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Final Exam Preparation Booklet



Mark Breakdown
Knowledge/ Thinking/ EXAM LENGTH & NOTES
Understanding Inquiry

 True and False (20 marks) - Short Answer (15 marks) You have 90 minutes to complete the
 Multiple Choice (20 marks) - Essay (15 marks) exam. Extra time will not be given
if you arrive late. You must be in
proper uniform. You will not be
able to write the exam until you
are in proper uniform.

How should I prepare for this exam?

• Take Control. Make a list of all the things you have to do. Break your workload down into
manageable chunks. Don’t skip classes because you may miss valuable information.

• Study for a specific amount of time and take 10 minute breaks every hour.

• Start studying early. Don’t expect to cram everything in the night before. Time management is
extremely important.

The Exam is worth 15 % of your final mark in this course

Semester Review

 Christian Scriptures (books, sections, Be Alive
 What religion was Jesus?  The Doctrine of the Incarnation
 Literary forms & Types of Truths  Human Dignity /Culture of Life & Death
 Images of God  Define Euthanasia & Abortion
 What do we know about Jesus?  What does conception mean?
 The Creation Stories  The 5th Commandment
 Patriarchs  Teachings on Euthanasia/Abortion (Life Issues)
 Moses & The Story of the Exodus  Body Image
 Identify and Explain the 10  Self Esteem
Commandments.  What does intelligence have to do with God?
 What does Beatitude mean?  Eating Disorders
 What are the Beatitudes? Identify and Who is most likely to get an eating disorder?
Explain Each
 Why should we care for our bodies?
 What does Counter Cultural mean?
 4 Types of Love
 The Kingdom of God can be
achieved by following … Be Loving
 The 7 Sacraments, What is a
 What are the characteristics of a Christ-like
 What is a covenant/contract? Types love & Jesus Principle?
of covenants (i.e. Sinai)
 What makes a decision moral?
 Do you know how to use a Bible,
Catechism and YouCat?  Chastity
 St. Paul’s Description of Love (Corinthians
Ch 13)
 St. Paul says “Love bears all things.” What
does this mean?
Be Faithful  Love & relationships (Love is/Love is not/
Abusive relationships/ 4 Types of Love/
 What is faith? What do I really Secular View of Love) Be Just
believe?  Conscience
 The primary reason for prayer  Human Freedom (FreeWhat Will)is Justice?
 Virtues vs values  Who will sit at the Table? (Jesus and
 What are the 5 forms of prayer?
 Mercy Banquets, Jewish Social Order)
 What does the Lord’s Prayer  / Duality
 Principle of Totality Compassion – peace, treat others as self,
 What does God say about kingdom
Goddoes it
 The 3rd Commandment states…  Preferential Option for the Poor &
belong in the institution of marriage?
 What is a Creed? Apostle/Nicene Vulnerable
 Types of Sin & Original Sin
 Setting the stage for prayer  What can Christians do to work for justice?
means…Be Obedient  Discipleship & Models of Discipleship
 How often should Christians  What does it mean when we say that God
 The 4th Commandment states… is revealed in Natural Law?
 When are we not expected to obey our  Moral decision making model – See, Judge,
parents? Act, Evaluate
 What is legitimate authority? Under what
circumstances can we disobey?
 Authority & The Common Good
 Precepts of the Church (“basic obligations of
Be Forgiving
 Forgiving someone means…
 Conversion is…
 The 3 C’s of conversion are…
 In order for reconciliation to occur…

 The material will be in your notes

 Please come and see me if you have any questions.

 Make your study notes well in advance before the final week leading to the

Studying Tips/Questions
1. What do I need to recognize? remember? explain?
2. What are commonalities I can recognize in the review? For the course?
3. Did I complete the organizer with all religions on it?
4. What are things I should reflect on?
5. How should I plan my review sessions? By unit? By time? By theme? Time
6. How much time should I spend reviewing each day?
7. What should my morning exam routine look like?
8. What should my night before exam routine look like?
9. Am I preparing at the level I want to achieve?
10. Are there ideas that I need to review more in depth because I don’t understand them?
11. What is my mindset prior to the exam?
12. Should I create Study groups, or do I work better studying on my own?
13. Have I reached out to my teacher well in advance to ask questions, seek assistance,
get extra help?

Moral Issues Case Studies

I suggest that you work with the Moral Decision Making Model (See, Judge,
Act, and Evaluate) on at least one of the following case studies to prepare
for the exam. Use the guiding questions from your notes.
Moral Issue #1

Maria was worried about her good friend Pam. Pam was always talking about how fat she was and what
she was trying to do about it. But the truth is that Pam was not at all fat. In fact, she was downright skinny.
Since their freshmen year Pam had lost at least 15 pounds. Now, they were juniors and Maria was afraid
that Pam had an eating disorder. Maria was also getting frustrated. Where were all the grown-ups? Who
was watching out for Pam besides Maria and her friends?

Maria knew that someone from their school had talked to Pam’s parents last year, and that Pam’s mom had
gotten angry about the school poking its nose into family business. Pam’s mom claimed that Pam had a
dancer’s body and a high metabolism. That was last year. Now things were worse and Maria felt like she
was literally watching her friend disappear.

Finally, one Monday afternoon Maria had had enough. As she watched Pam take three diet pills and eat
four grapes for lunch she decided she had to do something. As helpless and scared as she felt now, how
would it compare to how she would feel if Pam actually ended up in the hospital…or worse? Pam would be
furious if she found out the Maria had talked to someone behind her back. So, Maria had two problems--
should she tell someone how bad things were, and if so, whom should she go to?



Moral Issue #2

Jeff and his best friend, Steven go to different high schools. They’ve been friends since third grade, but
since Jeff transferred to another school for 10th grade, they’ve started to grow apart.
One Saturday, Steven asked Jeff if he would drive him into the nearest city. He didn’t have his license yet
and said he thought it would be fun for them to hang out. Jeff felt uncomfortable saying yes because he’d
only had his license for six months and his parents told him he wasn’t allowed to drive into the city yet. But,
Steven said that he wouldn’t be able to go without Jeff’s help and they never got to see each other
anymore. Jeff agreed and they left that afternoon after telling Jeff’s parents they were driving to another
friend’s house.

When they got to the city, Steven asked Jeff to drive across town to a particular address. When they
arrived, Steven asked Jeff to wait in the car while he ran inside for a few minutes. After Steven returned to
the car Jeff asked what was going on and Steven pulled out a bag of white powder. He admitted it was his
drug connection and that the powder was crystal meth. When Jeff asked him why he didn’t tell him that was
why they came to the city. Steven said he didn’t tell him because he figured Jeff wouldn’t go.

That night Jeff couldn’t sleep because he felt overwhelmed by what he had found out. He knew meth was
no good and that Steven would continue using it with or without his help. He was angry that Steven had put
him in the position of driving with an illegal substance, but even more importantly, he was worried about his

Jeff had promised Steven he wouldn’t tell anyone about all this but it was driving him crazy. He had a
teacher at school he really liked and trusted. He wanted to go to him and ask his advice. But what if the
teacher decided to turn in his best friend? Jeff was torn about how best to protect Steven.



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