Database Essay

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Database Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of databases can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies
in the vastness and complexity of the subject matter. Databases are fundamental to information
management, encompassing a wide range of concepts such as database design, normalization, query
optimization, and the implementation of database management systems (DBMS). Crafting an essay
on this topic requires a deep understanding of these concepts and their interconnections.

Moreover, one must consider the rapid evolution of database technologies and the continuous
emergence of new trends. Staying current with the latest developments in the field is crucial for
producing an essay that reflects up-to-date knowledge. The task is not just about regurgitating facts
but also about critically analyzing different database models, discussing their strengths and
weaknesses, and exploring the implications of technological advancements.

Research plays a pivotal role, and navigating through scholarly articles, books, and reputable online
sources is essential. The challenge lies in synthesizing this information into a cohesive and well-
structured essay that provides a comprehensive overview of the topic while maintaining clarity and

Additionally, addressing the practical applications of databases in various industries, understanding

the ethical considerations in data management, and exploring the potential future directions of the
field add layers of complexity to the essay.

In conclusion, while the topic of databases is rich and fascinating, writing an essay on it requires a
substantial investment of time, effort, and intellectual engagement. It demands a balance between
theoretical knowledge and practical insights, making it a challenging yet intellectually stimulating

For those who find themselves overwhelmed or in need of assistance, it's worth noting that similar
essays and much more can be ordered on . Professional writing services can
provide valuable support in navigating the complexities of essay writing, ensuring that your work
meets the required standards and expectations.
Database Essay Database Essay
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee is a historical dramatization that puts the time period of
the 1880s in perspective of what exactly happened to the Native Americans through a
more personal view. Using Charles Eastman and his life contributions to the Sioux tribe
and other Native American tribes to support the story, this film touches on everything
from battles, massacres, and government attempts to push the Native Americans away
from their land, to true tragic accounts from the Native American side. This film is one of
a kind. In American History class, kids are taught only to remember the dates and the
different acts the government issued forcing Native Americans off their lands but only
learning this is like only remembering the dirt thrown
The Winter Of The West Coast

I was raised on the west coast, so for me, west was literally the direction of water,
because that was the direction we headed when we wanted to see the ocean. Even now, it
makes sense to me to connect west with water. The strongest storms come from the west
through Oklahoma. Rain always seems to come from the west. West is also the direction
of the setting sun, and when at the ocean on the west coast, at sunset, the sun looks like it
is sinking into the water.

Autumn is the time of year when the temperature starts to cool. Water doesn t always
have to be cool, but many ancients thought of water as a cool element. Most lakes,
rivers, and oceans are very cold in their natural states. Autumn is also the time of the year
when plants begin to turn inward and prepare for winter. Water is the element associated
with the subconscious, so it makes sense to associate fall with water.

Dusk, the moment of twilight, is when the sun sinks into the water on the west coast, so
it makes sense to associate it with this element. Also, in the evening, many people come
home and rest from the day. It is the time to relax and be ourselves, to turn inward. In
essence, at dusk people do the same things plants do in autumn, and because water is
associated with the subconscious mind, this connection makes sense.

