The Goddess

14 - The Dark Side

15 - Ancient Civilizations16 - Orthodoxy

17 - Sex and Spirituality - REPRINT

18 - The Middle Ages - REPRINT

19 - The Trickster

20 - Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way - REPRINT

21 - Holy War

22 - Dreams - REPRINT

23 - Gnosticism Revisited

24 - Saints and Scoundrels

25 - Groups and Communities

26 - Psychedelics and the Path

27 - Sacred Art and Music - REPRINT

28 - One God or Many?

29 - The Body

30 - Sufism

31 - Russia and Eastern Europe

32 - Pop Culture and the Esoteric

33 - Earth

34 - Healing

35 - The Spirituality of America

36 - The Inner Planes

37 - Tenth Anniversary Issue

38 - The Stars

39 - East Meets West

40 - Hermeticism

41 - The Cosmic Joke Issue

42 - Death and the Afterlife

43 - Love, Sacred and Profane

44 - Freemasonry

45 - Esoteric Christianity

46 - Divination

47 - Prayer and Meditation

48 - Witchcraft and Paganism

49 - The New Age

50 - Good and Evil

51 - The Grail
Gnosis 01: Gnosticism,
Ancient and Modern. A
Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions - REPRINT (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO01R, GNO01R

Price: $20.00


"'Gnosis' is the Greek word for knowledge,

particularly divine knowledge: the knowledge of God.
The idea that individuals can unite with the divine -
and thus 'know' God - is one of the perennial
keynotes of mysticism."
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Fall-Winter 1985-'86


Is silence golden?

Introduction: Gnosticism: Ancient and Modern
by Jay Kinney

The Mysterious Revelations of Philip K. Dick
by Jay Kinney
What happens when a science fiction writer has his wisdom teeth pulled and
sees God.

Excerpts from the "The Exegesis"
by Philip K. Dick
Newly unearthed writings from Dick's private metaphysical journals.

The Passion of Sophia
by David Fideler
An indepth recounting of the ancient gnostic creation myth according to

Valentinus: A Gnostic for All Seasons
by Stephan Hoeller
What insights can the teachings of Valentinus and other gnostics provide us
with today?

An Interview with Gilles Quispel
by Christopher Farmer
The noted Dutch religious scholar discusses the place of gnosis in his life
and that of C.G. Jung.


"Franz Kafka" By Jorge Luis Borges
by Alvin Greenberg
A short story.
Finding the Language of Love: A Review of the New Translations of Rumi
by Ya'qub Ibn Yusuf
For the first time in English, the Sufi mystic and poet is being presented in
multi-faceted splendor.

Remembering Suleyman Dede
by Kabir Helminski

Book Reviews

 Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolph

 The Other Bible: A Collection of Ancient Esoteric Texts Excluded From
the Official Canon of the Old and New Testaments edited by Willis
 The New Gnosis by Robert Avens
 The Rebel Angels by Robertson Davies
 Ancient Lights by David Grubb
 True Hallucinations by Terence McKenna
 Nature Word (Verbe Nature) by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz Translated
and introduced by Deborah Lawlor
 Masonic Facts and Fictions by Henry Sadler
 Jung and Tarot: An Archetypal Journey by Sallie Nichols
 At The Table of the Grail edited by John Matthews

Gnosis 02: Magic and

Tradition. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine
Book ID: GNO02, GNO02

Price: $9.00


"Though often considered 'supernatural,' magic

actually operates within a traditional view of the
universe, complete with a recognizable set of natural
- Jay Kinney, from Magic: What is It?

Contents -- Spring-Summer 1986


Forum: "Gnosticism - Pro and Con"
Our readers and contributors continue the discussion of the role of
Gnosticism in history and its relevance for the modern world.

Introduction: Magic and Tradition
by Jay Kinney

Magic: What is It?
by Jay Kinney
A look at the methods and worldview of Western ritual magic as it is
practiced today.

Magic's Roots
by Timothy O'Neill

The Hinge of Magic
by Charles Upton

The GNOSIS Interview: Diane di Prima
by Jay Kinney and Hal Hughes
The poet discusses her work with Magic, Visualization, and Healing, and
offers insights into teaching, the poetic process and esoteric traditions.

Magic and Religion: Hidden Partners?
by Arthur Versluis
True magic and true spirituality may be more closely related than we are
usually lead to believe.

Scribe: An Informal History of Letter Forms
by Justin Green
A wry look at out evolution from cave paintings to the present.

Magical Autobiographies
by Chas Clifton
A critical examination of the works of Carlos Castaneda, Lynn Andrews, and
other popular tellers of tales.

Priests, Professors, and Gurus
by Joscelyn Godwin
When the Academy has become a Church, where does the Hermetic
professor fit in?

Book Reviews

 The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order by Paul Foster Case

 The Story of Dion Fortune as told to Charles Fielding and Carr Collins
 Dancers to the Gods edited by Alan Richardson
 Stolen Lightning: The Social Theory of Magic by Daniel Lawrence
 Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings Which Contain
Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus
edited and translated by Walter Scott
 The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation by
Marion Woodman
 Eve: The History of an Idea by John A. Phillips
 The Crone: Woman of Age, Wisdom, and Power by Barbara G. Walker
 Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts edited by Barry
 The Most Beautiful Names edited by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-
 Traditional Islamic Craft in Moroccan Architecture by Andre Paccard
 The Thought of the Heart by James Hillman

Gnosis News and Acknowledgments

Gnosis 03: Kabbalah. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO03, GNO03

Price: $9.00


"According to tradition, the Kabbalah is the secret

wisdom of God, first given to Adam and Moses and
passed on orally from teacher to student down
through the ages to the present."
- Jay Kinney, from A Capsule History of the Kabbalah
Contents -- Fall-Winter 1986-'87

Letters to the Editor

News & Notes
Who Reads GNOSIS?

Introduction: Why Bother with the Kabbalah?
by Jay Kinney

A Capsule History of the Kabbalah
by Jay Kinney
What is Kabbalah and where does it come from?

From the Zohar: "All of Israel Saw the Letters"
by Daniel Matt

Some Kabbalistic ABC's
by Jay Kinney

Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism: An Overview
by Pinchas Giller
A discussion of the relationship between the Kabbalah and Jewish

A Thirst for the Living God
by Rav Abraham Kook
Translated by Burt Jacobson; Designed by Michael Green

The Kabbalah: Doorway to the Mind
by Edward Hoffman
The psychotherapist as spiritual counselor.

The City of the Just
by Edward Hoffman
A meditative exercise.

The GNOSIS Interview: Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
Of what value is Tradition? How is a tradition like software? How good is
"pop" Kabbalah?

The Celestial Man of Light
by David Fideler

The Portrait of the King
by Reb Nahman
A new translation of a teaching tale with commentary by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf.

Evocation: An Example of Kabbalistic Magic
by Stephan Hoeller
Contacting spirits and extracting the powers of the soul.

A Higher Geometry
by Jay Kinney
The unique Kabbalistic research of the Meru Foundation.

A Reader's Guide to the Kabbalah
by David Meltzer
Recommended reading for the Kabbalistic student.

Book Reviews

 School of Kabbalah by Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi

 The Western Way: A Practical Guide to the Western Mystery Tradition.
Vol.1: The Native Tradition. Vol. 2: The Hermetic Tradition by Caitlin
and John Matthews
 Porpyhry's Letter to His Wife Marcella, Concerning the Life of
Philosophy and the Ascent to the Godstranslated by Alice Zimmern,
introduction by David Fideler
 Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds
by Georg Luck
 The Greek Magical Papyri in translation. Vol. 1: Texts edited by Hans
Dieter Betz
 Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and
Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish
 The Mother's Songs: Images of God the Mother by Meinrad Craighead
 The Unholy Bible by June Singer
 Christianity/Islam: Essays on Esoteric Ecumenicism by Frithjof Schuon
 Genisis: The First Book of Revelations by David Wood
 All Things Are Lights by Robert Shea
 Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics: Lifestyles for Self-Discovery
by Marsha Sinetar

Requiescat: Mircea Eliade and Francis Rath

Gnosis 04: Heresies and

Heretics. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO04, GNO04

Price: $9.00

"The penetration into the darkness surrounding God -
the gulf between one's self and the All - involves the
willingness to relinquish the comforting certainties of
one's religion and risk heresy, if that is where the
path leads."
- Jay Kinney, from Heresies 101

Contents -- Spring-Summer 1987


Letters to the Editor

Forum: "The Feminine in Western Spirituality"
Our readers and contributors open a new topic for discussion.

Introduction: Heresies and Heretics
by Jay Kinney

Heresies 101
by Jay Kinney
Why a little heresy may be good for your soul.

A Personal Top Ten Heretics List
by David Fideler

A Necessary Heresy: Jung's Gnosticism and Contemporary Gnosis
by June Singer
Encountering gnosticism in history and in the present.

The GNOSIS Interview: J. Gordon Melton
by Jay Kinney
The noted scholar of contemporary religious sects and cults shares his
thoughts on theology, heresy, and his own life.

The Spiritual Dance
by A Traveling Jewish Theatre
Ram Dass, Jack Kornfield, Deena Metzger, and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-
Shalomi, in dialogue about Jewish spiritual roots and tasks, and their
individual paths.

The Legend of the Cathars
by Judith Mann
An introduction to the medieval heretics of southern France who incurred the
wrath of the Inquisition.

The Anti-Caliph: A Study in Islamic Heresy
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
A proposal for reviving ancient mystical heresy derived from Ibn 'Arabi and
the Ismaili Assassins.

The Solitary Quest
by Dixie Tracy-Kinney
A look at the fascinating history of hermits in the West.

Book Reviews

 Two Non-Dualist Plays. Part 1: Simon Magus and the Gnostics by

Milton Ward
 Female Fault and Fulfillment in Gnosticism by Jorunn Jacobsen
 Gurdjieff in the Light of Tradition by Whitall N. Perry
 The Noble Traveler: The Life and Writings of L. Miloszedited and
selected by Christopher Bamford
 Secret of Secrets: Unwritten Mysteries of Esoteric Qabbalah by
Michael-Albion Macdonald
 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
 The Occult Roots of Nazism by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
 Sufi Vision and Initiation: Meetings with Remarkable Beings by Samuel
L. Lewis, edited by Neil Douglas-Klotz
 Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias translated by Bruce Hozeski, forewords
by Matthew Fox and Adelgondis Fuhrkotter
 Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen by Hildegard of Bingen,
commentary by Matthew Fox
 Meister Eckhart: Thought and Language by Frank Tobin
 The Meaning of Love by Vladimir Solovyov, translated by Thomas R.
 Commentary on Plato's Symposium on Love by Marsilio Ficino,
translated and introduced by Sears Jayne

Gnosis 05: Oracles and

Channeling. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO05R, GNO05R

Price: $20.00


Contents -- Fall 1987


News and Notes
Forum: The Goddess, the Feminine, and the Masculine in Western Spirituality
Our readers and contributors continue the discussion.

Introduction: Unsolved Mysteries and Unanswered Questions
by Jay Kinney

Recognizing Inner Teachers
by Alfred S. Alschuler
Inner voices and their hearers throughout history.

Changing Channels
by Chas Clifton
An irreverent guide to books about channeling and inner awareness.

Pitfalls of A Course in Miracles
by Richard Smoley
A long-time student of the Course discusses its values and its dangers.

The GNOSIS Interview: Ann Toth: On Being a Medium and a Mystic
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
Some insights on integrating psychic and spiritual work from an experienced
Canadian medium.

The Voice from the Center: The Oracle of Apollo and the Oracle of the Heart
by David Fideler
The realization of the Self in light of Apollo and Dionysus at Delphi.

The Eye of the Sibyl
by Philip K. Dick, with an introduction by Jay Kinney

The Chaldean Oracles and the Way to the Gods
by Stephen Ronan
An introduction to the Greek oracular verses that influenced both
Neoplatonism and the Kabbalah.
Jewish Oracles
by Yonassan Gershom
A short survey of the use of oracles in Jewish history.

The Enochian Calls
by Andrew Gaze
A few words about John Dee and Edward Kelly's conversations with angelic

Book Reviews

 Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man by Michael Taussig

 Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
 A Compendium on the Rosicrucian Vault edited by Adam McLean
 Kabbalah and Psychology by Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
 The Anointed by Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
 The Gnostic Scriptures: A New Translation with Annotations and
Introductions by Bentley Layton
 All is Grace: The Spirituality of Dorothy Day by William D. Miller
 A Kabbalah for the Modern World by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
 The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology by Jose Arguelles
 Islamic Spirituality: Foundations edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Gnosis 06: Secret Societies. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions - REPRINT (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO06R, GNO06R

Price: $20.00


"At present, books are widely available which contain

the lion's share of the secret teachings that one is
likely to come upon in most secret societies. Yet the
lack of interest most people have in penetrating into
inner realities assures that these teachings remain
unperceived - and therefore 'secret'."
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1987-88


News and Letter

Our readers and contributors discuss politics and the spiritual quest.

Introduction: Human Rites and Hidden Assets
by Jay Kinney

The Templar Tradition: Yesterday and Today
by Gaetan Delaforge
A short history of the Knights Templar and a look at the ideals of their
spiritual heirs.

The Rosicrucian Dream
by Christopher McIntosh
The relevance and influence of Christian Rosenkreutz today.

The Mountain of the Philosophers
by Adam McLean
A Rosicrucian emblem interpreted.

The GNOSIS Interview: Gwenc'hlan Le Scouezec
by Sophie Moore
The Great Druid of Brittany discusses contemporary Druidism.

Freemasonry and the Hermetic Tradition
by R.A. Gilbert
What links, if any, are there between Freemasonry and esoteric teachings?

The Craft Meets the Craft
by Chas Clifton
Talking with male witches who are also masons.

The Priory of Sion
by Robert Anton Wilson
What hath Holy Blood, Holy Grail wrought? A close look at the bizarre world
of the ultimate secret society.

The Hermetic Secret of Sir Walter Raleigh
by David Fideler
Unveiling Raleigh's kabbalistic interests and " the School of Night."

The Invocation of the Black Sun
by Tim O'Neill
What happens when performance art, post-industrial music, and ritual magic

Book Reviews

 The Murdered Magicians: The Templars and their Myth by Peter Partner
 Dashwood - The Man and The Myth: The Life and Times of the Hell-Fire
Club's Founder by Eric Towers
 The Grail Seeker's Companion by John Matthews and Marian Green
 All Rites Reversed?!: Ritual Technology for Self-Initiation by Antero
 The Invisible Temple: The Nature and Use of the Group Mind by Peter
Roche de Coppens
 Against the Protestant Gnostics by Philip J. Lee
 Jung's Challenge to Contemporary Religion edited by Murray Stein and
Robert L. Moore
 C.G. Jung and the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious by Robin
 The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library compiled and translated by
Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie
 Classical Mediterranian Spirituality edited by A.H. Armstrong
 Everyman Today Call Rome by Charles A. Coulombe
 Spiritual Revolution by Kyle and Kerry Griffith
 Thomas Merton on Mysticism by Raymond Bailey
 The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind
by Garth Fowden

Gnosis 07: Esoteric

Spirituality. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO07R, GNO07R

Please inquire for availability


"If esoteric teachings purport to be the inner essence

of a tradition, then it follows that one ought to pay
attention to the outer form of that tradition, for, after
all, it is difficult to have an 'inner' without an 'outer'!"
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Spring 1988




Gnosis Forum
Our readers and contributors discuss Politics and Esotericism.

Introduction: Esoteric Spirituality
by Jay Kinney

Inner Knowledge and Utter Confusion
by Jay Kinney

The Education of the Soul
by Kabir Helminski
The "Work" of the Sufis in the modern world.
The GNOSIS Interview: Murat Yagan
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
A teacher of the Kebzeh tradition of the Caucasus Mountains discusses the
esoteric path.

Women Remembering
by Joan McIntyre
Rediscovering an ancient communion in circles of women.

Facing the Traditionalists
by Joscelyn Godwin
An evaluation of Rene Guenon and other proponents of the Perennial

Rene Guenon and the Signs of Our Times
by David Fideler
A critical appraisal of Guenon's book, The Reign of Quantity.

Ibn 'Arabi for Our Generation
by by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
A new translation of Ibn 'Arabi's writings on Abraham, and a look at different
versions of his 'Seals of Wisdom.'

A Hieroglyphic Thinker
by David Fideler
The life and work of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz.

The Apocalyptic Steiner
by Anastasy Tousomou
The teachings of the founder of Anthroposophy about the Second Coming of

The Bible's Inner Meaning
by Clyde W. Burnham II
Alvin Boyd Kuhn's symbolic keys to Biblical interpretation.
Has the World's Most Mysterious Manuscript Been Read at Last?
by Terence McKenna
A new book claims to link the Voynich Manuscript with the heretical Cathars.

Book Reviews

 Rene Guenon and the Future of the West by Robin Waterfield

 Love is the Wine: Talks of a Sufi Master in America by Sheikh Muzaffer
Ozak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti, edited and compiled by Sheikh Ragip Frager
 Beginning's End by Sheikh Fadhlalla Haeri
 The Rabbi's Tarot Daphna Moore
 Meditations on the Tarot by Anonymous
 Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity edited by Charles W.
Hedrick and Robert Hodgson, Jr.
 Secret Symbolism in Occult Art by Fred Gettings
 Etheldreda by Moyra Caldecott
 The Threshing Floor by Jennifer Russell
 The Kingfisher's Wing by Mary Casey
 Other Lives, Other Selves by Roger L. Woolger, Ph.D.
 The Direct-Mind Experience by Richard Rose
 Fireball and the Lotus: Emerging Spirituality from Ancient Roots edited
by Ron Miller and Jim Kenny
 Society of Mind by Marvin Minsky
 My Journey with a Mystic by Fritz Peters, preface by Henry Miller
 Ecstasy: Understanding the Psychology of Joy by Robert A. Johnson

Gnosis 08: Alchemy. A Journal of

the Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO08R, GNO08R

Price: $20.00


"Alchemy is isolating the principle of life. This is

what the ancients called the vital force. Once you had
this life force isolated, then you could process it
further and make an elixir of immortality."
- Art Kunkin, from The GNOSIS Interview: Art Kunkin

Contents -- Summer 1988




Introduction: How Many Alchemists Does It Take . . . ?
by Jay Kinney

The Age of Gold
by Jim Melodini
The search for a reconciliation between alchemy and science.

