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Bachelor of Science in Radiology and Imaging Technology

Session 2018-2019, Batch-7
Institute of Health Technology, Mohakhali.
University of Dhaka

Question Bank: First Year

Edited & Compiled


B.Sc. RIT(Enrolled), Govt. IHT Dhaka
DMT(Radiology & Imaging), Govt. IHT Sylhet(Pass 2018)

Table of Contents
Behavioral Science and related Disciplines 3
Introduction of Radiological Ethics 4
Short Notes 4
Course-102 Sub: Radiology & Imaging Physics 5
1. The physical concepts of Matter and Energy- 5
2. Basic Electronics- 5
3. Magnetism - 6
4. Electromagnetism- 6
5. Production and control of high voltage regulation of current 6
6. Electric Generator and motors 6
7. Introduction and production of X-rays- 6
8. X-Ray energy, X-ray exposure and Quality of X-rays 7
9. Radiation and Radioactivity- 7
10. Properties of Radionuclides 8
11. Light- 8
12. Sound 8
1. Others 8
General Physiology 9
Haemopoitic System 9
Cardiovascular System 10
Respiratory System 10
Reproductive System 10
Digestive System 11
Urinary System 11
Nervous System 11
Short Notes: 11
Fundamentals of Computer 12
Number & Data 13
Information Technology 13
Operating System 13
Hardware 13
Software 14
Network 14
E-Mail & Internet 14
Computer in different Sector 15
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) 15
Computer in Radiology 15
Short note 16
Course-104 Sub: Radiological Anatomy (ONLY SYLLABUS) 16

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7




Behavioral Science and related Disciplines

1. Define behavioral science. Illustrate the components of behavioral science. (Jan

2. Illustrate medical sociology. (Jan-17)
3. Define primary health care. Explains the principles of primary health care. (lan-13,15,
4. Discuss about doctor-patient relationship. (Jan-13, Jul-14,15,16)
5. Define health education. Name the principles of health education. (Jan-14,15, Jul-15)
6. Define and classify media of health education. (Jan-14,15,Jul-16)
7. Define personality. Explain the determinants of personality. (Jan-14,17,Jul-14,15)
8. Describe briefly the components of primary health care. (Jan-14)
9. Define health economics, State the contents of health economics. (Jan-14,Jul-14,15,16)
10. Define and classify different types of health behavior. (Jan-14,Jul-15)
11. Classify & illustrate abnormal behavior with two examples of each. State the
characteristics of obsessive compulsive behavior. (Jan-14,15,18, Jul-15,16)
12. Define sociology, society and community. State the characteristics of community.
Enumerates 5 big and 5 small community in Bangladesh. (Jan-14,15,17, Jul-15)
13. Define Psychology. State the major emotions of human beings. (Jan-14, Jul-14,15,16)
14. Define public health. Describe the objectives of public health. (Jul-14,15,16)
15. What stands for EPI? Write down the EPI schedule. (Jul-14)
16. Describe about ethical study of patients emotion, (Jul-14)
17. Define medical/Hospital sociology. "Medical care an industry"-Explain the comment.
(Jan- 15,17,Jul-15)
18. Explain EPI activities in global and Bangladesh context. Mention T.T vaccination
schedule. (Jan-15,17,18)
19. Define learning. State the principles of learning. How learning takes place in an
individual. (Jan- 15,17,18)
20. Define behavior. How normal behavior develops. (Jul-15)
21. What are the scope of health economics? (Jul-15)
22. Illustrate illness behavior. (Jul-16)
23. Explain the different types of personality within a group process. (Jan-18)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


Introduction of Radiological Ethics

1. Define culture. State the relation between culture and health/health illness. (Jan-13, Jul-
2. Define communication. State the element and barriers of communication. State the
techniques of effective communication. (Jan-13,14,15,17,18,Jul-15,16)
3. Define motivation. Mention the hierarchy of motivation. (Jan-13,14,17, Jul-15)
4. How a radiological technologist can protect himself, patient and public and environment
from hazards of radiation? (Jan-13,15,17, Jul-15)
5. Define Ethics and Medical Ethics. Enumerate the aim principle of Medical Ethics. What do
you know about "Geneva Declaration"? (Jan-13,14,18,Jul-14,15,16)