Water is associated with emotions because it is associated with our subconscious minds.
When a person dives into the water they go down deep
Hazing And Sororities
In August of this year, hundreds of thousands of 18 year old young men and women
begin their college careers. These students have nothing but hope and optimism as they
start to venture out on their own. As they start to meet new people, experience life on
their own, and engage in a rigorous curriculum, many students find themselves looking
for a social outlet. NCAA sports, club sports, church group, business club, architecture
club, honors society, African American youth group, Hispanic youth group and thousands
of other social/professional clubs surround campus to help students flourish in their new
home. These social outlets allow for students to meet people with similar interests and
aspirations, but they also challenge students to try new... Show more content on ...
The techniques that are used by all fraternities and sororities are called rushing and
hazing. Rushing is the act of popularizing a given fraternity or sorority to attract new
members. As mentioned in the introduction, the alternate forms of rushing cover a
large spectrum, but they all have the same goal: be the best to attract the best. Hazing
is another variable method closely aligned with fraternities and sororities, but hazing
for different fraternities and sororities can have vastly different outcomes. Hazing, in
its most simple and basic form, is the imposition of strenuous or complicated tasks as a
form of initiation. In contrast to popular belief, a lot of normal activity is considered
hazing. For example, a college football team might tell the freshman that they are
responsible for cleaning up loose garbage on the field after a practice. As mild as this
example might be, hazing can be taken to an extreme and often has poor outcomes that
can severely damage the psyche of an individual. However, a sense of tradition and
continuation continually inspires hazing among social groups, but fraternities and
sororities especially. Hazing has become a form a bonding that allow new initiates to
become closer as a brotherhood or sisterhood; these two both being the most important
part of fraternities and sororities. To create an everlasting bond, Greek organizations
promote ultimate a familial intimacy that is unparalleled by other social groups. It is in
this strive for brotherhood and sisterhood that mistakes are made and people begin to
Theme Of White In Tamburlaine
Only in one or two situations, white is used in connection with military actions, notably
in the reference to Brave horses bred on the white Tartarian hills (p.10) that destroy the
bowels of his enemies, or, in the same speech, the allusion to victory resting herself upon
my milk white tent. (p.35) It can be noted that the only consistent use of the impression
of whiteness in relation to war is in connection with the whitetents which Tamburlaine
displays on the first day as a sign of mercy for peaceful surrender, before the gloomy red
and black colours are displayed on successive days. The messenger reports to the Soldan
of Egypt:
Here there is a connection between the white colours of mercy and Zenocrate, whom
Tamburlaine names at the ... Show more content on ...
For example, Mycetes horses with their milk white legs fantastically splashed with
crimson blood are a decorative detail. When Tamburlaine says that he will Batter the
shining palace of the Sun, /And shiver all the starry firmament (p.89), Marlowe reaches
the highest of purely decorative imagery.
Ellis Fermor considers that in Tamburlaine, there is much that is not effective rhetoric.
In this case, Marlowe s images are not in harmony with the emotions forming the
background of the passage and serve rather to illustrate them than to imply any
association. There is no harmony between the individual image and its setting. The
imagery in Tamburlaine does not lack power, though it is most effective when one
rhetorical image leads on to another. Tamburlaine s description of his triumph in the
last act of Part I is an example of such effective, cumulative series of little pictures
which according to Ellis Fermor no one... can be picked out as having the quality of
poetry. There are showers of blood and meteors in Africa, there are mentions of Jove, the
Furies and Death, dead kings lie at Tamburlaine s
Counterculture In Vietnam War
When the term counterculture is brought up, people tend to think of the phenomenon
that started in the early sixties consisting of people quitting their jobs to live in
communion and protest what were then contentious social rights issues together, such as
the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. Shortly after the culmination of the
counterculture, several significant acts of progress were made, such as the Voters Rights
Act, to curb the influence of racial segregation within America, which resulted in the end
of the movement shortly thereafter. By 1973, the United Stateswithdrew its troops from
Vietnam, and with little remaining to unify the remnants of those still involved with the
counterculture, they soon saw their own movement... Show more content on ...
These include the recreational use of drugs, environmentalism, feminism, and perhaps
most notably, the same opposition to war shared by many today that was observed at the
height of the movement. During his observation of the American opposition to the Iraq
War, Antonius Robben noted that those who were involved in the counterculture have
grown children (and grandchildren) who carry forth their tradition locally, and,
dispersed, elsewhere (15). This influence also extended towards those not related to
protesters of the Vietnam War, and while the known factors of the invasion of Iraq can
be said to already be a strong basis for the opposition s argument, with or without the
inclusion of any prior history on any war, the United States past involvement in the
Vietnam War, and the massive protests held during the sixties and seventies have had a
certain influence on every American military conflict since then. Statistical embassies
showed a noted rise in opposition towards involvement in Iraq compared to previous
military conflicts even at its onset
Valdivia Earthquate Analysis
When a major disaster hits, commonly the priority is saving lives, allocate communities
in a safer zone, repair and rebuild the affected areas with the goal to restore the normal
life. However, this reconstruction should be taken as an opportunity to include the
changes in the environment and the social structures. These changes should facilitate a
reconstruction of a community with a stronger natural and social resilience. The
integration of these factors can be appreciated in Valdivia, Chile which is closely related
with Riñihue Lake as a natural and social resilient system.


In developing countries, it is often to find response programs which allocates all the
resources in rebuild homes, clear and clean any visual trace, in ... Show more content on ...
From the physical perspective, the earthquake caused several major landslides, river
blocks, flooding and also modified or created new landscapes. These physical changes
challenged the community to make a quick adaptation and some major remediation to
avoid post disaster damages. As example, we will analyze the Riñihue Lake, located 60
miles to the east from Valdivia.
Before the earthquake, the Riñihue Lake used the San Pedro River to discharge the water
which flowed to the Pacific Ocean. However, the earthquake collapsed the river, implying
a steady increase in the water level of the lake. This effect threatened the population of
the zone and the city of Valdivia, transforming this sequential effect in an imminent
disaster which enforced the community to take a protagonist role.
The national government, private sector and international agencies worked together to
rebuild the San Pedro river. After 2 months of work the river was restored and with a
significant increased flow capacity, which arose from 400 m3/sec to 7,000 m3/sec. This
common effort strengthens the community and created a major physical change in the

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