Alchemy is Alive and Well
by Hans Nintzel
Hundreds of alchemists all over the world are working with this "lost" art.

The GNOSIS Interview: Art Kunkin
by Christopher Farmer
A frank discussion of the ups and downs of a modern alchemist.

The Parting of the Ways
by John Lash
Chinese and Western alchemy in contrast.

An Alchemical Mandala
by Adam McLean

Sexual Alchemy
by Robert Anton Wilson
Is there a guide to tantric sexual yoga hidden in alchemy's symbolism?

An Alchemy Reading List
by Ivan St. John
A short selection of books on various facets of alchemy.

C.G. Jung and the Alchemical Revival
by Stephan A. Hoeller
A look at Jung's understanding of alchemy and its implications.

The Rose Garden of the Philosophers
by David Fideler
A look at spiritual horticulture and alchemystical gardening.

The Regeneration of the Stone
by Ivan St. John
An alchemical meditation attributed to Roger Bacon.

Alchemy out of India
by Elemire Zolla
A search for the roots of alchemy in the east.

Book Reviews

 Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential by Charles

T. Tart
 Self-Completion: Keys to the Meaningful Life by Robert S. de Ropp
 Salome and Judas in the Cave of Sex by Ewa Kuryluk
 Harmonies of Heaven and Earth by Joscelyn Godwin
 Music, Mysticism and Magic: A Sourcebook by Joscelyn Godwin
 Scandal: Essays in Islamic Heresy by Peter Lamborn Wilson
 The Drunken Universe: An Anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry translation
and commentary by Peter Lamborn Wilson and Nasrollah Pourjavady
 The Way of Paradox: Spiritual Life as Taught by Meister Eckhart by
Cyprian Smith
 The Treasure House of Images by Gareth Knight
 Tarot Mirrors, Reflections of Personal Meaning by Mary K. Greer
 The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Volume II: The Sensitives: Dynamics
and Dangers of Mysticism by Paul Brunton
 Truth or Dare by Starhawk
 The Witches' Goddess by Janet and Stewart Farrar
 The Chalice & the Blade by Riane Eisler
 The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine by Nancy Qualls-
 Tales for Transformation by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated from
the German by Scott Thompson
 The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin by P.D. Ouspensky
 Islam: The Way of Submission by Solomon Nigosian

Gnosis 09: Northern Mysteries. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions - REPRINT (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO09R, GNO09R

Price: $20.00


Contents -- Fall 1988


News & Notes


Introduction: North by Northwest
by Jay Kinney

The Grailless Lands
by Caitlin and John Matthews
The message of the Grail Quest for restoring wholeness to the Waste Land

The Crucible of the Goddess and the British Mystery Tradition
by Mara Freeman
Celtic folktales provide insights into the Feminine as Initiator in the ancient
mysteries of Britain.

Listening to the Celts
by John Carey
A look at the vital coexistence of the ancient and the new in early Irish Christianity.

A Goddess Arrives
by Chas Clifton
An inquiry into the influence of Dion Fortune on the development of Gardnerian

The Way of Woden
by Edred Thorsson
The Runic Mysteries of the hidden god of the North.

Wagner Revisited
by Christopher Farmer
Recovering the Myth of the Hero as found in the operas of Richard Wagner.

The Controversy of the Occult Reich
by John Roemer
Is there any basis to the charges that Hitler and the Third Reich were trafficking in
black magic?

by Tim O'Neill
Pathworking the Land of Summer beyond the Northern snows.

Book Reviews

 The Unvarnished Gospels translated by Andy Gaus

 The Shroud and the Grail: A Modern Quest for the True Grail by Noel
 The Magus of Strovolos by Kyriacos C. Markides
 Homage to the Sun by Kyriacos C. Markides
 On Beauty by Herbert Read and A.H. Armstrong
 One Thing Only: A Christian Guide to the Universal Quest for God by
Lois Lang-Sims
 The Tao and Mother Goose by Robert Carter
 The Wisdom of Fairy Tales by Rudolf Meyer
 Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural selected and retold by
Howard Schwartz
 The Ultimate Evil by Maury Terry
 The Complete Echoes from the Gnosis by G.R.S. Mead
 A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne By George Wither, To
Which is Added Foundations Unearthed by Marie Bauer Hall, original
foreword by Manly Palmer Hall
 Women's Dionysian Initiation: The Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii by
Linda Fierz-David
 Those Women by Nor Hall
 The Shroud of Sophia (The Secret of Wisdom) by Aurora Terrenus
 Sophia of the Bible (The Spirit of Wisdom) by Aurora Terrenus

Gnosis 10: Jung and the

Unconscious. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO10R, GNO10R

Price: $20.00


"With few exceptions, those of us interested in

esoteric spirituality and the occult today are probably
as indebted to Carl Jung and his psychological
theories as we are to whatever tradition we may be
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1988-'89


News & Notes


Introduction: Forever Jung
by Jay Kinney

Symbols of Transformation
by Dawn Kolokithas
By understanding symbols presented by our psyche we transform ourselves.

On Having an Ego: Jung's Contribution to Gnosis
by Yannis Toussulis
One person's journey from East to West with Jung's assistance.

The GNOSIS Interview: June Singer
by Jay Kinney
A conversation with the author of Androgeny and Boundaries of the Soul.

Jung and the Occult
by Stephan A. Hoeller
An account of Jung's experiments and encounters with occult and psychic

Invasion of the Archetypes
by Dennis Stillings
An investigation of images of high numinosity in popular culture.

Testing the Images of God
by Michael Grosso
The final word on The Last Temptation of Christ.
Synchronicity, Isomorphism & the Implicate Order: Notes on Jung and
Quantum Mechanics
by Robert Anton Wilson
Are isomorphism and synchronicity both aspects of the nonlocality of information?

The Limits of Jung
by Ya'qub ibn Yussuf
The spiritual journey beyond.

Book Reviews

 Origins of the Kabbalah by Gershom Scholem, translated by Alan Arkush,

edited by R.J. Zwi Werblowsky
 Kabbalah: New Perspectives by Moshe Idel
 Fulcanelli: Master Alchemist by Mary Sworder
 Carl Jung and Christian Spirituality edited by Robert L. Moore
 Light from Light: An Anthology of Christian Mysticism edited by Louis
Dupre and James Wiseman, O.S.B.
 Pagans and Christians by Robin Lane Fox
 A.E. Waite: Magician of Many Parts by R.A. Gilbert
 The Path through the Labyrinth: The Quest for Initiation into the
Western Mystery Tradition by Marian Green
 The Book of Azrael by Leilah Wendell
 Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead translated by
Normandi Ellis
 A Little Book of the Human Shadow by Robert Bly, edited by William
 The Voudon Gnostic Workbook by Michael Bertiaux
 Pillars of Flame: Power, Priesthood, and Spiritual Maturity by Maggie
 Chaco Journey by Charles Bensinger
 The Female Pope: The Mystery of Pope Joan by Rosemary and Darroll
 Egyptian Mysteries: An Account of an Initiation by Anonymous
Gnosis 11: Ritual. A Journal of
the Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO11R, GNO11R

Price: $20.00


"Ritual, provided it uses authentic symbols, is no

more or less than what H.P. Blavatsky called
'concretized truth'."
- Stephan A. Hoeller, from The Gnosis of the Eucharist

Contents -- Spring 1989



Study Groups


Introduction: Bill of Rites
by Jay Kinney

Why Ritual Works
by Richard Smoley
According to Hawaiian shamanism, it's all thanks to your subconscious.

Confessions of a Closet Ritualist
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
Can ritual be meaningful to someone living in a secular society?

Wilderness Rites of Passage
by John Davis
How the traditional vision quest can be recreated for our time.

With the Whirling Dervishes in Konya
by Jannika Hurwitt
The Sufi practice of whirling can be traced back to the 11th century, but it's still
very much alive today.

The Diamond Way
by Hannah M.G. Shapero
This esoteric ritual is as close as your nearest sandlot.

The Gnosis of the Eucharist
by Stephan A. Hoeller
The Mass as a steppingstone to direct communion with the divine.

Rituals: Making Incense
by Christopher Landon
How incense can be made and used to enhance ritual practice.

The GNOSIS Interview: Colin Wilson
by Christopher Farmer
An ebullient conversation with the author of The Outsider and The Occult.
Book Reviews

 Temple Magic by William Gray

 Hermes Unveiled by Roy Norvill
 The Language of the Gods by Roy Norvill
 The Jesus of Heresy and History by John Dart
 The Nag Hammadi Library James M. Robinson, general editor
 In the Garden of Myrtles: Studies in Early Islamic Mysticism by Tor
Andrae, translated by Birgitta Sharpe
 Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi,
translated and with an introduction by Muhtar Holland
 Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy by Peter De Rosa
 The Dream of the Earth by Thomas Berry
 The Dream of Poliphilo: The Soul in Love by Linda Fierz-David
 Not Necessarily the New Age edited by Robert Basil
 The Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers
of Ancient Cosmology by John Michell
 The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890-1985 edited by Maurice
 An Art of Our Own: The Spiritual in Twentieth-Century Art by Roger
 The Course of the Seeker: A Transformational Approach to Sufism in
the Western World by Omar Ali-Shah
 An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Interview with Michael Toms edited
by John M. Maher and Dennie Briggs
 The Dove in the Stone: Finding the Sacred in the Commonplace by
Alice O. Howell
 The Golden Game: Alchemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century
by Stanislas Klossowski de Rola
Gnosis 12: Sects and Schisms. A
Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO12, GNO12

Price: $9.00


"Some religious groups may exhibit one or two of the

common characteristics of so-called cults, such as a
specialized group jargon or odd rituals or heavy
demands on members' time, but the same could be
said of most corporations or family businesses as
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Summer 1989



Study Groups

Introduction: The Joy of Sects
by Jay Kinney

The Three Faces of Satan
by Chas Clifton
A close look at the "Satanism Scare" and its accusers.

Wandering Bishops
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Do the hundreds of bishops outside of Papal control hold the key to a new
sacramental Christianity?

The Modern Rosicrucians
by Christopher McIntosh
A fascinating history of 20th century Rosicrucian groups.

The GNOSIS Interview: The Imperator of AMORC
by Jay Kinney and Tim O'Neill
A talk with Gary L. Stewart, head of the largest modern Rosicrucian group.

Hubbard's Ladder
by Tom Joyce
Are Scientology's "technologies of transformation" worth a second look?

Shootout at the Circle 7 Koran
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
The unique story of Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple.

by Lawrence Sutin
An overview of the Jewish sect's road from mystical heresy to orthodoxy.
The Swedenborgian Church
by Jim Lawrence
The exoteric journey of Swedenborg's esoteric teachings.

What's So Secret About The Secret Doctrine?
by Jay Williams
A skeptical look at H.P. Blavatsky's groundbreaking Theosophical book.

Book Reviews

 The Illuminati Connection by Prof. Illuminatus

 The Coming of the Cosmic Christ by Matthew Fox
 Reinventing Eve: Modern Woman in Search of Herself by Kim Chernin
 Lady of the Beasts: Ancient Images of the Goddess and Her Sacred
Animals by Buffie Johnson
 Adam, Eve, and the Serpent by Elaine Pagels
 The Neoplatonic Writings of Numenius collected and translated by
Kenneth Guthrie
 Porphyry: Selected Works translated by Thomas Taylor
 Jung: A Biography by Gerhard Wehr, translated by David M. Weeks
 The Choice is Always Ours edited by Dorothy Berkley Phillips, Elizabeth
Boyden Howes, and Lucille M. Nixon
 Returning: A Spiritual Journey by Dan Wakefield
 Advanced Magical Arts by R.J. Stewart
 The Book of Divine Magic by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
 The Saracen: Land of the Infidel by Robert Shea
 The Saracen: The Holy War by Robert Shea
 The Celtic Tree Oracle: A System of Divination by Liz and Colin Murray
Gnosis 13: The Goddess. A
Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO13, GNO13

Price: $9.00


"The second coming of the Goddess has proved of

inestimable value to people everywhere, for it has
provided them with a new mythic pattern, a saving
story to live by."
- Caitlin Matthews, from Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom

Contents -- Fall 1989



Study Groups

Special Forum: The Cult of Personality and the Perennial Philosophy
by Robin Waterfield and Peter Lamborn Wilson

Introduction: Lifting the Veil
by Jay Kinney

Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom
by Caitlin Matthews
Sophia in her many guises may be the key to the Goddess's reappearance.

The Goddess Emerging
by De-Anna Alba
An overview of the rise of Goddess-worship and paganism in the 20th century.

Images of Goddess
by D. Jean Collins
Dion Fortune, Andre Norton, and insights into the Black Goddess.

Goddess in the Metropolis
by Irene Javors
The Goddess walks the streets of our urban experience.

The Mother of Memory
by Dawn Kolokithas
A meditation of the mythic figure and the role of the muse.

Animals and the Goddess
by Susan Levitt
A look at the indelible link between the Goddess and the animal kingdom.

Shekhinah: A Poem
by Leah Novick

Visions of Mary and Psychic Evolution
by Michael Grosso
Are Virgin Mary sightings part of a pattern of behavior modification?

Goddesses, Yes; Goddess, No!
by Stephan A. Hoeller
The limits of monotheism in light of the feminine and the multi-centered God image.

The Goddess: None Other Than God
by Charles Upton
The divine in nature calls for the transcendent unitary vision as well.

Beyond the Goddess
by Richard Smoley
Without balance the feminine may be as prone to excess as the unrestrained

Book Reviews

 The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia by Moshe Idel

 Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah by Moshe Idel
 Language, Torah, and Hermeneutics in Abraham Abulafia by Moshe Idel
 Coming To Our Senses: Body and Spirit in the Hidden History of the
West by Morris Berman
 The Goddess Re-Awakening: The Feminine Principle Today compiled by
Shirley Nicholson
 Angels: Ministers of Grace by Geddes MacGregor
 Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact by Jacques Vallee, foreword
by Whitley Strieber
 In Search of the Primordial Tradition and the Cosmic Christ by Father
John Rossner, Ph.D.
 Blavatsky and Her Teachers by Jean Overton Fuller
 The Elements of the Celtic Tradition by Caitlin Matthews
 Practical Magic in the Northern Tradition by Nigel Pennick
 Earth's Embrace: Archetypal Psychology's Challenge to the Growth
Movement by Alan Bleakly
 Inside the Brotherhood: Further Secrets of the Freemasons by Martin
 The Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
 Black Square and Compass: 200 Years of Prince Hall Freemasonry by
Joseph A. Walkes, Jr.
 Persuasions of the Witch's Craft: Ritual Magic in Contemporary
England by T.M. Luhrmann
 The Faith Healers by James Randi
 The Way of the Lover by Robert Augustus Masters
 The Moon Under Her Feet by Clysta Kinstler
 The Esoteric Path: An Introduction to the Hermetic Tradition by Luc
Benoist with a chapter by Robin Waterfield
 Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavic, translated by Christina
 Krotona of Old Hollywood, Vol. I, 1866-1913 by Joseph E. Ross

Gnosis 14: The Dark Side. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO14, GNO14

Price: $9.00


"The so-called Dark Side is not wholly an evil or

negative place or force; after all, some things remain
in the shadows because we've placed them there out
of fear and squeamishness."
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1989-'90



Study Groups


Introduction: Standing in the Shadows
by Jay Kinney

Baron Julius Evola and the Hermetic Tradition
by Robin Waterfield
A first look at the controversial Italian esotericist and traditionalist.

The Evolution of Julius Evola's Thought
by Elemire Zolla
A glimpse at Evola's interactions with Reghini, Fascism, and the Nazis.

Who's Afraid of the Bogeyman?
by Jay Kinney
A discussion of the phantasm of esoteric terrorism.

Meeting Darkness on the Path
by William Carl Eichman
A practical approach to the varieties of darkness on the spiritual path.

Descent to the Underworld
by Joan McIntyre
A reinterpretation of the Inanna-Erishkegal myth for men and women.

Kahuna Ana'Ana: The One Who Walks in Darkness
by S.E. Hertel
An interview with two Hawaiian Kahunas: Kahana and Pahia.

The Dark Face of Gnosis
by Erik Davis
Tuning into alien signals and divine noise, with gnostic negativity.

Iblis, The Black Light
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Satan(ism) in Islam and among the heretical Yezidis in Iran.

Fundamental Differences
by Richard Smoley
An analysis of the conservative Christian attack on the New Age.

The Redemption of the Shekhinah
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
The role of the Shekinah and the Feminine as the dark side of Judaism.

Occultism and the Renaissance Outlook
by Bernadette Bosky
What exactly were alchemists talking about - sex magic?

Umberto Eco Muddies the Waters
by Deborah Belle Forman and Jay Kinney
Two critical reviews of Eco's new occult novel, Foucault's Pendulum.