6. List the radiological investigation using radiation, (Jan-13,18)\

7. Enumerate the harmful effects of radiological investigation. (Jan-13,15,17,18,Jul-15)
8. Discuss the principle of radiation protection. (Jan-13,17,Jul-14)
9. Enumerate the elements of NSRC. Discuss NSRC rules for human being and radiation
safety in Bangladesh. (Jan-13,14,18Jul-15,16)
10. What are the benefits from radiological investigation using radiation? (Jan-13)
11. Describe briefly about patient right and patient care. (Jan-13,14,17, Jul-14)
12. Discuss briefly the responsibilities of a medical personnel in minimizing the hazard of
radiation. (Jan-14,18)
13. Discuss the areas of medical ethics. (Jan-14)
14. What are the harmful effects of ionizing radiation investigation? (Jul-14,Jul-15)
24. Classify culture. Illustrate the material and non-material culture. (Jan-15,18,Jul-15,16)
15. Describe the minimum exposure radiography in fluoroscopy. (Jan-15)
16. Define norms, believes, value and tradition. Give two examples of each. (Jan-17, Jul-15)
17. Write down the responsibilities of radiological technologist. (Jan-17, Jul-15)
18. Describe the methods of communication with example. Mention 10 group methods of
communication. (Jan-17,18,Jul-15)
25. Aims and importance of ethics. (Jan-17)
26. Define acculturation and enculturation. Briefly discuss about norms. (lan-18).
27. Define and classify hospital. Explain the functions of hospital. (Jan-18)
28. Explain the harmful effects of radiation. (Jan-18)

Short Notes

1. Psychology. (Jan-13)
2. Duties of health provider. (Jan-13,14,Jul-15)
3. Duties of Physician. (Jan-13, Jul-14
4. Patients consent. (Jan-13,14,17)
5. NSRC. (Jul-14,15)
6. PHC (Jan-17, Jul-14)
7. Health Education. (Jul-14, Jul-15))
8. Health behavior. (Jul-14)
9. Customs. (Jan-15, Jul-15)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


10. Habit. (Jan-15)

11. Personality. (Jan-15, Jul-16)
12. Motivation. (Jan-15)
13. EPI. (Jul-15)
14. Patient right. (Jul-15,16)
15. Values. (Jul-15)
16. Sociology. (Jul-16)
17. Norms. (Jul-16)
18. Media of health education. (Jul-16)
19. Radiation hazards. (Jul-16)
20. Community. (Jul-16)
21. Radiation protection. (Jul-16

Course-102 Sub: Radiology & Imaging Physics


1. The physical concepts of Matter and Energy-

Matter, energy, subdivision of matter, atomic structure, atomic number, mass
number, atomic weight, ionization, electrical nature of matter, energy, types of
energy and laws of conservation of energy.
1. Define atom, molecule, atomic number, mass number isotope,and isobar with
2. Describe atomic structure with diagram. Describe the Bohr's atomic model.
3. How orbital electron persists in an atom?
2. Basic Electronics-
Introduction of electricity, electric current, electric conductor, nature of electric
current, sources of electric current, ohms law, potential difference, ampere,
resistance electric circuit, AC, DC and pulsating current, electrodynamics, sires
connection and parallel connection.
a. Give the definitions of Resistance, Volt, current.
b. Give the definition of conductor, Semiconductor, Insulator and potential
c. Write the method of electrification by induction
d. What is circuit? What are the types of circuit? Describe the series circuit. What
are the advantages of various circuits?
e. What are the difference between parallel and series circuit?
f. Describe Ohm’s law/Short notes: Ohm’s law.
g. A circuit has 3 ohm. 2ohm. And 1 ohm resistance connected in series. If the
potential difference is 90 volts, calculate the current.
h. A circuit has the following resistances connected in parallel 3 ohm, 6 ohm and 18
ohm. What is the total resistance of the circuit?

