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Assessment 2
Each of the three stages of existence:
Answer the question, picture a situation and describe it:
Step In:
What do you think this person might feel, believe, know, or experience?
Step Out:
What would you like or need to learn to understand this person's perspective better?
Step Back:
What do you notice about your own perspective and what it takes to take somebody else's?

Stage 1 Aesthetic
You’re a 11th grade student that loves art but your parents aren’t supporting you in your
dream because of the lack of financial stability, instead they want you to be a doctor, and
they enroll you in a great school and even after graduating you’re still feeling that you’re
missing something but you still do nothing about it, and become a surgeon.

What do you think this person might feel, believe, know, or experience?
I believe that this person might feel helpless, because it's wasting the best years in
their life in something they don't want to do, to keep the support from their parents. But
because of being a spectator of their own life, they will not try a different thing,instead they
will spend their energy working on something to make others happy, giving up their dream
of being an artist.

What would you like or need to learn to understand this person's perspective better?
I would like to know why won't they fight for what they actually want, why do their
parents have such a negative perspective of art majors, why do they let their parents
manipulate them into being a doctor and what are the fears of pursuing these dreams, this
because i would like to understand the emotional side of the decision and its main reason.

What do you notice about your own perspective and what it takes to take somebody else's?
I think, before understanding perspectives, we have to confront our own limitations,
such as leaving judgment aside, i believe first we have to embrace vulnerability and let
people open to the question of what's happening , which will let us dive into others points of
view, where they feel the weight of parental expectations and the fear of taking a risk.
Stage 2 Ethic
Imagine you’re an 11th grade student that is very interested in art, after graduating, you
choose to pursue your passion without any regard for financial stability, you fight with your
family because of this and spend your days painting to forget the situation you’re in, even if
you’re doing what you’ve always dreamed of, you feel guilty because you don’t talk to your
family anymore, and some close friends have told you that your parents are very
disappointed in you because of your decision.

What do you think this person might feel, believe, know, or experience?
I believe this young artist feels the pure joy of creation, the rush of paint against
canvas, the freedom of expressing their soul. But they feel a sense of guilt, a sense of
betrayal for hurting their family, for causing disappointment. They miss their loved ones and
the warmth of their home but they believe financial stability is overrated, and does not fulfill
or give them a meaning of life.

What would you like or need to learn to understand this person's perspective better?
To understand the artist, firstly, i think we need to understand that they didn't want to
hurt their loved ones, but did not want to give their future to their parents elections, also, i
think we need to know, how was the relationship between them and their family, also
knowing what art means for them its important, because maybe it's not only a mayor but
something that fuels them and makes them happy.

What do you notice about your own perspective and what it takes to take somebody else's?
I feel like sometimes, pursuing our dreams means hurting others, which is far from
being a villain. This reminds the artist that the most passionate choices and dreams have
consequences, and it's okay. Also it makes us think that we should let go of the obsession
over financial stability and rethink what is our own definition of a “good life” and the role of
monetary income in it.

Stage 3
Imagine you're in 11th grade, you're very interested in arts but your parents want you to be a
doctor, you choose to make them happy, and you agree to study medicine but you don't give
up in your dream and still work on the things you love, knowing that after some time you're
going to be able to enjoy both, or choose the one that you like the most.

What do you think this person might feel, believe, know, or experience?
I think that the student is happy to make their parents proud and chill because he is
avoiding any fights, I also think they might be excited to start med school. But deep down, I
feel like they really want to express themselves through art, even though they're choosing
medicine for now. It's like putting their art on hold for a bit, knowing it might be a while before
they can do both or pick their favorite, even though they are not abandoning it completely,
they won't have enough time to cover both.

What would you like or need to learn to understand this person's perspective better?
I would need to know what's the need to please people, also what's their plan in the
future, are they abandoning their hobby to focus strictly on being a doctor, will they also
make art or will they integrate art and health and maybe create pieces to help with teaching
or healing?Also, are they scared to maybe choose arts if they don't like med school?.

What do you notice about your own perspective and what it takes to take somebody else's?
I think that to understand the students perspective, we might have to suspend
judgment because we could think that he is a “people pleaser” or he is a “selfish artist” if we
don't understand what he wants, thinks and needs. Either way, I think that the student is
scared of the future and maybe doesn't want arts as much,maybe he doesn't want to be a
disappointment, and he is trying to balance his reality and his desire to pursue his dreams. I
believe this is the best option for the student, since he can shape his own decision and
choose a path for his future.

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