Book Reviews

 The Prince of Darkness by Joan O'Grady

 Between Good and Evil: Polarities of Power by William Gray
 Blood Secrets: The True Story of Demon Worship by Isaiah Oke, as told
to Joe Wright
 GOLEM! Danger, Deliverance and Art edited by Emily D. Bilski
 Mary Magdalene and the Women in Jesus' Life by Carolyn M. and Joseph
A. Grassi
 The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, read by John Cleese
 The Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland's Century 1590-1710 by David
 Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom by L.N. Gumilev, translated by R.E.F.
 Rilke: Selected Poems translated and read by Stephen Mitchell
 Poems of Rumi translated and read by Robert Bly and Coleman Barks
 Living in the New Consciousness by Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle
 A Blue Fire: Selected Writings of James Hillman edited by Thomas Moore
 Jacob Boehme: Essential Readings edited and introduced by Robin
 The Goddess Sekhmet: The Way of the Five Bodies by Robert Masters
 Coming Into the Light: Rituals of Egyptian Magick by Gerald and Betty
 The Delight of Hearts: Or, What You Will Not Find in Any Book by Ahmad
al-Tifashi, English translation by Edward A. Laces, edited by Winston Leyland
 Haoma and Harmaline: The Botanical Identity of the Indo-Iranian Sacred
Hallucinogen "Soma" and its Legacy in Religion, Language, and Middle
Eastern Folklore by David Stophlet Flattery and Martin Scwartz
 Understanding Ismailism: A Unique Tariqah of Islam by Akbarally
 Nicholas Roerich: The Life and Art of a Russian Master by Jacqueline

Gnosis 15: Ancient Civilizations.

A Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO15, GNO15

Price: $9.00


"Traditional or esoteric philosophy is perennial. It

recurs at different periods of time, always to create a
cultural renaissance that will begin a cycle of culture,
a cycle of civilization."
- John Michell, from The Ancient Temple and Modern Cosmology: An Interview
with John Michell

Contents -- Spring 1990



Study Groups


Introduction: Long Away and Far Ago
by Jay Kinney

Listening to the Ruins
by Peter Balin
How the Maya have been viewed and reviewed throught the years.

Atlantis in Western Esoteric Thought
by Timothy O'Neill
Tracing a powerful myth through history.

The Spirit of Egypt
by Michael Crisp
A look at history's most religious civilization.

An Interview with Bika Reed
by David Fideler
A talk with the noted translator of ancient Egyptian writings.

The Delphic Dynamo
by Dawn Kolokithas
Delphi then and now.

Overcoming the Greeks
by Richard Smoley
The problem they couldn't solve: reconciling faith and reason.

The Ancient Temple and Modern Cosmology: An Interview with John Michell
by David Fideler
A talk with the famous investigator of astroarchaeology and sacred geometry.

Catal Huyuk: The Temple City of Prehistoric Anatolia
by William Carl Eichman
The oldest known city and its religious philosophy.

The Message of Meroe
by D. Jean Collins
Lessons from the ancient Kushite kingdom.

Introducing Dervish Yunis
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
A look at three recent books on the Sufi poet Yunus Emre.

Book Reviews

 Witchcraft by Charles Alva Hoyt

 The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
 The Witches' God by Janet and Stewart Farrar
 Jung and the Lost Gospels by Stephan A. Hoeller
 Indicia . . . A Romance by Kathleen Burch
 Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens: An Edition of the Emblems, Fugues,
and Epigrams translated and conducted by Joscelyn Godwin, introduction
by Hildemarie Streich
 Alchemy: The Medieval Alchemists and their Royal Art by Johannes
 Beyond Biofeedback by Elmer & Alyce Green
 What Are They Saying About God and Evil? by Barry L. Whitney
 Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt Against the Modern Age
by Bruce B. Lawrence
 The Concise Guide to Islam by Cyril Glasse
 Call No Man Master by Joyce Collin-Smith, with an introduction by Colin
 Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion by Hunbatz Men
 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies - Their Influence and Power in
World History by Michael Howard
 America's Secret Destiny: Spiritual Vision and the Founding of a
Nation by Robert Heironimus
 Divine Invasion: A Life of Philip K. Dick by Lawrence Sutin
 Geometric Metaphors of Life by Stan Tenen
 Love Does Not Condemn: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
According to Platonism, Christianity, Gnosticism, and "A Course in
Miracles" by Kenneth Wapnick

The GNOSIS Office Soundtrack
Gnosis 16: Orthodoxy. A Journal
of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO16, GNO16

Price: $9.00


"There is a danger in the New Age movement of

'open-mindedness' and 'universality' becoming a
new dogma which only serves to separate 'us' who
pay lip service to these ideals from 'them' who do
not. Far better to be a flexible, open-minded
traditionalist than a rigidly doctrinaire liberal."
- Ya'qub ibn Yusuf, from the introduction

Contents -- Summer 1990



Study Groups

Introduction: Back to Basics
by Jay Kinney & Ya'qub ibn Yusuf

In the Light of Orthodoxy
by John Garvey
The meaning of orthodoxy and its relationship to esotericism.

The Living Tradition of Catacomb Christianity: An Interview with Father
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
The Abbot of the St. Herman Monastery discusses Christian Orthodoxy and the
modern world.

Readings in Orthodox Spirituality
by Anne Barkham & Brother James Barfield
Suggested books for a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy.

Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Orthodox Apostle of Gnosis & Sophia
by Stephan A. Hoeller
The intriguing story of a unique Russian mystic.

Against Non-Sense: An Interview with Roger Garaudy
translated by Ann Weiser
The French author and political figure discusses the three "isms" in his life.

The Esoteric Orthodoxy of Catholicism
by Charles Coulombe
Appreciating traditional Catholicism from an esoteric perspective.

You Create Your Own Orthodoxy
by Jordan Gruber
Will New Age philosophy grow to become an orthodoxy?

On Orthodoxy: An Interview with Rabbi Shlomo Carlbach
by Micha Odenheimer
A modern Hasidic Master talks about the power of traditional Judaism.

The Esoteric Sacraments: An Inquiry Into the Catholic Mysteries
by Charles Upton
A look at the seven sacraments from multiple points of view.

Book Reviews

 C.S. Lewis: A Biography by A.N. Wilson

 Your Word Is Fire: The Hasidic Masters on Contemplative Prayer
edited and translated by Arthur Green and Barry W. Holtz
 Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl: Upright Practices, the Light of the
Eyes translated and introduced by Arthur Green
 The Death of Merlin: Arthurian Myth and Alchemy by Walter Johannes
 The White Cutter: A Novel of the Middle Ages by David Pownall
 Sacralizing the Secular: The Renaissance Origins of Modernity by
Stephen A. McKnight
 Divine Disenchantment: Deconverting from New Religions by Janet
Liebman Jacobs
 Pagan Grace by Ginette Paris
 The Rebirth of Witchcraft by Doreen Valiente
 Heart of the Koran by Lex Hixon
 Arthur and the Sovereignty of Britain by Caitlin Matthews
 Magical Tales: The Story-Telling Tradition by R.J. Stewart
 Legendary Britain: An Illustrated Journey by R.J. Stewart and John
 Knights by Deirdre Headon
 God Is a Trauma: Vicarious Religion and Soul-Making by Greg
 Spinoza and Other Heretics: The Marrano of Reason by Yirmiyahu
 Spinoza and Other Heretics: The Adventure of Immanence by
Yirmiyahu Yovel
 Mercurius - or, the Marriage of Heaven & Earth by Patrick Harpur
 The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List, edited, introduced, and
translated by Stephen E. Flowers
 The Galdrabok: An Icelandic Grimoire edited and translated by Stephen
E. Flowers
 At the Well of Wyrd: A Handbook of Runic Divination by Edred
Thorsson (Stephen E. Flowers)
 Rune Might: Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians by Edred
Thorsson (Stephen E. Flowers)
 A Book of Troth by Edred Thorsson (Stephen E. Flowers)
 What is Self? A Study of the Spiritual Journey in Terms of
Consciousness by Bernadette Roberts
 The Stormy Search for the Self by Christina and Stanislav Grof
 Walking Through Walls: Practical Esoteric Psychology by Will Parfitt
 Manitou: The Sacred Landscape of New England's Native Civilization
by James W. Mavor, Jr. and Byron E. Dix
 The Arkana Dictionary of New Perspectives by Stuart Holroyd
 Santeria: The Religion - A Legacy of Faith, Rites, and Magic by Migene
 Why Does God Allow Suffering? And Other Essays on the Spiritual
Quest by Robert Powell

The GNOSIS Office Soundtrack

Gnosis 17: Sex and Spirituality. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions - REPRINT (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO17R, GNO17R

Price: $20.00

Contents -- Fall 1990



Study Groups



Report to Our Readers

Introduction: Beyond Either/Or
by Jay Kinney
Introduction to the issue.

A Season with Aphrodite
by Judy Harrow
The path of Aphrodite in today's world.

The Cosmic Pulse: Where Sex and Spirit Meet
by Nina Silver
How relevant are Reich's theories for incorporating sexuality with spirituality?

A Fire in the Shadows: The Roots and Aims of Modern Magickal Sexuality
by Timothy O'Neill
A reader's guide to the history of sex magick.
Pagan Polarity
by Michelle Delio
Love, not gender, may be the real key to the magical theory of polarity.

Coitus Reservatus & Mystical Sex
by Louis W. Meldman
The history and practice of the major technique of mystical sex.

Recovering Sexual Wholeness From Biblical Traditions
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
The Jewish roots of Christianity reveal a more open attitude toward sexuality.

Sexuality, Marriage & the Sacred: An Islamic Sufi Perspective
by Kabir Helminski
What do Islam and the Qu'ran really saw about sex and love?

Book Reviews

 Seeing Through the Visible World: Jung, Gnosis and Chaos by June
 Captain Sir Richard Burton by Edward Rice
 First Steps in Ritual by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
 The Art of Ritual by Renee Beck and Sydney Barbara Metrick
 Elizabethan Magic by Robert Turner, foreword by Colin Wilson
 John Dee's Natural Philosophy: Between Science and Religion by
Nicholas H. Clulee
 A Treatise on Angel Magic (Being a Complete Transcription of Ms.
Harley 6482 in the British Library) edited and introduced by Adam McLean
 Chase the Devil by Jeremy Marre
 Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
 The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem, 1932-
1940 edited by Gershom Scholem, introduction by Anson Rabinbach
 Rules for Spiritual Initiation by Zachary F. Lansdowne
 Deadly Blessings: Faith Healing on Trial by Richard J. Brenneman
 After the End of Time: Revelation and the Growth of Consciousness by
Robin Robertson
 Satanism in America: How the Devil Got Much More Than His Due by
Shawn Carlson, Gerald Larue, et al.
 The Triumph of Pan by Victor Neuberg, introduction by Caroline Robertson
 The Statagem and Other Stories by Aleister Crowley, foreword by Keith
 Hidden Lore by Kenneth and Steffi Grant
 Liberating the Heart: Spirituality and Jungian Psychology by Lawrence
W. Jaffe
 A Chronicle of the Last Pagans by Pierre Chuvin, translated by B.A.
 The Sacred Mushroom Seeker: Essays for R. Gordon Wasson edited by
Thomas J. Riedlinger
 The Doctrine of the Divine Name: An Introduction to Classical
Kabbalistic Theology by Stephen G. Wald
 Reality Isn't What it Used to Be by Walter Truett Anderson
 Inanna by Diane Wolkstein, music by Geoffrey Gordon
 The Human and Divine Universe by William R. Laudahn, Kathleen Raine,
G.R.S. Mead, et al.
 The Heretic's Handbook of Quotations edited by Charles Bufe
 Sexual Magick by Katon Shual

The Gnosis Office Soundtrack

Gnosis 18: Middle Ages. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions - REPRINT (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO18R, GNO18R

Price: $20.00

"When we look at the Tarot for what it apparently is, we look into a
mental map of the time when the Italian and French Middle Ages were
poised on the cusp of the Renaissance - a time that is actually stranger
and intellectually more foreign to us than we tend to think."
- Chas S. Clifton, from The Unexamined Tarot

Contents -- Winter 1991



Study Groups


Alternative Realities
A Sage for All Seasons
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Skeptic's Corner
Inner and Outer Realms
A column by Ted Schultz

Century of Marvels, Century of Light: The Esoteric Treasures of the Twelfth
by Timothy O'Neill
From Grail lore to Gothic cathedrals, from Muslims to monks, it was a century of rich
spiritual development.

The Birth Within: Meister Eckhart and the Knowing of God
by Theodore J. Nottingham
An introduction to the unsurpassed German mystic.

The Code of Love: Troubadours, Cathars, and Ezra Pound
by John Kimsey
Did the poets of courtly love and the gnostic heretics of medieval Provence share the
same esoteric perspective?

Unlocking Alchemy's Secrets: A Conversation with Adam MacLean
by Jay Kinney
The editor of the Hermetic Journal discusses his insights into alchemical symbolism.

Fire, Breath, & Silence: The Kabbalistic Meditations of Abraham Abulafia
by Avram Davis
The mystical techniques of the thirteenth century Jewish visionary.

The Unexamined Tarot
by Chas S. Clifton
What are the real origins of this most popular of oracles?

Doctor Illuminatus: The Achievements of Raymond Lully
by Charles Coulombe
A look at the life and work of one of the greatest minds of the Middle Ages.

Book Reviews

 The Secret Zodiac: The Hidden Art in Medieval Astrology by Fred Gettings
 Rose Windows by Painton Cowen
 The Tres Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry introduction and legends by
Jean Longnon and Raymond Lazelles, translation by Victoria Benedict
 The Truing of Christianity: Visions of Life and Thought for the Future by
John C. Meagher
 Golem: Jewish Magical and Mystical Traditions on the Artificial
Anthropoid by Moshe Idel
 An Arthurian Dictionary by Ruth Minary and Charles Moorman, preface by
Geoffrey Ashe
 Boadicea: Warrior Queen of the Celts by John Matthews, illustrated by
James Field
 King Arthur: The Dream of a Golden Age by Geoffrey Ashe
 An Arthurian Reader: Selections from Arthurian Legend, Scholarship, and
Story selected and edited by John Matthews
 Gawain: Knight of the Goddess: Restoring an Archetype by John
Matthews, foreword by Mildred Leake Day
 The New Tarot: Modern Variations of Ancient Images by Rachel Pollack
 The Encyclopedia of Tarot, Volume III by Stuart R. Kaplan
 The Tarot: Art, Mysticism, Divination by Sylvie Simon, translated by William
S. Konecky
 The Modern Mystic: A New Collection of the Early Writings of Alan Watts
edited by John Snelling and Mark Watts
 The Gnostic Pynchon by Dwight Eddins
 Synchronicity: The Intuitive Decision Making Tool by Visionary Software
 The Poetics of Ascent: Theories of Language in a Rabbinic Ascent Text by
Naomi Janowitz
 The Mysteries of Yesod: The Foundation of Spiritual Life by Omraam
Mikhael Aivanhov
 Looking into the Invisible: Intuition, Clairvoyance, and Dreams by Omraam
Mikhael Aivanhov
 Prophecy: The History of the Future by Mobius Rex
 Sorceress directed by Suzanne Schiffman, screenplay by Pamela Berger and
Suzanne Schiffman
 Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey by Alex Grey with essays by
Ken Wilber and Carlo McCormick
 Prophecy and People in Renaissance Italy by Ottavia Niccoli, translated by
Lydia G. Cochrane
 Avalanche: Heretical Reflections on the Dark and the Light by W. Brugh

The GNOSIS Office Soundtrack
Gnosis 19: The Trickster. A
Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO19, GNO19

Price: $9.00


"As long as we lie to ourselves, the Trickster will be with us. He'll show
up just when we least want him, to embarrass us on a first date, to
prove us fools in front of the learned company we're trying to impress,
to make us miss a power breakfast with that all-important business
- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Spring 1991

by Jay Kinney


Gnosis Forum

Skeptic's Corner
Star Trek Cosmology
A column by Ted Schultz

Alternative Realities
Trick or Treat?: The Value of Fooling and Being Fooled
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Introduction: My Mind Plays Tricks on Me
by Richard Smoley

The Fool, The Clown, The Jester
by Fred Fuller
Sacred clowns are an ancient and vigorous tradition in Western Culture.

The Green Man: The Trickster Figure in Sufism
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Incarnations and interpretations of Khezr, "the Hidden Prophet" of Islam.

The Trickster and Creative Illness
by D. Jean Collins
Spiritual transformation is often preceded by an appearance of the Trickster.

Loki, Father of Strife
by Alice Karlsdottir
The notorious Norse god who clears the way for rebirth and renewal.

Trickster at the Crossroads
by Eric Davis
Eshu-Elegbara, the West African god of messages, sex, and deceit.

Dr. Gene Don't Take No Guff
by Brad Bailey
Don't touch that dial! The Rambo of TV Preachers is here with a pledge break from

Confessions of a Professional Trickster
by Paul Krassner
The long-time provocateur relates some of his favorite pranks.

Book Reviews

 Fire in the Heart: Healers, Sages, and Mystics, by Kyriacos C. Markides

 Ancient Magicks for a New Age by Alan Richardson and Geoff Hughes
 Paths to the Power of Myth: Joseph Campbell and the Study of Religion
edited by Daniel C. Noel
 Gnosis: Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern
Orthodoxy, Book One: Exoteric Cycle by Boris Mouravieff
 Icons and the Mystical Origins of Christianity by Richard Temple
 Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly
 King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the
Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette
 The Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer introduction by Adam McLean
 Salon Trismosin's Splendor Solis introduction by Adam McLean
 The "Key" of Jacob Boehme introduction by Adam McLean
 A Commentary on the Mutus Liber by Adam McLean
 Painted Black by Carl A. Raschke
 Demons of the Inner World: Understanding Our Hidden Complexes by
Alfred Ribi
 Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed by Evan John Jones and Doreen Valiente
 West County Wicca: A Journal of the Old Religion by Rhiannon Ryall
 The Book of J translated by David Rosenberg, interpreted by Harold Bloom
 Just Another Spiritual Book by Bo Lozoff
 The Mystery and Magic of the Eucharist by Stephan A. Hoeller
 The Body of Light: History and Practical Techniques for Awakening Your
Subtle Body by John Mann and Lar Short
 Crazy Wisdom by Wes "Scoop" Nisker
 The New Believers (video) directed by Tom Corboy

Arcane Truths: Special humor supplement

The Baffling Mystery of the Georgia Guidestones: Mysterious Sage Sponsors
Epic Monument

The Secret Dogma of the Confraternity of the Miraculous Inversion
by Assassinated Nenmaster Nenslo

Madam, I'm Adam: News and Gossip
by Adam Weishaupt
Gnosis 20: Gurdjieff and the
Fourth Way. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO20R, GNO20R

Price: $20.00


Contents -- Summer 1991




Study Groups

Alternative Realities
The Spirit in Health and Disease
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Skeptic's Corner
The Razor's Edge
A column by Ted Schultz

Meetings With a Remarkable Paradox
by Richard Smoley
A glimpse into Gurdjieff's rich and mysterious life.