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


i. Define Ohm’s law. Calculate the resistance in a circuit with 220 volt and 11 amp
3. Magnetism -
Definition, types of magnet, magnetic field and magnetic induction, nature of
magnet, laws of magnetism, magnetic permeability and function of magnet.
a. Define magnet. What are the types of magnet?
b. Define Magnetism. Describe the law of magnetization.. What is magnetic field?
c. What are the advantages of high tesla MRI?
d. Why is a superconducting magnet used in MRI unit?
e. What is the unit of magnetic field strength? Why higher field strength is better
in case of MRI imaging? In MRI what type of magnet is used?
4. Electromagnetism-
Definition, electromagnetic phenomena, electromagnet, electromagnetic induction,
self induction, electromagnetism and useful of electromagnet.
a. What is self-induction? What is the self-induction? What is electromagnetic
b. What is magnetic field and electric field?
5. Production and control of high voltage regulation
of current
-Transformer, principle and construction of transformer, laws of transformer,
regulation of high voltage, types of transformer, control of filament current and tube
current, control of high frequency, rectifier, types of rectifier, methods of rectifying
current, half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier, condenser or capacitor.
a. What is a transformer? What is its basic principle?
b. What is a Transformer? Write the working principles of a transformer.
c. Describe the principle of autotransformer. What are the uses of step down
d. Define transformer. Describe the principle of autotransformer.
6. Electric Generator and motors
-Types of electric generator, principles of electric generator, AC & DC generator,
construction of electric generator and function of electric generator, types of electric
motor, principles of electric motor, construction of electric motor and function of
electric motor.
● What is generator?.
7. Introduction and production of X-rays-
Discover of X-ray, nature of X-ray, source of Xray, condition necessary for the production
of X-ray, efficiency of X-ray production, Brems Straughlung and characteristic radiation,
properties of X-ray, X-ray exposure, intensity of Xray beam, quality of X-ray, hard X-ray
and soft X-ray.
4. Define Binding energy. What are the uses of x-ray?
5. Describe the properties of X-Ray? Describe the steps of x-ray production.
6. What are the properties of x-ray? Why the x-ray tube is vacuum? Draw and label an
ideal X ray tube
7. Define X-ray. Describe the properties of x-ray.
8. Draw and label an X-Ray circuit.
9. Draw and label an X-ray tube. What are the properties of X-ray?

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


10. What are the differences between therapeutic and diagnostic x-ray tube/x-ray
11. Describe the steps of X-ray production. Why a vacuum tube is necessary for x-ray
production? Why tungsten is chosen as cathode material?
12. Describe the x-ray tube with diagram.
13. Short note -Thermionic emission and binding energy.
14. What are the cooling mechanisms of x-ray machine? What are the cooling device
used in X ray tube?
15. What are the types of x-ray interaction with matter? Write in short about
characteristic radiation
16. Why tungsten is chosen as cathode filament?
17. Draw and label the cathode of x-ray tube. What is space charge effect?
18. What are the X-Ray Interactions with matter?
19. Why tungsten is used as filament?
20. Describe the photoelectric interaction.
21. What are the interactions take place when X-ray transmitted through a matter?
Describe the photo electric interaction.
22. Write in short about Ionization and Photoelectric interaction
23. How x-ray is produced when a machine turns on?
24. Draw and label an X-ray circuit.
25. What is Bream radiation and Characteristic radiation?
26. Short note: Characteristic Radiation, X-rays Filament
8. X-Ray energy, X-ray exposure and Quality of
- X-ray energy generating factors, quality controlling factors and exposure
controlling factors.

9. Radiation and Radioactivity-

Radioactivity and radiation, properties of radiation, source of radiation, character of
radiation, types of radiation, radioactive series, radium, properties of radium,
radium series, and radioactive materials transformation. Half Life, Whole Life,
Average Life.
a. What is radiation? Classify radiation with example
b. Define and Classify radiation with example
c. What are the types of radiation?
d. What is self-induction? What are the sources of Radiation?
e. How x-ray differ from Gamma ray?
f. What is Radioactivity?
g. What is Ionization radiation? How you protect from ionizing radiation
h. Write shortly about ionization.
i. What are the sources of radiation?
j. write in short about radioactivity and half-life. Name some isotope used in
medical sector.
k. What is half life? /Define half-life
l. What is ionization?What is ionization? What are the different between
ionization and excitation?

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


10. Properties of Radionuclides

- Methods of applying radionuclide are in medicine, radionuclide instrumentation
and geometric factor in radiography image.
a. Name some important radionuclide used in imaging dept.
b. Name some radionuclide substance. What are the uses of them?

11. Light-
Definition, types of light, intensity of light, inverse square laws of intensity of light,
frequency of light, illumination of light, luminescence of light, fluorescence, laws
of reflection of light, florescence materials.

