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The English Education Providers Group (EPG),School,Kuwait

"The Isra and Mi'raj Quiz"

Name Class

Choose the correct answer:

1- The Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him- journeyed from the
Sacred Mosque to the ........................
(Al-Aqsa Mosque – Prophet's Mosque - Grand Mosque)

2- The means by which the Prophet -peace be upon him- journeyed to

the Lote Tree of the Farthest Limit on the night of the Isra and
Mi'raj is ...........................
(Camel – Al-Buraq– Eagle)

3- The companion of the Prophet -peace be upon him- among the

angels on the night of the Isra and Mi'raj is...........................
(Gabriel -peace be upon him- – Michael -peace be upon him- –
Israfil -peace be upon him-)

4- The first person to believe in the Night Journey and Ascension

(Isra and Mi'raj) was ...........................
(Bilal ibn Rabah – Mus'ab ibn Umair – Abu Bakr al-Siddiq)

5- The Islamic pillar that Allah obligated during the Night Journey
and Ascension (Isra and Mi'raj) is ...........................
(Prayer – Charity (Zakat) – Pilgrimage (Hajj))

6-The Prophet -peace be upon him- ascended to the ...........................

(First Heaven – Seventh Heaven – Second Heaven)

7- The Night Journey and Ascension (Isra and Mi'raj) occurred on the
27th night of the month of ...........................
(Rajab – Ramadan – Sha'ban)

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