The Fourth Way and Inner Transformation
by Theodore J. Nottingham
Steps to the evolution of the self.

The Cosmology of the Fourth Way
by Walter Scheer
Where man fits into the universe, according to Gurdjieff.

The Essence of the Work: An Interview with Jacob Needleman
by Richard Smoley & Jay Kinney
The well-known author and student of the Gurdjieff teachings gives his views of the

The Work Today
by Joel Friedlander
Gurdjieff's ideas live on in a variety of groups and approaches.

Gurdjieff and Kabbalah
by Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
Striking parallels between the Tree of Life and Gurdjieff's System.

Mouravieff and the Secret of the Source
by Robin Amis
Gurdjieff's hints about the origin of his System point to early Christian teachings.
Gurdjieff and the Tower of Babel
by Anonymous
Was Gurdjieff simply a representative of the "wisdom of the world"?

A Remembering Feast: The Gurdjieff Legacy
by Kathleen Riordan Speeth
The author of The Gurdjieff Work imagines a conversation among the master's

Book Reviews

 In Search of the Masters: Behind the Occult Myth by Paul Johnson

 A Separate God: The Christian Origins of Gnosticism by Simone
Petrement, translated by Carol Harrison
 Plato Prehistorian: 10,000 to 5000 B.C.: Myth, Religion, Archaeology by
Mary Settegast
 Homer the Theologian: Neoplatonist Allegorical Reading and the Growth
of the Epic Tradition by Robert Lamberton
 Subterranean Worlds: 100,000 Years of Dragons, Dwarves, the Dead, Lost
Races and UFOs from Inside the Earth by Walter Kafton-Minkel
 The Lion People: Intercosmic Messages from the Future by Murry Hope
 Ancient Egypt: The Sirius Connection by Murry Hope
 Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation translated and with a critical
commentary by Aryeh Kaplan
 Spells and How They Work by Janet and Stewart Farrar
 On a Spaceship with Beelzebub: By a Grandson of Gurdjieff by David
 The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-'Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination by
William C. Chittick
 Where the Spirits Ride the Wind: Trance Journeys and Other Ecstatic
Experiences by Felicitas D. Goodman, Ph.D.
 Looking into Mind by Anthony Damiani
 Who Are You Monsieur Gurdjieff? by Rene Zuber, translated by Jenny
 Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Original Texts:
Lectures on Sufism, 1923 I: January-June edited by Munira van Voorst van
 The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries by David Ulansey
Gnosis 21: Holy War. A Journal
of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO21, GNO21

Price: $9.00


"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that
something else is more important than one's fear. The timid presume it
is lack of fear that allows the brave to act when the timid do not. But to
take action when one is not afraid is easy. To refrain when afraid is also
easy. To take action regardless of fear is brave."
— Ambrose Hollingworth Redmoon, from No Peaceful Warriors!

Contents -- Fall 1991




Skeptic's Corner
Critical Response
A column by Ted Schultz
Alternative Realities
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Introduction: The Shotgun Wedding
by Jay Kinney
Why the marriage of religion and politics ought to end in divorce.

Jihad: Islam's Struggle for Truth
by Vincent J. Cornell
To Muslims, jihad means much more than "holy war."

Soldiers of Christ
by Charles A. Coulombe
How the Roman Catholic ideal expressed itself in chivalry and the Crusades.

War on High: An Interview with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
by Jay Kinney and Richard Smoley
This controversial figure speaks out on fallen angels, the power elite, nuclear war, and
her own career.

Reconciling Hawk and Dove
by Judy Harrow
Can the lion and the lamb learn how to lie down together?

No Peaceful Warriors!
by Ambrose Hollingworth Redmoon
Is "peaceful warrior" a contradiction in terms?

Warfare Without and Within
by John Garvey
In Eastern Orthodoxy, the real enemy is one you can't see.

Hildegard of Bingen, Warrior of Light
by Elaine Bellezza
This remarkable woman kept alive an image of the Divine Feminine in the Middle

Book Reviews

 Crafting the Art of Magic (Book I) by Aidan A. Kelly

 Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops
Phenomenon by Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews
 Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence by Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews
 The Crop Circle Enigma edited by Ralph Noyes
 Real Presences by George Steiner
 The Nine Doors of Midgard: A Complete Curriculum of Rune Magic by
Edred Thorsson
 Words Made Flesh: Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and the Cosmos by
Ramsey Dukes
 Earth God Rising: The Return of the Male Mysteries by Alan Richardson
 The One-Year Manual by Israel Regardie
 Teutonic Magic: The Magical and Spiritual Practices of the Germanic
Peoples by Kveldulf Gundarsson
 Cherotic Magic by Frank Moore
 The Vision of the Eagle: The Heart of Celtic Christianity: Homily on the
Prologue to the Gospel of St. John by John Scotus Eriugena, translated with
an introduction and reflections by Christopher Bamford
 In Pursuit of Satan: The Police and the Occult by Robert D. Hicks
 Castration and Male Rage: The Phallic Wound by Eugene Monick
 The Magical World of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Charles
Williams, and Owen Barfield by Gareth Knight
 Divine Madness: Archetypes of Romantic Love by John R. Haule
 Holy Wars: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism by Dilip Hiro
Gnosis 22: Dreams. A Journal of
the Western Inner Traditions -
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO22R, GNO22R

Price: $20.00


"Esoteric teachings suggest that, rather than being 'illusory' compared

to the 'real' world of waking life, the dream world is indeed real. Some
traditions, like those of the Australian aborigines, even suggest that the
forms of the 'Dreamtime' underpin earthly reality."
- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1992

A Letter to Readers


Readers' Forum

Alternative Realities
Starry Wisdom
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller
Skeptic's Corner
The Streams of Life
A column by Ted Schultz

Special Forum: Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way

Introduction: Are Dreams for Real?
by Richard Smoley
Many traditions suggest a dream world that underpins earthly reality.

The Dark Speech of God
by Michael McNierney
Early Christians gave a surprising prominence to dreams and visions

Portals of Sleep
by Charles A. Coulombe
To the ancient Celts, dreams were a door to the land of Faerie.

The Dreaming Universe
by Fred Alan Wolf
A physicist explores how quantum physics may revise of notion of both dreams and
waking reality.

The Promise of Shared Dreaming
by Barbara Shor
A dreamworker reports on group experiments in dreaming a common dream.

The Body's Role in Dreaming
by Luke Lukens
How the psychological technique of focusing uses your body's wisdom to find meaning
in dreams.

Dreams and the Sufi Path
by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
How Sufi mystics have worked with dreams down through the centuries.
The Dream of the Sleeper
by Refik Algan
Sufi teachings on how dreams mirror our stages of growth on the spiritual path.

The Dream Question of the Kabbalah
by Ariel Bar-Tzadok
A kabbalistic invocation for requesting divine answers through dreams.

The Weighing of the Heart
by D. Jean Collins
What kind of ethics does dreamwork require today?

The Zen of Christianity
by Theodore J. Nottingham
The German master Karlfried Graf Durckheim blended Western and Eastern
approaches in his "initiation therapy."

Book Reviews

 Sacred Path Cards by Jamie Sams, illustrations by Linda Childers

 A Voice from the Earth: The Cards of Winds and Changes by Judith Pintar
 Karma Cards by Monte Farber, illustrations by Linda Garland
 The Phoenix Cards by Susan Sheppard, illustrated by Toni Taylor
 Nature Religion in America: From the Algonkian Indians to the New Age
by Catherine L. Albanese
 Drumming at the Edge of Magic: A Journey into the Spirit of Percussion
by Mickey Hart with Jay Stevens
 Encountering Mary: From La Salette to Medjugorje by Sandra L. Zimdars-
 Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth by Robert Anton Wilson
 The Sabbath in the Classical Kabbalah by Elliot K. Ginsburg
 Sod Ha-Shabbat: The Mystery of the Sabbath translated with a critical
commentary by Elliot K. Ginsburg
 Amrita: Essays in Magical Rejuvenation by Aleister Crowley
 Konx Om Pax: Essays in Light by Aleister Crowley
 Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden by Aleister Crowley
 The Gospel According to Jesus translated with notes and commentary by
Stephen Mitchell
 Labyrinths: Ancient Myths and Modern Uses by Sig Lonegren
 Freemasonry: A Journey through Ritual and Symbol by W. Kirk MacNulty
 Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair by Ziauddin Sardar
and Merryl Wyn Davies

Gnosis 23: Gnosticism Revisited.

A Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO23, GNO23

Price: $9.00


"Whatever the virtues of Gnosticism, this journal has always resisted

being identified as a rallying point for a specifically gnostic movement.
This in part because, as our name indicates, our allegiance is to gnosis
itself - not to a latter-day 'Gnosticism' derived primarily from second-
century sources."
- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Spring 1992



Alternative Realities
Textual Cruxes
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Skeptic's Corner
Gimme a Break, Sheldrake
A column by Ted Schultz

Introduction: Shadowboxing with God
by Jay Kinney
What does Gnosticism have to do with gnosis?

Attack of the Archons
by James B. DeKorne
If the archons are the enemy, they may be us.

What Is a Gnostic?
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Suggestions for pinning down this slippery term.

The Seed of Light
by Chas S. Clifton
Did the ancient Gnostics practice sacramental sex?

Gnosticism and Social Action
by Charles Upton
How does a Gnostic change the world?

Tongues of Fire, Gifts of Noise
by Erik Davis
No, information isn't knowledge. But it can be some help along the way.

Imagination and the Sacred: An Interview with Kathleen Raine
by Jay Kinney
The noted poet and scholar discusses art and spirituality in today's world.
Caliban's Masque: Spiritual Anarchy and the Wild Man in Colonial America
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Had American history gone differently, we might have ended up with a religion of the
Wild Man.

Book Reviews

 A History of Gnosticism by Giovanni Filoramo, translated by Anthony Alcock

 The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation, and
the Christian Vision by Andrew Welburn
 Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom: The Divine Feminine from Black Goddess to
World Soul by Caitlin Matthews
 The Mystery of the Seven Vowels in Theory and Practice by Joscelyn
 Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination by Keith Thompson
 In Pursuit of VALIS: Selections from the Exegesis by Philip K. Dick, edited
by Lawrence Sutin, with introduction by Jay Kinney and afterword by Terence
 Money and the Meaning of Life by Jacob Needleman
 PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story by Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin
 Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath by Carlo Ginzburg
 The Magical Revival by Kenneth Grant
 Company of Prophets: African American Psychics, Healers, and
Visionaries by Joyce Elaine Noll
 Meditating as a Christian: Waiting upon God by Peter Toon
 Twelve-Tribe Nations and the Science of Enchanting the Landscape by
John Michell and Christine Rhone
 Happiness without Death: Desert Hymns by Assad Ali, translated by Camille
Adams Helminski, Kabir Helminski, and Ibrahim Al-Shihabi
 Words of Power: Sacred Sounds of East and West by Brian and Esther
Gnosis 24: Saints and
Scoundrels. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO24, GNO24

Price: $9.00


"However heroic the virtues of the saint may be, the scoundrel has a bit
of the hero in him too."
- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Summer 1992



Skeptic's Corner
Stranger Than Science
A column by Ted Schultz

Alternative Realities
The Divine Feminine in Recent World Events
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller
Choose Your Saints Wisely
by Richard Smoley
Why we must cast a cold eye on even our greatest heroes.

The Hell-Fire Club
by Daniel Willens
Were they Satanists and libertines? Or some of the most progressive and far-sighted
men in British history?

The Grand Copt
by Timothy O'Neill
How the legendary Cagliostro tried to revive the magic of ancient Egypt.

The Best of the Beast
by Antoinette LaFarge and Robert Allen
What can we make of the legacy of the inimitable Aleister Crowley?

Heroic Virtue: An Interview with Brother David Steindl-Rast
by Richard Smoley
A distinguished monk talks about saints, the contemplative life, and the future of the
Catholic Church.

Wrath, Sanctity, and Power
by John Carey
Why were those Irish saints so darn ornery?

Was Tsar Nicholas a Saint?
by Stephen Muratore
The case of the last tsar of Russia casts some light on who becomes a saint, and why.

The Art of Conscious Listening
by Heidi Melas
How classical music can serve as a pathway to the realms of the spirit.

Book Reviews

 In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival
of the Indian Nations by Jerry Mander
 Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge by
Terence McKenna
 The Elements of Alchemy by Cherry Gilchrist
 The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human
Nature by Michael Murphy
 Eating the "I": An Account of the Fourth Way by Wm. Patrick Patterson
 Reimagination of the World: A Critique of the New Age, Science, and the
Popular Culture by David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson
 Saturday's Child: Encounters with the Dark Gods by Janet O. Dallett
 Prayer of Jesus - Prayer of the Heart by Alphonse and Rachel Goettmann
 Song of the Cosmos: An Introduction to Traditional Cosmology by Arthur
 Visions of the Night: A Study of Jewish Dream Interpretation by Joel Covitz
 The Journey of the Self: A Sufi Guide to Personality by Shaykh Fadhlalla

Gnosis 25: Groups and

Communities. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO25, GNO25

Price: $9.00

"Does the Church in our time foster the inner life? Rarely. Does the
Church hold the keys to a new consciousness? Yes."
- Theodore J. Nottingham, from The Church and the Inner Life

Contents -- Fall 1992



Alternative Realities
In Defense of Humans
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Introduction: Getting Real About Getting Together
by Jay Kinney
The collective enterprise - you can't live with it and you can't live without it.

Symposium: The Spirituality of the Future
Several spiritual teachers, writers, and thinkers give their views of where we're

The Church and the Inner Life
by Theodore J. Nottingham
Can a living spirituality still be found in today's churches?

The Quiet Revolution
by Robin Waterfield
How the Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life helped revive medieval Christianity.

Is the Men's Movement a Religion?
by Charles Upton
What are the spiritual implications of Robert Bly's Iron John?
Divining the Beloved Community
by D. Jean Collins
On finding spiritual friendship in South Central Los Angeles.

The Diamond Approach: An Interview with A.H. Almaas
by Richard Smoley
The originator of a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality discusses authentic
being, group work, and the search for God.

Grapes Ripen Smiling at One Another
by Kabir Helminski
Why the group process is necessary for individual growth in Sufism.

Black Gods of the Inner City
by Prince-A-Cuba
A brief history of the turbulent and multifarious Nation of Islam.

Book Reviews

 The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image by Anne Baring and Jules
 The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe by Marija
 Boehme: An Intellectual Biography of the Seventeenth-Century
Philosopher and Mystic by Andrew Weeks
 Science, Meaning, and Evolution: The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme by
Basarab Nicolescu, translated by Rob Baker
 Magic: The Principles of Higher Knowledge by Karl von Eckartshausen,
translated and edited by Gerhard Hanswille and Deborah Brunlishe
 Golgonooza, City of Imagination: Last Studies in William Blake by Kathleen
 Absence from Felicity: The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing of
A Course in Miracles by Kenneth Wapnick
 Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles by
Marianne Williamson
 On the Composition of Images, Signs, and Ideas by Giordano Bruno,
translated by Charles Doria, edited and annotated by Dick Higgins
 Gnosis: Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern
Orthodoxy, Book 2 by Boris Mouravieff, translated by S.A. Wissa, Manek
d'Oncieu, and Robin Amis
 The Changing Light at Sandover by James Merrill
 Principia Discordia, or, How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When
I Found Her by Malaclypse the Younger, new edition with introduction by Kerry
W. Thornley
 William Blake Tarot Triumphs created by Ed Buryn
 The Magical Mind by Imre Vallyon

Gnosis 26: Psychedelics and the

Path. A Journal of the Western
Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO26, GNO26

Price: $9.00


"I see psychedelics as a catalyst and a door opener; I don't see them as
a full path."
-Ram Dass, from The GNOSIS Interview with Ram Dass

Contents -- Winter 1993


Skeptic's Corner
Rain Forest Rant
A column by Ted Schultz

Alternative Realities
Viewing Drugs Rationally
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Introduction: The Fires of Artifice
by Richard Smoley
Do psychedelics really tell you the truth about yourself?

Mysticism: Contemplative and Chemical
by Roger Walsh
How "artificial" experiences compare with the ecstasies of contemplatives.

Drugs and the Path
Truth, illusions, and punctured auras - a variety of spiritual teachers give their views.

Using Drugs Wisely
by Myron J. Stolaroff
A veteran researcher suggests how to get the best out of psychedelic experience.

Psychedelics: A First-Amendment Right
by a Psychedelicist
Should mind-changing drugs be protected by the Constitution?

Two Classic Trips
by Thomas Riedlinger
Adelle Davis loved it, but it was a bummer for Jean-Paul Sartre.

The GNOSIS Interview with Ram Dass
by Jay Kinney and Richard Smoley
A lively discussion about LSD, spirituality, the '60s, and gurus.
The Sobriety That Surpasses Intoxication
by Kabir Helminski
Does traditional spirituality offer something better than drugs?

Ecstasy Revisited
by Bruce Eisner
What the rave scene and cutting-edge psychology have in common.

Gracie's Visible Language
by Gracie & Zarkov
Why language may be "the most alien artifact we have."