12. Sound
- Definition, types of sound, production of sound and medical uses of sound.
● what is Sound? What are the medical and non-medical uses of USG?
● What is sound? Describe the USG probeWhat is Ultrasound? Draw and label
USG probe.
● Draw and label the 2D USG probe. What is doppler ultrasound?
● Write about Ultrasound Transducer.
● What is the frequencies used in Ultrasound transducer?
● What are the medical uses of USG?
● what is infrasound and ultrasound? What are the uses of ultrasound? what are
the different between diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound machine?
● What is color Doppler?
● Short note: Doppler
1. Others
● Define CT scanner. What are the generation of CT scan. Describe the advantage
of dual source CT scanner.
● How CT scan machine work? Describe the working principle of CT scan
● What are the disadvantages of MRI over than CT scan?
● Define MRI. Write down the principles of MRI machine.
● What are the uses of therapeutic x-ray machine?
● How x-ray machine differ from mammogram?

● What are the important of radiation detector? Name the commonly used
detector radiographic room?
● Define MRI. Describe the construction of MRI machine.
● What are the contraindications of MRI?
● What are the radiation measuring devices? What types of personal protection
you use during fluoroscopy.?
● Define MPD, RAD, and Gray? Define RAD and MPD. Name some radiation
● What is TLD?What are the importances of film badge?
● What is the somatic and genetic effect of ionizing radiation?

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


● Enumerates the adverse effect of radiation on human being. What are the
hazards of X ray?
● what is ionizing radiation? How you will protect yourself in radiology
department from ionizing radiation?
● what are the facilities should be available in radiology department to protect the
patient from unwanted radiation?
● How Radiation worker Take precaution during a fluoroscopy examination?
● Short note: (a) Radiation protection, Radiation detectors.



General Physiology

1. Classify body fluid compartments with volume. Write the difference between ECF and ICF.
2. Define cell. Name the components of a human cell with its labeled diagram. (Jan- 13,15)
3. Name the membranous organelles of a human cells. Write down the structure and
functions of mitochondria. Why mitochondria is called the power house of cell. (Jan-14,15,
4. Define diffusion and osmosis. Write down the differences between them. (Jan- 14,17)

Haemopoitic System

1. What is anaemia and Thalssaemia? Classify anaemia morphologically. What are the
common causes of anaemia in Bangladesh? (Jan-13,18 Jul-14,15,17)
2. Define blood. Give the composition of blood. What are the functions of Blood & RBC?
(Jan-15, Jul-15)
3. What are the major plasma proteins? Write down their normal values and functions.
Mention their sites of synthesis. (Jan-15)
4. Classify WBC. (Jul-15)
5. Write down the signs and symptoms of anaemia. What are the sites of examination of
anaemia? (Jul-15)
6. What is jaundice? Name the causes of hyperbilirubinemia. (Jan-18)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


Cardiovascular System

7. Define & classify blood pressure. What are the factors affecting blood pressure? (Jan- 13,
8. Name the types of blood vessels. Write down the difference between artery and vein.
(Jan-13, Jul-14)
9. Define and describe cardiac cycle. (Jan-13) 10. Define heart rate. Mention normal heart
rate. Factors influencing heart rate. What is tachycardia and bradycardia? (Jan-17,Jul-14)
11. Describe the conductive system of heart. Why SA node is called the pace maker of
heart! (Jan-14,18,Jul-14,15)

12. Define cardiac output. Write down its normal value. What are the factors effecting cardiac
output? (Jan-14)
13. Define and classify pulse. What are the sites of pulse examination? What do you
understand by feeling a pulse? (Jan-15)
14. Describe the events of cardiac cycle. (Jan-15,18)

Respiratory System

1. Define respiration. What are the types of respiration? What are the phases of respiration?
2. What is pulmonary capacities? Write briefly on vital capacity. (Jul-14)
3. Define dead space air. Write down the pulmonary volumes. (Jan-15)
4. Define partial pressure. Mention the partial pressure of 02 and CO2 in the alveolar layer.
Describe the mechanism of 02 transport from alveoli to tissue. (Jan-15, Jul-15)
5. Describe the mechanism of respiration. (Jan-18)

