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Liberalism and Expansionism in the Industrial Society

In Class Activity
Instructor: Federico Dávila Luján Fall 2023
Name Rodrigo Garcia Alvarado___________________________ I.D. A01255384________________
The French Revolution
The French Revolution pt.1:
The French Revolution pt.2:

Instructions: Answer the questions in full detail based on what it was explained in class. Submit
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1. What was the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was a major period of social and political upheaval in France that began
in 1789 and lasted for over a decade.

2. Explain what was the Ancient Regime?

The Ancient Regime, also known as the Old Regime, referred to the political and social structure
of France before the French Revolution.

3. Where did the French Royals live?

The French Royals, including King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, primarily lived in the
Palace of Versailles, a grand palace located just outside of Paris.

4. Who was Marie Antoinette and where was she from?

Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France and the wife of King Louis XVI. She was born in
Austria, specifically in Vienna, and was an archduchess of Austria by birth.

5. How did people that opposed the monarchy took advantage of the saying ¨Let them eat cake¨?

The saying “Let them eat cake” is often attributed to Marie Antoinette, though there’s no
concrete evidence she actually said it. Opponents of the monarchy used this quote to highlight
her supposed indifference to the suffering of the poor, further fueling resentment toward the royal

6. What was feudalism and how did it work?

Feudalism was a medieval social and economic system where land was owned by nobles, and
peasants worked the land in exchange for protection and a share of their crops.

7. Explain how French society was divided into three estates?

French society was divided into three estates:

First Estate: Clergy

Second Estate: Nobility

Third Estate: Commoners (everyone else)

8. What was the Convocation of the Estates General and what purpose did it have?

The Convocation of the Estates General was a meeting of representatives from the three estates
in 1789.

9. Which Estate was in disadvantage and why?

The Third Estate was at a disadvantage because, despite representing the majority of the
population, it had the same voting power as the First and Second Estates combined.

10. For what reason was the National Assembly created?

The National Assembly was created by the Third Estate in 1789 to represent the commoners’
interests and to draft a new constitution for France.

11. Why did Louis XVI did not support the National Assembly?

Louis XVI did not support the National Assembly because he was concerned about losing his
absolute power and privileges as king.

12. What was the Tennis Court Oath?

The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge taken by members of the Third Estate on June 20, 1789, in
which they vowed not to disband until a new constitution was established for France.

13.What happened on July 14th, 1789?

On July 14th, 1789, the storming of the Bastille, a prison in Paris, occurred. This event is often
seen as the symbolic start of the French Revolution, as it represented the people’s resistance
against royal authority.

14. What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted in 1789, was a foundational
document of the French Revolution

15. For what reason did French women march to Versailles?

French women marched to Versailles in October 1789 to demand bread and protest the high cost
of living.

16. Explain why did the nobility flee to other countries?

The nobility fled to other countries during the revolution due to fears of persecution by
revolutionary forces.

17. Who were the Jacobins?

The Jacobins were a radical political group during the French Revolution. They advocated for
more radical and egalitarian reforms and played a significant role in the Reign of Terror.

18. Explain why did the Champs de Mars Massacre occur?

The Champs de Mars Massacre occurred in 1791 when the National Guard, under orders from
the revolutionary government, opened fire on a crowd of protesters who demanded the removal
of the king.

19. Who established The Declaration of Pillnitz and why?

The Declaration of Pillnitz was issued by the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II of Austria and
King Frederick William II of Prussia in 1791. It expressed their willingness

20. What was established in the first French Constitution?

The first French Constitution, adopted in 1791, established a constitutional monarchy in which
the king’s powers were significantly limited.

21. For what reasons did European monarchies were concern with the French Revolution?

European monarchies were concerned with the French Revolution because they feared the spread
of revolutionary ideas and the potential disruption of the existing order in Europe.

22. What happened once the Jacobins took power of the National Assembly?

Once the Jacobins took power in the National Assembly, they implemented radical reforms,
abolished the monarchy, and initiated the Reign of Terror to suppress counter-revolutionary

23. What was the Levee in Mass and how did it help France to fight the other European

The Levee en Masse was a mass conscription and mobilization of the French population for the
Revolutionary Wars.

24. What was the Committee of Public Safety and who was its most influential member?

The Committee of Public Safety was a powerful revolutionary government body during the
Reign of Terror.

25. What happened to Maximilien Robespierre once he became influential and powerful and how
did affect the course of the French Revolution?

Maximilien Robespierre became increasingly authoritarian and implemented the Reign of Terror,
which led to the execution of thousands of perceived enemies of the revolution.

26. Explain the Reign of Terror and how did it end?

The Reign of Terror was a period of extreme political violence and repression in France from
1793 to 1794. It ended with the fall of Robespierre and the Thermidorian Reaction, which saw a
shift away from radicalism toward a more moderate government.

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