Gerald Heard: Soul Guide to the Beyond Within
by John V. Cody
A glimpse of the visionary who turned on the California elite years before Timothy

Book Reviews

 Brother Twelve by John Oliphant, foreword by Colin Wilson

 Thrice Greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis by
G.R.S. Mead
 Plotinus: The Enneads: A New, Unabridged, and Definitive Edition of the
Classic Translation by Stephen MacKenna
 Egypt: Moulids, Saints, Sufis by Nicholass H. Biegman
 The Dervish Lodge: Architecture, Art, and Sufism in Ottoman Turkey
edited by Raymond Lifchez
 Islamic Spirituality II: Manifestations edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
 Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader from the Biblical
Archaeology Review edited by Hershel Shanks
 The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe by Valerie I.J. Flint
 Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness and the Essential Self by
Kabir Edmund Helminski
 The Essential Writings of Frithjof Schuon edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
 Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation by Thomas Keating
 The Enlightened Heart: An Anthology of Sacred Poetry edited by Stephen
 The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton, read by Sidney Lanier
 The Boy Who Made Dragonfly: A Zuni Myth as told by Tony Hillerman, read
by Debra Winger
 The Golden Key: A Fairy Tale by George Macdonald, read by Michael
 The Mystic Quest: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism by David S. Ariel
 When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel of Obsession by Irvin D. Yalom
 Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore
 Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers by
Richard Evans Schultes and Albert Hofmann
 The San Francisco Oracle Facsimile Edition edited by Allen Cohen

Gnosis 27: Sacred Art and

Music. A Journal of the Western
Inner Traditions - REPRINT
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO27R, GNO27R


Please inquire for availability


"Sound and color can be used to 'play' the human body like a musical
instrument and put it in a healthier state of being."
- Jeff Chitouras, from Esoteric Sound & Color

Contents -- Spring 1993



Alternative Realities
The Royal Road of Tarot
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Skeptic's Corner
No Thanks for the Memories
A column by Ted Schultz

Introduction: It May Be Sacred, but Is It Art?
by Richard Smoley
What do Gurdjieff's "objective art," chaos theory, and Prince Charles have in common?

Orpheus and the Mysteries of Harmony
by David Fideler
The ancient Greek ideal of harmony and proportion may point a direction for our
civilization today.

Maps of the Eternal
by Daniel Gautier
Just what was it that made those Gothic cathedrals so beautiful?

Esoteric Sound & Color
by Jeff Chitouras
How sound and color can promote greater health and well-being.

by Thomas Poplawski
A glimpse of Rudolf Steiner's system of sacred movement.

The GNOSIS Interview with Hamza El Din
by Jay Kinney and Jeff Chitouras
The celebrated Nubian musician discusses his life and personal approach to music.
Windows into Heaven
by Stephen Muratore
What higher realities are written in Orthodox icons?

The Immediatist Manifesto
by Hakim Bey
How to cast the moneychangers out of the artistic temple.

The Magical Mark: The Art of Tattoo
by Michelle Delio
Did the first of all sacred arts use the human body as a canvas?

Book Reviews

 Santeria: A Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic by Luis Manuel Nunez

 Spirits of the Night: The Vaudun Gods of Haiti by Selden Rodman and
Carole Cleaver
 The Faces of the Gods: Vodou and Roman Catholicism in Haiti by Leslie D.
 Oya: In Praise of an African Goddess by Judith Gleason
 Beginner's Guide to Jungian Psychology by Robin Robertson
 Gaia and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing by Rosemary
Radford Ruether
 The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern
Nihilism by Ioan P. Couliano
 Sunyata: The Life and Sayings of a Rare-Born Mystic edited by Betty Camhi
and Elliot Isenberg
 When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American
Culture by Paul Boyer
 A Gnostic Book of Hours by June Singer
 The Sacrament of Abortion by Ginette Paris, translated by Joanna Mott
 Liber Kaos by Peter J. Carroll
 The Images of Afterlife: Beliefs from Antiquity to Modern Times by Geddes
 The Secret of Secrets by Hadrat 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, interpreted by Shaykh
Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahial-Halveti
 The Sign and the Seal: The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant by
Graham Hancock
Gnosis 28: One God Or Many?.
A Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO28, GNO28

Price: $9.00


"Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have all deprecated polytheism as

intrinsically inferior - primitive, crude, lost. But much of the profundity
of Paganism lies in its deep appreciation for the complexity and
richness of life, its embrace of the world that surrounds us, that indeed
is us."
- Frank Donnola, from Reconciling One and Many

Contents -- Summer 1993

Notes & Comments


Alternative Realities
The Return of the Magus
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller

Introduction: Split Personalities
by Jay Kinney
Some say there's one, others say there are many. So what's all the fuss about?

Reconciling One and Many
by Frank Donnola
No matter what they claim, most religions include versions of both monotheism and

A Natural Wealth
by Nisi Shawl
The traditions of the African diaspora boast a vibrant pantheon and a deep sense of
connection to the physical world.

Imaginary Mahatmas
by Paul Johnson
Who were H.P. Blavatsky's Masters really?

One Path or Many? The GNOSIS Interview with Charles Tart
by Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney
The noted psychologist talks about psi research, psychedelics, and integrating
different spiritual teachings on a personal path.

No Other Gods?
by Peter Stenshoel
A Gnostic Christian looks at the evangelical critique of "Neo-Paganism."

Working Polytheism
by Sam Webster
On working with many gods for personal and transpersonal ends.

The God of Abraham
by Stan Tenen
Does higher mathematics give reason to posit one God?

Man as God and Creator
by Richard Smoley
Each of us may be the "God" of a world created by our own thoughts and intentions.

Why Knock on Wood?
by Ken Textor
How tree myths are connected to the uses people have found for wood.

Book Reviews

 Surrealism and the Occult: Shamanism, Magic, Alchemy, and the Birth of
an Artistic Movement by Nadia Choucha
 The Reenchantment of Art by Suzi Gablik
 Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light by Leonard
 Modern Esoteric Spirituality edited by Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman,
Karen Voss, associate editor
 Witchcraft Today, Book One: The Modern Craft Movement edited by Chas
S. Clifton
 We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy - and the World's Getting
Worse by James Hillman and Michael Ventura
 Child Spirit: Chidren's Experiences of God in School by Samuel Silverstein
 How Like an Angel Came I Down: Conversations with Children on the
Gospels by A. Bronson Alcott, edited by Alice O. Howell
 Visions of Innocence: Spiritual and Inspirational Experiences of
Childhood by Edward Hoffman
 The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason by Christopher McIntosh
 Covenant of the Heart: Meditations of a Christian Hermeticist of the
Mysteries of a Tradition by Valentin Tomberg
 Inner Development by Valentin Tomberg
 Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake, edited by Morton D.
 Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion by William Blake, edited by
Morton D. Paley
 True Hallucinations by Terence McKenna
 God, Harlem U.S.A.: The Father Divine Story by Jill Watts
 Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival by
Joscelyn Godwin
Gnosis 29: The Body. A Journal
of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO29, GNO29

Price: $9.00


"For most of us, our bodies have become storage vaults for undigested
impressions, for impressions too charged or painful to confront."
- Dennis Lewis, from The Further Reaches of Self-Observation

Contents -- Fall 1993

Editorial: The Millennium is a Mirage
by Jay Kinney

Notes & Comments


Skeptic's Corner
A column by Ted Schultz
Scientific Tests of Astrology

Alternative Realities
A column by Stephan A. Hoeller
American Gnosis

Introduction: A Gown Both Subtle and Dense
by Richard Smoley
Embodiment encompasses many levels, from the finest to the most palpable.

The Body of Light
by John Mann and Lar Short
A brief introduction to the notion of subtle bodies.

The Further Reaches of Self-Observation
by Dennis Lewis
The pathway to consciousness leads straight through the body.

The Body Electric
by Normandi Ellis
How the ancient Egyptians viewed human embodiment.

Knowledge of the Body: The GNOSIS Interview with Michael Murphy
by Richard Smoley
Esalen's founder reflects on the past, present, and future of self-transformation.

Kabbalah, Sexuality, and the Body
by Avram Davis
Why traditional Judaism doesn't see the body as private property.

Fingers of Flame: Christianity and the Spiritualization of the Body
by Cynthia Bourgeault
Does Christianity really teach us to hate the flesh?

Learning How to Learn
by Dennis Leri
For Moshe Feldenkrais, body work was not a matter of repair, but instruction.

The Hunter's Eucharist
by Chas S. Clifton
Is sport hunting really a sin against nature?

Book Reviews

 Healing and the Mind by Bill Moyers

 The Sevenfold Journey by Anodea Judith and Selene Vega
 Divine Light and Fire: Experiencing Esoteric Christianity by Peter Roche de
 HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky by Sylvia
 Facing the World with Soul by Robert Sardello
 The Meditator's Guidebook by Lucy Oliver
 The Doctrine of the Subtle Body in the Western Tradition by GRS Mead
 Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion by Stewart Elliott Guthrie
 The Two Million-Year-Old Self by Anthony Stevens
 Road to Heaven: Encounters with Chinese Hermits by Arthur Versluis
 The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience by Varela,
Thompson, and Rosch

Gnosis 30: Sufism. A Journal of

the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO30, GNO30

Price: $9.00

"Sufism could be seen as a recovery program for those addicted to the

separate self."
- Kabir Helminski, from A Path to Human Wholeness

Contents -- Winter 1994

by Richard Smoley

Up Front


News & Notes

Introduction: The Sufi Conundrum
by Jay Kinney
What does this ancient tradition offer to the West today?

From the Outside In
by Maureen Clark
A glimpse into the mysteries of Sufism as portrayed in its rich literature.

Sufism Comes to America
by Jay Kinney
An overview of the teachers and groups that have established themselves on these

A Path to Human Wholeness
by Kabir Helminski
How the Sufi path can deepen our sense of our own humanity.

Your Lips Won't Stain the Moon: A Sampling of Sufi Poetry
A taste of the poets who have expressed the heights and depths of mystical

The Goal of Oneness: The GNOSIS Interview with Refik Algan
by Jay Kinney and Richard Smoley
A revealing conversation about the orders, the lineage, and the methods of Sufi

Sufism and the Source
by Murat Yagan
Can this tradition be traced to a pre-Islamic source in the Caucasus?

Women and Sufism
by Camille Adams Helminski
From its inception, women have played a significant role in the Sufi heritage.

The Sufi Path of Individuation
by Yannis Toussulis
How does the Sufi way compare to Jung's view of the inner quest?

Sufism in the West and the Question of Religion
by Ya'qub ibn Yusuf
Do you have to be a Muslim to be a Sufi?

A Reader's Guide to Sufism
by Jay Kinney
A roundup of the best books on the subject available in English.

Book Reviews

 The Hymns of Orpheus: Meditations by R.C. Hogart

 Beezlebub's Tales to his Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff (new translation)
 Concise Guide to Homoeopathy by Nigel & Susan Garion-Hutchings
 The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints by Jacobus de Voragine
 Wholeness or Transcendence? by Georg Feuerstein
 A Rosicrucian Notebook by Willy Schrodter
 The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus trans by Marvin
Meyer, interp. by Harold Bloom
 The Goddess Hekate edited by Stephen Ronan
 The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power by Joel Kramer and Diana
 Discover Runes by Tony Willis
 Madame Blavatsky's Baboon: Theosophy and the Emergence of the
Western Gurus by Peter Washington

Gnosis 31: Russia and Eastern

Europe. A Journal of the Western
Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO31, GNO31

Price: $9.00


"Russian mysticism was unique for its combination of spirituality and

what might be called sensuality of a higher order."
- Stephan A. Hoeller, from Esoteric Russia

Contents -- Spring 1994


Includes several letters on Sufism.

News & Notes
The New Jerusalem Comes to Romania. Will Paganism Help Shape a New Baltic
Identity?. Was Mormonism's Founder a Kabbalist? Sufi Order Practices Way of the

Introduction: A Glimpse of Eastern Expanses
by Richard Smoley
Is Russia part of the West? Or is it a civilization with a destiny and character of its

Esoteric Russia
by Stephan A. Hoeller
From Paganism to Theosophy, Russia has long had a colorful history of esotericism.

The Unknown Russian Mysticism
by Igor Kungurtsev and Olga Luchakova
A profile of some of the underground spiritual schools that have surfaced since the end
of the Soviet era.

The Cosmos of the Ancient Slavs
by Adrian Ivakhiv
The past and potential rebirth of pre-Christian Slavic mythology.

Turning to Orthodoxy
by Siobhan Houston
Why have thousands of Americans (including former leaders of the Campus Crusade
for Christ) converted to this ancient faith?

The East European Conception of Suffering
by Valentin Tomberg
Is suffering a curse to be avoided or a path to wisdom?

Daniil Andreev: Herald of Unseen Worlds
by Alexei Bogdanov
The astounding metaphysical visions of one of this century's greatest Russian mystics.
The Bogomils: Gnostics of Old Bulgaria
by Paul Tice
These Balkan heretics who fought both Rome and Constantinople also had surprising
links to the Cathars.

What is Esotericism? The GNOSIS Interview with Antoine Faivre
by Richard Smoley & Jay Kinney
The noted Frency scholar discusses the Western esoteric traditions, gnosis, and the
main exponents of European occultism.

Book Reviews

 Maud Gonne: A Biography by Margaret Ward

 Yeats Annual #9: Yeats and Women edited by Deirdre Toomey
 Quest for Dion Fortune by Janine Chapman
 Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death by Carl B. Becker
 Dying to Live: Near-Death Experiences by Susan Blackmore
 "No Religion Higher Than Truth": A History of the Theosophical
Movement in Russia, 1875-1922 by Maria Carlson
 The Elements of Celtic Christianity by Anthony Duncan
 Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena by Richard
L. Thompson
 In Search of the Birth of Jesus: The Real Journey of the Magi by Paul
William Roberts
 The Gnostic Jung, Including Seven Sermons to the Dead selected and
introduced by Robert A. Segal
 The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered by Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise
 Seasonal Dance: How to Celebrate the Pagan Year by Janice Broch and
Veronica MacLer
 Living the Tarot by Amber Jayanti
Gnosis 32: Pop Culture and the
Esoteric. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO32, GNO32

Price: $9.00


"Whenever I see these ads for shamanic weekends, I'm suspicious.

Because shamanic ecstasy is terrifying."
- Rachel Pollack, from The Gods of the Funny Books: An Interview with Rachel
Pollack and Neil Gaiman

Contents -- Summer 1994

by Richard Smoley

Letters to the Editor

News & Notes
Reports on Evil: The Cosmic Shadow Symposium, Feb.1994, NYC; Festivals in
Ruigoord, Amsterdam, Holland; synesthesia & author Richard Cytowic, MD; First
Annual Sufism Symposium, March 1994, San Rafael, California.

Introduction: Pop and Circumstance
by Jay Kinney
Does pop culture foster or retard spiritual growth?

The Gods of the Funny Books: An Interview with Rachel Pollack and Neil
by Erik Davis
How the pantheons of old are making their way onto the comic book stands.

Why the Enneagram?: An Interview with Helen Palmer
by Richard Smoley
The best-known teacher of this popular system talks frankly about its benefits and

Science Fiction and the Mythic Future
by Tim Maroney
How science fiction depicts eternity under the guise of things to come.

Romances of a New Reality
by Waverly Fitzgerald
Today's romance fiction takes the occult seriously. Very seriously indeed.

Diary of a Net Fiend
by Tim Maroney
Is it possible to have a meaningful conversation on the Internet?

Audio Magicians
by Peter Stenshoel and Jay Kinney
A portrait of esotericism in sound, from Firesign Theatre to World Entertainment War.

Music, Magic, & Media Mischief: The GNOSIS Interview with Genesis P-Orridge
by Jay Kinney
The founder of Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV discusses his trek from performance
artist to pop magician, with the occasional side trip to the Far East.

Stranded in Flatland: A Critique of Education in Modern America
by David Fideler
Have universities forsaken the Muses for MBAs?
The Light of the Sacred Fire
Hannah M.G. Shapero.
Despite centuries of oppression and the loss of many of its scriptures, Zoroastrianism
continues to shine.

Book Reviews

 Black Elk: Holy Man of the Oglala by Michael F. Steltenkamp

 Islands of the Dawn: The Story of Alternative Spirituality in New Zealand
by Robert S. Elwood
 Fire in the Head: Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit by Tom Cowan
 The Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern Mythology and Religion by Jan
 The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry by James Stevens Curl
 Gods and Planets: the Archetypes of Astrology by Arthur Zajoc
 Consciousness and Quantum Behavior by Barbara Dewey
 The Sandman: Season of Mists by Neil Gaiman, et. al.
 The Reform of the Roman Liturgy: Its Problems and Background by Msgr.
Klaus Gamber
 The Age of Missing Information by Bill McKibben

About our cover:

Art by Stevee Postman.

Gnosis 33: Earth. A Journal of

the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO33, GNO33

Price: $9.00


"Science and religion are still fighting their tired old battles for control
of the world - a cheap wrestling match which has long since ceased to
interest any but the most deeply hypnotized marks."
- Peter Lamborn Wilson, from Chaos, Eros, Earth, and Old Night

Contents -- Fall 1994

Up Front


News & Notes
Including Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos) speaks in N.Y.C., False Memory
Syndrome, Enneagram Conference Report,

Introduction: Heaven, Earth, and Us
by Richard Smoley
An attempt to sort meaning from noise in today's ecological discourse.

Earth and Spirit
by Igor Kungurtsev and Olga Luchakova
How different places on earth affect emotions, moods, and spiritual practice.

The Fate of the Earth According to Rudolf Steiner
by Gary Lachman
Is the earth just a waystation for us on our way to Jupiter?

Geomancy: A New Form for the Making of Cities
by Gail Thomas
What today's city planners ought to be thinking about.