Reproductive System

1. What are the male and female gonads and reproductive hormones? Give the functions of
testosterone, Estrogen & progesterone. (Jan-13,14,15,16 Jul-15)
2. What are the secondary sexual characteristics of male? Describe male hormone system.
3. Define ovulation. Write down the mechanism of ovulation. (Jan-14,17, Jul-15)
4. Describe Gametogenesis. (Jul-15)
5. Name the hormones of placenta. What are the functions of placenta? (Jul-15)
6. Define respiration, Inspiration and Expiration. Draw & label a respiratory membrane.
7. Shortly brief about menstrual cycle. (Jan-17)
8. What are the function of uterus? (Jan-17)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


Digestive System

1. Define & Classify vitamins with their sources. Name the disease caused by their
deficiencies. (Jan-13,18, Jul-14)
2. What is digestion? Steps of carbohydrates digestion. (Jul-14)
3. Function of liver. (Jul-14,15)
4. Write down the difference between small & large gut. Name the gastric gland with their
secretion. (Jan-14)
5. Write down the steps of digestion of fat. What are the functions of fat? (Jan-15)
6. Give the function of Saliva. (Jan-15)
7. Write down the composition of pancreatic juice. (Jul-15)
8. Name the vitamins and their functions. (Jul-15)
9. Name the gastric gland with their secretion. (Jul-15)
10. Enumerates the steps of digestion. (Jan-17)
11. Describe the carbohydrate metabolism. (Jan-18)

Urinary System

1. What is GFR? What are the factor affecting GFR? (Jan-13,18 Jul-14)
2. Define Nephron. Draw & label a nephron. What are the function of kidney? (Jan-14, 17,18
3. What are the steps of urine formation? (Jan-15)
4. Name the parts of genitourinary system. (Jan-17,18, Jul-15)

Nervous System

1. What is CSF? How it is produced? Describe CSF circulation & Function and composition
of CSF (Jan-13,18 Jul-14,15)
2. What are the parts of brain? Name the cranial nerves. (Jan-13)
3. Classify nervous system. Write down the functions of spinal cord. (Jan-14,15 Jul 14,15)
4. Draw and label a neuron. (Jan-14,15)
5. What is neuron? Difference between Axon and dendrite. (Jan-18,Jul-14,15)
6. Describe the descending pathway of brain. (Jul-15)
7. Define, draw and label of spinal cord. (Jan-17)
8. Explain the functions of different parts of brain. (Jan-17,18)

Short Notes:

1. End diastolic volume. (Jan-13)

2 Heart block. (Jan-13)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


3. Jaxta-glomerular apparatus. (Jan-13).

4. Vital capacity. (Jan-13)
5. DNA. (Jan-13) 6. Haemophillia. (Jan-13, Jul-15)
7. Function of liver. (Jan-13,18)
8. FEV (Jan-13)
9. Thalassaemia. (Jan-13)
10. Testis (Jan-13)
11. Uterus. (Jan-13)
12. Plasma protein. (Jan-14,17 Jul-14,15)
13. Heart sound. (Jul-14
14. Jaundice. (Jan-14,Jul-14
15. Tidal Volume. (Jul-14,15) 16. Oestrogen and progesterone. (Jul-14)
17. Ovulation (Jul-14,15) 18. Pulse. (Jan-14,15,17)
19. Spermatozoa. (Jan-14
20. Surfactant. (Jan-14,15, Jul-15)
21. Blood group. (Jan-14,15)
22. Haemogloin. (Jan-14,17)
23. Respiratory membrane. (Jan-14)
24. CSF (Jan-15,17, Jul-15)
25. Basal ganglia. (Jul-15)
26. Partial pressure of 02. (Jul-15)
27. Alveoli. (Jul-15)
28. Dead Space air. (Jul-15)
29. Vitamins. (Jul-15)
30. Bile. (Jul-15)
31. Heart rate. (Jul-15)
32. Bone marrow. (Jan-17)
33. Respiratory membrane. (Jan-17)
34. Cardiac output. (Jan-17)
35. Heart sound. (Jan-17)
36. Hematuria. (Jan-1)
37. Residual volume. (Jan-18)



