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Imig i nazwisko: 6 Ut6z pytania, uzywajac podanych wyrazow wodpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejnosci podanych wyrazéw. Pamietaj o dodaniu wszystkich niezbednych elementéw zdania. 1 what / you / have / do / tonight 2. where / Peter /have / go / today 3 when / we / have / feed / the cats Dopasuj do kazdej luki (1-5) litere, ktérq coznaczono brakujace zdanie (A-F). Lwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo inie pasuje do zadnejluki. DECI om) Everyone in my family has a different idea about my future job. '__ For example, | love reading and making things. My dad, who is an engineer, thinks | should be one, too. He says it's an interesting job. Well, 'm not so sure. 2__ But | don't like working on a computer, and engineers have to do that a lot. My mum hasa different idea for me. »__ That's not a bad idea. | like helping people and I'm good at biology, so maybe it's a job for me. My older brother, Frank, works for a recycling centre. 4 But what about my opinion? | really don't know!$__I'm only 14 and | still have alot of time to think about it! Hike doing maths and science. That's the most important thing Fortunately, I don't have to choose now. It’s because I ike doing different things Inher opinion, | should bea doctor. ‘Weall have to protect the environment he says. mmone> Writing 8 Twoja kuzynka dostata nowa prace. Napisz e-mail do kolegiz An: + gdzie pracuje twoja kuzynka i kim jest z zawodu, Napisz 6 zdar\ o tym: + comusirobi¢ w swojej nowej pracy, + cojej sie podoba w nowej pracy, aco nie. Uiyj maksymalnie 120 stow. HiJack, Abit of good news - my cousin Anna's got ‘anew job! That's it for now! Love, XYZ Tote 750) Extra task Q % Przettumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na jezyk angielski. 1 (Zobaczmy) afilm about Mount Everest tonight. 2 (Czyty musisz). use a computer in your job? 3. My sister (nienawidzirobié) tats. 4. Mysisteris only 5 years old, so she (nie musi pomagaé)—————— in the house 5. Mark and Frank (pracuja na lotnisku) 755) 2] Test B }'imie i nazwisto: 6 Ut6z pytania, uzywajac podanych wyrazow w odpowiednie| formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejnos podanych wyrazéw. Pamigtaj o dodaniu wszystkich niezbednych elementéw zdania. 1 when / we / have / go shopping 2 what/ you / have / do / tomorrow 3 where / Mary / have / work / at weekends Reading 7 Przeczytaj tekst, z ktérego usunieto pie¢ zdari. Dopasuj do kazdej luki (1-5) litere, ktérq ‘oznaczono brakujace zdanie (AF). Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo inie pasuje do zadnej luki Everyone in my family has a different idea about my future job. It's because | like doing different things. '____My dad, who is an engineer, thinks | should be one, too. He says it’s an interesting job. Well, 'm not so sure. I like doing maths and science. ?__ My mum has a different idea for me. In her opinion, | should bea doctor. *___ like helping people and I'm good at biology, so maybe it’s a job for me My older brother, Frank, thinks it's important to protect the environment. *__ But what about my opinion? | really don't know! § 'm only %4 and I still have a lot of time to choose ajob! He works for a recycling centre That's not a bad idea. For example, | love reading and making things. I don't think | should be one, too. Well, don't have to think aboutit now. mmone> But | don't like working on a computer, and engineers have to do that a lot. Klasa: J Writing 8 Tw6j kuzyn dostat swoja pierwsza prace po ukoriczeniu studiéw. Napisz e-mail do kolezanki zAnglii. Napisz 6 zdat o tym: + kim jest zawodu tw6j kuzyn i gdzie pracuje, + jakie ma obowiazki, + comusie podoba wnowe| pracy, aco nie Uzyj maksymalnie 120 stow. Ee SERS EME ed HiAmy, Abit of good news - my cousin Mike's got. anew job! That's it for now! Love, XYZ Extra task Q & Przettumacz fragmenty podane wnawiasach na jezyk angielski. 1 Don'thurry. (Nie przeszkadza mi waiting afew minutes. 2 (@rébmy) this quiz together, OK? 3. Adam (nie musi pracowaé) next weekend. 4. My sister (nienawidzi sprzataé) her room. 5. My friend (pracuje na pocz ) 23RD ) around the world 1 Przeczytaj tekst. Dopasu ilustracje do odpowiednich fragmentéw tekstu. Ktéry zawéd wolatbys/wolatabys wykonywa¢. Dlaczego? Hi everyone, Today, | want to write about two jobs that are not as different as you think. 1____ The first one is working for a search and rescue team. This is a challenging and stressful job. You have to work in good and bad weather, and in different places, so you have to be very fit. Sometimes, you have to risk your own life to save somebody. People who work in search and rescue teams are brave and fearless. They have to be ready to sacrifice their health to rescue victims of accidents. Some people think they are heroes. 2___The second job is a stuntman ora stuntwoman. They are prepared to do very dangerous things which are almost impossible to do for actors in films. They know how to jump from high buildings or burn without harming themselves. This job is risky and dangerous, so the stunt people have to be fit. They have to be brave and fearless, and they have to be ready to risk their lives and their health too. People believe that stunt people are a little bit crazy. \'m waiting for your comments. 