Nature and the Numinous: The GNOSIS Interview with Sterling Bunnell
by Jay Kinney and Richard Smoley
A "shaikh of nature" discusses biology, spirituality, and the planet's future.

Snakes and Ladders
by Erik Davis
How can we reconcile the urge for transcendence with life on the physical plane?

Earth, Shamanism, and the Catholic Church
by John Perkins
How the Church has given shelter to native traditions in South America.

Chaos, Eros, Earth, and Old Night
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Can the Hermetic myth of the living earth help revivify modern culture?

Sacred Earth, Sacred Earthling
by Arthur Waskow
What Judaism has to say about improving relations with our home planet.

Animals in the Muslim World
by Denys Johnson-Davies
A capsule summary of Islamic teachings about kindness toward animals.

The Meaning of Ecstasy
by Richard Squires
A glimpse of ecstasy in its original sense: as out-of-body experience.

Book Reviews

 Gnosis: An Esoteric Tradition of Mystical Visions and Unions by Dan

 Blasphemy: Verbal Offense against the Sacred from Mose to Salman
Rushdie by Leonard W. Levy
 Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, edited by
Donald Tyson
 The Good Wine: Reading John from the Center by Bruno Barnhart
 Millennium Prophecies: Predictions for the Year 2000 by A. T. Mann
 A History of God by Karen Armstrong
 The Esoteric Emerson by Richard Geldard
 American Transcendentalism and Asian Religions by Arthur Versluis
 Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens
 Mystical Diets: Paranormal, Spiritual, and Occult Nutrition Practices by
Jack Raso
 Nourishing Wisdom: A Mind-Body Approach to Nutrition and Well-Being
by by Marc David
 The Making of a Spiritual Movement: The Untold Story of Paul Twitchell
and Eckankarby David Christopher Lane
 Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by
Women by Jane Hirshfield
 The Transcendental Universe by C. G. Harrison

Gnosis 34: Healing. A Journal of

the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO34, GNO34

Price: $9.00


"Our energy fields often look like mosaics of pieces from family,
friends, co-workers, people seen on TV, or even random strangers
encountered on the street."
- Rebecca Wilson, from The Art of Psychic Healing

Contents -- Winter 1995

Up Front


News & Notes

Introduction: A Healing Tale
by Jay Kinney
How a healing experience inspired this issue.

The Art of Psychic Healing
by Rebecca Wilson
Psychic healing may help you reoccupy your own space and cut away unhealthy

Healing and the Spiritual World: The GNOSIS Interview with Barbara Brennan
by Jay Kinney
The best-selling healer and author talks about intuition, subtle planes, and visions of

Taoist Healing Through Chi Nei Tsang
by Dennis Lewis
This form of abdominal massage aids clients in "digesting" emotions.

What's the Use of a Tiger?
by Mary Hendryx
If animal totems work for sports teams and consumer products, maybe they can do
something for you.

Sole Searching
by Ray L. Beck
Reflexology teaches that the foot is a handle for working with the whole body.

From Woundedness to Union
by Cynthia Bourgeault
Thomas Keating's Centering Prayer may offer a way for processing the contents of the

Hermetic Healing in Italy
by Dana Lloyd Thomas
Italy's Brotherhood of Myriam has roots in Pythagoreanism and Masonry.

Beyond the Ideology of Healing
by Richard Grossinger
Holistic healing may have become yet another quest that takes us away from

Gnosis: Goal or Ground?
by John Wren-Lewis
Are the notions of "growth" and "evolution" themselves obstacles to gnosis?

The Solar Temple Dossier
A special supplement on the background of the recent tragedy, including an analysis
by scholars Massimo Introvigne and J. Gordon Melton and the complete texts of the
Solar Temple's final pronouncements.

Book Reviews

 The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner and Contemporary

Spirituality by Richard Leviton
 The Unknowing Sage: The Life and Work of Baba Faqir Chand edited by
David Christopher Lane
 The Key of It All, Book One: The Eastern Mysteries by David Allen Hulse
 Mystical Christianity: A Psychological Commentary on the Gospel of John
by John A. Sanford
 Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are by Bob
 Matrix IV: The Quivideum by Val Valerian
 Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief by Donna Kossy
 The Magick of Thelema: A Handbook of the Rituals of Aleister Crowley by
Lon Milo DuQuette
 New Aeon Magick: Thelema Without Tears by Gerald del Campo
 Flat Rock Journal: A Day in the Ozark Mountains by Ken Carey
 Black Madonnas: Feminism, Religion, and Politics in Italy by Lucia
Chiavola Birnbaum
 Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn
Arabi by Michel Chodkiewicz
 An Ocean Without Shore: Ibn Arabi, The Book, and the Law by Michel
 The Power of Trees: The Reforesting of the Soul by Michael Perlman
 Sacred Trees by Nathaniel Altman

Gnosis 35: The Spirituality of

America. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO35, GNO35

Price: $9.00


"Looking at American public festivities, an intelligent alien might

conclude that we adore a trinity consisting of the Easter Bunny, Santa
Claus, and Frosty the Snowman."
- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Spring 1995

Editorial: Read Any Good Books Lately?
by Jay Kinney

Up Front

News & Notes
Frederick Spiegelberg: An Appreciation. Pass the Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury. J.G.
Bennett's Legacy, 20 Years Later. Occult Historian Francis King Dies.

Introduction: The Religion of No-Religion
by Richard Smoley
A brief excursion in search of the true American faith.

Exiled in America
by Alison Hawthorne Deming
A contemporary writer comes to grips with her Puritan lineage.

What Is God? The GNOSIS Interview with Karen Armstrong
by Richard Smoley
The author of A History of God talks about faith, faiths, and the ineffable.

Quetzalcoatl and the Path to Culture
by Bruce Scofield
How the god Quetzalcoatl symbolizes the dilemma inherent in civilization itself.

Meeting the Virgin of Guadalupe
by Joanne K. McPortland
Why, over 450 years after her appearance, we still need the Lady.

The Forgotten Shakers
by Chas S. Clifton
These nineteenth-century ecstatics were considerably stranger than we may

The Transcendental Impulse
by Mark Richard Barna
Reflections on the New England Transcendentalists and their legacy.

Joseph Smith: America's Hermetic Prophet
by Lance S. Owens
What esoteric roots inspired Mormonism's founder?

Encounters on the Native Path
by June Huang
A woman of Chinese extraction recounts her experiences with American Indian

Book Reviews

 The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement by Richard Noll

 The Jewish Alchemists: A History and Source Book by Rapael Patai
 The Circle of Sacred Dance: Peter Deunov's Paneurhythmy edited by David
 Prophet for Our Times: The Life and Teachings of Peter Deunov by David
 The Mystery of Light: The Life and Teachings of Omraam Mikhael
Aivanhov by Georg Feuerstein
 Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael
Cremo and Richard L. Thompson
 On the Art of the Kabbalah by Johann Reuchlin
 At the Center of the World by John Michell
 Mystical Languages of Unsaying by Michael A. Sells
 Gates of Light by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla
 Apocalypse: On the Psychology of Fundamentalism in America by Charles
B. Strozier
 The Millenium Myth: Love and Death at the End of Time by Michael Grosso
 Witchcraft Today, Book 3: Witchcraft and Shamanism edited by Chas S.
 Native American Traditions by Arthur Versluis
Gnosis 36: The Inner Planes. A
Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO36, GNO36

Price: $9.00


"People tend to describe themselves as traveling on the astral level

when they're really traveling in their own inner world. And any demons
in it are their own inner demons."
- Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, from Exploring the Inner Realms: The GNOSIS
Interview with Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Contents -- Summer 1995

Up Front


News & Notes
Including The Burning Man, the Labyrinth at Grace Cathedral, Myth in Our Time
Conference at Dartington Hall, Devon, UK, and 2nd Annual Sufism Symposium report.

Introduction: Stairways to Heaven
by Jay Kinney
Just where are those inner realms?

Wise Men from the East
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Do the adepts live in Himalayan fastnesses or in our own psyches?

Exploring the Inner Realms: The GNOSIS Interview with Dolores Ashcroft-
by Frank Donnola
A celebrated British occultist discusses the inner dimensions and her experiences with
her teachers.

Dr. Dee and the Spirits
by Cherry Gilchrist
The Elizabethan magus John Dee spent years conversing with the spirits. The pitfalls
he fell into may serve as warnings for us today.

Light from Ten Spheres
by Edward Hoffman
How to use the kabbalistic Tree of Life to take stock of your present state of being.

Heavens and Hells
by Gary Lachman
According to the Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg, heaven and hell are where
your heart is.

Strange Encounter in Jogjakarta
by John Krajewski
In which an elusive tourist guide reveals himself to be a meditation teacher.

Chaos Magic
by Siobhan Houston
A peek into this irreverent modern recasting of the magical tradition.

On Ahmusta Kebzeh
by Murat Yagan
This ancient Caucasian tradition views the source of all things as being "the energy of

Book Reviews

 Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor by Susan Haskins

 Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II
 Dancing Shadows: The Roots of Western Religious Belief by Aoumiel
 Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of
Apocalyptic Faith by Norman Cohn
 The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other Worldsedited by James
R. Lewis
 The Well of Remembrance: Rediscovering the Earth Wisdom Myths of
Northern Europe by Ralph Metzner
 Riding with the Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianityby Kyriacos C.
 Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian
Symbolism by David R. Fideler
 Healing Research: Holistic Energy Medicine and Spirituality (2 vol.) by Dr.
Daniel J. Benor
 Magick, Book Four: Liber ABA by Aleister Crowley edited by Hymenaeus
 The Survival of the Pagan Gods: The Mythological Tradition and Its Place
in Renaissance Humanism and Art by Jean Seznec
 In Search of Stones: A Pilgrimage of Faith, Reason, and Discovery by M.
Scott Peck
 The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions by
Huston Smith
 Gabriel's Palace: Jewish Mystical Tales by Howard Schwartz
 The Naqshbandi Sufi Way: History and Guidebook of the Saints of the
Golden Chain by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Gnosis 37: Tenth Anniversary
Issue. A Journal of the Western
Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO37, GNO37

Price: $9.00


"My body belongs to the church into which I was born, but my soul
can't be confined. My soul belongs to the primordial tradition."
- Huston Smith, from Tradition and Truth: A GNOSIS Interview with Huston Smith

Contents -- Fall 1995

by Richard Smoley

Up Front


News & Notes
Including the Return of the Sacred Prostitute.

Introduction: Days of Future Past
by Jay Kinney
Tenth Anniversary reflections.

State of the Hidden Arts
Esotericism - where's it headed and what is it anyway? A detailed report from our
panel of experts.

The Hidden Wisdom of Psalmody
by Cynthia Bourgeault
Gregorian chant, Christian contemplation - they all come down to the Psalms.

Tradition and Truth: A GNOSIS Interview with Huston Smith
by Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney
The renowned scholar discusses religious traditions, the value of hierarchy, and

Israel Regardie, the Golden Dawn, and Psychotherapy
by Cris Monnastre and David Griffin
How the Golden Dawn's occult initiations resemble the therapeutic process.

Cleaving to God
by Shefa Gold
A contemporary woman rediscovers a Jewish contemplative tradition.

Art by Harry S. Robins

Islam, Tradition, and the West: A GNOSIS Interview with Seyyed Hossein Nasr
by Jay Kinney
The distinguished Islamic scholar critiques the delusions of modernity.

Calling Cthulhu
by Erik Davis
How H.P. Lovecraft, reclusive New England skeptic, gave birth to the hippest of
today's postmodern pantheons.

The Stoic Way of Nature
by Michael McNierney
There's a lot more to Stoicism than just gritting your teeth.

Book Reviews

 A Different Christianity: Early Christian Esotericism and Modern Thought

by Robin Amis
 Dreams of Isis: A Women's Spiritual Sojourn by Normandi Ellis
 The Golden Dawn Journal: Books I and II edited by Chic and Sandra
Tabatha Cicero
 The Allure of Gnosticism: The GnosticExperience in Jungian Psychology
and Contemporary Culture edited by Robert A. Segal
 Access to Western Esotericism by Antoine Faivre
 Chant by Katharine Le Mee
 Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses by Mary K. Greer
 Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution by Ken Wilber
 The Myth of American Individualism: The Protestant Origins of American
Political Thought by Barry Alan Shain
 Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers: Women's Roles in New
Religions by Susan Jean Palmer
 Spiritual Politics by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson

Gnosis 38: The Stars. A Journal

of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO38, GNO38

Price: $9.00

"I suspect that if we knew how much the planets affect our lives, we
would either go mad or take ourselves a lot less seriously."
- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1996

Up Front


News & Notes
Including a visit with Colin Wilson, a report on the Czech Rosicrucian Enlightenment
Revisited conference, and "The Science and Religion of Space."

Introduction: The Stars We Are
by Richard Smoley
Is astrology true? And what does it mean if it is?

Grinding the Mill of Heaven: An Interview with Graham Hancock
by Ed Conroy
The best-selling author discusses Egypt, Atlantis, and why ancient civilizations may
have known a lot more than we think.

Ladder to Labyrinth
by Priscilla Costello
Is astrology meant to take us up to heaven? Or deeper within ourselves? Or both?

The Star-Gods of Neoplatonism
by Kenneth Stein
The Neoplatonists saw the stars, not as balls of hot gas, but as living expressions of
the divine will.
The Lost Art of Astrology
by Robert Hand
Why today's astrology may be less sophisticated than its ancient forms.

Wars in Heaven
by Jay Kinney
Just what are those ETs trying to tell us?

The Coming of Sophia: The GNOSIS Interview with Robert Powell
by Richard Smoley
The British savant discusses Rudolf Steiner, Sophia, and the vital practice of

The Religion of the Stars
by Christopher Gibson
How Elbert Benjamine, a.k.a. C.C. Zain, transformed star wisdom into a contemporary

Mapping the Unknown
by Cherry Gilchrist
Using astrology to open up your mind rather than closing it down.

Book Reviews

 The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor: Initiatic and Historical Documents of

an Order of Practical Occultism by Joscelyn Godwin, Christian Chanel, and
John P. Deveney
 Crimes of Perception: An Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics by
Leonard George
 The Stop by David Appelbaum
 The Sacred Ifa Oracle translated and with commentary by Afolabi A. Epega
and Philip John Neimark
 Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body by Riane Eisler
 Living the Wheel: Working with Emotion, Terror, and Bliss through
Imagination by Annabelle Nelson
 Alchemical Works: Eirenaeus Philalethes Compiled edited by S. Merrow
 The Mysterium Lectures: A Journey Through C.G. Jung's Mysterium
Coniunctionis by Edward F. Edinger
 The Cube of Space: Container of Creation by Kevin Townley
 The Teachings of Don Carlos: Practical Applications of the Works of
Carlos Castaneda by Victor Sanchez
 The Odyssey of a New Religion: The Holy Order of MANS from New Age to
Orthodoxy by Phillip Charles Lucas
 Studies in Jewish Dream Interpretation by Monford Harris

Gnosis 39: East Meets West. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO39, GNO39

Price: $9.00


"Ultimately there is no world, no people, and no other beings as such;

One Infinite Being dances in the guise of all these figures."
- Ati Akarta, from Nonduality and Western Seekers

Contents -- Spring 1996

Up Front


News & Notes
Including a quest for a lost mystical land, Jewish mysticism & UFOS, and a CD-ROM
and Tarot decks by GNOSIS contributors.

Introduction: The Real and the Unreal
by Richard Smoley
East and West differ not only on what's important, but on what's real.

Nonduality and Western Seekers
by Ati Akarta (Igor Kungurtsev)
How has the Hindu tradition of Advaita Vedanta fared in the West?

Eastern Lingo for Westerners
by Richard Smoley
A brief glossary of some common terms in Eastern spirituality.

Face to Face: Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship
by Ihla F. Nation
Do you need to study with a guru? If so, how can you avoid being victimized?

The Big Kahuna: An Interview with Papa Auwae
by Tom DeMoss
The head kahuna of Hawaii talks about spirits, healing, and his path.

The Caravan of Summer
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Does the Sufi way of pilgrimage offer an alternative to the vulgarity of tourism?

Time, Space, Knowledge: An Interview with Tarthang Tulku
The renowned Tibetan lama discusses how to open up ordinary experience.

Friends of Friends
by Rhoda R. Gilman
Quakers have been teaching Buddhists about social action and learning meditation in

Pagan Dharma
by Sam Webster
If you mix Pagan practices with Buddhist compassion, what do you get? The Tibetans
found out long ago.

Art, Love, and Tradition: The Wisdom of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
by Paul Hurley
Early in this century, this influential thinker helped restore Western esteem for India.

Book Reviews

 Towards a Meaningful Life: The Wisdom of the Rebbe Meachem Mendel

Schneerson, adapted by Simon Jacobson
 Jewish View of the Afterlife by Simcha Paull Raphael
 Fundamental Symbols: The Universal Language of Sacred Science by
Rene Guenon
 The Teachings of Kebzeh: Essentials of Sufism from the Caucasus
Mountains by Murat Yagan
 The Great Year: Astrology, Millenarianism, and History in the Western
Tradition by Nicholas Campion
 Never Again the Burning Times: Paganism Revived by Loretta Orion
 Living Witchcraft: A Contemporary American Coven by Allen Scarboro
 Struggle of the Magicians: Why Uspenskii Left Gurdjieff by William Patrick
 In Search of the Birth of Jesus: The Real Journey of the Magi by Paul
William Roberts
 The Theosophical Enlightenment by Joscelyn Godwin
 The Masters of Wisdom by J.G. Bennett
Gnosis 40: Hermeticism. A
Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO40, GNO40

Price: $9.00


"The basic idea behind Hermeticism is that correspondences exist

between the world of the Divine Intellect and the created world. The
magician's own imagination is the bridge linking the two."
- Gary Lachman, from The Renaissance of Hermetic Man

Contents -- Summer 1996


Up Front


News & Notes
Including a visit with Owen Barfield and reports on the Million Man March and the
Sufism Symposium.