Fundamentals of Computer

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


1. What is computer? Write down the types, characteristics/feature limitations and functions
of a computer (Jan-13,14,16,17,18,Jul-15)
2. Draw the block diagram of computer. (Jan-16,18,Jul-15)
3. Write the physical and logical elements of Computer system. (Jan-18)
4. Write down the history and generation of computer. (Jan-13)
5. What is Desktop and Laptop computer? (Jan-17)
6. Define about PC. Write down the difference between Desktop and Laptop computer.
7. What do you understand about computer system? Write down the classification of
computer system with shortly discuss. (Jan-15)
8. Write down the functions and element of computer system. (Jul-15)

Number & Data

1. What is Data & Information? Describe in short about different types of data with example.
(Jan- 14,17,18, Jul-15)
2. Write the difference between Data and Information with example. (Jan-13,Jul-15)
3. What is Bit and Byte? Convert the following numbers: (Jan-14)
I. Decimal to Binary: 393, 412
II. Binary to Decimal: 10111000, 10101010

Information Technology

1. What is IT and ICT? (Jan-13,16,17,Jul-15)

2. Write the advantage and disadvantage of IT. (Jan-17,18,Jul-15)
3. Write the advantage and disadvantage of ICT. (Jan-16,17)

Operating System

1. Define operating system. What do you understand about Windows XP Professional?


2. Write down the functions and classifications of an operating system (OS). (Jan-16,17,18)

3. Write the types and task of an Operating system. (Jan-15)


Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


1. What is computer hardware? Write down the different categories of computer hardware or
devices with example. (Jan-13)
2. Define Storage Device. Write down the difference between primary and secondary
storage media (Jan-16)
3. What is CPU? Write down the difference between Monitor and Printer. (Jan-14,16)
4. Write the component of CPU with shortly discuss. (Jan-17)
5. What is input and output Device? Write the function and classification of output device and
shortly discuss each type. (Jan-15,18,Jul-15)
6. Write the name of input and Output device with functions and 5 examples with each
device. Jan- 18, Jui-15)


1. What is software? Write down the difference between system Software and Application
software (Jan-13,16)
2. What is system software? Write down the functions and categories of system software
with example. (Jan-14,15,16,18)
3. Write the definition and categories of Application software with examples (Jan-17, Jul-15)
4. What is Microsoft office? Write down the application packages included in Microsoft office.
Discuss any two of them. Write the uses of Microsoft Power point in Health education.
5. Write short notes on Word-processing software. Write the uses of MS Power point in
Medical sector. (Jul-15)
6. Describe about Word-processing software and Spreadsheet solution software with
example. (Jul- 15)


1. What is computer network? Write the difference between LAN and WAN (Jan-16)
2. Write the advantage in a hospital using computer network. (Jan-17)
3. Write in shart about search engine website with example. What is video
conferencing?/What do you know about "Video Conferencing"? (Jan-13,14,Jul-15)
4. What do you know about "Online Treatment"? How can you/a doctor setup this kind of
service in a village? (Jan-15,16)
5. How can you setup video conferencing technology in a Hospital? (Jan-17)

E-Mail & Internet

1. What is Internet? Write down the uses of internet in Medical sector.

2. Uses of Internet in medical education. (Jan-17)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


3. Write the advantage of internet. (Jan-15,18Jul-15)

4. Write some disadvantage of Internet. (Jan-16)
5. Define E-mail. Write down the process of sending and receiving of an E-mail.
(Jan-13,15,16,18,Jul 15)
6. Write down the characteristics, advantage and disadvantage of E-mail. (Jan-14,15,16)
7. Write the advantage of E-mail in comparison to paper mail. (Jan-17) 8. Describe in short
about Website. What is HTML and HTTP? (Jan-14)
9. Write down the components for starting video conferencing (Jan-14)
10. What do you understand about Website? Describe in short about WWW and ISP
11. What is Browser and Bandwidth? How can you search and download medical relatied
topics from internet? (Jan-15,Jul-15)

12. How can we get health related topics from internet? (Jul-15)

Computer in different Sector

1. Write down the uses/advantages of computer in medical sector with shortly discuss. (Jan-
2. Write down some names of computerized medical machine with its uses in a Hospital.
3. What do you understand about "Online Prescription" and "Online Treatment"? (Jan-14)

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)

1. Define PACS. Write down the names of imaging modalities and Modern modalities of
PACS (Jan- 13,14,17,18,Jul-15)
2. Enumerate the basic components of PACS. Write down the benefits of using PACS.