2. Przeczytaj ponownie tekst z éwiczenia 1. i przettumacz ponizsze wyrazy, korzystajac ze stownika. challenging - ymagajacy 3. victims - 11 fearless - 4 impossible - 2. sacrifice - 5 harm -. Brainy Kasa 6. © Macmillan Polska 2019 Klasa: 2] Test B i Imig i nazwisko: Listening 1 QE Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pieé wypowiedzi nastolatkéw na temat preferencji dotyczacych pracy. Na podstawie informagji zawartych wnagraniu, dopasuj do kazdej wypowiedzi (1-5) odpowiadajace jej zdanie (A-F). Uwaga! jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej wypowiedzi. speaker A wants to protect the environment doesn't like chatting to people. hates the idea of having a typical job. wants to have the same job as his/her parents. B c D doesn't like the idea of going to university. E F thinks his/her future job can be difficult. r{2}3 fais Vocabulary 2 Wpisz brakujace nazwy zawodéw i miejsc pracy. Pierwsze litery zostaty podane. My dadis ap... He goes to people's houses and fixes *L_______in the kitchens and bathrooms. My mum is a 3m She looks after patients in *h_____ 3 Dopasuj fragmenty zdani. Jeden fragment nie pasuje do zadnego zdania. 1 Inmy job! grow a_ bridges. 2 Imanengineer b people with the law. and I build instructions to the 3. Mymum helps other workers 4 I'macashier and d_ change to customers. I give e cropsand milk cows. 12 Functions 4 Uzupetnij luki w ponizszych mini-dialogach wyraieniami z ramki. Jedno wyrazenie nie pasuje do zadnej luki. don't mind « really do * hate it we'rein * see you * notreally 1 A: Doyoulike doing quizzes? B: Yes, |'_____. They're great fun. 2 A: Peter, ?#___arrush! B: OK, I'mready. 3. A: OK,?________soon, Dave. B: Bye, Petra 4. &: What do you think of our school uniform? B: Oh, 4__ it It’s oK. ‘A: Really?!|5___ think it's terrible. Grammar 5 Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami w nawiasach wodpowiedniej formie. 1 Ben sometimes. (have / look) after his little sister. 2 1—________ (nt / like / study) late in the evening Bo your have / work) at weekends? 4) Mymum—________(not/ have / go) to the office. She works from home. 5 We—__ (not / have / wash) the windows today. 6 {he / like / make) things? 7 Mymumand dad (not mind / work) hard. 8 |_—________ (have / tidy) my room every Saturday. 9 Mark__ hate / get) up early. (31 Test A } 2,(mie | nazwisko: Listening 1 @REEB Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pieé wypowiedzi nastolatkéw na temat preferencji dotyczacych pracy. Na podstawie informacji zawartych wnagraniu, dopasuj do kazdej wypowiedzi (1-5) odpowiadajace jej zdanie (A-F). Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej wypowiedzi. This speaker thinks he/she should bea nurse. doesn't mind doing dangerous things. doesn't like chatting to people. often works ina shop. wants to protect the environment. earns some money from time to time. mmonee vf2}3 fas Vocabulary 2 Wpisz brakujace nazwy zawodéw i miejsc pracy. Pierwszellitery zostaty podane. My dadisa 'L_____. He helps people with the law. He works in an 20___. He has tosit there the whole day. My mum works for the city. She works in the >t ___ h__ My older brother's a “¢____ and he works ina supermarket. 3 Dopasuj fragmenty zdani. jeden fragment nie pasuje do zadnego zdania. a cropsand milk cows. 1 Inmy job fix e leaks, 2 Iwant to look Poe : instructions to the My parents grow other workers fobos manager d change to customers. and give © after patients. 1 2 t 4 Uzupetnij luki w ponizszych mini. ) Klasa: Functions ialogach wyrazeniamiz ramki. Jedno wyrazenie nie pasuje do zadnej luki. don't mind # really do = hate it arush * I'mlate = not really 1A: Sarah It's ten past eight! We're in’ ____! B: I know. OK, 'm ready. 2. & Dan, do you like watching football on TV? B: No,|2___ It's very boring. 3. &: Doyou like making things? B: No,3__..'m not good at that. 4 & Sorry’, B: It'sOK. waitinga few minutes. Grammar 5 Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami w nawiasach wodpowiedniej formie. 1 We—__________ (not / have / wear) a uniform at school. 2. Mydad often (have / work) at night. Bo your / Tike / watch) TV? 41. __ (have get) up early every morning. 5 Thomas. (not mind / study) alot. 6 your have / walk) your dog every day? 7 Adam—_________(not/ have / go) to school by bus. 3 1 (hate / wash) the windows! >) sey) have / help) her mumin the garden? Zz I don’t have to work! 1 Popatrz na ilustracje i uzupeh lub mnogiei. dania, uzywajac have tow liczbie pojedynczej | look after patients help people with the law | fixleaks do experiments milk cows Acashier has to give change to customers. 1 Lawyers 2a 3 2 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupetnij go odpowiednimi formami have to na podstawie informacji wtabeli. name job hasto doesn't have to Jenny | shop manager give instructions tothe other |” give change to customers Tom engineer build skyscrapers build bridges grow fruit and vegetables, ‘Sue farmer ‘work on the farm milk cows Jack farmer sro ope and look atteraninels, work with customers My mum Jenny is a shop manager. She has to give instructions to the other workers, but she 1 give change to customers. My dad Tom isan engineer. He® build bridges, but he * build skyscrapers. Sue and Jack are my mum's friends. They are farmers. They “ work in an office, but they © farm, Sue ® milk cows, but she” husband Jack ® work with customers. work on their grow fruit and vegetables. Her grow crops and look after animals, but he?

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