Introduction: From Lead to Gold
by Richard Smoley
What's the secret of alchemical transmutation?

The Emerald Tablet
translated by Richard Smoley
A new rendition of the most celebrated of all magical texts.

On the Trail of the Winged God
by Stephan A. Hoeller
How Hermes was transformed from a Greek deity into the patron of the alchemical art.

The Renaissance of Hermetic Man
by Gary Lachman
Did the Hermetic revival in the Renaissance cut us off from nature? Or teach us new
responsibility for it?

The Quintessence of Alchemy: The GNOSIS Interview with Francois Trojani
by Joseph Rowe
One of France's leading alchemists discusses his vision of his art and its relation to
science and consciousness.

Secrets of Malta
by Virginia M. Fellows
An enciphered manuscript may give a glimpse of initiation as practiced by the Knights
of Malta over 200 years ago.

Geometries of the Sword
by John Michael Greer
Pythagorian ratios applied to swordsmanship once gave rise to a Western martial

The Enochian Apocalypse
by Donald Tyson
Were John Dee's Enochian Keys of angel magic meant to unlock the door to the
x05End Times?

Book Reviews

 Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, translated by Guido Stucco
 The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art by Julius
Evola, translated by E.E. Rehmus
 The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self-Mastery according to
the Earliest Buddhist Texts by Julius Evola, translated by H.E. Musson
 The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way by Julius Evola,
translated by Guido Stucco
 The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders by Desmond Seward
 Initiates of Theosophical Masters by K. Paul Johnson
 Opening the Inner Gates: New Paths in Kabbalah and Psychology edited
by Edward Hoffman
 Forty Days: The Diary of a Traditional Solitary Sufi Retreat by Michaela M.
Ozelsel, translated by Andy Gaus
 The Waking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of Our Lives by
Ray Grasse
 Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-Making by Victor Mansfield
 A Thoughtful Soul: Reflections from Swedenborg edited by George F. Dole
 Testimony to the Invisible: Essays on Swedenborg edited by James F.
 Miracles of Mary: Apparitions, Legends, and Miraculous Works of the
Blessed Virgin Mary by Michael S. Durham
 Jesus the Healer: Possession, Trance, and the Origins of Christianity by
Stevan L. Davies
 Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys edited by John J. Collins and
Michael Fishbane
 A War of Witches: A Journey into the Underworld of Contemporary Aztecs
byTimothy J. Knab
 A Mythic Life by Jean Houston
Gnosis 41: The Cosmic Joke
Issue. A Journal of the Western
Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO41, GNO41

Price: $9.00


"No more sacred civilizations, Monsieur. They are too delicate and too
costly. Besides priests are no more trustworthy than anyone else."
- Eglantin L'Audace, from The Order of the Twelfth Apostle

Contents -- Fall 1996


Up Front


News & Notes
Including the Fortean UnConvention, a trip to the roots of Kabbalah, and an encounter
with sacred music in Morocco.

An Initial Encounter with Ramtha
by J. Gordon Melton
Wherein a noted scholar makes the acquaintance of a 35,000-year-old founder of a
Gnostic school.

The Distorted Enneagram: The GNOSIS Interview with Claudio Naranjo
by OM C. Parkin and Boris Fittkau
Claudio Naranjo, one of the seminal figures in the enneagram of personality types, has
harsh words for what it has become.

After the Deluge
by Paul Hurley
How a cabin, a flood, and the Fool card converged to transform a life.

The Great Cosmic Fairy Tale
by Mary Devlin
Is Oz's Yellow Brick Road an allegory for the soul's way home?

Christians Reconsidered
by Sandra Tsing Loh
Can you be a Christian and still hate "Godspell"?

Book Reviews

 The Cloister Walk by Kathleen Norris

 The Brotherhood of the Common Life and Its Influences by Ross Fuller
 The White Buddhist: The Asian Odyssey of Henry Steel Olcott by Stephen
 Satan's Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch
Hunt by Debbie Nathan and Michael Snedeker
 Love and the Soul: Creating a Future for Earth by Robert Sardello
 E: Reflections on the Birth of the Elvis Faith by John Strausbaugh
 The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by
Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock
 From Atlantis to the Sphinx: Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient
World by Colin Wilson
 In Perfect Timing: Memoirs of a Man for the New Millennium by Peter
Caddy with Jeremy Slocombe and Renata Caddy
 The Generation of Adam by Isaiah Horowitz
 Jungian Archetypes: Jung, Godel, and the History of Archetypes by Robin
 The Magic of Solomon (video) by Carroll "Poke" Runyon

AGNOSIS: Special humor supplement

Inside back cover:

The Scimitar
by Justin Green

The Beatles: A New Translation
by Francis DiMenno
A new rendition of the much-revered texts to commemorate the Beatles millennium.

The Order of the Twelfth Apostle
by Eglantin L'Audace
A tale of how a secret society altered the spiritual destiny of the human race.


The Cigars of Paradise
by Mack White

The Leap of Faith
by Harry S. Robins

Easter Bunny, P.I.
by Gus Murphy
Gnosis 42: Death and the
Afterlife. A Journal of the Western
Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO42, GNO42


Please inquire for availability


"Death is not our enemy, although it appears to be. Death is not our
destroyer, although we think it is."

Contents -- Winter 1997

Up Front


News & Notes
Aura photography; Baha'i Conflicts On-line.

Special Forum: The Enneagram in Contention
With comments by Helen Palmer, Eli Jaxon-Bear, Nicolas Tereschenko.

Introduction: The Big Unknown
by Jay Kinney
What do the Sufis mean when they say, "Die before you die?"

Don Juan and Death
by Thomas Murphy
Carlos Castaneda's famed sorcerer describes death as a relentless mocker, upsetting
our notions of what's meaningful and real.

The Case Against Reincarnation
by Joscelyn Godwin
Why the great French esotericist Rene Guenon said reincarnation was not only false
but impossible.

Afterlife Visions of a Sleeping Prophet
by K. Paul Johnson
Between lives, do we spend time on other planets? Edgar Cayce said we do.

Coup de Grace: Neo-Pagan Ethics and Assisted Suicide
by Judy Harrow
The Wiccan Rede says, "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." How does this apply to
helping others end their lives?

Meeting in the Body of Hope
by Cynthia Bourgeault
A profound exploration of mystical Christianity, subtle bodies, and bonds that are
stronger than the grave.

Standing Between Life and Death
by Mary-Frances Taffe
An interview with the Rev. Walter Makichen, who uses shamanic techniques to help
departed souls adjust to other realms.

Kabbalah and the Afterlife
by Edward Hoffman
What the esoteric core of Judaism has to say about death, dying, and reincarnation.

Book Reviews

 The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption by Liz Greene
 The Secret Heresy of Hieronymus Bosch by Lynda Harris
 Whispers of the Moon: The Life and Work of Scott Cunningham by David
Harrington and de Traci Regula
 Energy Anatomy: The Science of Personal Power, Spirituality, and Health
by Caroline Myss
 The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932 by
C.G. Jung edited by Sonu Shamdasani
 Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teaching edited by
Jacob Needleman and George Baker
 Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as
History by Mary Lefkowitz
 Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean
Tradition by Peter Kingsley
 The Acentric Labyrinth: Giordano Bruno's Prelude to Contemporary
Cosmology by Ramon G. Mendoza
 The Ramadan Sonnets by Daniel Moore

About our cover:

Art by Stevee Postman.

Gnosis 43: Love, Sacred and

Profane. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO43, GNO43

Price: $9.00

Love, said Dante in a famous line from The Divine Comedy, "moves the
sun and the other stars." Elsewhere, in a less famous line, he calls it
the force "that turns the world to chaos."

Contents -- Spring 1997

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
A new light on Gregorian chant; Gurdjieffians convene; James Joyce & the Goddess.

Introduction: More Than a Feeling
by Richard Smoley
Why love is more than just an emotion.

The Poet of Body and Soul
by Mark Richard Barna
Walt Whitman's poems show a man struggling with the same issues of sexual freedom
vs. puritanism that face us today.

A Mystery of Sex
by John Michael Greer and Carl Hood, Jr.
Did the Golden Dawn practice sex magic? The rumor persists - and has been steadily
denied. A glimpse into what they may have been up to.

Love and Awakening: An Interview with John Welwood
by Paul Shippee
Why is it so hard to have a conscious relationship? Possibly because it's never been
tried before.

Letting God Be the Matchmaker
by Eileen Flanagan
How the Quaker practice of listening to the voice within can help you decide whether
to marry.

Why Do We Quarrel?
by Jacob Needleman
Maybe the experts are wrong. Maybe we need to take our emotions less seriously.

The War Against Love
by David Fideler
Why sex has innate value apart from the purposes of reproduction.

Pain, Desire, and Transcendence
by Jay Kinney
What are the spiritual dimensions of bondage, domination, and sadomasochism?

From Russia with Love
by Gary Lachman
The last days of tsarist Russia bred a feverish preoccupation with sex, love, and

Contemporary Kabbalah: An Interview with Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
by Frank Donnola
The distinguished British Kabbalist discusses the state of the tradition today.

Book Reviews

 Total Freedom: The Essential Krishnamurti by Mary Cadogan, Alan

Kishbaugh, Mark Lee, and Ray McCoy
 Paschal Beverly Randolph: A Nineteenth-Century Black American
Spiritualist, Rosicrucian, and Sex Magician by John Patrick Deveney
 Breaking Through: A Narrative of the Great Work by Andre VandenBroeck
 The Intelligent Enneagram by A.G.E. Blake
 The Tao of Natural Breathing by Dennis Lewis
 The Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arava
 The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling by James Hillman
 Bloodlines of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed by
Laurence Gardner
 Twilight of the Celtic Gods: An Exploration of Britain's Hidden Pagan
Traditions by David Clarke with Andy Roberts
 Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus by Anthony Storr
 Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, and Resurrection by
Harold Bloom
 A Mapmaker's Dream: The Meditations of Fra Mauro, Cartographer to the
Court of Venice by James Cowan
 Sacred Origins of Profound Things: The Stories Behind the Rites and
Rituals of the World's Religions by Charles Panati
 American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid Groups by Daniel Hansen

About our covers:

Cover photographs by Susan Slotter. Front: Canyon Trilogy No. 3, (c)1992; back:
Honoring Child, (c)1994.

Gnosis 44: Freemasonry. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO44, GNO44

Price: $9.00


"Psychologically, the procedure preparing one for Masonic affiliation

corresponds with the ego's first glimmerings of a higher destiny."
-Thomas D. Worrel, from
The Initiatic Symbolism of Freemasonry

Contents -- Summer 1997

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
An encounter with a patriarch; a New Age conspiracy theory; reflections on American
Sufism and the 1997 Sufism Symposium.

Introduction: Masonic Civilization
by Richard Smoley
If you have any feelings about religious toleration, representative government, or
scientific inquiry, then Freemasonry is of interest to you.

The Initiatic Symbolism of Freemasonry
by Thomas D. Worrel
How the rites of Masonry provide more light upon the spiritual path.

The Temple and the Scrolls: The GNOSIS Interview with Christopher Knight
by Richard Smoley
A provocative discussion about ancient Egypt, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Templars,
and much more with the coauthor of The Hiram Keys.

Sources of the Fraternal Spirit
by Dale E. Boudreau
How Masonry helped produce America's rich heritage of fraternal lodges.

Good Masons, Bad Masons
by David Greason
Which addresses the awkward question: was George Washington a Satanist?

The Pope and the Pornographer
by Brian Riggs
How the longstanding rivalry between Masonry and Catholicism came to a head with
the antics of a publisher of smutty books.

A Modern Pythagorean
by Dana Lloyd Thomas
Italian esotericist and Freemason Arturo Reghini claimed to trace his spiritual roots
back to Pythagoras.

Readings in the Old Lodge Library
by Timothy O'Neill
A concise guide to the best reading about Masonry.

Book Reviews

 Eros, Magic, and the Murder of Professor Culianu by Ted Anton

 A Wicked Pack of Cards: Origins of the Occult Tarot by Ronald Decker,
Thierry Depaulis, and Michael Dummett
 Archetypes and Strange Attractors: The Chaotic World of Symbols by
John R. Van Eenwyk
 Israel and Humanity by Elijah Benamozegh
 Turning to Torah: The Emerging Noachide Movement by Kimberly E. Hanke
 A Pilgrim in Aquarius by David Spangler
 The Complete Story of the Course by D. Patrick Miller
 Behind the Crystal Ball: Magic, Science, and the Occult from Antiquity
through the New Age by Anthony Aveni
 The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus by the
Dalai Lama
 Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus by Anthony Storr
 Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, and Resurrection by
Harold Bloom
 A Mapmaker's Dream: The Meditations of Fra Mauro, Cartographer to the
Court of Venice by James Cowan
 Sacred Origins of Profound Things: The Stories Behind the Rites and
Rituals of the World's Religions by Charles Panati
 American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid Groups by Daniel Hansen
About our cover:
The Building of Twelve Churches by Count de Roussillon and His Wife, French
manuscript, 1448, reproduced by permission of the Osterreichische NationalBibliothek.

Gnosis 45: Esoteric Christianity.

A Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO45, GNO45

Price: $9.00


"According to one tradition,

the essence of the Christian religion
was never entirely written down,
nor would it ever be available
to the majority of believers"
-Brian Riggs, from
The Storm in Alexandria

Contents -- Fall 1997

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
Zecharia Sitchin; the secrets encoded in reverse speech; the creator of the "Bible
Code" speaks out.

Introduction: Popular Mystery
by Richard Smoley
Are the secrets of Christianity all out in the open?

Encounter with the Uncreated
by Theodore J. Nottingham
How the Christian mystical path sets out a way of realizing higher consciousness.

The Storm in Alexandria
by Brian Riggs
The issues that faced the third-century Church Father Origen highlight the long
struggle between knowledge and dogmatism.

Boehme for Beginners
by Cynthia Bourgeault
The great German mystic Jacob Boehme is renowned for the difficulty of his writings.
What's the best way to approach them? Experientially.

Working on the Inner Side: The GNOSIS Interview with Nicholas Whitehead
by Martha J. Shultz
A lively conversation about Christianity, magic, initiation, and the mystery of the

Looking for Celtic Christianity
by John Carey
Was there an independent Celtic Church in the early Middle Ages that was brought to
heel by Rome? In a word, no.

The Secret Church of John
by Charles A. Coulombe
An inquiry into the legend of the "hidden Church of John" said to exist above and
beyond the outer Church.

A New Order of Priests
by Sara Draper
A peek into the little-known Christian Community and its relation to the teachings of
Rudolf Steiner.

Brothers in Light and Blood
by James Burbank
For New Mexico's "Penitent Brothers," Holy Week is a time for recreating the Passion
of Christ.

Book Reviews

 The Soul of Shamanism: Western Fantasies, Imaginal Realities by Daniel

C. Noel
 Disruption by David Applebaum
 H.P. Lovecraft: A Life by S.T. Joshi
 Patterns that Connect: Social Symbolism in Ancient and Tribal Art by Carl
Schuster and Edmund Carpenter
 The New God-Image: A Study of Jung's Key Letters Concerning the
Evolution of the Western God-Image by Edward F. Edinger
 Anatomy of the Spirit: the Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline
 Psi Explorer (CD-ROM) by Mario Varvoglis
 Exchanges Within: Questions from Everyday Life Selected from Gurdjieff
Group Meetings with John Pentland in California, 1955-1984 by John
 Qur'an, Liberation, and Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious
Solidarity against Oppression by Farid Esack
 The Lord of the Dance: An Essay in Mysticism by Anthony Duncan
 The Practice of Ritual Magic by Gareth Knight
 Patterns in Magical Christianity by Nicholas Whitehead
About our cover:
Sunday by Katherine Ace.

Gnosis 46: Divination. A Journal

of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO46, GNO46

Price: $9.00


"Ultimately the point is not to place absolute trust in some particular

form of guidance, rational or divinatory, inner or outer, but in making
contact with one's own supreme principle of knowingness. This is not a
voice or a spirit or a god; it is the principle of consciousness itself."
-- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1998

by Jay Kinney

Up Front

News & Notes
The esoteric Prince Charles; the grande dame of herbalism; GNOSIS in Prague; Tarot
enthusiasts unite.

Introduction: Patterns in a Subtle Light
by Richard Smoley
Why does divination work? As a matter of fact, does it work?

The Tarot: An Inquiry into Origins
by Ronald O. Decker
Does the Tarot go back to ancient Egypt? Maybe. But not in the way you might think.

Cards, Stones, Dice, and Bones
by Mary K. Greer
The noted Tarot expert surveys some of today's newest means of forecasting the

Oracles Within: The Inner Animal Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff
by Rob Baker
How Gurdjieff helped his pupils get in touch with the animal within.

Extraordinary Guidance: The GNOSIS Interview with Liza Wiemer
by Jay Kinney
A dialogue with a respected intuitive about how to gain access to your own inner

Astrology and Divination: Thinking Magically and Critically
by Erin Sullivan
Exactly what can an astrologer see in a chart?

The Way of Change
by Gary Lachman
Why working with the venerable Chinese oracle known as the I Ching feels like getting
in touch with a living entity.
The Forgotten Oracle
by John Michael Greer
Geomancy is a nearly forgotten Western oracle that offers a simple means of
forecasting what's to come.