Computer in Radiology

1. What do you understand about Tele-radiology? Write down the benefits/advantage of

Tele- radiology. (Jan-13, Jul-15)
2. What is Computerized Diagnostic center? Write few names of Digital Machine that is used
in the Department of Radiology & Imaging in a Hospital. (Jan-14,16,18)
3. Write the facilities of Medical Test by Computerized Diagnostic center. (Jul-15)

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


Short note

1. Data. (Jan-16)
2. Information. (Jan-16)
3. Microsoft Word. (Jan-18)
4. Microsoft Excel, (Jan-13,18)
5. Microsoft Power Point. (Jan-13)
6. Antivirus Software. (Jan-18)
7. Modem (Jan-13)

8. Browser. (Jan-13)
9. PACS. (Jan-16)
10. Tele-radiology (Jan-16)
11. Facebook. (Jan-13, Jul-15)
12. Hard Disk Drive (HDD). (Jan-14,Jul-15)
13. Keyboard. (Jan-14,16,Jul-15)
14. Monitor, (Jan-16)
15. ISP. (Jan-14,16,18)
16. 05. (Jan-16)
17. Google. (Jan-14)
18. Tele radiology. (Jan-15,17,18)
19. Computerized Diagnostics Center. (Jan-15, Jul-15)
20. CPU. (Jan-18)
21. Modem. (Jan-15,Jul-15)
22. Webcam. (Jan-15,18)
23. Pen drive. (Jan-18, Jul-15)
24. Webpage, Website, Browser and Bandwidth. (Jan-18, Jul-15)
25. Video conferencing. (Jul-15)
26. Online prescription. (Jul-15,18)
27. Online Treatment. (Jan-17,18)
28. Search engine website. (Jan-17)
29. Social networking website. (Jan-17,18)

Course-104 Sub: Radiological Anatomy (ONLY SYLLABUS)

1.Anatomical terms-Human body planning- Coronal plane, Sagittal plane, Para
median plane, Anterior, Posterior, Superficial, Ventral, Dorsal, Cranial, Caudal,
Proximal, Distal, Medial, Lateral, Supine, Prone, Oblique, Horizontal, Transverse,
Adduction, Abduction, Rotation, Circumducton, Flexion, Extension and Anatomical

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7


2. General consideration- a)Musculo-Skeletal system, (b) Cardiovascular system,

(c) Endocrine system, (d) Respiratory system (e) Urogenital system and Skin, (f)
Reproductive system of Male and Female. (g) Hepato-biliary system, (h) Nervous
system (i) Soft tissue & Breast.

3. Head and Neck –a) Scalp and Skull b) Brain c) Ear, orbit and its contents d)
Root of Neck e) Temporal bone f) Great vessels and cranial nerves of the head
and neck g) Spinal column as a whole including spinal cord h) Pharynx and
Larynx i) Para nasal sinuses, oral cavity, tongue and teeth l) Nose and related area
j) Radiological objectives and check point of head and neck examination.

4. Upper limb - a) Soft tissue including vascular structures of upper limb b) Bones
& joints of upper limb.

5. Thorax- (a) Boundary of the thorax (b) Pleura and lungs (c) Heart and
pericardium (d) Superior, anterior, middle and posterior mediastinum (e)
Anatomical landmarks in the physical examination of the thorax (f) Radiological
check point of thorax examination.

6. Abdomen-(a) Anterior abdominal wall and the scrotum (b) Abdomino-pelvic

cavity (c) Oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder and biliary tree (d)
Small and large intestine and ileo-ceacal junctions (e) Mesenteric vessels(f)
Pancreas, spleen, kidney and ureter (g) Retro-Peritoneal structures(h) Anatomical
land marks in the physical examination of abdomen.

7. Pelvis - (a) Male pelvic organs b) Female pelvic organs c) Scrotum and its

8. Lower limbs -a) Soft tissue including vascular structures of lower limb b) Bones
& joints of lower limb.

9. Endocrine system-Endocrine system- Definition, Name of the different

Endocrine glands and description of different Endocrine gland of the human body.

10. Soft tissue and Brest – Lymph vessels, Lymphatic organs- Thymus, Lymph
nodes, Spleen, Lymphatic tissue-Tonsils, Peyers patches and Breast.

Edited & Compiled: Md. Mostak Ahmed, B.Sc RIT, Batch-7

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