Book Reviews

 Carl Gustav Jung by Frank McLynn

 The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung by Richard Noll
 The Channeling Zone: American Spirituality in an Anxious Age by Michael
F. Brown
 Aphrodite's Daughters: Women's Sexual Stories and the Journey of the
Soul by Jalaja Bonheim
 Athena: A Biography by Lee Hall
 The Only Tradition by William W. Quinn, Jr.
 Advice to the Serious Seeker: Meditations on the Teaching of Frithjof
Schuon by James S. Cutsinger
 The Case of Valentin Tomberg: Anthroposophy or Jesuitism? by Sergei O.
 The Works of Plato translated by Thomas Taylor and Floyer Sydengam
 The Illustrated Encylopedia of Divination by Stephen Karcher
 Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working with the Intelligence in
Nature by Marko Pogacnik
 A History of Heaven: The Singing Silence by Jeffrey Burton Russell
 The Knitting Sutra: Craft as a Spiritual Practice by Susan Gordon Lydon
 Magical Tattwa Cards by John Mumford

About our cover:

The Star card from an as yet unnamed Tarot deck by Stevee Postman, scheduled for
release in the fall of 1998 from Inner Traditions International.
Gnosis 46: Divination. A Journal
of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO46, GNO46

Price: $9.00


"Ultimately the point is not to place absolute trust in some particular

form of guidance, rational or divinatory, inner or outer, but in making
contact with one's own supreme principle of knowingness. This is not a
voice or a spirit or a god; it is the principle of consciousness itself."
-- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Winter 1998

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
The esoteric Prince Charles; the grande dame of herbalism; GNOSIS in Prague; Tarot
enthusiasts unite.
Introduction: Patterns in a Subtle Light
by Richard Smoley
Why does divination work? As a matter of fact, does it work?

The Tarot: An Inquiry into Origins
by Ronald O. Decker
Does the Tarot go back to ancient Egypt? Maybe. But not in the way you might think.

Cards, Stones, Dice, and Bones
by Mary K. Greer
The noted Tarot expert surveys some of today's newest means of forecasting the

Oracles Within: The Inner Animal Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff
by Rob Baker
How Gurdjieff helped his pupils get in touch with the animal within.

Extraordinary Guidance: The GNOSIS Interview with Liza Wiemer
by Jay Kinney
A dialogue with a respected intuitive about how to gain access to your own inner

Astrology and Divination: Thinking Magically and Critically
by Erin Sullivan
Exactly what can an astrologer see in a chart?

The Way of Change
by Gary Lachman
Why working with the venerable Chinese oracle known as the I Ching feels like getting
in touch with a living entity.

The Forgotten Oracle
by John Michael Greer
Geomancy is a nearly forgotten Western oracle that offers a simple means of
forecasting what's to come.
Book Reviews

 Carl Gustav Jung by Frank McLynn

 The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung by Richard Noll
 The Channeling Zone: American Spirituality in an Anxious Age by Michael
F. Brown
 Aphrodite's Daughters: Women's Sexual Stories and the Journey of the
Soul by Jalaja Bonheim
 Athena: A Biography by Lee Hall
 The Only Tradition by William W. Quinn, Jr.
 Advice to the Serious Seeker: Meditations on the Teaching of Frithjof
Schuon by James S. Cutsinger
 The Case of Valentin Tomberg: Anthroposophy or Jesuitism? by Sergei O.
 The Works of Plato translated by Thomas Taylor and Floyer Sydengam
 The Illustrated Encylopedia of Divination by Stephen Karcher
 Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working with the Intelligence in
Nature by Marko Pogacnik
 A History of Heaven: The Singing Silence by Jeffrey Burton Russell
 The Knitting Sutra: Craft as a Spiritual Practice by Susan Gordon Lydon
 Magical Tattwa Cards by John Mumford

About our cover:

The Star card from an as yet unnamed Tarot deck by Stevee Postman, scheduled for
release in the fall of 1998 from Inner Traditions International.
Gnosis 47: Prayer and
Meditation. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO47, GNO47

Price: $9.00


"If prayer assumes a dialogue or interaction with the Other, and

meditation enables us to discover that the Other is, at root, our deepest
self, the final fruit of such efforts is the realization that all beings are
passengers on the same ark."
-- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Spring 1998

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
The Kabbalah goes mainstream; roadside shrines of the Southwest.
Introduction: Pray Tell
by Jay Kinney
Do you need to be able to sit still to meditate or pray?

The Essence of Prayer
by Theodore J. Nottingham
True prayer may have more to do with changing your inner nature than with getting
what you ask for.

Way of the Sacred Pipe
by Jay Cleve
In the American Indian tradition, the sacred pipe is both a portable altar and the
embodiment of a teaching.

Toxic Prayer: An Interview with Larry Dossey
by Richard Smoley
The bestselling author discusses the unsettling possibility that prayer has power to
hurt as well as heal.

The Sufi and the Zen Master
by John W. Groff Jr.
How two masters from different traditions helped bring about one man's awakening.

The Soul in Prayer
by Robert Sardello
On engaging with the inner life of your consciousness in prayer.

Mysteries of the Sun
by Siobhan Houston
The Bulgarian magus Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov taught a "yoga of the sun" as a
means of spiritual growth.

All That Glitters: An Interview with E.J. Gold & Co.
by Richard Smoley
The idiosyncratic teacher and his team talk about death, angels, Gurdjieff, and
dressing up in chicken suits.
Book Reviews

 The Complete Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript edited by Darcy Kuntz

 The Golden Dawn Sourcebook edited by Darcy Kuntz
 The Golden Dawn Scrapbook: The Rise and Fall of a Magical Order by R.A.
 Confessions: The Making of a Post-denominational Priest by Matthew Fox
 The UFO Encyclopedia, Vol. 1-3 by Jerome Clark
 The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders
by Alan Axelrod
 W.B. Yeats: A Life. I: The Apprentice Mage by R.F. Foster
 Communicating with Animals: The Spiritual Connection between People
and Animals by Arthur Myers
 Opening the Lotus: A Woman's Guide to Buddhism by Sandy Boucher
 The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche
by Peter Novak
 The Pagan Book of Living and Dying: Practical Rituals, Prayers,
Blessings, and Meditation on Crossing Over by Starhawk, M. Macha
NightMare, and the Reclaiming Collective.
 Living Energies: Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant Work with Natural Energy
Explained by Callum Coats
 Zen at War by Brian Victoria
 The Other Side of Silence: Meditation for the 21st Century by Morton

About our cover:

Meditation (1997) by Anna Oneglia
Gnosis 48: Witchcraft and
Paganism. A Journal of the
Western Inner Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO48, GNO48

Price: $9.00


"Strange as it may sound, the Inquisition often exercised a moderating

influence on rabid witch hunters in local courts."
-- Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Summer 1998

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
The Nicholas Roerich Museum; Islam and secularism face off in Turkey; 5th Annual
Sufism Symposium.

Introduction: The Old Religion
by Richard Smoley
Is Neopaganism the newest or the oldest of religions? Either way it needs to face its

Nature Religion for Real
by Chas S. Clifton
The essence of Paganism is connecting with the spirits of land and place. How do we
do that today?

Explaining Wicca
by Judy Harrow
An introduction to the beliefs and practices of today's predominant form of

Life, Death, and the Goddess: The GNOSIS Interview with Starhawk and Carol
by Richard Smoley
Two celebrated authors discuss the current state of Neopaganism and how it relates to
contemporary scholarship.

A Witch Among the Navajos
by Malcolm Brenner
When a Neopagan takes up residence "on the rez," a curious kind of magic can

The Goddess Movement, Past and Present
by Carol LeMasters
The Goddess movement started out as a liberating force. Has it since grown too

The Red God: Woodcraft and the Origins of Wicca
by John Michael Greer and Gordon Cooper
Where are Wicca's origins? The Neolithic forests? The heaths of old Britain? How
about suburban Connecticut?

When Is a Celt Not a Celt?
by Joanna Hautin-Mayer
An irreverent glimpse into the literature of ancient Irish potato cults, Druid snake
handlers, and "Cardiac Celts."

Book Reviews

 The Kebra Nagast: The Lost Bible of Rastafarian Wisdom and Faith from
Ethiopia and Jamaica edited by Gerald Hausman
 The Mother of God by Luna Tarlo
 The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions
by Andrew Rawlinson
 Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life by
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
 Undiscovered Country: The Search for Gurdjieff by Kathryn C. Hulme
 The Cross and the Grail: Esoteric Christianity for the 21st Century by
Robert Ellwood
 Angels, Demons, and Gods of the New Millennium by Lon Milo DuQuette
 The Soul of Cyberspace: How New Technology is Changing Our Spiritual
Lives by Jeff Zaleski

About our covers:

Front: "Red Buddha" by Katherine Ace. (
Back: "Walking with the Invisible" by Susan Hill.

Gnosis 49: The New Age. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO49, GNO49

Price: $9.00


"I like to think that if there is any truth to the New Age anticipation of
humanity's transformation, such changes will occur irrespective of the
state of the New Age movement per se."
-- Jay Kinney, from the introduction

Contents -- Fall 1998

by Jay Kinney

Up Front


News & Notes
Ley lines reexamined; the Fellowship of Isis; Lama Surya Das.

Introduction: The New Age Trajectory
by Jay Kinney
How long have people been predicting a New Age? A long, long time.

Notes of a New Age Survivor
by Ihla F. Nation
The Seth material, Religious Science, A Course in Miracles -- do they deliver what
they claim? A veteran of the spiritual search talks about her experiences.

News of the New Age
by D. Patrick Miller
Why the press gives the limelight to the kinky and the inane in alternative spirituality.
Crisis of the Calendar: The GNOSIS Interview with Jos� and Lloydine
by Richard Smoley
The godparents of the Harmonic Convergence talk about time, Earth Day, Louis
Farrakhan, and the perils of the Gregorian calendar.

Escape from Utopia
by Bob Banner
What could be better than finding the ideal spiritual community? Finding a way out.

The Creation of Divine Voice
by Carole Brooks Platt
Those perplexing inner voices may be a means for the mind to shape its reality.

Active Imagination in Practice
by Robin Robertson
Active imagination was C.G. Jung's meditation practice. Here's how to do it.

Book Reviews

 The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena by

Dean Radin
 Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism in the West by Donald Lopez,
 Io Gold astrological software by Time Cycles Research
 Alchemy of the Word: Cabala of the Renaissance by Philip Beitchman
 The Taste of Hidden Things: Images on the Sufi Path by Sara Sviri
 The Rose of the World by Daniel Andreev
 Time and the Soul by Jacob Needleman
 Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times edited by Roelof
van den Broek and Wounter J. Hanegraaff
 Gnosis and Literature by Arthur Versluis
 The Secret Chief: Conversations with a Pioneer of the Underground
Psychedelic Therapy Movement by Myron J. Stolaroff
 Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism by
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
 Stalking Elijah: Adventures with Today's Jewish Mystical Masters by
Rodger Kamenetz
 Who's Afraid of Freemasons?: The Phenomenon of Freemasonry by
Alexander Piatigorsky
 Mary Magdalene: Beyond the Myth by Esther de Boer

About our covers:

Front: "Seraphim's Awakening" �1996 by A. Andrew Gonzalez.

Back: "Folk Tree Mural" by Jill Ansell.

Gnosis 50: Good and Evil. A

Journal of the Western Inner
Traditions (New)
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO50, GNO50

Price: $9.00


"Don't get too concerned about fighting evil. You lose your own center
that way."
--Robert Anton Wilson, from the interview

Contents -- Winter 1999

by Richard Smoley

Up Front


News & Notes
Grail conference report; Victor Sanchez reflects on Castaneda's legacy; a Burning
Times quiz; Frithjof Schuon reexamined; Elizabeth Clare Prophet restructures her

Introduction: Two A.M. in the Garden of Good and Evil
by Jay Kinney
On taking the Golden Rule a step further.

The Mystery of Iniquity
by Stephan A. Hoeller
For Gnostics, evil exists because the universe was made by a flawed creator.

Has the Church of Satan Gone to Hell?
by Jack Boulware
A peek into the rise and fall of one of the world's most feared -- and most entertaining
-- religions.

How to Do Good: A Satanic Perspective
by Don Webb
Why Evil is different from evil and what you can do about it.

Doubt! The GNOSIS Interview with Robert Anton Wilson
by Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney
The master of unconventional wisdom talks about conspiracy, Catholicism,
psychedelics, and the unutterable perplexity of the world.

The Evil Fomorians
by Tom Cowan
For the ancient Irish, evil was a mysterious yet necessary part of the cosmos.

Sex, Spirit, and Abuse
by Arthur Waskow
A modern rabbi grapples with the issues of nonmarital sex and abuse by spiritual

Book Reviews

 Raising Children in Love, Justice, and Truth by Barry Long

 Conscious Parenting by Lee Lozowick Two books by spiritual teachers offer
contrasting approaches to childrearing.
 Finding Enlightenment: Ramtha's School of Ancient Wisdom by J. Gordon
Melton Respected scholar of New Religious Movements offers sympathetic look
at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment - perhaps too sympathetic?
 Collectanea Hermetica by William Wynn Westcott 780-page collectiion of
Hermetic texts, originally issued as study resources for Golden Dawn members
and related students of the occult.
 Isis Unveiled: A New Abridgement by H.P. Blavatsky. Edited by Michael
Gomes An intelligent abridgment of Madame Blavatsky's seminal work that
removes the dross and retains her central message. Buy it
 Christ the Yogi: A Hindu Reflection on the Gospel of John by Ravi
 Sophia-Maria: A Holistic Vision of Creation by Thomas Schipflinger. Two
valuable re-evaluations: one an insightful Hindu analysis of the Gospel of John,
the other a new lokk at the Virgin Mary as an incarnation of Sophia. Buy it
 The Books in My Life by Colin Wilson. In one of his better works, Colin Wilson
discusses the key books he's read in each stage of his life, illuminating both
those volumes and his own major ideas. Buy it
 Techgnosis by Erik Davis Pithy, amusing, and surprising examination of the
push-pull relationship between information technology and mystical awareness.
Buy it
 Shadows of Heaven: Gurdjieff and Toomer by Paul Beekman Taylor Buy it
 Opening: Collected Writings, 1985-97 by William Segal Gurdjieff and his work
are seen through the eyes of two authors, providing a "fly on the wall"
perspective on esoteric luminaries.
 Edgar Cayce in Context: The Readings, Truth and Fiction by K. Paul
Johnson Balanced and thorough overview of Cayce, the "sleeping prophet."
 The Navajo Skinwalker, Witchcraft, and Related Phenomena: Spiritual
Clues: Orientation to the Evolution of the Circle by Joanne Teller and
Norman Blackwater Authentic and ground breaking inside account of rarely
discussed Navajo "witchcraft" and shapeshifting.
About our covers:
Front: "Demons to Tea" by Susan

Back: "Guardian" by Gage Taylor and Uriel Dana. See also their collaborative

Gnosis 51: The Grail. A Journal

of the Western Inner Traditions
by Gnosis
Publisher: Gnosis

Binding: Magazine

Book ID: GNO51, GNO51

Price: $9.00


"The Grail is the heart, illumined and awakened so that it may serve as
a receptacle for divine energies."
--Richard Smoley, from the introduction

Contents -- Spring 1999

Up Front

News & Notes
The GNOSIS editors' new book; spiritual directors; Japan's marathon monks; New
Dimensions Radio celebrates an anniversary.

Introduction: The Illumined Heart
by Richard Smoley
Why the Grail only appears to the pure of heart.

Healing the Wounded King
by John Matthews
How the Grail Quest can help us repair our own inner damage.

The Mystery of Regeneration: The GNOSIS Interview with R.J. Stewart
by Richard Smoley
The noted writer on magic and Celtic spirituality reflects on Merlin, the Matter of
Britain, and modern Paganism.

Where Is the Grail?
by Charles A. Coulombe
A survey of some of the objects that have been identified as the cup Christ used.

Jung and the Grail
by Ean Begg
C.G. Jung left the theme of the Grail to his wife to write about. But this archetype
continued to surface in his own life as well.

Reclaiming the Path of Erotic Love
by Cynthia Bourgeault
Was Jesus celibate? What if he wasn't? Why spiritual love and physical love needn't
be exclude each other.

The Priory of Sion Hoax
by Robert Richardson
Some claim that the Grail is the bloodline of Christ, perpetuated in the Merovingian
dynasty of France. Where did this idea come from?
Book Reviews

 Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions by Richard

Smoley and Jay Kinney The editors of Gnosis magazine explore the many
esoteric traditions that Western culture has to offer in this all-new book. Buy it
 Spiritual Wisdom of Haf�z by Haleh Pourafzal and Roger Montgomery (Inner
Traditions) New translations of Hafez are a mixed bag, but bring deserved
attention to the Sufi poet. Buy it
 Bees by Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophic Press) An enjoyable and provocative
look at the world of ants and other social insects through the inner eyes of the
great German clairvoyant. Buy it
 The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart by John
Comenius (Paulist Press) The jewel in the crown of Czech literature offers
spiritual counsel from the era of the Thirty Year's War. Buy it
 The Psychic Mafia by M. Lamar Keene (Prometheus Books. 1-57392-161-0)
Confessions of a fraudulent Spiritual medium reveals the tricks of the trade
among psychic con artists.
 A Jewish Mother in Shangri-La by Rosie Rosenzweig (Shambhala 1-57062-
353-8) A mother's account of her son's journey from suburban Judaism to
Tibetan and Vietnamese Buddhism, and its effects on his family and friends.
 The Hidden Encyclical of Pius XI by Georges Passelecq and Bernard
Suchecky (Harcourt, Brace & Co. 0-15-100244-4) An intriguing investigation of
a lost encyclical on Anti-Semitism that was ordered by Pius XI in 1938 but never
 Excalibur by Hudson Talbott (Morrow Junior Books 0-688-13380-0) Beautiful
and powerful children's books bring the Arthurian stories to life for readers,
young and old.
 King Arthur: The Sword in the Stone by Hudson Talbott (Morrow Junior
Books. 0-688-09403-1)
 King Arthur and the Round Table by Hudson Talbott (Morrow Junior Books 0-

About our covers:

FRONT: Original art by Steven Adler
BACK: The World card from a Celtic Tarot by Robert M. Place

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